探究大学申请文书成功的关键!- Veritas Edu提供大学文书写作课程

探究大学申请文书成功的关键!- Veritas Edu提供大学文书写作课程

Posted: 7/17/2023






1. 不了解完成大学申请文书的工作量

2. 什么时候是开始写作的最佳时间




1. Harvard

2. Columbia

3. MIT

4. UPenn

5. UC Berkeley

6. UNC Chapel Hill

7. The University of Virginia

8. NYU

9. University of Michigan


● 1篇 Common App 主文书 (650 字)

● 3 篇学校要求的长文书(400 字以上)

● 17 篇学校要求的短文书(300 字以下)

● 4 篇UC 文书 (350 字)

● 2 篇optional 文书 (~500 字左右)

总共,Timmy 至少要为这 9 所学校写 27 篇论文,总共可能达到 9350 字, 大约37页!尽管Timmy希望能够交叉重复使用一些学校的文书材料,但他不能重复太多。对于Common App要求之外的文书,学校希望看到学生在了解每所申请的学校上做足了功课——学校不想要千篇一律的样板回答。另外,文书的内容不能只是简单的堆砌事实,而是要分享深层次的体会和感悟,包括学生在过去几年中发生的具体改变。因此,Timmy必须为他的大学申请从头开始写这 9350个字中的大部分内容。美国大学申请的文书的重点在学生的自省和成长上,但是自省不是平时课堂上会学到的内容。所以如果学生平时不常反思自己的成长,那对他们来说要在短时间内写出自己的变化并把这些内容变成闪光点,将会更加不容易。


1. 学生们通常没有意识到申请大学需要花很多时间在文书写作上。

一个重要的原因是有些文书要求的字数可能看上去比较短,但实际上很多短文书要写好是非常有难度的。而且正如我们在上面分享的案例,二十多篇的短文加起来的写作量也是很惊人的。事实上,写一篇短文通常和写一篇长文需要花差不多的时间去构思和修改。用 500 个单词表达观点更容易 – 因为你可以用更多词汇解释想要表达的内容 – 然而只用 50 到 150 个单词表达相同的内容要困难得多。因此,即使你可能花更少的时间写作,但如果你想让简短的回复达到预期的效果,你就需要花更多时间进行反复的编辑和修改。

2. 掌握不好开始准备大学文书的时间。


第一. 11 年级开始之前的暑假;学生可以为充满压力的大学申请过程做好准备,并检查缺少哪些活动/经历,以便在 11 年级时查漏补缺。

第二. 12 年级前的暑假;在学生们陷入12年级忙碌的作业、考试和课外活动之前能在这个暑假有充裕的时间来思考写作思路,开始撰写并修改文书。


在目前的趋势中,申请文书以及合适的的内容极其重要。Veritas Edu团队培养的众多学生获得了自己梦想学校录取,包括近年来同时获得哈普斯耶麻几所大学大满贯录取的学生。和往常一样,除了一对一的辅导服务,这个暑假我们提供多期大学申请文书训练营。我们的学生将与经验丰富的讲师一起撰写 3-7 篇大学申请论文,以最适合的方式展示他们的个人优势。


“(通过参加Veritas Edu的课程)我学到了许多关于大学论文写作和申请流程细节的信息,而这些是我之前完全不知道的,虽然我的父母也另外帮我请了一位有哈佛招生官背景的大学申请辅导老师,但是在具体如何着手撰写文书方面,那位大学申请辅导老师触及的比较少。通过Veritas Edu这堂课,我意识到我需要更加努力。不仅如此,我还学到了很多重要的信息,比如大学正在寻找什么样的学生,以及在撰写文书时应该避免什么。我学到在 “为什么选择我们(大学)”的这个题目中如何去展现自己,应该写什么、不应该写什么。通过这堂课,我认为我进入top 20位学校的机会提高了至少200倍。我的很多朋友问我为什么这么早开始写作,但实际上根本不早。我会 100% 向其他人推荐这门课。最重要的是经过在这节课的学习,我感觉自己比身边的人都准备得更充分。我会告诉其他人,他们应该参加这门课程,因为这堂课会帮助他们更早开始准备,他们今后的压力会小得多。另外Veritas Edu的授课老师有丰富的经验和知识,而且非常容易沟通!Veritas Edu的老师真的很棒!” 

– T. TJHSST 12年级



普林斯顿大学 (3)

哈佛大学 (5)

哥伦比亚大学 (5)

麻省理工学院 (6)

耶鲁大学 (5)

斯坦福大学 (3)

芝加哥大学 (5)

宾夕法尼亚大学 (8)

约翰霍普金斯大学 (4) 


杜克大学 (9)


达特茅斯学院 (3) 

布朗大学 (6)


圣路易斯华盛顿大学 (3)

康奈尔大学 (14)

萊斯大学 (4)


加州大学洛杉矶分校 UCLA (21)

埃默里大学 (3)

加州大学伯克利分校 UC Berkeley (15)

乔治城大学 (11)

密歇根大学 (21)

卡耐基 · 梅隆大学 (21)

弗吉尼亚大学 (60+)

南加利福尼亚大学 (9)

纽约大学 (7)

北卡罗来纳大学教堂山分校 (5)

罗彻斯特大学 (4)

波士顿学院 (2)

佐治亚理工 (12) 

威廉与玛丽学院 (26+)


Veritas Education大学文书写作课程 – 适合即将升入10-12年级的学生:


  • 哈佛/常春藤名师个性化设计
  • 小班教学,资深名师全方位教学
  • 针对学生情况作业批改和建议
  • 发掘学生亮点,提升文章深度
  • 教授如何因校制宜写出匹配文书
  • 提供自习室服务
  • 开设线下和线上课程


Veritas Education的系列暑期课程深受广大学生和家长欢迎,并将在2023年暑期继续提供丰富多彩的课程选择。课程在专注州的SOL要求的基础上,和私立名校的培养和教学理念相结合。课程涉及阅读、写作、考试准备、大学申请文书各个领域。

为了满足学生和家长的需求,Veritas Education2023年暑期开设了线下和线上课程,并提供自习室。


升学指导 | 顶尖课程 | 社会实践 | 认知教育




小红书: Veritas Education






DC/MD/VA (Tysons & Rockville)

NJ/NY (Princeton & Millburn)

MA (Boston)

Veritas Education

About Us

Veritas Education,自2010年成立于美国,作为美国本土的高端教育机构深受美国各大高校认可,为常青藤名校等知名学府输出众多人才,如哈佛大学,普林斯顿大学,耶鲁大学,斯坦福大学,麻省理工,芝加哥大学,宾夕法尼亚大学,杜克大学,布朗大学,达特茅斯学院,加州大学伯克利分校,UCLA,加州理工,约翰·霍普金斯大学,哥伦比亚大学,康奈尔大学,弗吉尼亚大学,纽约大学等。Veritas Education团队为学生与家长们提供高品质美高,大学与研究生申请,转学等辅导服务。在团队共同创始人哈佛·伍育贤博士带领下,汇集了来自哈佛,斯坦福,耶鲁,麻省理工(MIT),哥伦比亚,宾夕法尼亚,芝加哥,  康奈尔,圣母,南加大等名校的导师经验,和团队自己研发的教育/升学理论相结合,帮助广大学生们获得成功。

At Veritas Education, a not-for-profit organization that aims to bring different communities closer together, we believe in the importance of lifelong learning. Our team is continually pursuing fresh ideas and growing together with our students. We want to energize our students to strive for an education that rewards their creativity, strengthens their thinking, and pushes them to live their best lives. We walk side by side with our students with an eye towards their end goal, discovering the best way to get there.

Veritas Education is dedicated to applying knowledge through communication, discovery, development, and innovation. We strive to push boundaries in our students, preparing them to enter the next phase of their lives as strong communicators and leaders. 

We strive to provide our students with the path to an excellent education, focusing not just on the importance of academics, but on the well-being of the whole person. We challenge our students to live ethically, think critically, plan logically, communicate clearly, produce creatively, and as a result grow organically. 

Our students come from a wide range of public and private schools including TJHSST, McLean, Oakton, Langley, Marshall, Academy of Science, Blair, Wootton, Churchill, Marriotts Ridge, River Hill, Atholton, The Hill School, Lake Forest Academy, Mercersburg Academy, The Gwinnett School of Mathematics, Science, and Technology, Landon School, etc.

Watch the video clip below to learn more about our mission/philosophy.

The Truth Behind Academic Success – How does self-discovery help?

Veritas Education优势

1. 立足于美国本土的知名教育服务机构,深谙美国名校,尤其是藤校的招生需求

2. 强调深度思维的文书,帮助学生更好的了解自我,串联经历,深度拓展,强调优秀的文书不是获奖或经历的堆叠,而是针对学生自身的挖掘

3. 高水准的平台,Veritas Education团队常年致力于为华人学生与群体提供最好的背景提升平台与机会,多次提供与哈佛大学、耶鲁大学等校友会相关的活动参与机会

4. 不一样的面试培训,绝不单纯模拟面试题型,Veritas Education团队协助学生深挖面试官背景,并提供相应的面试模拟机会,可能的态度,扫平一切潜在问题

5. 专业的团队,所有团队老师都有多年美国名校申请与留学经历,从名校内部总结经验,承诺用心对待每一位学生

6. 扎实的教育模型和理论研究基础,Veritas Education团队的深度思维和金字塔思考模型在高中、大学、研究生申请中都展现出举足轻重的力量

Experience In Action

As a whole, we understand that having a high GPA and scoring well on exams are important pieces of the puzzle, but they are certainly not everything. Students must dig deep into what it means to be a strong leader and a contributing citizen. Realizing the importance of critical thinking and effective communication are fundamental building blocks for their future careers, we were struck by the amount of students that lacked these key qualities. From this understanding, our team has been able to adequately provide our students with the skills they need to succeed.

Specialty Classes Promoting Overall Growth

Veritas Education is proud to offer a variety of classes geared towards building a student that is strong both academically and emotionally. Our advising sessions cover a variety of needs. College advising helps to ease the stress of this crucial time for both parents and students. Our team organizes and executes plans to prepare a student for future success. Beyond academic planning, our team advises students in discovering their passions, their interests, and learning ways to focus them all in the right direction. For all these areas, we offer additional classes to support this growth.

  • In the academic sense, we offer writing classes, which strengthen creativeness, idea cultivation, organization, and vocabulary/grammar growth.
  • Our “Effective Communication” classes are a unique blend of academics and critical thinking and reading skills. In these classes, students discover what it means to be strong leaders, how to communicate effectively, and how to focus themselves on discovering their passions. All of these aspects are brought to light through reading, writing, and speaking activities in the classroom.
  • Knowing the needs of our students, we offer a variety of Test Prep Classes: SAT Test Prep, TJ Test Prep and GT Test Prep.

精品课程时间安排: https://www.uscecc.org/courses

Veritas Education精品课程特色

  • 丰富教学经验的名师指导
  • 真题指向性教学与练习(听说读写)
  • 稳固成绩提高
  • 往届学生成绩均有大幅度提升
  • 培养出SAT/ACT双满分状元,并获得全球知名新闻媒体ABC News的报道

College Planning and Beyond

As a member of the National Association for College Admission Counseling (NACAC), we have unique insight into the college planning process and what it takes to succeed. We guide our students in preparing not just the nuts and bolts of college planning (i.e. applications, resumes), but in the depths of what colleges and employers are truly looking for. We also offer advising geared towards interview prep, a crucial part of any application process. 

Good grades and a high GPA are just the first step into this world. How do you stand out in the crowd? What sets you apart? And most importantly, how do you channel your passions into the process so that they may become the core of your future? The team works hard to engage students in a variety of ways to help them discover students’ inner strengths and learn to utilize them.  

  • 90% of our students got into a top 50 college
  • 73% of our students got into an Ivy League/top 25 college
  • Most of our application and advising students come from referrals or are returning families



Ready to start the College Advising process or want to learn more? Fill out this basic information form and our team will reach out to you regarding our services, pricing, and how to set up the first meeting.

Veritas Education升学指导特色

独特的教育理念,帮助学生找到“崭露头角的核心因素”:不同于传统“中介服务”,Veritas Education团队致力于“教育”,“文化”与“个人成长”,结合美国本土的教育理论与成熟的申请经验,在注重成绩的基础(学校成绩GPA,SAT成绩等最重要)原则的同时,特别关注教导学生立体全面审视自我,高效背景提升,加强软实力,帮助广大学生找到并展现“崭露头角的核心因素”。

Community Involvement

We are aware that developing our students and serving our community goes hand in hand. In both respects, we are building a future that is strong, respectful, and belongs to everyone. We are devoted to communicating to our students the importance of humanitarian acts and the beauty of giving back to your community. Our team works diligently to make sure we move beyond words and create action.

At Veritas Education, we walk the talk, lead the way, and are at the forefront of change. We are devoted to providing our students with opportunities to serve those around them, and as a result grow into stronger citizens. Our multicultural volunteer program BranchOut! is equally important as our college planning programs. We understand that students must grow as a whole person in order to see a successful future.

Education is Not One-Size Fits All

At Veritas Education, we understand that each student, each goal, and each future is unique. Through years of experience in this industry, our team has intimate insight into what it takes to plan for a future. In this respect, each college planning journey is different from the next. Choosing a major, a university, as well as setting a solid plan to succeed takes careful planning that must be specialized for each student. 

Self-confidence, self-awareness, and self-growth are vital during this process. These are the key reasons why we work diligently to provide our students with quality advising. We work to build students into whole, healthy, and prepared citizens. Some students may feel trapped between two cultures, unsure of how to process their feelings, their desires, and, as a result, their futures. Some students may be overwhelmed by the great responsibility of planning a future that they cannot yet imagine. And honestly, some students may just feel disinterested in it all. We exist for this purpose – to guide, inspire, and develop our students, one unique case at a time.

Students & Parents Testimonials

Youth Development Coaching

“I can tell my daughter is visibly more confident after one coaching session.”

College Counseling

“Veritas Education team knows how to ask just the right questions. And when you answer, you might be unlocking some unknown part of yourself.”

Civic Engagement

“I learned so much about what it means to be a leader and a team member.”





Our Dedicated Space

Check out our 3,000 square foot of space in the Tysons area!

Our Locations


Tysons Corner, VA

8292 D Old Courthouse Road

Vienna, VA 22182   

Cambridge, MA

88 Ames Street

Cambridge, MA 02142

Office in Rockville, MD

Suite 360, 1201 Seven Locks Road

Rockville, MD 20854

Office: 240-630-2286

Office in Princeton, NJ

Suite 150, 300 Carnegie Center

Princeton, NJ 08540

Office: 973-671-8951

Office in Millburn, NJ

Suite 3005, 1200 Morris Tpke

Short Hills, NJ 07078

Office: 973-671-8951 


Office: 703-870-3766

Email: Veritasedu@uscecc.org

Office Hours: M, T, W, F, S: 1-5 pm EDT

Education from the Heart

Please email us at veritasedu@uscecc.org for questions or to set up an appointment. 

Scan the QR Code to friend us on WeChat


Last update: 7/17/2023

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