
8月5日,义乌华鼎锦纶股份有限公司(以下简称“ST华鼎”)发布公告称,旗下全资子公司深圳市通拓科技有限公司(以下简称“通拓科技”)多个品牌涉及的店铺,被亚马逊暂停销售、资金被冻结。截至公告日,通拓科技被禁售关闭店铺数共54个,涉嫌冻结资金4143万元人民币,占公司2020年年末货币资金的 4.27%。
这种情况下,卖家还需要支付额外的费用处理货物。一来,他需要将原先存放在FBA(Fulfillment by Amazon,即亚马逊代发货服务)仓库内的货移出去,“移货的费用就是一笔,之后卖家可能需要海外仓帮忙存储货物,这又是一笔费用。如果卖家之后还想把产品卖出去,需要更换产品上的原标签,换标又是一笔费用。”
有业内人士认为,此事之所以会发酵,与《华尔街日报》6月13日发表的一篇报道有关,报道名为《Fake Reviews and Inflated Ratings Are Still a Problem for Amazon》,内容直指RAV power Store使用小卡片获取好评。
6月16日,“亚马逊全球开店”公众号又发一文,名为《打造值得信任的顾客评论体验》。亚马逊方面在文中表示,2020 年,我们在顾客看到之前就已经阻止了超过2亿条疑似虚假评论,其中超过99%都是我们主动监测发现并移除的。并表示,亚马逊将继续加强主动管控、通过优化流程和工具加大行业协作,并让不良行为者对其行为承担责任。
值得一提的是,当地时间7月5日,安迪·贾西(Andy Jassy)从亚马逊创始人杰夫·贝索斯(Jeff Bezos)手中接棒CEO一职。也许是“新官上任”之故,在迎来新任CEO之前,亚马逊开始对平台违规卖家进行封号清理?总之,时间点耐人寻味。
根据亚马逊7月30日公开的监管备案文件,7月16日,卢森堡国家数据保护委员会裁定亚马逊对其用户数据保护不力,违反了欧盟《一般数据保护条例》GDPR),由此对亚马逊处以7.46亿欧元(约合人民币 57.29亿元)的罚款,刷新了全球科技巨头在数据隐私保护领域的罚款纪录,也是欧盟有史以来最大一笔关于数据隐私侵犯的罚款。
王馨告诉记者,一直以来,亚马逊大规模封杀中国卖家都有“策略性封杀”嫌疑。“即(封号)集中发生在大促前。这次是始于Prime Day大促,往年在‘黑五’以及圣诞节前后。被封的卖家想要解封账号,通常需要1至3个月,这也就意味着他们错过了各个大促销售旺季节点。”
根据Quartz的数据,AmazonBasics 2013年产品数量为252个,到2019年,已上升到1700+个。据美国投行SunTrust预测,亚马逊自有产品业务在2018年为公司创造了75亿美元的收入,这个数值在2022年将增长到250亿美元。

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被亚马逊暂停销售的ST华鼎也在公告中表示,其不但将增加如eBay、沃尔玛、速卖通、Lazada 等其他电商平台的销售占比,也会加大通拓科技自营网站的投入,积极拓展欧洲、美国线下实体店渠道。
事实上,近半年来,跨境电商ERP(Enterprise Resource Planning 企业资源计划系统)赛道热钱滚滚,马帮、易仓、领星、店小秘、积加等跨境电商服务商都获得了大额融资。据不完全统计,跨境电商ERP上半年累计融资超过25亿元。
Amazon blocks top Chinese sellers, forcing industry to seek new pathways
Cross-border e-commerce challenged
By By Qi Xijia

The move to block Chinese sellers by US-based e-commerce giant Amazon may speed up the pace for the Chinese companies to develop more direct selling channels and construct their own platforms, online vendors said.
On Friday, the Shenzhen Municipal Bureau of Commerce held a closed-door conference with about 10 leading cross-border e-commerce enterprises in response to Amazon’s move to shut down Chinese sellers, to discuss and navigate the influence it had on local cross-border e-commerce, the Security Times reported on Friday.
This comes after the US platform has banned a number of top Chinese merchants from its platform who have been alleged for paying for reviews. The list includes some big-name wholesalers on the platform with annual sales exceeding $1 billion.
According to the Shenzhen Cross-border E-commerce Association at least 50,000 Chinese merchant accounts had been affected by Amazon’s move since May, and that Chinese cross-border e-commerce companies had suffered losses of more than 100 billion yuan ($15.4 billion).
A number of cross-border e-commerce enterprises and associations told the Global Times that the incident has prompted the industry to develop more selling channels and build their own independent websites.
The storm
Since May, Amazon has blocked up to 50,000 Chinese sellers on its platform. The reasons for the ban include “improper use of review functions”, “soliciting fake reviews,” and “manipulating reviews by giving gift cards.”
The ban came as a huge blow on some Chinese vendors.
Yiwu Huading Nylon Co, one of the major domestic civil nylon filament manufacturers, issued an announcement on August 5 that its wholly-owned subsidiary Shenzhen Tomtop Technology has a number of brands suspended and funds frozen by Amazon. As of August 5, 54 stores under Tomtop Technology were banned and 41.43 million yuan was frozen, accounting for 4.27 percent of the company’s cash reserve at the end of 2020.
On August 6, another mega seller Patozon issued a notice that it has suspended its research and development staff for six months until February 6, 2022. In 2020, Patozon reported net profit of 300 million yuan and is known as one of the top three Chinese sellers on Amazon with more than 600 Best-Seller products.
The way that Amazon has blocked Chinese selllers is unfair, Wang Xin, president of the Shenzhen Cross-Border E-Commerce Association, told the Global Times.
“It not only blocked accounts in violation of its rules, but also other related accounts, which could paralyze upstream supply chain and kill the enterprises,” Wang said. “Is it a penalty decision based on the rules of the platform, or is it a strategic decision? In fact, we see that Amazon itself is also selling products similar to the products of the closed accounts,” she said.
Way out
The digital blockade put in place by Amazon has taken a heavy toll on the sellers, however it also educated the cross-broader e-commerce traders on how to optimize operations and form relationships with global sellers.
“The internet has undoubtedly put us in the fast lane, but we need to run faster on the track. It depends on the cultivation of the quality of the sellers, improved learning ability and national-level support,” Wang said.
Following the latest incident, many sellers are reducing their reliance on Amazon, instead pursuing a multi-platform development strategy and developing their own websites.
“Amazon’s closure of accounts is a blow to our industry. A lot of people told me that I would not put goods on Amazon anymore. In the past, maybe 90 percent of their goods were sold on Amazon but now the ratio may be under 30 percent,” Wang said.
Many top sellers in the business are setting up their own websites with their own payment and information system to prevent the sudden attack and accounts closure by a single website like Amazon.
“With self-built websites, there will be enhanced security,” she said.
Challenges remain
There is a necessity for merchants to set up their own online stores; however, compared with the large data flow and trading volume on Amazon, establishing stores alone cannot replace selling goods on Amazon in the short run, Michael Qi Yong, general manager at consumer electronics distributor Shenzhen Muchen Technology Co, told the Global Times on Sunday.
The blow was a challenge to e-commerce practitioners in Shenzhen, Qi said. Some of his customers, who are traders based overseas, have found their funds frozen, or shutting down stores and downsizing.
“They put more efforts to set up their own online stores or on other platforms but Amazon. Speeding up destock of inventory which had been prepared for Amazon is another job,” Qi noted.
Wang noted that developing own websites can be relatively difficult at first requiring a significant input. “They need to be familiar with the rules of the game, the construction of the internet and recruit a team of talent”, Wang said.
However, Amazon’s behavior will not slow down the pace of Chinese cross-border e-commerce trading.
In the first half of the year, China’s cross-border e-commerce trading continued to maintain strong momentum, reaching 886.7 billion yuan, a year-on-year increase of 28.6 percent, according to customs statistics.
The cross-border e-commerce exports growth in the second half of the year will not be lower than 28.6 percent, Wang said.
“The speed will be higher, because in addition to the US market represented by Amazon, some developing countries in Southeast Asia and Africa also have demand for Chinese products. As long as we can sell all the products, there is sure to be a high-speed development,” she said.
US must outcompete China for a stable relationship: Daniel Russel
Beijing’s aggression comes from perception that America is declining, former official says
TSUYOSHI NAGASAWA, Nikkei staff writer

WASHINGTON — The secret visit of U.S. Secretary of State Henry Kissinger to Beijing on July 9-11, 1971, kicked off an American policy of engagement with China. Fifty years later, with China on track to overtake the U.S. economy as early as 2028, bilateral relations are at a crossroad.
In an interview with Nikkei, Daniel Russel, former U.S. assistant secretary of state for East Asia and Pacific affairs during the Obama administration, said the nature of the relationship is changing, and it would be wrong to assume that Washington would return to the “good old days,” supporting China’s growth while making an effort to avoid friction and confrontation.
But Russel, now vice president for international security and diplomacy at the Asia Society Policy Institute, also stressed that aiming for regime change in Beijing is unrealistic and unwise, and would be in line with the “catastrophic” failures of attempted regime changes in the Middle East.
Edited excerpts from the interview follow:
Q: Since Kissinger began an engagement policy with China in the 1970s, the U.S.-China relationship has been relatively stable. The U.S. has invited China into the international system. Looking back, how do you evaluate the pros and cons of this policy?
A: If we took a step back and looked broadly at the historical record, we see that the United States deliberately chose a policy of engaging China and supporting its development, first back in 1972 under President Richard Nixon, where this was part of the strategy for containment of the Soviet Union, but then again in the ’90s, when Bill Clinton was president, after the end of the Cold War, the collapse of the Soviet Union. There was a second policy of engaging China that led up to the entry of China into the WTO.
From the Clinton era on, America’s policy toward China was based on the view that a stable China, a prospering China, would serve the best interests of the United States, in part because a weak China, or an insecure China, would likely pose a lot of risks to U.S. interests and to our allies.
I’ve never heard a persuasive argument that it would have been better to do something different than engagement, at those junctures. The United States made a common-sense decision, to try to engage China and to shape its behavior, to integrate China and to give it a stake in the international system, that the United States had largely designed.
And, while people hoped for political liberalization, I don’t think that political liberalization was the reason that the U.S. government and other governments took this approach, because what was the alternative?
Who is going to argue that an effort to isolate China and to contain China, or to destabilize China would have been a better strategy? It would have been a recipe for disaster.
Today, there is a kind of new conventional wisdom that is based on the view that cooperation with China is impossible, that engagement with China is a failure.
If you look at the historical record, that’s just not defensible, that’s not true.
But that doesn’t mean that we can go back to the “good old days” where we tried to support China’s growth, where we made an effort to avoid friction and confrontation.
There are two reasons for this.
In the past, as long as there was a large disparity, a gap, in military power and economic power between the two countries, the relationship was reasonably stable. But China has become much more economically successful and much more militarily and technologically capable. China is now close to being a peer power to the United States, which it never was.
Secondly, in the Xi Jinping era — which now is about almost nine years — China’s leadership has become more assertive, more ideological, and more brazen, more overt, in challenging global norms and challenging U.S. leadership. We’ve seen bullying behavior intensify by China.

Q: What were negotiations with China like in the years of President Barack Obama?
A: We had two very different experiences with the Chinese. On the South China Sea, Obama had very direct, very blunt, discussions with Chinese President Xi Jinping repeatedly, from 2013 and the Sunnylands meeting on, each time more forcefully warned Xi that China’s island building, its reclamation, its activities, were creating risk, and that the United States had a responsibility to the defense of the Philippines and more broadly had a strong commitment to freedom of navigation, and could not accept efforts by China to claim the so-called nine-dashed line, or to develop outposts in international waters, and that this was damaging the U.S.-China relationship.
Finally, in the meeting in 2015, Xi made an assurance, and he made a public assurance as well, that China would not militarize the outposts that it built.
But, in that case, China did not ultimately honor that commitment, and the problematic behavior continued. And it had a very damaging effect on U.S. relations with China.
The issue of cyber theft, and particularly the Chinese government’s sponsorship of cyber-enabled theft of American intellectual property from companies, that was a different experience, because for years Obama raised this issue with Xi and warned of consequences, and told Xi that, although China was denying it, the United States knew that China was conducting these attacks, and that they couldn’t hide from us.
And finally, the Chinese saw evidence that the United States was preparing to take very severe action in retaliation for this, and the Chinese leadership recognized that they were reaching a dangerous, critical point, and so they sent to Washington the top security official in China, Meng Jianzhu, who came with instructions: don’t come home without an agreement.
And he stayed in Washington for several days. He met with the U.S. government team. And you may remember that the U.S. and China issued a four-point agreement. In that agreement, China essentially acknowledged that this cyber theft had occurred, committed to end it, and made some public commitments that they did implement, they did honor.
For several years after that, the U.S. agencies that were monitoring cyberattacks formed a judgment that China had, in fact, scaled back significantly the attacks that at least the government, the state, was supporting.
Q: Based on those lessons, how should the U.S. approach China?
A: My judgment is that Chinese behavior has become much more troubling and dangerous as Chinese leaders have begun to believe that they are as strong as the United States, that they are getting stronger and the U.S. is getting weaker.
I don’t think that it is wise or feasible to pursue a strategy of weakening China. Instead, it is necessary and wise to pursue a strategy of strengthening the United States and its allies because, as I pointed out before, when the power differential between the United States and China was wider, the relationship was very stable.
As long as the Chinese perception is that the United States is weak, is on the decline, is withdrawing from its traditional role in shaping and often leading international affairs, in rules-setting and so on, and has abandoned the sort of moral high ground that gave the United States so much soft power over the decades, China is incentivized to challenge more directly.
If and when the Chinese leaders see more evidence that the United States is demonstrating resilience, is renewing and reinventing itself, that the overall strength of the democratic communities is growing, not shrinking, the Chinese leaders will be much more open to compromise. They will be much more flexible, much more careful, in their behavior.
Chinese leaders are Leninists and Leninists respect strength and have contempt for weakness.
If the United States, over the course of this year, shows, for example, extraordinary ability to stop the spread of COVID-19, an extraordinary ability to develop vaccines that have 96% to 97% effective rates, demonstrates the ability to manufacture billions of doses and make them available to countries around the world, whereas China, despite its very strict and draconian controls, now continues to battle emerging cases of the delta variant, and the Chinese vaccine, Sinovac, which they have distributed around the world, is now revealed to be far less effective in preventing COVID than advertised, that’s a way in which the United States is already demonstrating its strength.
It is already outcompeting. We’re not hurting China. We’re not blocking China. But we are outperforming China.
Q: You talked about the leadership of Xi Jinping himself. How is he different from former presidents Hu Jintao and Jiang Zemin before him?
A: Jiang Zemin and Hu Jintao were not democrats; they had no interest in sharing power. But they were also pragmatists, and they were continuing the tradition of Deng Xiaoping, the tradition of “hiding and biding,” the tradition of opening and reform.
Xi Jinping represents a more nationalist and a more ideological strain of Leninism. In the Chinese communist system, he is clearly representing those who believe that more control is the right answer, and that political liberalization is a recipe for disaster that China cannot afford.
Q: China hawks in the U.S. have argued that the biggest problem is the Chinese Communist Party and thus the U.S. should seek regime change.
A: Number one, the people who are advocating regime change are the very people that have experimented with regime change in Iraq, in Libya, and other parts of the world. And, in every case, it has been a catastrophic failure. It’s not only that it didn’t succeed; it’s that it created immense problems in the country and immense problems in the United States.
The United States does not have the power to overthrow the Chinese Communist Party, and we know from experience that, even if we were successful, the consequences are unpredictable and immensely dangerous.
We can certainly hope for a change and an improvement. There’s much that we can do to bolster civil society within China, and much we can do to help strengthen institutions other than the Chinese Communist Party, in China.
There is a lot of pressure that can be applied externally on the Chinese leadership to limit their behavior. But the notion of the United States reaching in and changing the government in China is unrealistic and unwise.
Q: Is there a similarity between the current situation and the 1970s, in the sense that the Biden administration is now seeking a stable and predictable relationship with Russia so as to focus more on China and try to drive a wedge between China and Russia?
A: The big difference in the 1970s was that Moscow and Beijing were in an intense rivalry and were virtual enemies. Another difference was that the U.S. and the Soviet Union were in a very significant Cold War, in which we had very little economic or other mutual dependencies and were largely separated into independent blocs, and we were competing around the world for influence, in a very direct way.
Today, Russia is a relatively weak power that is largely focused on making problems, making mischief for the U.S. and for the West.
And the relationship between Moscow and Beijing is very cooperative, very collaborative. And unlike the Soviet Union, China is well integrated into the global system, the multilateral system, and the degree of economic and technological integration between China, the United States, and the rest of the West, is unimaginably large.
So, I think, in those respects, we’re in a very, very different world. And, while it is problematic for the United States when China and Russia cooperate in causing problems for us and our friends, and while there would be some virtue and value in trying to provide incentives for Moscow to moderate its behavior and to refrain from that kind of mischief-making, I don’t think there is any prospect for a kind of fundamental alteration of the triangular relationship, the way that Kissinger and Nixon changed it in 1972.
China beating US by being more like America
Cultivating human capital will be essential if the US rather than China is to be the base of the next industrial revolution

The United States transitioned from an agrarian backwater into an industrialized superstate in a rapid timeframe. One of the most decisive men in America’s industrialization was Samuel Slater.
As a young man, Slater worked in Britain’s advanced textile mills. He chafed under Britain’s rigid class system, believing he was being held back. So he moved to Rhode Island.
Once in America, Slater built the country’s first factory based entirely on that which he had learned from working in England’s textile mills – violating a British law that forbade its citizens from proliferating advanced British textile production to other countries.
Samuel Slater is still revered in the United States as the “Father of the American Factory System.” In Britain, if he is remembered at all, he is known by the epithet of “Slater the Traitor.”
After all, Samuel Slater engaged in what might today be referred to as “industrial espionage.” Without Slater, the United States would likely not have risen to become the industrial challenger to British imperial might that it did in the 19th century. Even if America had evolved to challenge British power without Slater’s help, it is likely the process would have taken longer than it actually did.
Many British leaders at the time likely dismissed Slater’s actions as little more than a nuisance. The Americans had not achieved anything unique. They were merely imitating their far more innovative cousins in Britain.
As the works of Oded Shenkar have proved, however, if given enough time, annoying imitators can become dynamic innovators. The British learned this lesson the hard way. America today appears intent on learning a similar hard truth … this time from China.
By the mid-20th century, the latent industrial power of the United States had been unleashed as the European empires, and eventually the British-led world order, collapsed under their own weight. America had built out its own industrial base and was waiting in the geopolitical wings to replace British power – which, of course, it did.
Few today think of Britain as anything more than a middle power in the US-dominated world order. This came about only because of the careful industrial and manipulative trade practices of American statesmen throughout the 19th and first half of the 20th century employed against British power.
The People’s Republic of China, like the United States of yesteryear with the British Empire, enjoys a strong trading relationship with the dominant power of the day. China has also free-ridden on the security guarantees of the dominant power, the United States.
The Americans are exhausting themselves while China grows stronger. Like the US in the previous century, inevitably, China will displace the dominant power through simple attrition in the non-military realm.
Many Americans reading this might be shocked to learn that China is not just the land of sweatshops and cheap knockoffs – any more than the United States of previous centuries was only the home of chattel slavery and King Cotton. China, like America, is a dynamic nation of economic activity and technological progress.
While the Chinese do imitate their innovative American competitors, China does this not because the country is incapable of innovating on its own. It’s just easier to imitate effective ideas produced by America, lowering China’s research and development costs. Plus, China’s industrial capacity allows the country to produce more goods than America – just as America had done to Britain
Once China quickly acquires advanced technology, capabilities, and capital from the West, Chinese firms then spin off those imitations and begin innovating. This is why China is challenging the West in quantum computing technology, biotech, space technologies, nanotechnology, 5G, artificial intelligence, and an assortment of other advanced technologies that constitute the Fourth Industrial Revolution.
Why reinvent the wheel when you can focus on making cheaper cars and better roads?
Since China opened itself up to the United States in the 1970s, American versions of Samuel Slater have flocked to China, taking with them the innovations, industries, and job offerings that would have gone to Americans had Washington never embraced Beijing.
America must simply make itself more attractive than China is to talent and capital. It must create a regulatory and tax system that is more competitive than China’s. Then Washington must seriously invest in federal R&D programs as well as dynamic infrastructure to support those programs.
As one chief executive of a Fortune 500 company told me in 2018, “If we don’t do business in China, our competitors will.”
Meanwhile, Americans must look at effective education as a national-security imperative. If we are living in a global, knowledge-based economy, then it stands to reason Americans will need greater knowledge to thrive. Therefore, cultivating human capital will be essential if America rather than China is to be the base of the next industrial revolution.
Besides, smart bombs are useless without smart people.
These are all things that the United States understood in centuries past. America bested the British Empire and replaced it as the world hegemon using these strategies. When the Soviet Union challenged America’s dominance, the US replicated the successful strategies it had used against Britain’s empire.
Self-reliance and individual innovativeness coupled with public- and private-sector cooperation catapulted the Americans ahead of their rivals. It’s why Samuel Slater fled to the nascent United States rather than staying in England.
America is losing the great competition for the 21st century because it has suffered historical amnesia. Its leaders, Democrats and Republicans alike, as well as its corporate tycoons and its people must recover the lost memory – before China cements its position as the world’s hegemon.
The greatest tragedy of all is that America has all of the tools it needs to succeed. All it needs to do is be more like it used to be in the past. To do that, competent and inspiring leadership is required. And that may prove to be the most destructive thing for America in the competition to win the 21st century.
Feb 18, 2021
Aug 4, 2020