【MIT AI】科创编程春季营 招生啦!名教练领衔,让中学生在申请名校时脱颖而出

ArcGen Programming & AI Academy


由著名科创教练IEEE(电气与电子工程师协会)高级会员Dr. Meng主讲


陪跑USACO, ISEF, STS, AJAS, GSF, 黑客松MIT Appathon等竞赛



Intensive programming courses that develop all-around computational thinking and vision for secondary school students.


Covers programming fundamentals, algorithms and data structures for USACO, artificial intelligence & machine learning, and mobile app development. 


Utilizes innovative and effective teaching methods, designed and taught by experienced instructors.


●  courses will be taught in MIT App Inventor, a fully-featured programming environment widely recognized as the best learning platform for new coders.

使用最有利于编程初学者的科创编程平台MIT App Inventor,以后学习Python, C++, Java等语言更易上手。

详询Dr. Meng: yu_meng@hotmail.com


CourseCourse Description
MIT AI2 – 101 编程基础MIT App Inventor 2 installation, MIT AI2 Companion sync, Designer, Blocks,
Programming BasicsVariables and Scopes, Data Types, Logic Controls on Conditions/Loops,
Prerequisite: No.Abstraction, Basic Data Structures with List and Dictionary, Functions. No
 prior programming experience is required but good to have. When they exit,
 students are assigned a USACO problem to solve.
MIT AI2 – 201 人工智能5 Core Concepts: Multilayer Networks, Convolutional Neural Networks,
Artificial IntelligenceTransfer Learning, Recurrent Neural Networks, and Embedding & Generative
Prerequisite: MIT AI2 – 101.Models and 8 Core Skills: scoping a problem, choosing datasets, creating
 datasets, choosing models, modifying models, creating models, modifying
 learning rates, and training & testing. We are the only known institution that
 leads students to solve all 8 artificial intelligence projects proposed in MIT
 official site. Prerequisite: MIT AI2 – 101.
MIT AI2 – 202 奥计铜牌Introduction to USACO programming competition. Data structures, controls
USACO Bronze Algorithmsand algorithms for the Bronze Division competition. Solving USACO Bronze
Prerequisite: MIT AI2 – 101.Division problems in MIT AI2. Guidance for students to convert your MIT AI2
 solution to C++, Java or Python code. This course is uniquely proposed by
 ArcGen, and is proven to be effective.
MIT AI2 – 203 科技插件Implementation of advanced technologies in mobile applications with
Tech Botscomponents in MIT AI2, including Multimedia, Cloud Computing, Database,
Prerequisite: MIT AI2 – 101.Web development, Interactive Maps, Network Connection with Bluetooth and
 Wi-Fi connectivity, and Internet of Things (IoT). Students are encouraged to
 participate in MIT Appathon, an annual competition across all countries. Our
 students won first place at Team Youth, and other prizes, in 2021.
MIT AI2 – 204 物联网Microprocessors, Raspberry Pi setup, remote control, Linux & shell commands
Internet of Things withusing terminal. electronics basics, IoT architecture, GPIO pins, Python
Raspberry Piscripting, MIT App Inventor as a wireless control panel and dashboard.
Prerequisite: MIT AI2 – 101.Control LEDs through Bluetooth, WiFi and Node Red protocols. Password
 protection, Sensor readings, Motor controls.

详询Dr. Meng: yu_meng@hotmail.com

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