Group Lesson & Tutoring (K-12)
College Applications
31 Mountain Blvd, Suite U
Warren, NJ 07059
(732)-200-5850, (201)-745-1001, (201)-233-6285
2023 Iowa Writers’ Workshop Prep
Iowa Writers’ Workshop 是美国首屈一指的写作学院,每年夏天都为高中学生举办高水平的写作夏令营。夏令营不但有出色的课程设置和内容,极富经验的写作名师,更是同学们结识优秀同龄人和相互学习的绝好机会,是含金量非常高的课外活动。被Iowa Writers’ Workshop录取,在将来的大学申请中是非常亮眼,突出的学术成就。
学生申请Iowa 写作夏令营时,需要提交自己的作文习作和自我阐述申请参加夏令营的目的。这些材料是决定你是否能被录取的关键部分。
• 根据学生特点,有效地准备自己的习作和statement
• 头脑风暴,开拓思路和眼界
• 个人化指导与点评,帮助学生仔细推敲
• 细致入微修改润色, 使作品达到完美
• 精心准备全面完整的申请材料
• 在顶级老师指导下,全面提高学生整体英文写作水平, 受益终生
• 适合高中十年级或以上的学生
➢ 撰写、Review和整理习作。Iowa 写作夏令营有以下几个写作方向:小说诗歌类(fiction, poetry, creative writing),剧本类(playwriting),和电视写作类(TV writing)。
➢ 对小说类,讲授虚构文学的要素,各种关于故事表述、情节的展开和发展等的方法;对诗歌类,讲授诗歌的形式和写作技巧。Review学生的习作,发现不足,修正补充或者重写。
➢ 对剧本类,教授影视剧本或舞台剧本写作方法所需的对话、道具、场景布置、场景切换、拍摄角度等各种概念及相关方法,帮助学生准备好符合专业写作规范的剧本类作品。
➢ 撰写Statement of Purpose。帮助学生找到合适的角度讲述自己为什么要参加Iowa Writers’ Workshop的写作夏令营,并写出流畅和令人信服的自我阐述。
本课程任课教师 Dr. Jeffrey 毕业于耶鲁大学英文系,拥有英国剑桥大学文学硕士及加州大学伯克利分校英文博士学位。
Dr. Jeffrey 有丰富的写作和教学经验。2021年秋季在KEC举办的Scholastic写作竞赛班,有32名学生获得64个奖项,其中有17个金奖, 25个银奖。2022年暑期KEC举办的纽约时报写作竞赛班,在和来自全世界的学生的激烈竞争中,获得十几个奖项,包括一等奖。2022年有3名Dr. Jeffrey培养的优秀学生被Iowa写作营录取。
周六 4:45-6:15 PM EST, 12/3-2/4, 一共8周
联系电话: 732-200-5850

31 Mountain Blvd, Suite U
Warren, NJ 07059
(732)-200-5850, (201)-745-1001, (201)-233-6285

点击链接观看 Dr. Jeffrey 谈如何学习写作:
KEC Academy: How Do You Learn to Write – YouTube
Dr. Jeffrey gives you tips on how to write a good article for New York Time Editorial Contest
KEC Academy 介绍
KEC Academy是一家地处新泽西州著名的好学区,蓝带学区的教育服务机构。公司建立于2003年,已有19年的成功经验。我们的宗旨是帮助学生在人生道路上的成功垫定坚实的基础。凭借多年的教学经验和实力使我们能够为我们的学生提供高质量的服务。
- K-12年级学生的英文(含词汇、语法、阅读、写作、文学经典等)、数学、科学、社会研究
- 大学申请标准考试(SAT/ACT/PSAT)
- 私立高中入门考试(SSAT/ISEE)
- 各科大学课程标准考试 (AP)(包括,生物,化学,美国历史,微积分,物理等科目)
- 各项文课类、数学和科学类的竞赛和学术研究(如Scholastic 写作竞赛,纽约时报写作竞赛,John Locke 写作竞赛,Concord Review, 以及Data Mining和Math Modeling 等等)
- 大学申请(特别是大学主文书和次文书)
我们提供班课的同时也提供 1对1, 2对1的教学方式。我们很愿意配合学生和家长,根据他们的特殊需求定制最适合的教学方案。
31 Mountain Blvd, Suite U
Warren, NJ 07059
(732)-200-5850, (201)-745-1001, (201)-233-6285

KEC Academy
About Us
KEC Academy is a highly recognized New Jersey registered educational services provider and was founded in 2003.
Our mission goal is to prepare students to think critically, act compassionately and empower students to succeed in their life’s educational journey. Our two decades of student centric training has enabled our students to grow and succeed from K-12.
KEC’s acclaimed faculty and staff, on average, have over 20 years of successful experience helping students reach their goals in all areas of academic life. Our faculty members are carefully selected from across the United States prior to joining KEC Academy . Their backgrounds range from PHD’s through master’s degrees. All our instructors have great passion for the subjects they teach and are gifted in their ability to connect well with students at all age levels (K-12), range of learning styles and capabilities. They have continuously received outstanding reviews from our students and parents, many of which have returned time and again for more classes.
Our Services
We provide year-round (spring, summer, fall) classes and tutoring.
Our educational services include:
- Academic Enrichment: K-12 English (vocabulary, grammar, reading, writing, literary classics, etc.), math, science, social studies
- College Admissions Tests (SAT/ACT/PSAT)
- Private High School Entrance Exams (SSAT/ISEE)
- Advanced Placement Standardized Test (AP)(Biology, Chemistry, Physics, US History, English literature, Calculus, Computer Science, Statistics, etc.)
- College application (especially college essay and supplemental essays)
- Competition classes, and academic research classes (such as Scholastic Writing Contest, NYT Writing Contests, John Locke Writing Contest, Concord Review, Data Mining, Math Modeling, etc.) allowing our students to have great opportunities to achieve excellent scores and win state, national awards, which prepares them with outstanding portfolios.
*In addition to group lessons, we also provide 1-on-1, 2-on-1 tutoring white glove concierge instruction at affordable pricing.
It is our utmost privilege to help students grow as we build students confidence in their abilities and themselves. By participating in KEC’s proprietary standardized test prep classes and college counseling, our students have received high scores in official exams and have been admitted to top colleges & universities of their dreams such as Harvard, Princeton, U of Penn, Columbia, to name a few.
As a leader and best in class K-12 education services provider, we are happy to provide a free initial consultation to help determine your student’s unique learning needs as they move along the path of academic excellence.
31 Mountain Blvd, Suite U
Warren, NJ 07059
(732)-200-5850, (201)-745-1001, (201)-233-6285

Last update: 10/31/2022
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