Group Lesson & Tutoring (K-12)
College Applications
31 Mountain Blvd, Suite U
Warren, NJ 07059
(732)-200-5850, (201)-745-1001, (201)-233-6285
KEC 2022 秋季 Scholastic 写作竞赛班
一年一度的Scholastic Art & Writing Award的写作竞赛即将拉开序幕,KEC Academy也已整装待发,为带领我们的学生们在强手如林的竞赛中再次获得辉煌胜利做好了充分的准备。
Scholastic Art & Writing Award是美国著名的一项艺术和写作方面的竞赛,涵盖范围广泛,给有才华的学生们提供了丰富多彩的竞赛项目,也得到众多的企业支持和赞助。每年都吸引了大批爱好写作、愿意挑战自己、提高自己的优秀学生参与。能够在Scholastic全国的竞赛中获奖,既是对学生知识和能力的肯定,也是对学生的鼓舞和激励。同时,这类有可核实成绩的竞赛项目能够帮助我们的学生在将来的大学申请中占有突出和独特的优势。
短篇小说(short story/flash fiction/fantasy):
通过对名家(如 Raymond Carver)作品的研读,讲授虚构小说(fiction story)中的各项要素,学生们学习并应用小说中各种形式的观点表达、独白,对话,暗示,描述,情节发展等方面的技巧,写出一定字数的小说。
个人作文(personal essay):
个人作文题材和风格比较广泛和自由,包括个人的想法和思想、从前的记忆或自己的经历、个人的观点等。课堂将通过名作家(如Michel de Montaigne)的具体范例,介绍这类作文的写作思路和写作方法。每个学生可以根据自己的情况选择合适的主题,写出有自己风格的文章。这种personal essay的竞赛练习对将来申请大学文书的准备,大有裨益。
剧本写作(playwriting, screenplay writing, comedy等):
通过学习和研究具体剧本(by Henrik Ibsen),讲授影视剧本或舞台剧剧本写作所需要的对白、道具、场景布置、场景切换、拍摄角度等各种概念和相关方法。学生需要先写出舞台剧的剧本,然后再写出影视剧本。 影视剧本写作在互联网、娱乐和游戏产业界有广泛的应用。
批评性写作 (critical essay):
学生可以任选其中的一个或多个类别。每周一次,每次1.5小时。除讲授上述内容外,老师还会根据竞赛要求,讲授竞赛文章的特点、参加竞赛需要注意的问题和相应的方法,参赛文章的写作技巧、以及如何在竞赛中脱颖而出等,力求帮助学生写出高质量的文章。学生们在老师的指导下,选择合适的题目,先写一小部分(比如数百字的片段),练习该类型文章的写作,学习相应的写作方法和技巧,寻找自己的感觉,并随时调整自己。一旦决定深入进去,学生会在老师的带领下对文章的构思进行分析和讨论,通过头脑风暴,从自己写作的角度和逻辑,梳理自己的观点和表述形式。学生通过运用已有的写作能力和在课堂上学到的技巧来构思和创作自己的作品。 在课堂上,学生们的初稿在老师点评和指导下,在同学们互相的评价中,将得到进一步的修改和完善。根据学生的写作能力和个人需求,老师可能会有不同的要求,并会设定相应的目标。
本竞赛课程由KEC实力团队导师们授课。连续数年KEC实力团队培养出众多(包括 Scholastic Art & Writing Award,纽约时报等)获奖学生,包揽数十名金奖和银奖,也输送了数名优秀学生入选顶尖的Iowa写作营,取得了傲人成绩,显示超强的实力。
Dr. Jeffrey:
Ms. Cecilia:
拥有Williams College 英文文学学士和Hunter College教育学硕士学位。
现任Williams College 英文客座教授,教授英文戏剧及戏剧理论。
Ms. Sara:
Yale University 耶鲁大学英文学士。教授大学写作课程。有多年辅导写作的经验。
《Scholastic Art & Writing Award》写作竞赛金奖获得者Maggie
I learned greatly from Dr. Jeffrey’s weekly lessons. In his class, I got to share my stories with many other kids and learn from their view perspectives. Dr. Jeffrey helped us analyze other winners’ articles which I find particularly helpful. He shows a lot of patience in guiding us through articles and teaches us to write with our own voice. I am truly thankful to Dr. Jeffrey’s classes. I will join his class again. – Maggie
我从Dr. Jeffrey的课程中学到了很多东西。在他的课堂上, 我与许多其他同学分享我的文章,并从他们的观点中学习。Dr Jeffrey帮助我们分析其他获奖者的文章,我觉得这些文章对我特别有帮助。他在指导时表现出极大的耐心,并教我们用自己的声音写作。我真的很感谢 Dr. Jeffery, 今年会再次参加他的课程。
《Scholastic Art & Writing Award》写作竞赛金奖获得者Isabelle
I took a class to prepare for the Scholastic Art & Writing Award with Dr. Jeffrey when I was 13. In the class, every student received personal assistance and suggestions from Dr. Jeffrey on the entire process while still doing the work themselves. Dr. Jeffrey not only inspired me to write better; he also encouraged me to explore and develop my own writing style. My time spent learning from Dr. Jeffrey was very valuable。 – Isabelle
我从13岁起就跟随Dr. Jeffrey 的课程参加 Scholastic 写作竞赛。在课堂上,每个学生都得到了Dr Jeffery 的帮助和建议,但同时, 每个同学仍然独立地完成自己的写作。Dr. Jeffery 不仅激励我写得更好;他还鼓励我探索和发展自己的写作风格。我在Dr. Jeffrey 那儿学到了非常宝贵的功课。
《Scholastic Art & Writing Award》写作竞赛课学生Andrew
Before I signed up for Dr. Jeffrey‘s writing class, my composition was a mess. Run-on sentences left to right, misplaced punctuation all over the place, and the verb tense switched every other sentence. But through Dr. Jeffrey’s expertise and patience, I was able to recognize and overcome my fallacies. Not only was he a great teacher who greatly improved my writing, he was also someone who I was comfortable joking with and sharing my frustrations with. He helped me overcome my writer’s blocks and opened my eyes to new styles of writing. He even sacrificed his free time to look over my writing pieces and make comments. Dr. Jeffrey was a figure of hard work, never-ending patience, and strong determination. My writing took a great leap forward because of Dr. Jeffrey.
在上Dr. Jeffrey的写作课之前,我的作文是一塌糊涂。满篇布满了错误的标点符号,动词时态交错。但是经过Dr.Jeffrey专业和耐心的指导,我能够发现并纠正我文章中的错误。他不仅是一个让我在写作上取得长足进步的优秀导师,他也是一个让我愿意与之无拘无束地开玩笑和分享我的烦恼的人。他帮助我克服了我写作的障碍,让我开阔了眼界接触到了新的写作风格。他甚至牺牲了自己的休息时间检查我的文章并留下评语。Dr.Jeffrey 是一个努力工作,永远不会失去耐心和拥有坚定决心的人。因为有了Dr. Jeffrey,我的写作才有了巨大的飞跃。
9/8开始,每周一、 四、五、六有课,每次1.5小时, 共10次课。
联系电话: 732-200-5850, 201-745-1001,201-233-6285
欢迎加入KEC Academy家长群!

KEC Academy 介绍
KEC Academy是一家地处新泽西州著名的好学区,蓝带学区的教育服务机构。公司建立于2003年,已有19年的成功经验。我们的宗旨是帮助学生在人生道路上的成功垫定坚实的基础。凭借多年的教学经验和实力使我们能够为我们的学生提供高质量的服务。
- K-12年级学生的英文(含词汇、语法、阅读、写作、文学经典等)、数学、科学、社会研究
- 大学申请标准考试(SAT/ACT/PSAT)
- 私立高中入门考试(SSAT/ISEE)
- 各科大学课程标准考试 (AP)(包括,生物,化学,美国历史,微积分,物理等科目)
- 各项文课类、数学和科学类的竞赛和学术研究(如Scholastic 写作竞赛,纽约时报写作竞赛,John Locke 写作竞赛,Concord Review, 以及Data Mining和Math Modeling 等等)
- 大学申请(特别是大学主文书和次文书)
我们提供班课的同时也提供 1对1, 2对1的教学方式。我们很愿意配合学生和家长,根据他们的特殊需求定制最适合的教学方案。
31 Mountain Blvd, Suite U
Warren, NJ 07059
(732)-200-5850, (201)-745-1001, (201)-233-6285

KEC Academy
About Us
KEC Academy is a highly recognized New Jersey registered educational services provider and was founded in 2003.
Our mission goal is to prepare students to think critically, act compassionately and empower students to succeed in their life’s educational journey. Our two decades of student centric training has enabled our students to grow and succeed from K-12.
KEC’s acclaimed faculty and staff, on average, have over 20 years of successful experience helping students reach their goals in all areas of academic life. Our faculty members are carefully selected from across the United States prior to joining KEC Academy . Their backgrounds range from PHD’s through master’s degrees. All our instructors have great passion for the subjects they teach and are gifted in their ability to connect well with students at all age levels (K-12), range of learning styles and capabilities. They have continuously received outstanding reviews from our students and parents, many of which have returned time and again for more classes.
Our Services
We provide year-round (spring, summer, fall) classes and tutoring.
Our educational services include:
- Academic Enrichment: K-12 English (vocabulary, grammar, reading, writing, literary classics, etc.), math, science, social studies
- College Admissions Tests (SAT/ACT/PSAT)
- Private High School Entrance Exams (SSAT/ISEE)
- Advanced Placement Standardized Test (AP)(Biology, Chemistry, Physics, US History, English literature, Calculus, Computer Science, Statistics, etc.)
- College application (especially college essay and supplemental essays)
- Competition classes, and academic research classes (such as Scholastic Writing Contest, NYT Writing Contests, John Locke Writing Contest, Concord Review, Data Mining, Math Modeling, etc.) allowing our students to have great opportunities to achieve excellent scores and win state, national awards, which prepares them with outstanding portfolios.
*In addition to group lessons, we also provide 1-on-1, 2-on-1 tutoring white glove concierge instruction at affordable pricing.
It is our utmost privilege to help students grow as we build students confidence in their abilities and themselves. By participating in KEC’s proprietary standardized test prep classes and college counseling, our students have received high scores in official exams and have been admitted to top colleges & universities of their dreams such as Harvard, Princeton, U of Penn, Columbia, to name a few.
As a leader and best in class K-12 education services provider, we are happy to provide a free initial consultation to help determine your student’s unique learning needs as they move along the path of academic excellence.
31 Mountain Blvd, Suite U
Warren, NJ 07059
(732)-200-5850, (201)-745-1001, (201)-233-6285

Last update: 9/27/2022