Nov 11, 2020
From the map, the Wakhan Corridor is like a finger from Afghanistan, pointing to my country’s Xinjiang Uygur Autonomous Region, which connects China, Central Asia and even the Middle East. Looking at such an abrupt border, we will have a question. How did it form? The eastern part of this country in Central Asia was almost completely blocked by Tajikistan and Pakistan, but a corridor extending from the two “stans” to China was cut across by the Wakhan Corridor. The strategic value of the border is huge for China.
Here is the record of exploration, exploring the unknown, and taking you into the mysterious world!
With the purpose of popularizing knowledge of geography, use the lens to tell the story of geography and use the text to adjust the color of the mountains and rivers! Introduce the new discoveries, new achievements, and new explorations of geology, and show the new, strange, special and beautiful geological landforms.
Jan 2, 2021
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Jan 16, 2021
Jan 23, 2021
Nov 7, 2020
Aug 1, 2020
Nov 14, 2020