









Preplingo新一期的 #Zoom言堂分享会 From Darkness to Light: How to Achieve What You Dream of (企业家亚伯拉罕·桑诺的奇迹人生:经历了三场内战,我依然走向成功)。


Zoom Meeting ID: 8782712588,密码: 219219




您也可以电邮至 gototicc@gmail.com

或者添加北美老师 askpeipei(微信号)进行人工预约

➜ 活动简介:




From darkness to light, hate to love, conflict to peace, Abraham Sannoh who grew up in the middle of 3 civil wars in Liberia and Sierra Leone, has had his fair share of challenges we face in this world. But his determination to love fearlessly and live fully has proven to be stronger than any circumstances this world threw at him. 3 civil wars were not enough to break his will, hit within his own family of origin could not consume him to bitterness, poverty from where he came could not limit his imagination for a wealthier and prosperous life. 

Today Abraham enjoys a life filled with love with his own family of origin, peace that brings about calmness of heart and clarity of mind, and blessings that’s filled with abundance in every aspect of his life. 

Abraham is a successful Entrepreneur, Author, Executive Life and Business Coach and finally living his dream as an Empowering Motivational Speaker to people of all ages. With focus on uniting families, communities, countries, and hopefully the world. Abraham is a walking testimony of the power of thoughts as it relates to our minds. He’s proof that it does not matter where you start, you can become anything you imagine for yourself and the people around you.

 Language: English

 Please register for the event through this page, and you will receive a reminder before the event starts.


8:30 pm U.S. Central Time, May 25, Thursday

9:30 am Beijing Time, May 26, Friday


This event is co-hosted by Speak to Lead and Preplingo Chinese Class.

1) Speak to Lead (https://speaktolead.us/)

The mission of the Speak to Lead Youth Public Speaking and Leadership program is to provide a mutually supportive and positive learning environment in which every youth member has the opportunity to develop communication and leadership skills, which in turn foster self-confidence, personal growth and social intelligence.

2) Preplingo (preplingo.com)

Preplingo is an international public benefit project launched by Tianjin International Chinese College. Our platform shares free education tips and resources with parents and students through monthly webinars and events.

Welcome everyone to follow our profile to get first-hand information on our upcoming events. We aim to help students to unlock their full potential and succeed in their educational pursuits.

Welcome to follow us on eventbrite:









您也可以电邮至 gototicc@gmail.com

或者添加北美老师 askpeipei(微信号)进行人工预约

Last update: 5/22/2023

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