Dr. Meng’s AI Coding Bootcamp G6-G10
名师班: 学完基础课即可参加编程马拉松比赛和其他各种工程与编程类比赛,经过进阶训练,跟随孟博士和他的团队,和全国甚至全球的赛手一起挑战各种比赛!让你开阔眼界,掌握比赛技巧,熟练思维方式,勇于超越自我,以追求卓越!

中国工程师学会CIE的【学生工程与创意大会】 (SECC) ,孟博士的24名学生包揽了6-12年级学生竞赛组别,三个主题的所有8个奖项。
孩子们有的是从2021年暑期跟着孟博士学习MIT App Inventor的,有的是2022年1月才开始学习的。
Division B: City of future & improving Academics
• 🏅1st Place: Evan Chen, Felix Sun, Jaden Chan
• 🏅2nd Place: Jaida Gao, Jason Huang, Nancy Chen
• 🏅3rd Place: Crystal Shen, Sophia Zhou, Zehan Li
• 🏅Creativity award: Olivia Zhang
Division B: Community Computational action
• 🏅1st Place: Andrew Ye
• 🏅2nd Place: Everett Jin
• 🏅3rd Place: Eviss Wu, Betty Yan, Matthew Wang
• 🏅Creativity Award: Alisa Tong, Alisa Wei, William Zhou

第五届加州湾区San Ramon黑客马拉松,学生围绕主题:Better Health, Better Life,发挥创意做出了有特色的APP。孟老师22位学生在团队和个人参赛赢得奖项:
3nd Prize Winner:
- 🏅 ihelp App Jaida Gao, Jason Huang, Nancy Chen
Honorable mentions:
- 🏅BitHealth App Sophia Shao; Joshua Edwards and Michael Liu
- 🏅Suicide Prevention App Yimo Liu, Aaron Li and Leo Zhao
- 🏅Save The Beat App Matthew Wang
- 🏅Nutritionist App Aiden Chen; Evan Chen
- 🏅Street Smart App Chen Yu Zhang; En Qi (Mark) Ma; Jingjing Liang
麻省理工学院应用发明家全球大赛(MIT APPATHON),在创造力、设计、潜在用途、技术技能和演示上都对参赛者提出了高标准高要求,全球有千余支队伍报名参赛,以往鲜有华人面孔得奖。
决赛中更获得了67%的奖牌 ,团体和个人组双双夺冠,摘取了100%的第一名!
Youth Individual:
- 🏅First Place: Still Fresh App – Cindy Xiao
- 🏅Third Place: Wild Encounters App – Matthew Wang
Youth Team:
- 🏅First Place: RecyLink App – Jiayu Fan, Aaron Li and Ambrose Luo
- 🏅Third Place: Air Hug App– Aiden Chen and Evan Chen
- 🏅Finalist: We Learn App– Jack Yin
在Future Bridge AI & Innovation Summit 100+ 青少年Innovators的科创Proposal中,孟老师学生包揽前3名。
- 🏅1st Place: ConvoBuddy, by Jack Yin
- 🏅2nd Place: TrashWise, by Anda Xie
- 🏅3rd Place: AIMaskFit, by Aiden Chen
- 🏅Place: Skin Cancer Detection: By Jaida Gao
- 🏅People’s Choice: Nick Lin
国会应用程序挑战赛 (CAC) ,孟老师又有4位学生喜获挑战赛的第一名!
- 🏅First Place: Aaron Li, Jiayu Fan, Ambrose Luo and Joey Wang
Metro Hacks 24小时黑客马拉松迎来了全球近五百多名参赛报名选手,孟博士的两位十年级学生夺得了青年组第三名的好成绩。
- 🏅Third Place:Ed Box – Tianyi huang; Richard Xiong
- 🏅App Inventor of the Month, December 2022:Student Grade Request, by May
- 🏅Aaron Li, Jiayu Fan, Ambrose Luo and Joey Wang

课程涵盖五个模块:【编程基础】,【人工智 能】,【科技插件】,【奥计算法】,和【物联网基础】。目的是夯实基础,超越AP,在知 识结构上形成先进的搭载平台和布局。
(1)编程基础(AP Computer Science)和移动应用编程(Mobile CSP),
课程的设计与编程科技创新类竞赛接口,包括 【 编程马拉松】、【奥计算法】和【科学与工程竞赛】等,促进学生通过竞赛和活动发展特长,为有志在计算机领域发展的学生在大学入 学申请中抢得颠覆性优势,也为长远发展开拓优质的空间。
通过【学友家长群】和【学友俱乐部】 两个公益组织,与家长和学生保持有效的沟通和咨询,组织参加竞赛活动,助其入读梦校,成为新一代弄潮人。同时 也鼓励家长积极参与,和孩子共同成长, 追求卓越。
科学竞赛(Science Fairs)
Any activities that demonstrate your study capability and lay a foundation of the subject.
详询Dr. Meng: yu_meng@hotmail.com; or 972-889-0262

【MIT AI】科创编程春季营 招生啦!名教练领衔,让中学生在申请名校时脱颖而出

由著名科创教练IEEE(电气与电子工程师协会)高级会员Dr. Meng主讲

陪跑USACO, ISEF, STS, AJAS, GSF, 黑客松MIT Appathon等竞赛
● Intensive programming courses that develop all-around computational thinking and vision for secondary school students.
● Covers programming fundamentals, algorithms and data structures for USACO, artificial intelligence & machine learning, and mobile app development.
● Utilizes innovative and effective teaching methods, designed and taught by experienced instructors.
● courses will be taught in MIT App Inventor, a fully-featured programming environment widely recognized as the best learning platform for new coders.
使用最有利于编程初学者的科创编程平台MIT App Inventor,以后学习Python, C++, Java等语言更易上手。

详询Dr. Meng: yu_meng@hotmail.com, or 972-889-0262
Course | Course Description |
MIT AI2 – 101 编程基础 | 变量和范围,数据类型,条件/循环上的逻辑控件,带有列表和字典的基本数据结构,函数,程序模块化。这门课精心设计,以零基础进入学习,覆盖AP Computer Science A,结业可解奥计入门考题。 MIT App Inventor 2 installation, MIT AI2 Companion sync, Designer, Blocks, |
Programming Basics | Variables and Scopes, Data Types, Logic Controls on Conditions/Loops, |
Prerequisite: No. | Abstraction, Basic Data Structures with List and Dictionary, Functions. No |
prior programming experience is required but good to have. When they exit, | |
students are assigned a USACO problem to solve. | |
MIT AI2 – 201 人工智能 | 本课覆盖多层网络,卷积神经网络,转移学习,递归神网络以及嵌入和生成模型,旨在带领学生为MIT AI2官网上全部的人工智能问题提供解决方案。本营 是做到这些的唯一已知的教学机构 5 Core Concepts: Multilayer Networks, Convolutional Neural Networks, |
Artificial Intelligence | Transfer Learning, Recurrent Neural Networks, and Embedding & Generative |
Prerequisite: MIT AI2 – 101. | Models and 8 Core Skills: scoping a problem, choosing datasets, creating |
datasets, choosing models, modifying models, creating models, modifying | |
learning rates, and training & testing. We are the only known institution that | |
leads students to solve all 8 artificial intelligence projects proposed in MIT | |
official site. Prerequisite: MIT AI2 – 101. | |
MIT AI2 – 202 奥计铜牌 | 介绍USACO编程竞赛,分9类问题介绍数据结构,控件和算法开发.将MIT AI2解决法转换为Java代码。这是本营首先提出的独创课程,实践证明它优质高效值得推广。 Introduction to USACO programming competition. Data structures, controls |
USACO Bronze Algorithms | and algorithms for the Bronze Division competition. Solving USACO Bronze |
Prerequisite: MIT AI2 – 101. | Division problems in MIT AI2. Guidance for students to convert your MIT AI2 |
solution to C++, Java or Python code. This course is uniquely proposed by | |
ArcGen, and is proven to be effective. | |
MIT AI2 – 203 科技插件 | 多媒体,云计算,数据库,Web API,交互式地图,在线导航,网络连接,物联网(IoT)中 的组件来实施高级技术,创建复杂的应用程序。本营学生获 2021年MIT Appathon 竞赛全球冠军。 Implementation of advanced technologies in mobile applications with |
Tech Bots | components in MIT AI2, including Multimedia, Cloud Computing, Database, |
Prerequisite: MIT AI2 – 101. | Web development, Interactive Maps, Network Connection with Bluetooth and |
Wi-Fi connectivity, and Internet of Things (IoT). Students are encouraged to | |
participate in MIT Appathon, an annual competition across all countries. Our | |
students won first place at Team Youth, and other prizes, in 2021. | |
MIT AI2 – 204 物联网 | 单片机控制 Raspberry Pi设置、 远程控制、Linux 命令、使用终端。电子学基础、物联网架 构,GPIO 控制接口、Python脚本。MIT App Inventor 作为无线控制面板和仪表板。 通过蓝牙,WiFi及Node-Red等通讯协议控制LED。添加密码保护,传感器读取,电机控制等。 Microprocessors, Raspberry Pi setup, remote control, Linux & shell commands |
Internet of Things with | using terminal. electronics basics, IoT architecture, GPIO pins, Python |
Raspberry Pi | scripting, MIT App Inventor as a wireless control panel and dashboard. |
Prerequisite: MIT AI2 – 101. | Control LEDs through Bluetooth, WiFi and Node Red protocols. Password |
protection, Sensor readings, Motor controls. |
详询Dr. Meng: yu_meng@hotmail.com, or 972-889-0262