


课程涵盖五个模块:【编程基础】,【人工智 能】,【科技插件】,【奥计算法】,和【物联网基础】。目的是夯实基础,超越AP,在知 识结构上形成先进的搭载平台和布局。


(1)编程基础(AP Computer Science)和移动应用编程(Mobile CSP),






课程的设计与编程科技创新类竞赛接口,包括 【 编程马拉松】、【奥计算法】和【科学与工程竞赛】等,促进学生通过竞赛和活动发展特长,为有志在计算机领域发展的学生在大学入 学申请中抢得颠覆性优势,也为长远发展开拓优质的空间。

通过【学友家长群】和【学友俱乐部】 两个公益组织,与家长和学生保持有效的沟通和咨询,组织参加竞赛活动,助 其入读梦校,成为新一代弄潮人。同时 也鼓励家长积极参与,和孩子共同成长, 追求卓越。

Why Study on MIT App Inventor

EdTech佳编程教学平台最高奖 • 工作语言和教育环境的区别

•       支持最丰富的College Board Curriculum

•       是国家自然科学基金资助的Mobile CSP

•       高效强大优质易必学(请见视频详解)

•       是最新数字架构搭载平台必备元素

•       是参加Hachathon比赛的最佳装备


详询Dr. Meng: yu_meng@hotmail.com


【MIT AI】科创编程春季营 招生啦!名教练领衔,让中学生在申请名校时脱颖而出


由著名科创教练IEEE(电气与电子工程师协会)高级会员Dr. Meng主讲

Dr. Meng是计算机科学博士和电子工程硕士,IEEE高级会员,【青年科学家与创新者学会】(ASYI)创始人。他所指导的学生在科学竞赛中屡创佳绩,包括ISEF, STS, ACM Cutler-Bell award, Coca-Cola Scholarship, Davidson Fellowship, HackMIT, MIT Appathon 等几十项全国和国际顶级奖牌,学生大多被顶级名校录取。他是【 MIT 应用发明家】项目认证的培训大师。在八月七日公布的MIT应用发明家国际编程大赛决赛名单中,他的学生在11个奖项中取得了5个席次。在八月十五日公布的获奖名单中,他的学生在青年个人和团体组分别荣获第一和第三名


陪跑USACO, ISEF, STS, AJAS, GSF, 黑客松MIT Appathon等竞赛



Intensive programming courses that develop all-around computational thinking and vision for secondary school students.


Covers programming fundamentals, algorithms and data structures for USACO, artificial intelligence & machine learning, and mobile app development. 


Utilizes innovative and effective teaching methods, designed and taught by experienced instructors.


●  courses will be taught in MIT App Inventor, a fully-featured programming environment widely recognized as the best learning platform for new coders.

使用最有利于编程初学者的科创编程平台MIT App Inventor,以后学习Python, C++, Java等语言更易上手。

详询Dr. Meng: yu_meng@hotmail.com


CourseCourse Description
MIT AI2 – 101 编程基础变量和范围,数据类型,条件/循环上的逻辑控件,带有列表和字典的基本数据结构,函数,程序模块化。这门课精心设计,以零基础进入学习,覆盖AP Computer Science A,结业可解奥计入门考题。

MIT App Inventor 2 installation, MIT AI2 Companion sync, Designer, Blocks,
Programming BasicsVariables and Scopes, Data Types, Logic Controls on Conditions/Loops,
Prerequisite: No.Abstraction, Basic Data Structures with List and Dictionary, Functions. No
 prior programming experience is required but good to have. When they exit,
 students are assigned a USACO problem to solve.
MIT AI2 – 201 人工智能本课覆盖多层网络,卷积神经网络,转移学习,递归神网络以及嵌入和生成模型,旨在带领学生为MIT AI2官网上全部的人工智能问题提供解决方案。本营 是做到这些的唯一已知的教学机构

5 Core Concepts: Multilayer Networks, Convolutional Neural Networks,
Artificial IntelligenceTransfer Learning, Recurrent Neural Networks, and Embedding & Generative
Prerequisite: MIT AI2 – 101.Models and 8 Core Skills: scoping a problem, choosing datasets, creating
 datasets, choosing models, modifying models, creating models, modifying
 learning rates, and training & testing. We are the only known institution that
 leads students to solve all 8 artificial intelligence projects proposed in MIT
 official site. Prerequisite: MIT AI2 – 101.
MIT AI2 – 202 奥计铜牌介绍USACO编程竞赛,分9类问题介绍数据结构,控件和算法开发.将MIT AI2解决法转换为Java代码。这是本营首先提出的独创课程,实践证明它优质高效值得推广。

Introduction to USACO programming competition. Data structures, controls
USACO Bronze Algorithmsand algorithms for the Bronze Division competition. Solving USACO Bronze
Prerequisite: MIT AI2 – 101.Division problems in MIT AI2. Guidance for students to convert your MIT AI2
 solution to C++, Java or Python code. This course is uniquely proposed by
 ArcGen, and is proven to be effective.
MIT AI2 – 203 科技插件多媒体,云计算,数据库,Web API,交互式地图,在线导航,网络连接,物联网(IoT)中 的组件来实施高级技术,创建复杂的应用程序。本营学生获 2021年MIT Appathon 竞赛全球冠军。

Implementation of advanced technologies in mobile applications with
Tech Botscomponents in MIT AI2, including Multimedia, Cloud Computing, Database,
Prerequisite: MIT AI2 – 101.Web development, Interactive Maps, Network Connection with Bluetooth and
 Wi-Fi connectivity, and Internet of Things (IoT). Students are encouraged to
 participate in MIT Appathon, an annual competition across all countries. Our
 students won first place at Team Youth, and other prizes, in 2021.
MIT AI2 – 204 物联网单片机控制 Raspberry Pi设置、 远程控制、Linux 命令、使用终端。电子学基础、物联网架 构,GPIO 控制接口、Python脚本。MIT App Inventor 作为无线控制面板和仪表板。 通过蓝牙,WiFi及Node-Red等通讯协议控制LED。添加密码保护,传感器读取,电机控制等。

Microprocessors, Raspberry Pi setup, remote control, Linux & shell commands
Internet of Things withusing terminal. electronics basics, IoT architecture, GPIO pins, Python
Raspberry Piscripting, MIT App Inventor as a wireless control panel and dashboard.
Prerequisite: MIT AI2 – 101.Control LEDs through Bluetooth, WiFi and Node Red protocols. Password
 protection, Sensor readings, Motor controls.

详询Dr. Meng: yu_meng@hotmail.com