早申喜报|明晚 (12/18) 美东八点前藤校招生官亲授秘笈

Kyros.ai College Prep

AI-powered College Prep Platform & Personalized GPS Guidance

To Your Dream College

本周日 12/18 美东八点




 🔗注册链接: https://www.kyros.ai/counselingdetail/7696?ref=LAA2TRN



📍如何发现自己的兴趣点和通过优质资源打造自身品牌, 让招生官眼前一亮?

📍STEM, 商科和文科的成功案例分析:看这三位学生如何通过自身特色被耶鲁大学、加州大学伯克利分校、西北大学、杜克大学、达特茅斯大学、芝加哥大学、康奈尔大学等等名校争相录取!


✨Speaker/主讲人 :


  • Former Assistant Director of Admissions, Dartmouth College.
  • Former Senior Manager, Yale-NUS College.
  • Former Admissions Committee member, New York University Abu Dhabi.
  • MBA @ MIT; BA @ Dartmouth College


Why Now?

  • Establishing a powerhouse profile requires time and purposeful coordinations of academic studies, extracurricular activities, internships, and research opportunities. The earlier you start, the better!
  • The winter break is the perfect time to reflect on the past and develop a new year plan. Join Kyros to seek the opportunities and access hard-to-find resources!

Why Kyros?

Kyros.ai 一站式智能升学平台 (简介)





更多的学生会在接下来的申请中拿到录取通知书,进入心仪的大学。 Kyros 通过结合人工智能高科技与优质的升学资源,让更多普通家庭的孩子有机会成为最好的自己,在更广阔的天地闪耀独特光芒!Kyros 以全人理念支持每个孩子发现自己兴趣和所长,选择最适合自己的大学与专业; 还贴心地帮助孩子们申请奖学金,谈判学费,帮助家长减轻负担。


⏰{英文} Wednesday at 5PM PT /7PM CT /8PM ET

 🔗Register: https://www.kyros.ai/product-livedemo-detail/3160?ref=LAA2TRN

⏰{中文} Sat at 5:30PM PT /7:30PM CT /8:30PM ET

 🔗Register: https://www.kyros.ai/product-livedemo-detail/3399?ref=LAA2TRN

Need help with college prep? Join our expert Counselor from Kyros.ai in a brief workshop to learn:

📍How to tackle the most intimidating parts of college prep

📍Important milestones every student should accomplish

📍The plans, support and tangible results offered by Kyros One-stop College Prep Platform

FutureYouLab Holiday Special!

你正在寻找合适的背景提升个性化项目,希望在大学录取中脱颖而出吗?在圣诞佳节来临之际加入 Kyros 加速你的大学准备之旅吧!我们的 FutureYou Lab 个性化项目让学生能够与顶级教育资源结合,在 文理工商等不同学科独树一帜。通过以下项目成为有竞争力的大学申请者和社区影响力的人才:


社区影响项目: 赢得国家级奖章

由工业界专家和藤校教授指导的Kyros 暑期实习项目


在12/4 – 12/20 加入三年以上的新会员获得一张 $500 优惠券用于背景提升项目。座位有限,请尽快联系我!

Looking for a personalized project to stand out in college admissions? This December, accelerate your college prep journey with Kyros! Our FutureYou Lab enables students to work with top educators and build student-led initiatives in STEM, business and the humanities. Become an outstanding college applicant and impactful pioneer with programs like:

Innovative Research Program led by Stanford Educators

Community Impact Program to earn National Awards

Kyros Summer Internship Program to work with industry experts and Ivy League Professors

College Prep Coaching for Parents to access insights from former Admissions Officers and optimize student’s roadmap

Join with a 3+ year membership 12/4 to 12/20, get a $500 coupon and make the most of 2023 with Kyros’s membership. Seats are limited. Contact me today.



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