





与前一年相比,民主党人在2021年的受欢迎程度有很大差异,该文章的作者Christopher Caldwell认为拜登是部分原因。盖洛普(Gallup)发现,在美国的政党偏好方面,共和党人的表现优于民主党人,共和党的支持率为47%,高于民主党的42%。










“当……拜登本月在亚特兰大对群众表示,那些反对这项法案的人与阿拉巴马州的种族隔离主义者州长George Wallace和南部邦联“总统”Jefferson Davis站在同一阵线时,他可以说是将希拉里·克林顿(Hillary Clinton)在2016年发表的“可叹之人”(deplorables)言论中的傲慢态度与一种反白人的种族煽动相结合。这在选举上是危险的,”Caldwell写道。








美国总统拜登24日在白宫举行记者会,散场时,福斯新闻记者杜西(Peter Docy)向拜登提出一个通膨的问题,未料拜登竟回应「愚蠢的王八蛋(stupid son of a bitch)」,引发外界热议。

Hot mic: Biden calls Peter Doocy ‘stupid son of a bitch’ | LiveNOW from FOX
Jan 24, 2022

During an event on lowering prices for American families, President Biden was caught on a hot mic calling Fox News’ Peter Doocy ‘a stupid son of a bitch’ after Doocy asked a question about inflation.

英国独立报报导,杜西在媒体纷纷退场时,突然问拜登「你认为通货膨胀是期中选举的政治负担吗?」拜登则回应,「不,这是一笔巨大的财富。」并又接着说「更多的通货膨胀,真是个愚蠢的王八蛋(What a stupid son of a bitch)。」


美国有线电视新闻网(CNN)白宫记者柯林斯(Kaitlan Collins)表示,拜登说话时完全知道他面前有麦克风,「麦克风就在那面前,这不像是他走进书房时忘记他西装外套衣领上有别麦克风,它就在他面前」。


攀上拜登 游说公司各个都发大财




政治新闻网站Politco报导,拜登担任参院司法委员会主席时期的前助理普塔拉(Chris Putala)经营的游说公司「普塔拉策略」(Putala Strategies),年度游说收益从2020年的130万元增至2021年的400万元,增幅超过200%。

Lobbyists Made RECORD Profits In 2021
Jan 22, 2022

Lobbying firms have been raking in more cash than they normally do as the assault on President Biden’s agenda took flight in 2021. It turns out that top firms have had record amounts of profits from their efforts to block social spending, environmental spending, and decreased corporate regulation.



此外,白宫顾问史蒂夫‧芮契提(Steve Ricchetti)胞弟杰夫‧芮契提(Jeff Ricchetti)的「芮契提公司」(Ricchetti Inc.)游说收益,在拜登2020年成为民主党总统候选人后,跟着水涨船高。

芮契提公司2021年赚进320万元游说费用,比2020年的130万元增加150%,但在史蒂夫是白宫顾问的消息曝光后,杰夫2021年10月到12月就没有再替任何客户游说白宫,而是转而替亚马逊(Amazon)、通用汽车(GM)、生物制药公司Horizon Therapeutics、葛兰素史克(GlaxoSmithKline),以及保险与财务规画贸易集团Finseca等游说参众两院。

How Lobbying Became A $3.5 Billion Industry
Oct 3, 2020

Lobbying is a huge industry in the U.S. In 2019, around 12,000 registered professionals helped clients spend over $3.5 billion, which seems to pay off. According to one study, for every dollar spent on lobbying and campaign contributions, a corporation can receive up to $760 from the government. Still, lobbying is often criticized and public perception of the practice is low. Opponents say that the industry isn’t adequately regulated, and that the ability to influence policy is in the favor of those with unlimited financial resources. Supporters say that without their in-depth expertise, lawmakers wouldn’t be able to do their job effectively and efficiently. Watch the video above to understand how lobbying works, why it exists and how it became a powerful tool for businesses.

另外,拜登担任副总统时的前立法事务主任亨利(Sudafi Henry)是华府「TheGROUP」游说公司的合伙人,该公司的年度游说收益从2020年的360万元,增至2021年的750万元。

TheGROUP也雇用恩斯亚(Kwabena Nsiah),恩斯亚曾为白宫高级顾问李奇蒙(Cedric Richmond)担任联邦众议员时期的幕僚长,恩斯亚也是前现任卫生部长贝西拉(Xavier Becerra)担任联邦众议员时的助理。


Biden-tied lobbying firms raked in the dough during his first year

Shops that employed former aides to the current president saw massive increases in clients and fees in 2021.



Lobbying disclosures that a phalanx of former Biden Senate aides and lobbyists with ties to the Biden administration have experienced a significant surge of revenues. | J. Scott Applewhite/AP Photo

Washington’s top lobbying firms reported record lobbying revenues in 2021, and perhaps no one benefited more than lobbying shops with ties to President Joe Biden and his administration.

At Putala Strategies, a firm run by Chris Putala, a former aide to Biden from his time on the Senate Judiciary Committee, annual lobbying revenues soared from $1.3 million in 2020 to $4 million in 2021 — an increase of more than 200 percent — according to a review of lobbying disclosures.

Putala signed more than a dozen new clients in 2021, including the powerful drug lobby the Pharmaceutical Research & Manufacturers of America and the company behind the KeystoneXL pipeline, both of which were fighting unfavorable policy proposals from Biden. That’s nearly as many as the one-man firm signed in the entire decade prior. (Putala signed no new clients between 2016 and 2020, when his former boss was no longer in office, according to lobbying disclosures.)

Lobbying disclosures show that throughout the year, Putala lobbied the White House or the Executive Office of the President on behalf of several prominent corporate clients including T-Mobile and Comcast. Putala also lobbied the White House on behalf of several tech trade associations, the Entertainment Software Association and the NCTA — The Internet & Television Association, as well as the U.S. subsidiary of the Dutch chipmaker ASML. Putala did not immediately respond to a request for comment.

Jeff Ricchetti, the brother of top Biden adviser Steve Ricchetti, saw lobbying revenues continue to climb for his firm Ricchetti Inc., a trend that began in 2020 when Biden became the presumptive Democratic presidential nominee.

Ricchetti’s firm brought in $3.2 million in lobbying fees in 2021, up from $1.3 million in 2020 — a 150 percent increase. Ricchetti did not report lobbying the White House for any of his clients last quarter, having formally sworn off lobbying the West Wing amid backlash over a growing contingent of family members joining the Biden administration.

Still, he reported lobbying the House and Senate for a number of blue chip companies including Amazon and General Motors, the pharmaceutical companies Horizon Therapeutics and GlaxoSmithKline and Finseca, a trade group representing life insurers and financial planners, all on key parts of Biden’s legislative agenda. Ricchetti did not immediately respond to a request for comment.

At TheGROUP D.C., where Sudafi Henry, Biden’s former vice presidential director of legislative affairs, is a partner, annual lobbying revenues more than doubled from $3.6 million in 2020 to $7.5 million in 2021. The firm also employs Kwabena Nsiah, who served as chief of staff to Biden’s top Hill liaison Cedric Richmond during Richmond’s time in the House. Nsiah was also a congressional aide to former Rep. Xavier Becerra, now Biden’s Health and Human Services secretary.

Like other firms with ties to Biden or his aides, TheGROUP boasts a growing roster of major corporate clients, from Pfizer to Lyft to Facebook parent company Meta.

According to disclosures, Henry, Nsiah and their firm lobbied the White House on behalf of several of those clients over the past year, including Abbott Labs (one of the major manufacturers of Covid tests), the American Health Care Association, the U.S. Black Chambers Inc., Charter Communications, Dell and Pfizer. It was the first time the firm has ever reported lobbying the White House. TheGROUP did not immediately respond to a request for comment.

Putala, Richetti and TheGROUP weren’t the only firms reaping the benefits of the handover from Republican to Democratic control of Washington last year. K Street shattered lobbying fee records they set only a year prior, as a new administration and an all-Democratic Washington worked to enact trillions of dollars in new spending while cracking down on an array of sectors from the tech industry to fossil fuels and pharmaceuticals.

The passage of yet another coronavirus relief package in the spring and the bipartisan infrastructure bill in the fall, along with the on-again-off-again negotiations on another $1 trillion-plus social spending and climate package, drove new clients from new industries into lobbyists’ arms.

The new White House even lured one of K Street’s biggest names back into the influence game. Tony Podesta, the Democratic super lobbyist whose eponymous firm The Podesta Group collapsed after it came under scrutiny from special counsel Robert Mueller, reemerged on the lobbying scene this year, bringing in $1 million from the blacklisted Chinese telecom giant Huawei in just six months of work, lobbying disclosures show.





据彭博社1月11日报道,全球最大对冲基金桥水基金的创始人雷·达里奥(Ray Dalio)说,美国需要一剂中国的“共同富裕药”。他在敦促美国等国缩小贫富差距的同时,赞扬了中国推动共同富裕的努力。







Ray Dalio Pushes China’s Common Prosperity for U.S., Others
Jan 11, 2022

Ray Dalio, founder of Bridgewater Associates, is praising China’s push for common prosperity while urging the U.S. and other nations to narrow their wealth gaps. Bloomberg’s Tom Mackenzie reports.




桑德斯: 民主党背弃了工人阶级 劳动者支持共和党







Sen. Bernie Sanders Breaks Down Why Working-Class Voters Flock to Republicans in Red States Jan 11, 2022

Sen. Bernie Sanders talks about the Democratic Party’s relationship with the American working class and connecting with striking workers in red states.





Bernie Sanders says Democrats are failing: ‘The party has turned its back on the working class’

By Steven Greenhouse


In an exclusive interview, the senator says it’s time to ‘step up and take on the greed of the ruling class in America’

Senator Bernie Sanders joined a rally last month of Kellogg workers, who have been on strike since early October. Photograph: Jim West/Zuma Press Wire/Rex/Shutterstock

Senator Bernie Sanders has called on Democrats to make “a major course correction” that focuses on fighting for America’s working class and standing up to “powerful corporate interests” because the Democrats’ legislative agenda is stalled and their party faces tough prospects in this November’s elections.

The White House is likely to see his comments as a shot across the bow by the left wing of a party increasingly frustrated at how centrist Democrats have managed to scupper or delay huge chunks of Biden’s domestic policy plans.

In an interview with the Guardian, Sanders called on Joe Biden and the Senate majority leader, Chuck Schumer, to push to hold votes on individual bills that would be a boon to working families, citing extending the child tax credit, cutting prescription drug prices and raising the federal hourly minimum wage to $15.

Such votes would be good policy and good politics, the Vermont senator insisted, saying they would show the Democrats battling for the working class while highlighting Republican opposition to hugely popular policies.

Sen. Bernie Sanders Doesn’t Think Sen. Joe Manchin Understands What His Voters Want
Jan 11, 2022

Sen. Bernie Sanders talks about the enormously popular issues in Build Back Better and what the residents of West Virginia want from the federal government.

“It is no great secret that the Republican party is winning more and more support from working people,” Sanders said. “It’s not because the Republican party has anything to say to them. It’s because in too many ways the Democratic party has turned its back on the working class.”

Sanders, who ran for the party’s nomination in both 2016 and 2020, losing out in fierce contests to Hillary Clinton and then Biden, is a popular figure on the left of the party. The democratic socialist from Vermont remains influential and has been supportive of Biden during his first year as the party tries to cope with the twin threats of the pandemic and a resurgent and increasingly extremist Republican party.

But his comments appear to reflect a growing discontent and concern with the Biden administration’s direction. “I think it’s absolutely important that we do a major course correction,” Sanders continued. “It’s important that we have the guts to take on the very powerful corporate interests that have an unbelievably powerful hold on the economy of this country.”

The individual bills that Sanders favors might not attract the 60 votes needed to overcome a Republican filibuster, and a defeat on them could embarrass the Democrats. But Sanders, chairman of the Senate budget committee and one of the nation’s most prominent progressive voices, said, “People can understand that you sometimes don’t have the votes. But they can’t understand why we haven’t brought up important legislation that 70 or 80% of the American people support.”

Sanders spoke to the Guardian on 6 January, the same day he issued a statement that the best way to safeguard our democracy is not just to enact legislation that protects voting rights, but to address the concerns of “the vast majority of Americans” for whom “there is a disconnect between the realities of their lives and what goes on in Washington”.

He said millions of Americans were concerned with such “painful realities” as “low wages, dead-end jobs, debt, homelessness, lack of healthcare”. In that statement, he said, many working-class Americans have grown disaffected with the political system because “nothing changes” for them “or, if it does, it’s usually for the worse”.

In the interview, Sanders repeatedly said that Democrats need to demonstrate vigorously and visibly that they’re fighting to improve the lives of working-class Americans. “The truth of the matter is people are going to work, and half of them are living paycheck to paycheck,” Sanders said. “People are struggling with healthcare, with prescription drugs. Young families can’t afford childcare. Older workers are worried to death about retirement.”

Sanders has long been troubled by America’s increasing wealth and income inequality, but he made clear that he thinks it is time for Democrats to take on the ultra-wealthy and powerful corporations – a move he said vast numbers of Americans would support. “They want the wealthy to start paying their fair share of taxes,” he said. “They think it’s absurd that Jeff Bezos and Elon Musk don’t pay a nickel in federal taxes.”

He praised Biden for pushing for improved childcare and extending the child tax credit. But he said it would also be good to “show working people that you are willing to step up and take on the greed of the ruling class in America right now.” He pointed repeatedly to the high prices for prescription drugs as an example of “corporate greed”.

“There is no issue that people care more about than that we pay the highest prices for prescription drugs in the world,’’ he said, adding that the pharmaceutical industry has 1,500 lobbyists in Washington who “tried everything to make sure we don’t lower the cost of pharmaceuticals”.

The senator said: “I think the Democrats are going to have to clear the air and say to the drug companies – and say it loudly – we’re talking about the needs of the working class – and use the expression ‘working class’. The Democrats have to make clear that they’re on the side of the working class and ready to take on the wealthy and powerful. That is not only the right thing to do, but I think it will be the politically right thing to do.”

Last Wednesday evening, Sanders did a nationwide live stream in which he talked with the leaders of three long strikes: Warrior Met Coal in AlabamaSpecial Metals in West Virginia and the Rich Product Corporation’s Jon Donaire Desserts subsidiary in southern California. Noting that hedge funds or billionaires own large stakes in all three companies, he railed against those companies for offering modest raises or demanding that workers pay far more for health coverage even though the owners’ wealth has soared during the pandemic thanks to the booming stock market.

“These entities, where the people on top have done phenomenally well, are squeezing their workers and lowering the standard of living for workers who are striking,” Sanders said. “It’s unacceptable.”

In December, Sanders went to Battle Creek, Michigan, to support 1,400 Kellogg’s workers who were on strike at cereal factories in that city as well as in Memphis, Tennessee; Omaha, Nebraska; and Lancaster, Pennsylvania. In the interview, Sanders said, “I think the Democratic party has to address the long-simmering debate, which is, Which side are you on? Are we prepared to stand with working families and take on powerful corporate interests?”

Sanders voiced frustration with the lack of progress on Biden’s Build Back Better legislation, which the Democrats sought to enact through budget reconciliation, a process that requires only a simple majority to pass. That effort was slowed by lengthy negotiations with the centrist senators Joe Manchin of West Virginia and Kyrsten Sinema of Arizona – and then blocked when Manchin said he opposed the $2tn package, sparking leftwing fury and deep frustration in the White House.

“We have tried a strategy over the last several months, which has been mostly backdoor negotiations with a handful of senators,” Sanders said. “It hasn’t succeeded on Build Back Better or on voting rights. It has demoralized millions of Americans.”

He called for reviving a robust version of Build Back Better and also called for holding votes on individual parts of that legislation that would help working-class Americans. “We have to bring these things to the floor,” Sanders said. “The vast majority of people in the [Democratic] caucus are willing to fight for good policy.”

Sanders added: “If I were Senator Sinema and a vote came up to lower the outrageously high cost of prescription drugs, I’d think twice if I want to get re-elected in Arizona to vote against that. If I were Mr Manchin and I know that tens of thousands of struggling families in West Virginia benefited from the expansion of the child tax credit, I’d think long and hard before I voted against it.”

Sanders also called for legislation on another issue he has championed: having Medicare provide dental, vision and hearing benefits. “All these issues, they are just not Bernie Sanders standing up and saying this would be a great thing,” he said. “They are issues that are enormously popular, and on every one of them, the Republicans are in opposition. But a lot of people don’t know that because the Republicans haven’t been forced to vote on them.”


民主不灵了? 民主国家面临的最大困境是什么?

文章来源: 纽约时报中文网




















A reality check – Exporting war under veil of democracy



Democracy should reflect the will of the people. But what happens when that will is ignored? The U.S. describes itself as a democratic country. Yet, it has rampant gun violence and racial discrimination, widening social inequality, needless overseas wars, and the worst record of COVID-19 deaths globally. In an original two-part series, CGTN takes a hard look at how democracy is slowly eroding in the U.S. and how it may spread throughout the world if not stopped. Join us for “U.S. Democracy: A reality check,” only on CGTN. 


A reality check: The lighthouse of democracy dies down



A reality check -The lighthouse of democracy dies down
Dec 10, 2021

Democracy should reflect the will of the people. But what happens when that will is ignored? The U.S. describes itself as a democratic country. Yet, it has rampant gun violence and racial discrimination, widening social inequality, needless overseas wars, and the worst record of COVID-19 deaths globally. In this special program, CGTN takes a look at how democracy is slowly eroding in the U.S. and how it may spread throughout the world if not stopped.


民主峰会沦圈地运动 恐不利拜登外交布局





Biden delivers opening remarks at the virtual Summit for Democracy
Dec 9, 2021









尼加拉瓜加速倒向中国与台断交 美国「推了一把」?






Dec 9, 2021





與台灣斷交! 尼加拉瓜:世界只有一個中國|美民主峰會登場 拜登致詞提”民主倒退警訊”
Dec 9, 2021





Dec 9, 2021




快讯: 尼加拉瓜政府宣布与中华民国断交 与中国建交





尼加拉瓜政府今宣布与中华民国断交。这是中美洲国家尼加拉瓜史上第二次与中华民国断交,两次相隔36年,而且决定都是由奥蒂嘉(José Daniel Ortega Saavedra)主政期间做成。

奥蒂嘉现年76岁,原本是左派反阵政府阵线的领导者,1979年取得政权后,于1985年12月首次中断与中华民国55年的外交关系,并承认北京,直到1990年查莫洛夫人(Violeta Barrios Torres de Chamorro)领导的政府上台,再度承认中华民国。






Focus Taiwan


Taipei, Dec. 10 (CNA) Taiwan on Friday terminated its diplomatic relations with Nicaragua after the Central American country announced its severance of official links with Taipei.

The Ministry of Foreign Affairs said in a statement that the Republic of China (Taiwan) government regrets the Nicaraguan government’s decision and thereby declares that it is terminating diplomatic relations with the country effective immediately, to uphold national dignity.

(By Elizabeth Hsu)


Nicaragua breaks ties with Taiwan, switches allegiance to Beijing




  • Nicaragua on Thursday broke its longstanding diplomatic ties with Taiwan, switching allegiance to Beijing in a recognition of the Chinese Communist party’s One China policy and reducing Taipei’s dwindling pool of international allies.
  • “The government of the Republic of Nicaragua today breaks diplomatic relations with Taiwan and ceases to have any contact or official relationship,” the foreign ministry said in a statement.
  • “As a member of the international community, Taiwan has the right to exchange and develop diplomatic relations with other countries,” Taiwan’s foreign ministry said.
A file photo of the the President of Taiwan Tsai Ing-wen as she walks in the hotel, during her visit for the inauguration of President Daniel Ortega’s fourth term in Managua, on January 9, 2017.
Inti Ocon | AFP | Getty Images

Nicaragua on Thursday broke its longstanding diplomatic ties with Taiwan, switching allegiance to Beijing in a recognition of the Chinese Communist party’s “one China” policy and reducing Taipei’s dwindling pool of international allies.

“The government of the Republic of Nicaragua today breaks diplomatic relations with Taiwan and ceases to have any contact or official relationship,” the foreign ministry said in a statement issued in Spanish and English.

“The People’s Republic of China is the only legitimate government that represents all of China and Taiwan is an inalienable part of the Chinese territory,” it added.

Taiwan responded quickly, expressing “pain and regret” at the decision, and saying that the Central American country’s president, Daniel Ortega, had disregarded the friendship between the peoples of Taiwan and Nicaragua.

But Taiwan’s government also expressed defiance.

“As a member of the international community, Taiwan has the right to exchange and develop diplomatic relations with other countries,” its foreign ministry said.

Taiwan will continue to promote “pragmatic diplomacy” to expand its international space, and strive to achieve Taiwan’s “due international status.”

China says Taiwan is one of its provinces with no right to the trappings of a state, and has stepped up pressure to win away Taiwan’s remaining allies.

China’s ambassador at the United Nations, Zhang Jun, congratulated Nicaragua.

“We highly commend the right decision made by the Government of Nicaragua, which is in line with the prevailing trend of the time and people’s aspiration,” he said in a tweet. “The One-China principle is a consensus widely accepted by the international community and allows no challenge.”

The break with Taiwan is a blow to the United States. It follows months of worsening ties between Ortega and Washington, and came on the day the U.S. State Department said it had slapped sanctions on Nestor Moncada Lau, a national security adviser to Ortega, alleging he operates an import and customs fraud scheme to enrich members of Ortega’s government.

The White House and State Department did not immediately respond to a request for comment.

Last month U.S. President Joe Biden ripped into Ortega, calling Nicaragua’s presidential election a “pantomime” as the former Marxist guerrilla and Cold War adversary of the United States won election for a fourth consecutive term.

One Taiwan-based diplomatic source, familiar with the region, said the move was not a surprise given Washington’s lack of leverage with Ortega due to the sanctions, and that looking to China for aid and support was a natural course of action.

“It appears that Ortega had had enough,” the source told Reuters, speaking on condition of anonymity.

Nicaragua’s move leaves Taiwan with just 14 formal diplomatic allies, most of them in Latin America and the Caribbean, plus a handful of small states.

It also follows threats by the incoming leaders of Honduras to break with Taipei. However, since the Honduran election last month, the team around incoming President Xiomara Castro has rowed back from that position somewhat.

Before Nicaragua, Taiwan lost two allies in quick succession in September of 2019, when the Solomon Islands and Kiribati went over to Beijing.


锁定跨国公司 中国再出招施压立陶宛





Here Is Why Lithuania Wanted To Confront China
Nov 22, 2021


立陶宛外交部副部长艾德梅纳斯(Mantas Adomėnas)告诉路透,「他们(中国)一直发送消息给跨国公司,如果他们采用来自立陶宛的零件与供应商,将不再获许销往中国市场或找到当地供应商」。


代表数千家立陶宛企业的立陶宛工业家联合会(LPK)证实,部分自立陶宛供应商购买货物的跨国公司正被中国锁定。LPK主席努维丘斯(Vidmantas Janulevicius)说,「本周是我们第一次看到中方直接施压一位供应商放弃立陶宛制货物,我们之前只遇过威胁说这可能会发生,现在变成了现实」。

Why Does Lithuania Provoke China?
Dec 3, 2021

China closed its door to Lithuania, and here is why.








  在媒体炒作“中国海关‘删除’立陶宛”后,立陶宛外交部长兰茨贝尔吉斯(Gabrielius Landsbergis)12月3日再度就此事发声,并且希望欧盟为其出头。






立陶宛外交部长 兰茨贝尔吉斯




  值得一提的是,在立陶宛允许台当局设立“驻立陶宛台湾代表处”仅仅一天后,立陶宛经济部长奥林·阿莫奈特(Ausrine Armonaite)就对外透露称,立陶宛将与美国进出口银行签署一项6亿美元的出口信贷协议。外媒称,立陶宛是在“惹怒中方”的情况下,有望获得美国的贸易支持。除了美国,立陶宛很快又找上欧盟,索要“更多的实在支持”。

  官方统计数字显示,立陶宛的主要贸易对象是欧盟国家,2020 年,该国向中国出口了价值 3 亿欧元的商品,中国是其第 22 大出口目的地。


















文章来源: 中央社、澎湃新闻


驻立陶宛台湾代表处挂牌成立后,北京对立陶宛警告层级升高。继中国外交部表态后,中共官媒人民日报昨天以”钟声”为名评论说,中方将采取的反制措施”言必 行,行必果”。今(21)日,中国外交部决议,将中立两国外交关系降为代办级。





外电报导,有鉴于中国可能采取的制裁手段,立陶宛经济暨创新部长阿尔莫奈特(Aušrinė Armonaitė)18日指出,立国政府下周将与美国进出口银行签订6亿美元的出口信贷协议。








文章来源: 联合新闻网



季辛吉在接受CNN节目主持人扎卡利亚(Fareed Zakaria)访问时表示:”我不预期会全面攻击台湾,这么说吧,在10年的期间内,我只能看到这么远。”





Kissinger Doesn’t See China Invasion of Taiwan in Next Decade


(Bloomberg) — Former U.S. Secretary of State Henry Kissinger said he doesn’t foresee a Chinese military invasion of Taiwan in the next decade, though it’s “perfectly possible” that China will seek to weaken the island’s status.

“I don’t expect an all-out attack on Taiwan in, say, a 10-year period, which is as far as I can see,” Kissinger said in an interview on CNN’s “Fareed Zakaria GPS” to air Sunday.

China hardens its stance on Taiwan
Oct 9, 2021

Kissinger, 98, who also served as national security adviser and helped pave the way for President Richard Nixon’s historic 1972 visit to China, offered that “everyone wants to be a China hawk” and “everyone assumes that China is determined to dominate the world and that that is its primary objective.”

But he said there shouldn’t be an automatic rivalry and competition with the U.S., and that he thinks President Joe Biden during the virtual summit this week with Chinese leader Xi Jinping “began to move in a direction of a different road.” 

China’s claim that Taiwan is a breakaway province to be retaken by force if necessary was a contentious part the Biden-Xi talks. A Chinese Communist Party resolution reflecting Xi’s agenda advocated pushing for union with Taiwan, though it stopped short of listing unification as a near-term goal. 

“We should have a principal goal of avoiding confrontation,” Kissinger told CNN. Still, he said it’s “foreseeable” that China “will take measures that will weaken the Taiwanese ability to appear substantially autonomous.” 



文 / 黎康


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新加坡防长:台湾问题是“深红线” 美国应远离




A Conversation with the Minister of Defense of Singapore on the Asia-Pacific
Nov 3, 2021

到美国华盛顿参加第12届阿斯彭安全论坛(Aspen Security Forum)的新加坡国防部长黄永宏,当地时间11月3日(本地时间4日凌晨)发表他此行的主旨演说。他过后回答主持人阿斯彭战略集团联合主席约瑟夫·奈(Joseph Nye)的提问时,提出他对台海局势的看法。




Aspen Security Forum 2021: Introductory Remarks and Keynote Conversation
Nov 3, 2021


马凯硕: 西方不应错误地认为中国需要照搬其模式


新加坡前资深外交官马凯硕(Kishore Mahbubani)昨天(18日)说,西方认为中国应该照搬其模式,这是错误的假设,因为中国是一个更加强韧和更加自信的文明,而西方亟需明白这一点。


If U.S. wants to preserve peace across the Taiwan Strait, it should leave the ‘status quo’ alone.
Jul 1, 2021

Kishore Mahbubani of the Asia Research Institute and former diplomat says U.S.-China tension regarding China’s “reunification” with Taiwan “may lead to a war.” He says pushing China into a corner would be unwise.




Perspectives on Peace: a conversation with Kishore Mahbubani
Sep 23, 2021




新加坡外交部长维文:维系新中关系窍门 是要保持有用但不被利用

来自 / 联合早报

文 / 杨浚鑫





由澳大利亚前国防部长派恩(Christopher Pyne)主持的访谈节目《环球焦点》,前天(10月10日)在澳洲天空新闻台(Sky News Australia)播出第一集,邀请到维文担任嘉宾。






长期关系必生分歧 维文:出现时须解决













时间:周二到周五 晚间

周二: 如何准备遗嘱文件(遗嘱workshop)

周三: 数据泄露和个人身份保护&事业机会说明会

周四: 移民和留学生常见法律问题

周五: 小企业常见法律问题&事业机会说明会


Transcript of Minister for Foreign Affairs Dr Vivian Balakrishnan’s Interview on Sky News Australia’s “Global Focus with Christopher Pyne” on 15 September 2021


Christopher Pyne (Sky News Australia): Hello, I am Christopher Pyne, and this is “Global Focus” on Sky News Australia. Today, my guest is Vivian Balakrishnan, who is Singapore’s Foreign Minister and a good friend to Australia over a long period of time. Vivian, welcome to the show, and thank you very much for being with us. 

Minister: Thank you. Always great to see you. A blast from the past, and we have been up to a lot together.

Pyne: That is definitely true. I am sorry we cannot be together in person. But you know, it would not be too long before we can be again.

Minister: Hope so, hope so.

Pyne: The relationship between Australia and China is clearly strained at the moment, economically and politically. Does it surprise you that the relationship has taken this turn?

Minister: Well, first I would say, I am not really in a position to advise Australia.  But what I would say, shared as a perspective from Singapore – this tiny city-state in the heart of Southeast Asia. The biggest success story in the last 40 years really has been China after the reform started by Deng Xiaoping. As a result of that, and especially the last 20 years since they joined the WTO (World Trade Organization), China has become our largest trading partner. But the other surprising fact, perhaps, may be that Singapore is also the largest foreign investor in China, has been since 2013. So, the point is that from a Singapore perspective, we have got skin in the game. And our attitude to China has been to demonstrate relevance. For instance, we have got three Government-to-Government projects.  The first one was in Suzhou. It was an industrial park – bring in foreign companies, build manufacturing plants. Second was in Tianjin – that was an eco-city, when this whole thing of sustainable development came about. Our most recent project was in Chongqing – in a sense, part of the BRI (Belt and Road Initiative) but really an attempt to connect Western China and through this new corridor which we call the “Chongqing Connectivity Initiative-New International Land-Sea Trade Corridor”. This corridor links Western China through into Southeast Asia via Singapore. So, it has been about relevance, about being useful, but not being made use of. This is a delicate balance which all of us need to find, and we have been able to find that. Right now, if you were to ask me, I would have to say our relations are excellent. (Chinese) Foreign Minister Wang Yi was just in town.  I have seen him personally face-to-face about four times in the last 12 months. The level of interaction, (and) the tempo has been high. Perhaps the lesser-known fact is that even during this COVID pandemic, at critical moments, quietly, both sides have helped each other at critical points in time. So, there is a relationship not based on symmetry – you cannot, because we are so small – not based on complete congruence – it is not possible – but we find ways to work together and where there are differences, we work through them. The point is that you have to treat the issues as they come up – the differences as part and parcel of a longer-term relationship that has to be managed. It is like a game in which the same players are going to be at the table week after week. Even if you have differences, work it out and understand that there is a much larger account and a much longer-term horizon. That is just my take from Singapore. I am in no position to tell Australia how to conduct foreign policy. Julie Bishop and Marise Payne are more than capable of doing this.

Pyne: Yes, indeed. My former House mate in Canberra for 20 years, Marise Payne, would not be appreciative at all of you giving her advice about how to manage our relationships.  But she likes you very much.

Minister: She does not need my advice.

Pyne: I know how well you get along.

Minister: We get along perfectly. 

Pyne: I have been in some of those meetings of ministers for trade, defence, and foreign affairs, and I know how close you and Marise are. This is a great relationship that we have got.

Minister: Chris, you have been there. You have seen it up close.   

Pyne: I had, and (I) enjoyed it too. The approach that you have just outlined that Singapore is taking with China, is that generally the approach of the ASEAN nations? That they all see similarly that they can have a relationship with China, which does not have to exclude others?

Minister: Well, I would characterise the relationship with ASEAN and China along the following dimensions. First, China is now the largest trading partner for virtually all of us. But a more recent development which may not be fully appreciated yet, is that if you ask China who their largest trading partner is, in fact, ASEAN has now overtaken the EU (European Union) and the US (United States). This trade interdependence is real, and it is growing. So that is the first point. The next point is that even if you look in terms of China’s Belt and Road signature project, the key interest of Southeast Asia is investments, and particularly investments in infrastructure, in connectivity, and still there again you see that there is an obvious confluence of interests – medium and long term interests. Are there problems or differences? You know fully well that there are. For instance, in the South China Sea, where there are differences over claims, for each of the Southeast Asian countries with claims – and I would exclude Singapore because we have no claims in the South China Sea – but for each of the claimant states, their differences, their disputes – even if you want to call it that – with China are just one dimension of a much broader relationship, and therefore would be looked at strategically. No one wants them to get out of hand or to disrupt the long-term trajectory of relationships. Now, one final point I would make about ASEAN, is that ASEAN is very insistent on maintaining an inclusive and open regional architecture. This is something which Australia would be familiar with because you know that we have always been advocates, champions for Australia’s economic and political engagement with our part of the world. (The) same thing applies to China. Even as China is our biggest trading partner, even as China is a significant source of investment, and we are key investors into China, we want to keep our region open, inclusive, and that of course relates to the elephant in the room – America, which has in fact, invested more in Southeast Asia than America has invested in India, China, and (Republic of) Korea combined. That is another fact which is not fully appreciated – the amount of skin that America has in Southeast Asia. I used to tell successive administrations: “You have got a head start. You still remain – when I say “you” (I mean) America – the biggest foreign investor in Southeast Asia. You are a welcome, constructive presence. Do not lose the head start. You are welcome.” So, the key word there is inclusivity. We want Southeast Asia to continue to engage with China, with America, with Australia, New Zealand and of course, you have got Japan, (Republic of) Korea, and India, and that in a sense, creates the larger outer arc. Another example of that is the RCEP, the Regional Comprehensive Economic Partnership. The only one that could not get onto and sign was India. But for 15 countries – and the combined economy is a huge big chunk – to get on this platform, and to get on at a time when there is a pushback globally against free trade and economy integration, makes it all the more significant. So I would say it is a big, deep, and evolving account. But Australia is part of this account too, and that is important to emphasise, especially back home for you.

Pyne: Yes. Well, it is interesting because here in Australia, the media commentary is very much the only issue that people talk about is the tension between China and the rest of the nations in the Indo Pacific, and the South China Sea is, as you know, often used as the primary example of tension. But what you are saying, if I could paraphrase, is that the countries like the Philippines, Vietnam, Brunei, Indonesia, Malaysia, (and) others that have claims over the South China Sea, see that as just one part of a multi-faceted relationship with, what is clearly the largest economy in the region, and 1.3 billion people who are not suddenly going to go away. So, managing that relationship and that South China Sea tension is just another thing to discuss, as opposed to becoming the most important part of the relationship.

Minister: It is a long-term game. You are not dealing with an adversary, (and) you do not want to make them (an) adversary. But it is a stakeholder. You will have differences, and there will be divergence. The question is, can you resolve it? Even if you cannot (right) now – frankly territorial claims are very difficult to resolve; it may take years, decades even, and no country is going to walk away from claims lightly. But it does not have to be an absolute block to ongoing engagement and (the) building (of) those relationships. So that is really what is happening in Southeast Asia.

Pyne: Do you think that there is a party, and you cannot also comment on foreign policy out of Beijing, but would it surprise you if there was not a group in Beijing formulating, now, a dignified exit for both Australia and China out of the current imbroglio that we find ourselves in?

Minister: China thinks long term and takes a wide view in geo-strategy. I am sure there would be a paper somewhere in a drawer on what happens when we press the green button and say, the sun is out and it is (a) good day mate. When that will happen? I do not know. But I hope it happens soon.

Pyne: Yeah, me too. Well, Vivian that has been great. We have to go to a break now, but Sky News Australia will come back after the break and continue our conversation. It might switch to the role of the US in the Indo Pacific. So, thank you very much so far, and we look forward to talking to you again in a couple of minutes.

Christopher Pyne (Sky News Australia): Welcome back to Global Focus here on Sky News Australia. My guest today is Vivian Balakrishnan, Singaporean Foreign Minister. We have been talking about ASEAN, Singapore, Australia, the role of China in our region, and now we will shift to the other great superpower in the Indo Pacific, which is the US. Vivian, the Afghanistan war has effectively come to an end, Taliban is back in power in Kabul after 20 years. I know you cannot speak for all of ASEAN, but you can speak for the Singaporean Government. Is it your view and Singapore’s that this is the combination of the US completing its mission and now extricating itself from a very difficult conflict or is it being seen as a significant defeat for the US, which is going to take many years to recover from in terms of their prestige in the Indo Pacific region?

Minister: That is a profound question. Actually, both Australia and Singapore, and you would be familiar with this, were part of the International Security Assistance Force (ISAF) in Afghanistan. Why did America go in? And why was Australia and even Singapore part of the ISAF? It was because of terrorism. In fact, more specifically because of 9/11. In Singapore’s case, we even discovered a local terrorist cell. Fortunately, we discovered it before they could actually take any action. But even this local homegrown cell had links with Al-Qaeda. So we fully understand why in the aftermath of 9/11, America had to go in (to Afghanistan). The question then is, is this threat from terrorism resolved? The answer is that it is certainly acute. (The) immediate threat 20 years ago was settled, but the nature of terrorism has now metastasised and (is) turbocharged with internet technologies. In fact, the risk has gone up, not gone down. But really, if you think, and here we put ourselves in the Biden Administration’s shoes, the truth is they inherited a very difficult situation. Actually, they are not the first Administration to want to come out of Afghanistan. So, they were in a difficult pickle and I think you, as a former Defence Minister will know as well as I do, there is no easy, neat, tidy way to get out of a sticky situation like that. So, we understand why they had to get out. Of course, everyone wishes it was done more elegantly, but that is more easily said than done. We hope Afghanistan will not become another haven for terrorists again. But we have no illusions; I think both in Australia and in Southeast Asia, we have got homegrown terrorists. We have got terrorists in our own region. The question is whether they will be activated or at least enthused by current events in Afghanistan to try their luck. So, we will have to be vigilant. That is what confronts us. As far as the people in Afghanistan is concerned, I think there is an emerging humanitarian disaster. We hope that the Taliban leaders – you know, 20 years is a new generation – we hope that they will take good care of their own people. We hope that they will also build functional relationships with their neighbours and the rest of the world, but time will tell. In the end, I think the other point is that Afghanistan has always been the graveyard of empires. The British discovered it, the Russians re-learnt it. It looks like America’s nation building effort there has been another footnote in history of this recurring pattern. So, there we have it – a difficult situation. We have great sympathy for the Biden Administration.

Pyne: It will be very interesting to see if the new model for combating terrorism is similar to what happened in the Philippines a few years ago when the Australian government, the defence forces provided intelligence (and) surveillance support for the Philippines military in addressing the ISIS conflicts that occurred in the Philippines, and you would be familiar with that. ASEAN nations gave their support to the Philippine government, which was a much more clinical and specific engagement, as opposed to what happened in Afghanistan which was something like 25 different nations joining the coalition and whether we learned our lesson from that particular conflict. And of course, your point you made previously is a good one – the Biden Administration came to the Afghanistan conflict at the end. The Obama Administration announced the drawing down on forces almost 10 years ago. Of course, the Trump Administration announced that they were leaving and allowed 5,000 Afghan, Taliban fighters to be free. So, nobody comes to this, what appears to have been something of a fiasco, with entirely clean hands.

Minister: It is a messy situation. You mentioned the Southern Philippines, Marawi. There are no neat surgical operations. When there is a terrorist attack, it is not just a military operation. You also have to deal with the hearts and minds of the people. The solution, ultimately, lies locally. That is where the battlefront really is. It shows the limit of external intervention. To assume that we can do this remotely without leadership and resolve on the ground, locally – that is just a bridge too far. At least within Southeast Asia, I think all the governments are focused on this. We have got good counterintelligence operation information sharing. Australia has also been a critical part of this. You would know from your previous life. Like I said, we are just going to have to deal with it and to get on with it, and to know that this is a clear and present danger.

Pyne: Definitely. The Biden Administration, I think will be quite different to the Trump Administration in managing of the Indo-Pacific (and) China, and its superpower status. How do you see the Biden Administration in its early days, certainly being just over half a year? Here in Australia, we see it very much as a return to a more consistent and probably predictable response to issues. How has Singapore and the ASEAN nations in general, seen the Biden approach to the Indo-Pacific and particularly, he has made the Quad quite preeminent in his and his Secretary of State’s views about American foreign policy. How do you see that all playing out in the next three years?

Minister: Well, I share your view that at least in terms of style, in terms of the personalities involved, this is a return to a more conventional establishment, a more conventional way of operating the State Department. (US Secretary of State) Antony Blinken and the others, including (US National Security Advisor) Jake Sullivan, are not strangers to Australia and Asia. So that is familiar. You are on familiar ground. But I would say that the real question for us in Southeast Asia is that trade and investment is strategy. The fact that the US, having been a key locomotive for the CPTPP (Comprehensive and Progressive Agreement for Trans-Pacific Partnership), at the end of the day had to walk away from it – and mind you this is not because of the Biden Administration, – it is not just President Trump, but even candidate Hillary Clinton, the former Secretary of State, in her campaign also had to back away from the TPP (Trans-Pacific Partnership). Now, I know this is because of domestic pressures, the polarisation and the division in the American body politic. Frankly, America cannot come to the table until it resolves its internal situation, achieves unity of purpose, (and) achieves confidence to engage in this. But herein lies the apparent contradiction, because if you look at the past seven decades, the spectacular growth in Southeast Asia and the equally spectacular, uninterrupted growth of Australia, a key reason for that has been the US presence here, (and) its investments in our economy – and I already told you, America is more invested here (Southeast Asia) than it is in India, China, and (Republic of) Korea combined. I am sorry I do not have the figure for Australia, but I am sure it is a very big number. And not just money – access to technology, access to markets, becoming part of global supply chains with multinational corporations, this belief that free trade, properly negotiated free trade agreements, norms, rules and regulations, create a fertile environment for peace and prosperity. So I think we are all missing a key architect of that architecture and we have left the door open, certainly in terms of the CPTPP, for America to come back. I think both Australia and Singapore certainly hope America comes back. But in the meantime, while America is out, what has happened? The RCEP was signed last year. In fact, China and Singapore were the first two countries to ratify the RCEP. Now, China has also told us that they are interested in exploring and becoming part of the CPTPP. Of course, so has the UK (United Kingdom). And again, coming from a city-state that believes in free trade because, after all, trade is more than three times (Singapore’s) GDP, we have to welcome such overtures. The point is that all these big things are happening, and America does need to work out its strategy, and understand that the game in Southeast Asia is trade and investments. So that is what we are waiting for. I would not lose hope. I will continue to make that point, and to also remind America that the door remains open, and that you (America) have a head start. Do not miss out. Because after all, the real growth is in the Pacific, and America is a Pacific power. That is my elevator pitch to them.

Pyne: I think it is a good point you make. It is a good point you make, and the truth is Australia, Japan, and Singapore – when the Trump Administration withdrew from the TPP – we made it clear that we believe strongly in it, and that we would keep going with it, which I think was very important. Well Vivian, we could talk all evening and we have got lots more questions I could ask you, but we have run out of time. So, can I thank you very much for coming on Global Focus. It is great to see you again and I look forward to seeing you in person. And I send also Julie Bishop’s best wishes, who I was speaking with today.

Minister: Please tell her I miss her too. Great seeing you, thank you.



文 / 联合早报网


新加坡已故建国总理李光耀2009年10月接受美国著名电视记者、谈话节目主持人查理·罗斯(Charlie Rose)专访时谈及阿富汗问题。(视频截图)


这几天,一些网站上载了新加坡已故建国总理李光耀2009年10月接受美国著名电视记者、谈话节目主持人查理·罗斯(Charlie Rose)专访时谈及阿富汗问题的视频片段,有的中国网站的标题更称其为“神预言”。






美国著名电视记者、谈话节目主持人查理·罗斯(Charlie Rose)。(视频截图)

















李光耀谈阿富汗问题。12年前就被他说中了。回看2009年10月22日美国著名主持人Charlie Rose对他的专访,你有何感慨
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美国前资深外交官、前助理国防部长傅立民(Chas W Freeman Jr)批评美国政府的对华政策“自欺欺人”(self-defeating),指华盛顿正在打一场注定会输的对华比赛。

傅立民周日发表在澳洲亚太事务研究网站东亚论坛( East Asia Forum)上发发表题为《华盛顿正在打一场注定会输的对华比赛(Washington is playing a losing game with China)的文章,指美国应在全球性问题上加强与中国的合作,如果继续选择与中国对抗,只会在国际社会上失道寡助。

他认为目前的美中关系,凸显了弗里曼的战略动力学第三定律(Freeman’s third law of strategic dynamics),即每一次敌对行为都会引来更加敌对的反应。














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文章接着称,莫里森政府在台湾问题上像不成熟地捶胸示强(adolescent chest-thumping),不仅让美国人感到困惑,让大陆民众感到愤怒,让台湾百姓不解,也让亚太地区其他国家感到迷惑。




