洪都拉斯变天?总统大选初步结果 反对党卡斯楚领先

洪都拉斯28日举行总统大选,在当地时间晚间9时过后宣布初步结果,由选前民调领先的反对党候选人秀玛拉.卡斯楚(Xiomara Castro)明显领先,卡斯楚曾表示,若赢得大选,将和中国建交,与台湾断交,因此这场选举备受美国和台湾关注。
左派的卡斯楚可望终结贪腐和贩毒丑闻缠身的右派执政党「国家党」(National Party)12年的执政,她的丈夫赛拉亚2007年当选宏国前总统,2009年被亲美的国会议长和军人发动政变推翻。
「国家党」候选人阿斯夫拉(Nasry Asfura)是首都德古西加巴(Tegucigalpa)市长,人气相当高。
现任总统叶南德兹(Juan Orlando Hernandez)本月12日曾率团访问台湾,期间会见总统蔡英文,并重申宏国对台湾的支持。
文章来源: 腾讯新闻

综合路透社、俄罗斯卫星通讯社等外媒报道,在绿色环境党决定退出执政联盟后,几个小时前刚当选瑞典首相的玛格达莱娜·安德松(Magdalena Andersson)宣布辞职。
Nov 24, 2021
Sweden’s first female prime minister, Magdalena Andersson, got the worst possible start to her tenure when she was forced to resign only hours after her historic appointment.
The resignation was triggered after a junior partner to Andersson’s Social Democrats left her government over the loss of next year’s budget vote. The 54-year-old former finance minister, who had to step down to get another go at securing the top seat, said she is still ready to lead a one-party cabinet and will now face a new vote.
英国政府搞了个研究 建议禁止活蒸螃蟹与龙虾
文章来源: BBC中文
Jun 19, 2019
根据英国政府委托进行的一项调查,章鱼、螃蟹和龙虾能够感到痛苦和折磨,当局已将这些生物添加至受到新动物福利法保护的“有情”生命名单之中。 由伦敦经济学院专家所撰写的这份报告,指龙虾和螃蟹不应该被活活烹煮,并列出了运输、击晕和屠宰十足目和头足纲动物的最佳做法。
Boiling of live lobsters could be banned in UK under proposed legislation
Government-commissioned report finds crustaceans have feelings

Boiling lobsters alive could be banned if ministers act on a government-commissioned report that has found crustaceans have feelings.
The study, conducted by experts from the London School of Economics (LSE) concluded there was “strong scientific evidence decapod crustaceans and cephalopod molluscs are sentient”.
The finding follows a row over the animal welfare (sentience) bill, which recognises all vertebrates – animals with spines – as sentient beings. The Conservative Animal Welfare Foundation presented its own report to the government, arguing that crustaceans and molluscs also have feelings.
This led ministers to commission an independent review of the evidence. After analysing the extensive research submissions over several months, the peer-reviewed LSE report has concluded that there is strong scientific evidence of sentience in decapod crustaceans and cephalopod molluscs, and recommends that they should be included in animal protection legislation.
If they were to be included, the proposed legislation in the bill could protect them from being subjected to painful deaths.
Research shows that decapod crustaceans have opioid receptors and respond to opioid painkillers in a similar way to vertebrates, strongly indicating that they feel pain. Their reaction to bodily assaults, such as trying to escape from boiling water, is further evidence of their capacity to suffer. There is a large body of research showing that cephalopods have complex brains and nervous systems, and are able to learn and avoid unpleasant experiences such as electric shocks, to solve problems and use tools.
Several other countries afford these species protection in animal welfare legislation, including Norway, New Zealand, Austria and parts of Italy and Germany.
Zac Goldsmith, the animal welfare minister, said: “The UK has always led the way on animal welfare and our action plan for animal welfare goes even further by setting out our plans to bring in some of the strongest protections in the world for pets, livestock and wild animals.
“The animal welfare sentience bill provides a crucial assurance that animal wellbeing is rightly considered when developing new laws. The science is now clear that crustaceans and molluscs can feel pain and therefore it is only right they are covered by this vital piece of legislation.”
Campaigners have welcomed the move. Claire Bass, the executive director of Humane Society International/UK said: “Recognition in law that animals like lobsters and octopus are sentient is a very welcome affirmation that this bill is underpinned by science.
“It’s critical that animal sentience is not determined subjectively on the basis of political, economic, or cultural preference or convenience, but that it is determined on facts, and the LSE report leaves no room for doubt on that front.
“This is an important first step to establishing more respectful treatment of these amazing animals. Knowing their capacity to suffer we cannot now turn a legislative blind eye to some of the appalling things that are done to them, such as dismembering or boiling them alive. We look forward to working with government, industry, and scientists to agree and implement humane solutions.”
Juliette Booker of Crustacean Compassion said: “We are very pleased that LSE agree animals like crabs and lobsters can experience pain, and we applaud Defra for commissioning this groundbreaking review. The government now have all the information that they need to make animal welfare history, and we urge them to take immediate steps to protect decapods and cephalopods in animal welfare legislation.”
斯里兰卡有机梦碎 完全恢复化肥农药
文 / 潘万莉
Nov 10, 2021
Sri Lanka’s decision to ban imports of chemical fertilizers has led to protests by farmers. The ban was introduced in May for environmental reasons, but it has plunged the sector into crisis.
Sri Lanka ends farm chemical ban as organic drive fails

Sri Lanka abandoned its quest to become the world’s first completely organic farming nation on Sunday, announcing it would immediately lift an import ban on pesticides and other agricultural inputs.
The island country has been in the grips of a severe economic crisis, with a lack of foreign exchange triggering shortages of food, crude oil and other essential goods.
Authorities had already walked back restrictions on fertiliser imports last month for tea, the country’s main export earner.
But ahead of planned farmer protests in the capital, Sri Lanka’s agricultural ministry said it would end a broader ban on all agrochemicals including herbicides and pesticides.
“We will now allow chemical inputs that are urgently needed,” ministry secretary Udith Jayasinghe told the private News First TV network.
“Considering the need to ensure food security, we have taken this decision.”
Vast tracts of farmland were abandoned after the import ban, first introduced in May.
Oct 28, 2021
Farmers in Sri Lanka are protesting against a lack of fertiliser as the cultivation season gets under way.
The shortage follows a government decision to ban all agrochemicals.
The move is part of a clampdown on what it calls non-essential imports during a foreign currency crisis.
President Gotabaya Rajapaksa announced the plan in May, saying he wanted to make farming 100 percent organic.
Shortages have worsened in the past week, with prices for rice, vegetables and other market staples having doubled across Sri Lanka.
Supermarkets have also rationed rice sales, allowing only five kilograms (11 pounds) per customer.
Farmers’ organisations had planned to march on the national parliament in Colombo on Friday to demand the import of essential chemicals to protect their crops.
President Gotabaya Rajapaksa had justified the import ban by saying he wanted to make Sri Lankan farming 100 percent organic.
The policy was introduced after a massive hit to the cash-strapped island’s economy in the wake of the Covid-19 pandemic, with tourism earnings and foreign worker remittances drastically falling.
Authorities attempted to save foreign exchange by last year banning a host of imported goods, including some food and spices.
Sri Lanka also shut its only oil refinery last month after running out of dollars to import crude.

时间:周二到周五 晚间
周二: 如何准备遗嘱文件(遗嘱workshop)
周三: 数据泄露和个人身份保护&事业机会说明会
周四: 移民和留学生常见法律问题
Zoom 6045004698,

全球30%粮食被浪费 中美居首
斯德哥尔摩国际水研究所(Stockholm International Water Institute)教授兼高级科学顾问伦德奎斯特(Jan Lundqvist)说,尽管农民生产所有的这些粮食已经得到了报酬,但是粮食损失和浪费将会导致大量的水、大片土地和其它资源被“徒劳”地使用。据估计,食品行业约占温室气体排放总量的30%;即大约十分之一的温室气体排放可能与食物的损失和浪费有关。ADVERTISING
联合国专门机构“国际农业发展基金”(IFAD)驻中国代表马泰奥(Matteo Marchisio)在接受美国之音采访时,援引中国社会科学院一项研究的数字说,2016年,中国每年浪费1700万至1800万吨食物,这些被浪费的食物足以养活3000万至5000万人。


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Jun 22, 2021

A virtual tour of my new book Croissant Dozens. In this book, you will find the secrets for making more than forty mouthwatering croissant dough creations, from the classic pain au chocolat, chausson aux pommes, and kouign-amann to the irresistible snails, from danish-retro reinventions of pinwheels, pockets, turnovers, swirls, and twists to modern-chic creations of mont-blanc, whiskey tarts, apricot hearts, and rose loaves. Finally, whimsical animal-inspired treats will please both the eye and the palate! Croissant Dozens opens new doors for discovering the tantalizing world of croissant pastries. Recipes are accompanied by step-by-step photographs to demonstrate procedures, dimensional diagrams to offer quick references, and photographs of finished works to provide inspiration. So, without further ado, let’s laminate!
About the Author
A former NASA research engineer, Jialin Tian developed a passion for making pastries while she was working on her doctoral dissertation in satellite instrumentation. Since then, the art of pastry making has brought her endless enjoyment. Classically trained, Jialin studied pastry and chocolate art at the prestigious French Pastry School in Chicago. She holds Certified Specialist of Spirits (CSS) and Certified Specialist of Wine (CSW) diplomas from the Society of Wine Educators. She is the author of eight cookbooks and the creative director and publisher at Jayca. Jialin received her PhD in electrical engineering from the Georgia Institute of Technology in 2004. She lives in the greater DC metro area.