今晚(11/6)美东八点 | 斯坦福专家教中学生21世纪人才核心技能

Kyros.ai College Prep

AI-powered College Prep Platform & Personalized GPS Guidance

To Your Dream College

Kyros.ai Webinar



11/06 8PM EDT

(本周日 美西晚5点/美中7点/美东8点)

注册链接: https://www.kyros.ai/counselingdetail/7467?ref=LAA2TRN


📍Design thinking 

📍Intuitive problem solving

📍Decision science 

📍Non-verbal communication …

了解更多Kyros 会员专享的创新科研项目细节!

Speaker/主讲人 :


– Co-found/CEO @ Pre-Collegiate Pathways

  • Co-Founder of Stanford University Mathematics Camp (SUMaC) and Director of SUMaC from 1995 to 2020. Currently serving as Special Advisor to SUMaC
  • Former Executive Director @ Stanford Pre-collegiate Studies, which is the umbrella organization for the Stanford Online High School and a wide range of pre-collegiate programs, many of which were designed and launched by Rick Sommer.
  • PhD, Mathematics @ UC Berkeley

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Why Now?

  • Building a strong academic profile takes time. Lay the groundwork today to access enhanced opportunities tomorrow
  • Kickstart your research experience and build up knowledge to help you land higher level research, summer or internship opportunities in the future.

Why Kyros?

Kyros.ai 一站式智能升学平台 (简介)




Last update: 11/06/2022

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