Costco 一分店突爆“超级传播者事件” 145员工确诊


综合FOX26报道,亚基马县(Yakima County)一家Costco分店,突然爆发新冠病毒疫情,目前已经感染了145名员工,卫生官员说,该商店中病例的迅速增加类似于“超级传播者事件”,在该事件中,多个人同时被感染。

这项发现是由亚基马县卫生区周二在Union Gap的Costco进行了全店测试后发布的。



亚基马县疾病控制总监梅利莎·西克斯伯里(Melissa Sixberry)表示:“随着好市多(Costco)继续进行全站测试,我们预计在收到结果后的几天内,病例数将继续增加。


亚基马县临时卫生官员拉里·杰查(Larry Jecha)博士说,这家好市多(Costco)疫情突爆并非孤立事件。





来自 / 联合早报
文 / 李丽敏


美国总统特朗普的竞选团队经理斯蒂芬(Bill Stepien,右),证实感染冠病。(法新社档案照片)

(早报讯)美国总统特朗普竞选活动发言人墨斐(Tim Murtaugh)证实,特朗普竞选团队经理斯蒂芬(Bill Stepien)的冠病检测结果呈阳性。

特朗普星期五(10月2日)透过推特透露自己和妻子的冠病检测结果呈阳性,在他入住沃尔特·里德(Walter Reed)国家军事医疗中心的数小时后,他的竞选团队经理斯蒂芬也证实感染冠病。


Jessie Huang, Mortgage Loan Professional, Meridian Bank


除了斯蒂芬,前白宫顾问康威(Kellyanne Conway)和美国共和党参议员蒂利什(Thom Tillis)都在特朗普确诊后,证实感染冠病。




Trump campaign manager tests positive for COVID-19


President Trump’s campaign manager Bill Stepien tested positive for COVID-19 on Friday, his campaign confirmed.

Stepien is the latest official close to Trump to contract the virus, and his diagnosis came the same day the president, the first lady and several others who were around the president this week also tested positive.

Stepien, 42, is experiencing mild flu-like symptoms, the campaign said, and has gone into quarantine. He is expected to continue working from home. 

© Getty

The president’s campaign manager flew on Air Force One with Trump and a coterie of other aides to the presidential debate on Tuesday. He was spotted get into a van with White House aide Hope Hicks, who tested positive for COVID-19 on Thursday.

Stepien’s positive test reflects just how quickly and how far the highly contagious virus spread among the president’s top aides. Others who traveled with the president included New Jersey Gov. Chris Christie, senior campaign adviser Jason Miller, White House chief of staff Mark Meadows and former New York City Mayor Rudy Giuliani. All either tested negative on Friday or were awaiting results.

Republican National Committee (RNC) Chairwoman Ronna McDanielalso tested positive this week, though it was not publicized until Friday.

Stepien’s diagnosis is a blow to a campaign that was already facing an uphill battle in the final 30 days until Election Day. Trump is trailing Democratic nominee Joe Biden in national polls, and in polls in key swing states like Wisconsin, Michigan and Pennsylvania. The race is extremely close in places like Florida and North Carolina, which are critical to Trump’s re-election chances.

The president, who was taken to Walter Reed hospital earlier Friday, will be sidelined from the campaign trail while he recovers from coronavirus, eliminating the large rallies that have traditionally been a boon to voter enthusiasm but that have come under scrutiny amid the pandemic.

The Trump campaign announced Friday it would postpone all of the president’s scheduled trips or move them to virtual platforms. Previously planned events with Trump’s children, who are high profile surrogates for the campaign, have also been postponed.

Vice President Pence, who tested negative for the coronavirus, will continue campaigning, and other campaign events will be considered on a case-by-case basis.
