STEM Academy Course Schedule for 2023 Summer

STEM Education for a Better Tomorrow

STEM Academy Course Schedule for 2023 Summer

Dr. Ken, PhD in Physics

TEL: 646-883-6198/646-667-7503

All AP courses at STEM Academy are authorized and approved by College Board. All Test-Prep courses will include free text-prep materials and books. 

Call us at 646-883-6198 or 646-667-7503 for free consultation! 

  • Honors Physics 1 ( 6-7:30PM on Monday and Wednesday, May15-Jul12, 16 classes)               
  • Honors Biology(6-7:30PM on Tuesday and Thursday, May16-Jul13, 16 classes)
  • Astronomy (6-7:30PM on Thursday, Jan 11- May 5, 16 classes)          
  • Honors Chemistry ( 5-6:30PM on Tuesday and Thursday, May16-Jul13, 16 classes)        
  • AP Physics 1 , algebra-based ( 6-7:30PM on Tuesday and Thursday, May16-Jul13, 16 classes)
  • AP Physics CM, Calculus-based, (6-7:30PM on Friday and Saturday, May19-Jul16, 16 classes) 
  • AP Chemistry (6-7:30PM on Monday and Wednesday, May15-Jul12, 16 classes)
  • AP Calculus AB&BC ( 6-7:30PM on Tuesday and Thursday, May16-Jul13, 16 classes)
  • AP Statistics ( 6-7:30PM on Tuesday and Thursday, May16-Jul13, 16 classes)   
  • AP CS A      (6-7:30PM on Monday and Wednesday, May15-Jul12, 16 classes) 
  • Honors Algebra I (6-7:30PM on Monday and Thursday, May15-Jul13, 16 classes)
  • Honors Algebra II (6-7:30PM on Tuesday and Thursday, May16-Jul13, 16 classes)
  • Honors PreCal (6-7:30PM on Tuesday and Thursday, May16-Jul13, 16 classes)                          
  • Honors Geometry ( 6-7:30PM on Tuesday and Thursday, May16-Jul13, 16 classes) 

  • Physics Competition Training Camp (f=ma, physics bowl, 10am to 12pm EST on Sundays, May 21-Aug6, 10 sessions)
  • Creative Writing Boot Camp,  (10am to 12pm EST on Saturdays, May 20-Aug5, 10 sessions)
  • Beast Academy Math Class, Grades 1-5, ( Monday and Wednesday, 5-6 PM EST, 32 sessions)
  • Art of Problem Solving Training Camp, Grade 6-9, (Tuesday and Thursday, 5-6 PM EST,  32 sessions)
  • AMC10/12 Training Camp, Grade 8-11, ( Thursday and Friday, 7-8 PM EST,  32 sessions)                                                               
  • SAT Math and Reading               (10am to 1pm EST on Sundays, May 20-Jun20, 8 sessions)  

la-STEM Academy advocates a liberal-arts STEM education. We strive to provide a well-rounded education that not only focuses on STEM courses, but also liberal arts disciplines. In fact, in a liberal arts education, students are typically required to study all disciplines, not just sciences, or just humanities. 

Courses at STEM Academy are designed based on standard middle school and high school curricula and taught in heuristic pedagogies to help students fully understand the topics and materials, receive great scores in standard tests such as AP exams and SATs, compete in state and national math and science contests (AMC8/10/12, Physics Bowl, etc.), and achieve terrific GPAs in their school transcripts, that would give them great advantages when it comes to competitive college applications.

Instructors at STEM Academy all have advanced degrees in technical fields. They are passionate and experienced educators from high schools and some from universities.

Courses at STEM Academy are offered via Zoom in real time in small groups (3~6). There is lecturing, recitation and discussion in every class. The educators make every effort so students receive enough attention to follow through the class. There is weekly homework and it will be graded and feedback will be provided.

Courses at STEM Academy are open to middle school and high school students for registration. Honors-level courses are equivalent to regular courses offered in school and Advanced-level course are equivalent to AP courses which are authorized and approved by College Board. Instructors at STEM Academy adopt modern teaching pedagogy so ensure students engagement and optimal learning outcomes.

If you have any questions, feel free to contact the Director of Education, Dr. Ken at 646-883-6198.

Have any questions about what courses to register for your kids? what extracurricular activities to plan for your students? what colleges to apply to? what majors to get into?  We are here to help! Call us at 646-883-6198 or 646-667-7503. The first 15 minutes is on us.

Adhoc Office Hour, 1:1 tutoring for students, or academic councelling for parents, at a much discount rate 65$ per hour! We are always here whenever you need help or advice! (3pm-9pm EST) No Appoinment needed! Simply click on this zoom link. TXT to 646-883-6198 for confirmation.

STEM Academy, STEM Education for a Better Tomorrow
New York, NY

Last update: 5/03/2023

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