Ivy Shuttle: 五月份要开始SAT冲刺班,为8月份考试保驾护航


AP Center

AP Center has been offering AP & SAT courses since 2009, AP Center has helped many students with their solid academic foundation construction for their college and beyond.

AP 学习中心自2009年以来力助无数学子在升学在大学以及在日后学习工作中的打下坚实学术基础。联系电话:1-866-962-9922。




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Ivy Shuttle Academy

About Us

Ivy Shuttle is an academy that offers a unique college readiness education — ECAT (Elite College Advanced Training ), through our Ongoing Follow-up Education System, OFES, which facilitates each student’s emergent development needs through learning in physical classrooms and cloud classrooms.

Ivy Shuttle believes that intellectual capacity, interpersonal maturity, and integrative vitality are important qualities for a student’s college readiness, as well as crucial indicators for his or her success in high school, college, and future careers. The growth of these qualities depend on the student’s self-awakening understanding of the value of true learning and how it can drive him or her through rigorous learning challenges in academic and non-academic areas.

Ivy Shuttle’s instructors are high-level, experienced educators who teach at and/or were educated at the best US universities, including Harvard, Princeton and Columbia. Ivy Shuttle strives to provide an educational experience that best supports each student’s individual needs in the development of his or her intellectual capacity, interpersonal maturity, and integrative vitality. Our goal is for each student to be well-prepared for college and for life.


We have served on the admission committee from three years to seven years. Each ECAT specialist has seen and judged around ten thousands applications. Our expertise allows us to help student to develop a strong application that could make him/her stand out. ECAT doesn’t help you to be qualified, but how to stand out from those 90% strong qualified applicants is a goal that we can help to achieve.


Ivy Shuttle is an academy that offers a unique college readiness education — ECAT (Elite College Advanced Training ), through our Ongoing Follow-up Education System, OFES, which facilitates each student’s emergent development needs through learning in physical classrooms and cloud classrooms.

Every year, half a million students from all over the world travel on the narrow application path to top US colleges. Only 9% of the applicants are accepted. The majority – over 90% – are rejected. Among the rejected majority, only 5% to 10% are unqualified , 90% applicants are very strong in either academic area or co-curriculum area.

Ivy Shuttle’s instructors have served on university admissions committees from 3-7 years. Ivy Shuttle’s specialists and instructors have seen and judged around 10,000 applications. Our expertise allows us to help a student develop a strong application that could make him/her stand out. Ivy Shuttle doesn’t help you be qualified. Yet, our specialists do help you achieve your goal of distinguishing yourself from the 90% strong and qualified applicants through deep skills development.

As insiders to the admissions and education process , we know why some great students get in and others do not. The reason is simple. Elite colleges are NOT looking only for excellent students. They are looking for people who have the potential to be great leaders and innovators after graduation. Some admissions officials refer to these applicants as future superstars in their chosen fields and beyond. 

Ivy Shuttle believes that intellectual capacity, interpersonal maturity, and integrative vitality are important qualities for a student’s college readiness, as well as crucial indicators for his or her success in high school, college, and future careers as a future superstar . The growth of these qualities depend on the student’s self-awakening understanding of the value of true learning and how it can drive him or her through rigorous learning challenges in academic and non-academic areas.


1. What is ECAT?

ECAT is short for Elite College Admission Training , a program of ECAT Group LLC. Different from SAT which is short for Scholastic Aptitude Test , ECAT helps student to examine and develop qualities or characteristics that top colleges are looking for. ECAT is developed and delivered by a group of professors /scientist from US top colleges like Harvard, MIT, Princeton etc. ECAT has helped 93% ECAT students to get in top 10 and Ivy League colleges. ECAT not only helps high school student but also helps many university students in area of skill development and graduate application development.

2. Who work for ECAT?

ECAT Specialists and instructors are current Professors, Scientists , Researchers from US top 10 universities like Harvard, MIT, Princeton, Columbia, Yale etc. Each of them has multiple years experience of judging thousands of applications for top 10 universities.

3. What are the differences that ECAT can make?

Over 90% top college applicants are qualified and have very strong academic & non academic background , ECAT helps student to stand out from those 90% strong competitors through self-discovery and construction of all those important qualifications that top colleges are looking for. ECAT Specialists and instructors are former or current admission committee officers while they work as professors, scientists, researchers in US top 10 universities like Harvard, MIT, Princeton, Columbia, Yale etc. Their expertise of judging several thousands of applications and their involvement in admission research enable them to quickly indentify the key elements or characteristics that are critical in developing strong application qualifications which greatly increase the chances of getting into US top colleges.

4. How ECAT works?

Where: In your city or in Harvard, Cambridge MA, US

Schedule: Any weekend (need to be booked three weeks ahead of training date)

Who will deliver ECAT:

ECAT specialist – Harvard, MIT, Princeton etc. top university professor/scientist and admission committee member.

5. How long does ECAT last?

Initial 3 days ECAT weekend + monthly online guidance + college application training & guidance

ECAT Process and Procedure

  1. Contact Local ECAT school office for interview opportunity.
  2. After interview, admitted student contacts ECAT school office for ECAT forms.
  3. Send in all forms together with payment to ECAT head office and book pre-consultation.
  4. Pre-consultation to collect more info about the student before  ECAT.
  5. Wire the rest payment and confirm ECAT address and schedule.
  6. Initial 3 days ECAT weekend training and action plan development.
  7. After initial ECAT, monthly online ECAT guidance  start.
  8. College application training & guidance.

6. Who Should Apply for ECAT?

Grade 9 to Grade 11 student with average grade 90% and desires to go to US top college.


Ivy Shuttle ECAT makes possible for those who have the passion, curiosity and motivation to realize their potentials. For me the whole process is like a journey. Through each step I come closer to discover who I am, and to think more deeply about my decisions and purpose in life.

IvyShuttle耶鲁妈妈见证 ivyoffice.info from IVYSHUTTLE on Vimeo.

Ivy Shuttle 美国升学中心 ECAT学生Tony被伯克利大学和杜克大学录取见证
Ivy Shuttle 美国升学中心 ECAT学生Julia 哈佛大学录取见证
Ivy Shuttle 美国升学中心 ECAT学生Julia 哈佛大学录取家长见证

Contact Us

Tel: 1 866 962 9922 

Email: office@ivyshuttle.com

WeChat: IvyShuttle, wechativy.com

iMessage: textivy.org


Toronto Office

Address: 7130 Warden Ave., Suite 302, Markham, ON L3R 1S2, Canada

Vancouver Office

Address: 5811 Cooney Road, South Tower, Suite 305, Richmond, BC V6X 3M1, Canada

Cambridge Office

Address: 1 Mifflin Place, Suite 400, Cambridge, MA 02138, USA

Last update: 4/17/2024