【本周四 (5/11) Zoom分享会】
Overcoming Video Game Addiction: A Teen’s Journey

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或者添加北美老师 askpeipei(微信号)进行人工预约
➜ 活动目标:
本次活动邀请到高中新生Michael Zhang,他在今年三月份进行了第一次TEDx演讲,主题是分享远离游戏成瘾的经验,受到很多观众的喜爱。 这次是一次难得面对面分享的机会,欢迎青少年和家长朋友们来一起讨论。
Michael Zhang是一名高中新生,对科技和数学充满热情。他尤其喜欢关于空间科学和生命科学的话题,经常思考和讨论关于空间和生命的过去、现在和未来。Michael喜欢观看TED演讲,并经常反复观看他喜欢的演讲。不再沉迷于网络游戏后,他的兴趣爱好是运动和下棋。
Join us for a special event featuring a teenage guest speaker who will share his personal journey of overcoming video game addiction. He will discuss his experience of being trapped in the world of video games and how he managed to break free from the addiction.
Through his story, you will learn practical tips on how to stay away from video games and find alternative ways to spend your free time.
This event is perfect for teenagers, parents, and anyone interested in the topic of video game addiction. Don’t miss this opportunity to hear a powerful story of resilience and hope!
Language: English
Please register for the event on Eventbrite, and you will receive a reminder before the event starts.
May 11, Thursday 8 pm eastern
This event is co-hosted by Speak to Lead and Preplingo Chinese Class.
1) Speak to Lead (https://speaktolead.us/)
The mission of the Speak to Lead Youth Public Speaking and Leadership program is to provide a mutually supportive and positive learning environment in which every youth member has the opportunity to develop communication and leadership skills, which in turn foster self-confidence, personal growth and social intelligence.
2) Preplingo (preplingo.com)
Preplingo is an international public benefit project launched by Tianjin International Chinese College. Our platform shares free education tips and resources with parents and students through monthly webinars and events.
Welcome everyone to follow our profile to get first-hand information on our upcoming events. We aim to help students to unlock their full potential and succeed in their educational pursuits.
Follow us on Eventbrite:


您也可以电邮至 gototicc@gmail.com
或者添加北美老师 askpeipei(微信号)进行人工预约

Last update: 5/10/2023