(Jun 25, 8PM EDT) 罗博深数学直播课 免费试听+课程咨询 【适合5-8年级学生及家长】

Daily Challenge with Po-Shen Loh

The best online math courses for curious minds

罗博深数学直播课 免费试听+课程咨询


Jun 25, 8PM EDT


这周六(6月25日)美东时间晚上8点,知名数学家罗博深教授的Daily Challenge LIVE有一场暑期在线直播课免费试听+课程咨询活动,由罗教授领衔,携手美国顶尖数竞学生助教,带孩子们在玩中学数学,在学数学中玩。他们把Zoom会议室变成炫酷的电竞直间播,让严肃的老师变成超有梗的数学段子手,将枯燥的板书成变多彩涂鸦,孩们子越爱来越上数学课,代数何几组合数论概率,都通通不再困难。


We made learning math as entertaining and addictive as social media. Livestreamed student teachers trained in improv comedy, on-screen visual graphics, and a curriculum that invites you to think critically beyond the problem.

We’re Daily Challenge, the Twitch of math learning.

Led by Po-Shen Loh, a World-renowned mathematician, a math professor at Carnegie Mellon University, and the national coach of the USA International Math Olympiad team, we’re confident we’ve cracked Zoom classes. Discuss problems with your classmates at any time. Message a streamer and see your text appear on-screen. Learn a curriculum that goes beyond the textbook.

This Saturday (June 25th), Prof. Loh and two of his live streamer students, past math competition winners, will hold an interactive information session together for students and parents. The first half is a live demonstration of Daily Challenge’s new teaching method, focused on an actual math problem. The second half explains the curriculum and educational philosophy and provides practical guidance on where to begin.

Click on the link to register (Limited seat available):




​Module 0(综合入门)

Module 1(代数基础)


Workou 1A & 1B(代数基础训练拔高)


Module 2(几何)

Module 3(组合)

Module 4(代数工具)

Module 5(数论)


直播课名额有限, 点击以下链接进入课程购买界面!




The Best Way to Learn Math ⁠— Daily Challenge with Po-Shen Loh

The difference between math people, and people who find math hard, is thinking. Award-winning mathematician, educator, and coach Po-Shen Loh reinvents how to teach and learn math in Daily Challenge with Po-Shen Loh (https://daily.poshenloh.com).

Last update: 6/22/2022