

又到中秋佳节,小朋友过节没氛围,不懂中秋节的意义? 赶紧报名这场中秋节线上故事会(免费)由国际汉语学院的全职老师主持,邀请海外小朋友们来听中秋故事、学中文、做游戏。每年都要有点仪式感!

Celebrate the Mid-Autumn Festival through fun storytelling, hands-on activities, and games! Welcome all the students 6-10 years old.

What your kids will gain:

1) A fun storytime of Chinese culture! Let’s learn an appealing story about the history of the Mid-Autumn Festival;

2) Five Mandarin Chinese words that we often use during the festival;

3) Hands-on activities: you will create an adorable Mid-Autumn Bunny by yourself!

4) Games and competitions: let’s celebrate the festival together!


6-10 years old

Event Language:


When to Attend:

【US Pacific Time/ Canada Vancouver】 5:30-6:15 pm on Sep 17, 2022 (Sat.) ;

【US Central Time】7:30-8:15 pm on Sep 17, 2022 (Sat.);

【US Eastern Time/ Canada Toronto】8:30-9:15pm on Sep 17, 2022 (Sat.);

【China Time】8:30-9:15am on Sep 18, 2022 (Sun.) ;

How to Attend:

The event will be on Zoom. Access Link:


After signing up, you will receive an email confirmation with the password.

Registration Link: preplingo.eventbrite.com

Registration QR:

About the Mid-Autumn Festival:

Have you ever noticed the mooncakes in your local grocery stores? Did you wonder what they are for? Here we go! Let’s learn about the Mid-Autumn Festival!

The Mid-Autumn Festival (中秋节,zhōng qiū jié), also known as the Lantern Festival or Mooncake Festival, is a traditional festival celebrated in Chinese culture. Since it symbolizes the family reunion, the Mid-Autumn Festival is one of the most important holidays, on par with the Chinese New Year.

The history of the Mid-Autumn Festival dates back over 3,000 years. There are lots of fun stories and meaningful traditions about this festival, from feasting on mooncakes to reuniting with family.

Now it’s the perfect opportunity to learn about the festival, and celebrate with kids all over the world!

About the Event Organizers:

This event is co-hosted by Preplingo Chinese Class and One Book One World.

Preplingo Chinese Class is an online learning program created by TICC(Tianjin International Chinese College), which is an accredited Chinese language organization. With experienced and professional teachers, 80 percent of the teachers have obtained a master’s degree or higher with more than 2,000 teaching hours. More details: preplingo.com

One Book One World is a group of dedicated volunteers who see a need in raising awareness of diverse cultures for children at a younger age. They work with K-12 schools, assisting those in need of quality resources. More details: onebookoneworld.org

Any questions?

If there is any question, please contact the Event Teacher by E-mail or WeChat.