何祚庥院士: 希望杨振宁李政道有生之年能化解恩怨 留一段历史佳话

何祚庥院士: 希望杨振宁李政道有生之年能化解恩怨 留一段历史佳话






















Oct 10, 2021









































  何祚庥: 复旦大学有一位比我们年轻的教授,施郁教授, 50多岁,在杨先生那儿住了半年,给杨先生写了一篇文章,从科学史的角度论述了杨先生的多方面的贡献。他特别提出,杨先生有一个很标准的思维,他更关注物理学在未来10年或者20年可能的发展方向,他带过一段时间清华的本科生,重心就是指导后辈青年应该往哪些重要的学术领域发展。现在年纪大了,他也讲不动课了,但他希望能够把自己的思想留下来。





  杨先生当然也关注粒子物理的重大的科研动向。比如中科院高能所的所长王贻芳教授要推动建设超大型粒子对撞机,这和杨先生的“盛宴已经闭幕”(The Party is over.)的理念相冲突。杨先生不吐不快,直接泼了冷水。据我所知,他写了封信给一号领导人,他说他多年以来就反对建这种超级大型对撞机。在美国他就反对。他说这个事情做起来花钱太多,技术很复杂,中国也没有这个力量,要请国外人来做,等于花了钱,而最后的主要成果都是被人家拿走了,而中国还有许许多多更重要的事情有待开拓,都要投入大量的钱。而且今后10年20年的物理学发展重心不在这个地方,等等。一号领导人看了以后,作了一个批示,“看来此事不成熟”。中国科学院就成立一个重大工程审查委员会,11个人专门来审查,因为要通盘考虑,不只是高能加速器,还有航天、互联网等等各种重大科研项目。我知道的最后结果是6:5否决,就是这个超大型对撞机不做了,等于做了一个正式的结论。



The whole story of the grievances between Yang Zhenning and his partner Li Zhengdao

The two are nearly 100 years old and have not yet reconciled



From the right, this photo is Yang Zhenning, Li Zhengdao and their friend Ling Ning (cell biologist) in order.

In the summer of 1947, three young guys drove around the United States in a car.

They set off from Chicago and headed west to Seattle, and then went south along the Pacific coast to pick up Ling Ning’s brother Ling Rong.

Who could have imagined that this thrilling and arbitrary travel story would change its flavor after 65 years.

The “Biography of Yang Zhenning” published in 2011 mentioned this trip.

“One year off, Yang Zhenning, Li Zhengdao and Ling Ning bought a car together. It was a light green Chevrolet.”

Li Zhengdao bluntly said that the narrative is not true, and that he bought the car himself, not a three-person group.

He also pointed out that the book had many inaccuracies, which aroused public opinion.

In 1946, Li Zhengdao, who had only a sophomore degree, was a probationary student at the University of Chicago, but he ranked first in the final exam that year, and was directly awarded a “school-level scholar” and a “school-level scholarship of US$1,500.”

There is no need to pay tuition fees, but you can also get double scholarships from China and the United States. It is properly the “richest man” among international students!

After receiving the scholarship, he immediately spent eight hundred dollars on a second-hand car.

That car is the car in the photo.

The license plate and insurance policy of the car belonged to Li Zhengdao, which cannot be faked.

The reason for this writing of “The Biography of Yang Zhenning” is unknown, but it can be said that the content of the book is indeed inaccurate.

When it comes to the entanglement between Yang Zhenning and Li Zhengdao, it is far more complicated than we thought.

The cooperation between the two began in 1948 and ended in 1962, intermittently for 14 years.

They went to meet Einstein together, and boarded the Nobel podium together, but in the end they broke completely and never returned in this life.

What happened during their three-in-three days?

After Li Zhengdao left Yang Zhenning, where did he go and how is his life now?

Yang Zhenning is 4 years older than Li Zhengdao. Although they had a brief encounter during their studies in the Department of Physics of Southwest Associated University, they did not know each other at the time.

In September 1946, Li Zhengdao came to the University of Chicago, met with Yang Zhenning, who enrolled at the beginning of the year, and quickly became a close friend.

In the second half of 1948, Li Zhengdao completed his first thesis in his academic career. This was also the first collaboration between the two.

This paper was co-authored by Li Zhengdao, Rosenbruce, and Yang Zhenning. It was signed in the order of the initials of the surname [Li-Luo-Yang 1]

Before Christmas, Professor Fermi suddenly told Li Zhengdao that he had just received a paper for him to review, which was roughly the same as the subject Li Zhengdao and the others were studying.

Fermi asked Li Zhengdao to write the existing results as a paper for publication as soon as possible.

Li Zhengdao was very anxious, but couldn’t find two partners for a while, so he had to write a short essay on the completed work, signed the names of three people, and sent it to the “Physics Review” magazine.

Although this short essay was still two months later than [Why-Di]’s thesis, it was amazing enough for three fledgling doctoral students to stand together with two physics masters.

Regarding the statement of this matter, Yang Zhenning has another opinion.

In “Selected Works of Yang Zhenning”, he wrote:

This research work was basically completed in mid-December. At the beginning of the holiday, Rosenbrus and I took a long-distance bus to New York City… I returned to Chicago in January 1950, and Fermi suggested that we write a short article about the results of this research.

So the question is, is this short essay written by Li Zhengdao? Or did Yang Zhenning write it?

So how could this paper be written after Yang Zhenning returned to Chicago in January?

From the analysis of the publication time of these two papers, the writing of the paper has nothing to do with Yang Zhenning.

Besides, [Di Hui] added a footnote to the first page of the paper:

When the article was finalized, we received the news from Li Zhengdao, Rosenbruce, and Yang Zhenning to Physical Review. They also discussed the same issues as in this article.

Yang Zhenning did not mention [Di Hui]’s paper and the footnotes in the paper.

This shows that he has no knowledge of the discussion between Li Zhengdao and Professor Fermi, or deliberately concealed it.

Obviously, the process of publishing the paper in Yang Zhenning’s mouth does not conform to the facts.

Li Zhengdao believes that in the “Selected Works of Yang Zhenning”, there are many serious fabricated facts and deliberately belittle their own remarks, which broke the agreement that “gentlemen will never make bad noises” when they broke up.

This selection of this article is also the main reason why the differences between the two are gradually revealed to the world.

The second collaboration between the two was three years later.

During this period, Li Zhengdao published five papers, all signed by himself.

Yang Zhenning published six articles, of which three were signed by himself and three were co-authored with others.

In terms of quantity and quality, the two’s career progress is comparable.

In the summer of 1951, Yang Zhenning’s paper [Yang 11] was completed and published in March of the following year, which had a huge impact.

The dispute between the two ignited the spark of each other’s thoughts.

In just six months, they completed two far-reaching papers and made major breakthroughs.

The first one is signed [Yang-Li 2]

The second article is signed [Li-Yang 3]

It was these two papers that directly alarmed Einstein.

Einstein took the initiative to invite the two to his office for an interview.

For this meeting, they will never forget.

That day, they walked into Einstein’s office and saw “Physics Review” spread out on Einstein’s desk, next to it was manuscript paper full of calculations.

That was his calculation in checking Li Yang’s paper.

Einstein was 75 years old that year and was already a hero, but he saw sparks of fire in the two young men.

Einstein passed away two years later, and the whole world was in sorrow.


[Yang-Li 2] and [Li-Yang 3] These two papers are sister articles completed by Li Zhengdao and Yang Zhenning sincerely.

However, the first one was signed by Yang Li, while the latter one was signed by Li Yang.

The reason for the ranking was difficult to figure out at the time, and it was not until many years later that Li Zhengdao gave the answer to the mystery.

Li Zhengdao said that after the completion of the first paper, Yang Zhenning suddenly attacked and asked to put Yang Zhenning’s name before Li Zhengdao on the grounds that Yang Zhenning was 4 years older.

The co-authored papers are ranked according to the norms. It is natural for Yang Zhenning to make such a request, which surprised Li Zhengdao, but considering the relationship between the two of them, he did not express any objections, which was considered tacit approval.

Of course, this is just a unilateral statement made by Li Zhengdao.

The second cooperation between Li and Yang was very short, only half a year.

Li Zhengdao explained that Yang Zhenning’s unreasonable demands on the paper rankings left a shadow on him.

In order to avoid this embarrassment from happening again, he decided not to cooperate unless Yang Zhenning offered to cooperate, and the ranking was fair and reasonable.

Of course, the two have not yet torn their skins, and their relationship on the surface is as friendly as ever.

In the fall of 1953, Li Zhengdao left the Institute for Advanced Study to teach at Columbia University in New York, and moved his family out of Princeton Town.

Li Yang held hands for the third time in 1955.

Yang Zhenning went to New York to visit Li Zhengdao and saw that Li Zhengdao was writing a paper, so he argued with him.

After a heated discussion, the two proposed to cooperate.

It was this perfect cooperation that allowed them to send each other to the apex of the physics world.

At the beginning of the new year in 1957, the Columbia University press conference opened the prelude to the first year of parity and also ushered in the peak of Li Yang’s academic career.

On that day, Yang Zhenning and Li Zhengdao were on the Nobel podium together, and media from all over the world, no one’s halo and honor swarmed.

That year, Yang Zhenning was 35 years old and Li Zhengdao was 31 years old.

Two years later, Li Zhengdao moved to Princeton Township and lived next to Yang Zhenning’s family.

Li Zhengdao and Qin Huijie (jùn) have two sons, and Yang Zhenning and Du Zhili have two sons and a daughter.

Children of similar ages go to school and play together, getting along well.

Yang Zhenning and Li Zhengdao’s Family

The physics community all over the country admires the academic environment of Li and Yang, and looks forward to their more fruitful cooperation results.

Who would have expected that only two years later, this close friend would have parted ways and turned against each other.

This matter must start with a physicist named Bernstein.

This person is not only engaged in physics research, but also good at literature. He has written for 35 years and published many biographies.

The article focuses on the dramatic process in which Li and Yang’s papers were mocked by many masters, and then confirmed by experiments, and finally won the Nobel Prize.

After seeing the proof, Yang Zhenning found Li Zhengdao and demanded that his name must be placed first when mentioning the two places that won the Nobel Prize.

After the paper’s signature [Li and Yang], a note should be added to indicate that it is arranged in the order of the initials of the surname.

Judging from the article finally published by The New Yorker, the editor met Yang Zhenning’s request.

At the beginning of the article, when the Nobel Prize was mentioned, the full names of two people were used, in the order of [Yang-Li].

It was this seemingly ordinary science work that became the fuse for Li and Yang to break up.

Yang Zhenning was dissatisfied with the confusion of the names of the two, and even felt embarrassed.

Yang Zhenning suspected that some parts of the article were deliberately puns, alluding to his dispute with Li Zhengdao.

Because the author has a close relationship with Li Zhengdao, and has interviewed Li Zhengdao in advance, he thinks that the two negotiated to satirize him.

There is actually controversy about the seats at the awards ceremony.

Scientists have their own opinions about their achievements, and the order in which the papers are signed is not that important.

It is extremely rare in the history of science that two scholars jointly published papers that were controversial because of the ranking order.

Li Yang’s situation is a bit special.

Li L is the twelfth in the English alphabet.

Yang Y, ranked twenty-fifth.

The two jointly signed a total of 25 papers. According to convention, the papers jointly signed by the two should be signed by Li before and Yang after.

Therefore, except for the first signature, the order is [Yang-Li], and the remaining 24 articles are all [Li-Yang].

This sort of paper ranking has become Yang Zhenning’s heart disease for many years.

He has repeatedly expressed dissatisfaction with this ranking, but Li Zhengdao chose to ignore it.

“Selected Works of Yang Zhenning” mentioned the last showdown between the two on April 18, 1962.

That day, Yang Zhenning talked about the friendship and cooperation between the two for more than ten years, which made both of them very emotional.

But Yang Zhenning did not give the specific reasons for their decision to break up, only said:

“It was an experience of venting emotions, and then I felt relieved. However, the reconciliation did not last. A few months later we broke up completely.”

Li Zhengdao mentioned that day in his memoirs, and named the chapter “The Break of Friendship”.

Li Zhengdao said that Yang Zhenning walked into his office that day and once again struggled with the ranking of the “New Yorker” article.

Yang Zhenning said that the problem of name sorting made him more and more annoyed, and it was difficult for him to always arrange “Li and Yang” in alphabetical order of last name.

Li Zhengdao only answered:

“It’s boring! Should we continue to cooperate?”

In the following decades, Li Zhengdao always emphasized repeatedly that he did not care about the rankings, saying that he insisted on [Li-Yang] because he was afraid of being laughed at by his peers and appeared very innocent.

But his statement is not tenable at all.

Colleagues and people in the world will not laugh at who ranks first, only people who make a complete break to fight for priority!

To put it simply, they broke up because of this kind of thing, which is really not pretty!

But perhaps, the specific truth of the matter is far more than that.

Li Yang stopped cooperating in May 1962. They no longer jointly signed and published papers, and tried to avoid appearing on the same occasion.

Friends who were close to the two of them tried their best to make the two reconcile. Even Wu Dayou and Premier Zhou came to match, and the two were unmoved. Even decades later, they made an enemy to meet tit-for-tat. The situation is really regrettable.

Li Yang and friends in physics

In fact, Li and Yang are inseparable from each other.

They can debate and inspire each other, which is conducive to broadening their horizons, colliding with sparks of thought, and greatly improving the efficiency of overcoming difficulties.

The cooperation of two high-level academic leaders that is almost completely exclusive for such a long time is unique in the history of science.

Their physical achievements are obvious to all, and it is really unnecessary to argue about the true meaning of the ranking.

If they continue to cooperate, the results may be incalculable.

Life has to go on.

After the two broke up, they continued to advance in their respective physical fields and reached the peak of their respective stages.

In 2003, the 81-year-old Mr. Yang Zhenning returned to China and immediately married 28-year-old wife Xu Fan’s major social news, which instantly made him into the public’s sight, but the name Li Zhengdao gradually faded.

Professor Yang Zhenning’s retirement ceremony at Stony Brook University, State University of New York

In fact, in the past few decades, Li Zhengdao has not been bad at all.

He continued to work hard in the direction of creating a new field of physics until he retired at the age of 85 and served as the chief scientist in the theory group of Columbia University.

In 1998, in commemoration of his wife Qin Huijiu who passed away, Li Zhengdao established the “Qin Huijiu-Chinese University Student Apprenticeship and Training Fund” to support students in many colleges and universities to carry out scientific research.

Li Zhengdao and his wife Qin Huijiao

At the same time, he gifted his life’s research manuscripts, letters, medals, certificates, as well as his calligraphy and painting works, his own collection of books and ancient Chinese cultural relics (including Wu Zuoren, Li Keran, Huang Zhou, Hua Junwu, Wu Guanzhong and other Chinese calligraphy and painting masters). His precious works), all donated to Shanghai Jiaotong University.

These materials are now collected and displayed in the Li Zhengdao Library.

Li Zhengdao Library of Shanghai Jiaotong University

In November 2011, 85-year-old Li Zhengdao left his job as a professor at Columbia University and left New York three years later to accompany his relatives in San Francisco.

When he lived alone in old age, he could only write and draw to commemorate his beloved wife.

He often walks by the sea and is bathed in the bright sunshine, but he is alone and slightly lonely.

A few days ago, Mr. Yang Zhenning had just passed his 100th birthday, and Mr. Li Zhengdao was 96 years old.

The two turbulent and magnificent lives have gradually returned to tranquility. I don’t know if they can usher in that century of reconciliation in their lifetime!

At this moment, only Du Fu’s poems are more suitable for writing at the end.

Practicing physics requires joy, what is the meaning of floating name trip this body.



(免费讲座 – Oct 11, Mon, 9PM EST)


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文章来源: 综合新闻


Oct 10, 2021



























我们先来说杨振宁,共同提出宇称不守恒理论并不是杨振宁学术上的巅峰,却仅仅是个开始。杨振宁后来陆续提出了两大理论,即“杨-米尔斯规范场”论(Yang-Mills gauge theory)和提出“杨-巴克斯特方程”,这两大成果对世界物理学的影响更深远。



























Li Zhengdao and Yang Zhenning break the storm



In 1957, Li Zhengdao and Yang Zhenning won the Nobel Prize in Physics for discovering the law of non-conservation of parity. At that time, the two Chinese physicists (both were Chinese Taipei nationals at the time of the award) were 31 years old and 35 years old.

Being so young has reached a height that many scientists will never be able to achieve in their lives. The academic community expects that the two young talents in theoretical physics can make greater contributions in the process of cooperating to explore the laws of the universe.

It’s a pity that things backfired, and Li and Yang soon parted ways. The break between the two genius scientists even affected the scientific research and education undertakings of New China.

After the thawing of Sino-U.S. relations in 1972, Li Zhengdao and Yang Zhenning returned to visit the country one after another. Regarding the development of China’s high-energy physics, the two people’s opinions were simply sharp-pointed.

Li Zhengdao attaches great importance to basic scientific research, Yang Zhenning requires freezing basic scientific research funding and focusing on the development of applied scientific research; Li Zhengdao advocates the construction of high-energy accelerators, and Yang Zhenning firmly opposes it.

What caused the two scientists to break so thoroughly? Even Premier Zhou and Deng Gong could not ease their relationship.

According to the currently public information, the core reason for Li Zhengdao and Yang Zhenning’s break is the issue of the ordering of the signatures of the papers.

In the autumn of 1951, the two co-wrote two papers on statistical mechanics at the Institute for Advanced Study in Princeton, and the response was so great that it attracted Einstein’s attention. In 1952, Einstein invited these two young scholars from China to exchange academic experiences face to face.

Einstein and Li Yang talked for a long time, and at the end they held Li Zhengdao’s hand and said, “I wish you physical success in the future!”

At this time, Li Zhengdao and Yang Zhenning are truly beautiful! But the rift in the relationship between the two began to arise.

According to international practice, the authors’ signatures of co-authored papers should be sorted in alphabetical order of their names. After the first paper “Cohesion Theory” was completed, Yang Zhenning proposed that he was four years older than Li Zhengdao, so he wanted to sign it first.

Li Zhengdao reluctantly agreed, but he was already dissatisfied. The second paper “The Theory of State Equations and Phase Transitions” insisted on following international practice and signed himself before Yang Zhenning.

The signing of the thesis made Li Zhengdao upset. In order to stay away from Yang Zhenning, he left the Princeton Institute for Advanced Study and went to Columbia University as an assistant professor. Later, he became the youngest professor of physics at Columbia University. The lives and scientific research of the two have not overlapped for more than three years.

Until 1956, Yang Zhenning went to Columbia University to visit Li Zhengdao. The two argued because of the viewpoints in a paper jointly published by Yang Zhenning and Mills. This dispute sparked an unusual spark. The two re-cooperated and finally jointly won the Nobel Prize in Physics.

Unexpectedly, winning the Nobel Prize aggravated the rupture of the relationship between the two, because when receiving the award, Yang Zhenning again asked to break international conventions and received the award before Li Zhengdao. Yang’s wife, Du Zhili, also asked to appear first when attending the ceremony dinner. It can be accompanied by the King of Sweden, followed by Yang Zhenning, and accompanied by the Queen.

Li Zhengdao strongly opposed, Li’s wife, Qin Huiruo, persuaded him not to make foreigners laugh at such trivial matters. Li Zhengdao reluctantly agreed. This incident made the rift in the relationship between Li Zhengdao and Yang Zhenning even bigger.

Later, the “New Yorker” magazine published an article titled “Side Notes on the Parity Problem”, which described the story of Li and Yang’s cooperation in discovering the problem of non-conservation of parity.

Li Zhengdao felt that Yang Zhenning’s request was boring, and decided to terminate the academic cooperation between the two. So far, the two completely broke up.

Xiao Qin believes that from the perspective of personality, the break between Li Zhengdao and Yang Zhenning is inevitable.

The character conflict coupled with the scientist’s truthfulness led to a break between the two inevitably.








杨振宁忆述当时美国报纸称中国主席毛泽东派了个飞机到陕北,去找美国的一个叫做寒春(编者注:寒春的英文名为Joan Hinton,核物理学家,1921年10月20日出生在芝加哥,2010年6月8日去世)的物理学家到北京去帮助中国制造原子弹。 























据新华社北京9月22日电 受中共中央总书记、国家主席、中央军委主席习近平委托,教育部负责同志9月22日到清华大学看望中国科学院院士、著名物理学家杨振宁,代表习近平赠送花篮,转达习近平对他百岁生日的祝福,祝愿他健康长寿。



Yang Zhenning’s 100th Birthday Speech: No Foreigners Participated in China’s Atomic Bomb Manufacturing



To celebrate the 100th birthday of Mr. Yang Zhenning, on the afternoon of September 22, Mr. Yang Zhenning’s academic thought seminar-Mr. He Yang’s 100th birthday, co-sponsored by Tsinghua University, the Chinese Physical Society, and the Chinese University of Hong Kong, was held at Tsinghua University.

At the meeting, Mr. Yang Zhenning delivered a speech under the theme of “I hope that people will be long, a journey of thousands of miles”, and the full text was published specially for readers.

I hope people will be long and have a common journey for thousands of miles

——At the seminar on Yang Zhenning’s academic thoughts

(Mr. He Yang’s 100th Birthday) Speech

Yang Zhenning

Dear leaders, guests, friends, and relatives:

I am very grateful to Tsinghua University, the Chinese University of Hong Kong, and the Chinese Physical Society for celebrating my 100th birthday in the lunar calendar. I didn’t expect that you invited so many people and had many contacts with me at different times. I visited New China for the first time in 1971 exactly fifty years ago. That interview was a very, very important part of my life, because it gave me a little understanding of New China for the first time, and this knowledge will have a very big impact on my life trajectory in the next 50 years.

In addition to seeing my father who was hospitalized during that visit, I also saw many relatives and friends. The most important and closest friend was Deng Jiaxian. A letter he wrote to me in 1971 was recently published in a book. The story here is like this. After the Chinese atomic bomb went off, American newspapers soon had various news. Among them, I noticed that Deng Jiaxian was among the characters who designed the Chinese atomic bomb. Deng Jia is a close friend of my middle school, university, and in the United States. I think his relationship with me is not only academic, but also surpassing the relationship between brothers, so of course I pay much attention to this news. I have also noticed another piece of news. It was said in the American newspapers that Chairman Mao had sent a plane to northern Shaanxi to bring the American physicist Han Chun to Beijing to help China build an atomic bomb. I know Hanchun because I have worked in the same laboratory as the University of Chicago for 20 months, and she wants me to teach her Chinese. She didn’t tell me why, until March 1948 she told all the teachers and students in the University of Chicago department that she was going to China to marry her boyfriend in northern Shaanxi.

Because of this, I have always wanted to know if the news is right, and I really want to know if China’s atomic bomb was made by the Chinese themselves without the help of foreigners. So during my four-week visit in 1971, I really wanted to ask these questions. Is the story about Hanchun’s participation in China’s atomic bomb true or false? But this is a sensitive question, so I dare not ask. Finally, after a few weeks in Beijing, I will go to Shanghai and fly back to the United States in a few days from Shanghai. When I left Beijing, but also when I went to the airport, Deng Jia sent me first. At that time, the airport in Beijing was very simple, so he accompanied me to the bottom of the flight stairs. I really couldn’t hold back anymore, I asked him if Hanchun participated in the design of the Chinese atomic bomb? He said that he didn’t think so, but he said he wanted to get certification with the organization and then told me.

So he went to contact the organization that day, and the organization told him that no foreigners participated in the manufacture of China’s atomic bomb , except for a little help from the Soviets at the beginning, and later it was basically done by the Chinese themselves. He wrote a letter. The letter was sent to Shanghai the next day. When I arrived, I was in the Shanghai Building. The messenger sent this letter during the meal. This letter has now been published on my one. Inside this new book. This letter is very interesting if you read it carefully, because it says that it verifies that China’s atomic bomb basically has no foreign participation, and of course there is no cold spring. There are a few paragraphs at the end of this letter that are very clear. He has seen me many times in those few weeks, and he has something to say to me, so he can’t say what he wants to say. What do you want to tell me, but I don’t know how to tell. At the end of this letter, he gave me an expectation like “I hope people will last forever”. He changed the “A Thousand Miles Together Chanjuan” into “A Thousand Miles of Common Journey”. I didn’t understand this after reading the letter. Sentence. What does “a common journey of thousands of miles” mean? I thought about it later and knew that this was a deep meaning. After the publication of this letter recently and after reading it carefully, I feel that fifty years from today, I can say to Deng Jiaxian: Jiaxian, I understand what you mean by “common way”, and I can confidently tell you that I am The next fifty years are in line with your “common path” expectations, and I believe you will also be satisfied. goodbye!


Xi sends birthday wishes to physicist



Yang Zhenning attends a book launch at Peking University on March 22, 2017. [Photo by Zhu Xingxin/CHINADAILY]

President Xi Jinping extended his best wishes to Yang Zhenning, also known as Yang Chen-ning, a physicist and academician of the Chinese Academy of Sciences, as Yang celebrated his 100th birthday on Wednesday.

Xi, who is also general secretary of the Communist Party of China Central Committee and chairman of the Central Military Commission, asked officials from the Ministry of Education to visit Yang at Tsinghua University and present a flower basket to the scholar on Xi’s behalf, wishing Yang a healthy and long life.

Yang received the Nobel Prize in Physics together with his colleague Tsung-dao Lee in 1957 for their theory of parity non-conservation in weak interaction.










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