燃烧沙漠50年 土库曼斯坦打算关上知名地标「地狱之门」

燃烧沙漠50年 土库曼斯坦打算关上知名地标「地狱之门」



天然气坑「地狱之门」是土库曼斯坦最知名地标。(Getty Images)


Turkmenistan’s door to hell
Jun 5, 2019

From 1971, A 9 metre wide and 30-metre deep crater has been burning in Darvaza village at Karakum desert of Turkmenistan. Soviet scientists had set up a drilling rig here for extraction of natural gas but the rig collapsed and methane gas is being released from the crater ever since. The scientist tried to stop the methane gas from dissolving into the air by putting it on fire, science then cater has been burning. The burning crater is also called Door to Hell.



[4K Drone] Darvaza Gas Crater (The Door to Hell) Turkmenistan
Dec 23, 2019

We captured so much incredible footage on our last trip to Turkmenistan, I thought I’d make a little 4K DJI Drone montage video of the door to hell. The gates of hell. Darvaza Gas Crater. Derweze. Call it what you want.

Turkmenistan is built on natural gas. I mean this literally and figuratively. In the vast arid Karakum desert lies the 4th largest natural gas deposit in the world.

The Darvaza Crater was a mining disaster. So they think. No one really knows, as I don’t believe there were any survivors. In 1971 a soviet mining operation punctured the eggshell surface and fell into a pit. Years later, someone lit a match, and Bang! Welcome to the door to hell.

This is the main attraction in Turkmenistan, and our plan was to roast marshmallows over it. If you missed that travel vlog, you’ll want to check it out: https://youtu.be/MhkLTUvBlX8

As the president has opened up the country slightly over the years, it is now possible to visit. I’d recommend getting there in 2020. There are still very very few tourists here.


The Door to Hell
Nov 26, 2013

In this episode of SciShow, Hank talks about a crater in Turkmenistan that has been on fire for decades and has earned itself the title of: The Door to Hell!



印尼塞梅鲁火山喷发 至少1死41伤数千居民逃离




印尼东爪哇省(East Java)塞梅鲁火山(Mount Semeru)暌违近1年于4日下午再度喷发,造成至少1人死亡和41人严重灼伤,附近数千名民众被迫紧急逃离。

当局表示,有2人据报失踪,另有8人受困在一栋建筑物内。在家园被火山灰和熔岩摧毁后,东瓜哇省卢马姜县(Lumajang)的Curah Kerobokan村遭重创,超过300户家庭在临时收容所避难。

Indonesia’s Mount Semeru volcano eruption sending ash plume to 40000 feet
Dec 4, 2021

Mount Semeru in Lumajang Regency, East Java erupted, on Saturday, December 4,at around 3.00pm local time. The Volcanic Ash Advisory Center has issued a warning after a volcanic ash plume rose up to an estimated 40000ft, raining down on the residents below.


救难人员历经一小时搜索后,在Curah Kerobokan村找到一具遗体。

卢马姜县副县长马斯达尔(Indah Masdar)表示,有41人遭炽热岩浆严重灼伤,有两名伤者是怀孕妇女。她又说,由于冷熔岩流摧毁一座桥梁,卢马姜县的联外交通中断。



印尼东爪哇省塞梅鲁火山。(Getty Images)


西班牙火山还在喷 岩浆迅速吞噬街道画面曝光(视频)

文章来源: LTN


西班牙加那利群岛拉帕尔马岛(La Palma)老峰火山(Cumbre Vieja)9月喷发以来一直处于活跃状态。(美联社)

熔岩也已摧毁超过1200栋民宅和其他300栋建筑物;岛上约8万居民之中,超过6000人无家可归。 路透社

西班牙加那利群岛拉帕尔马岛(La Palma)老峰火山(Cumbre Vieja)9月喷发以来一直处于活跃状态,滚烫的岩浆持续蔓延至市区,吞没无数房舍与道路,当地最新照片出炉,只见岩浆铺天盖地而来,所到之处无不化为废墟。

Rivers of lava: Canary Island volcano erupts • FRANCE 24 English
Sep 20, 2021

Around 100 homes have been destroyed on the Spanish Canary Island of La Palma after the Cumbre Vieja volcano spectacularly erupted on Sunday, sending rivers of lava down the hillside toward the Atlantic Ocean.



西班牙拉帕馬島老峰火山的新熔岩管昨天起又釋出熔岩往山下流,速度快達每秒1公尺。 路透社


Spare NO land #CumbreVieja: New #lava flow engulfs #LasManchas cemetery in #LaPalma#volcano#eruption#LasManchasCemetery

Thu Nov 25 2021



文 / 廖慧婷










Volcano lava destroys 320 buildings on Spanish island

By Los Llanos de Aridane (Spain) (AFP)


The Cumbre Vieja volcano, which erupted on Sunday, is on one of seven islands that make up the Canary Islands DESIREE MARTIN AFP

The vast wall of molten lava creeping down the slopes of Spain’s La Palma island has destroyed 320 buildings and over 154 hectares of land, Europe’s volcano observatory said Wednesday.

The property damage figure was twice that given 24 hours ago by Copernicus, which uses sky radar imagery to monitor the extent of lava coverage and posted the update on Twitter.

The Cumbre Vieja volcano, which erupted on Sunday, straddles a ridge in the south of La Palma, one of seven islands that make up the Canary Islands, Spain’s Atlantic archipelago which lies off the coast of Morocco.

Experts are expecting the scale of damages to rise in the coming hours as the slow-moving but unstoppable mass of white-hot rock, slides towards the island’s western coast.

“In the last few hours it has slowed down a lot, it is now moving at 300 metres (984 feet) an hour, maybe less, because it is reaching a very flat area but it is gaining height,” David Calvo, an expert with the Involcan volcanology institute, told AFPTV.

“There are areas where it is already 15 metres thick.”

If the lava — which has a temperature of 1,100 degrees Celsius (2,012 degrees Fahrenheit) — continues to move at the same pace, it will reach the sea later on Wednesday or possibly Thursday, he said, warning it would have an explosive effect.

“There will be a huge battle between the water and the lava. With those contrasting temperatures, it causes massive explosions and a fragmentation of the lava which shoots out like missiles.”

The eruption on this island of some 85,000 people, the first in 50 years, has forced some 6,000 people out of their homes, but so far nobody has been injured.

The eruption has forced some 6,000 people out of their homes DESIREE MARTIN AFP

Involcan believes the eruption of La Cumbre Vieja could last “between 24 and 84 days”.

“Dealing with this crisis won’t end when the lava reaches the sea,” Prime Minister Pedro Sanchez said on Tuesday.

“It will end when we’ve managed to rebuild everything the volcano has destroyed and will destroy.”
