VSA Future
Email: info@vsafuture.com
Tel: 844-VSA-FUTURE (872-3888)
孩子夏令营避坑指南,VSA Future 与你分享


那么今年的暑期,如何选择夏令营?在线夏令营可靠吗?什么样的夏令营既有课程辅导,又能够让学生感受到在学校教室学习相似的效果? 这已成为很多家长的挑战。
为了满足家长和学生们的需求,高效解决孩子的学业问题,VSA Future特推出适合孩子们的夏令营。
VSA Future开创八年以来,尤其这两年多的不断研发迭代在线教学经验和课程技术不断发展更新,中心通过高科技教学软件, 让师生同频同步,建立完全互动的上课平台 Interactive classroom, 使得线上课程的学习效果最大化!
上课时, 老师用专业的视频教材(PPT)展开教学,理论和实操相结合讲解。做练习时,老师在屏幕上同步看到每一位学生的答题步骤和结果, 并及时给予学生详细的指导。
VSA Future 全方位开设从一年级到高中的线上教学。全学年的课程包括数学、英文、阅读写作和公共演讲。
全美最有声望的Scholastic Art and Writing Awards 是很多优秀初中生和高中生在写作和艺术方面得到的最高荣誉,也是为大学申请成功助力的重要因素。
而VSA Future 培养了无数小作家们连续两年荣获最高奖,其中2022年,本中心培养的小作家们在《问鼎地区九个奖项》中三金三银三优胜。
VSA Future 不仅得到学生们喜欢,家长们更是赞不绝口,以下是来自部分家长对我们的VSA Future评价:
我有三个孩子。VSA Future提供的多种课程选择满足了我每个孩子的需要。这里的教师和助教都非常负责和关爱孩子。
非常感谢VSA Future中心负责人和所有老师的付出,他们提供了灵活多变,高质量的课程。
我很高兴中心能提供在线夏令营。又一个家长的好帮手,可以让孩子们暑期有计划的安排学习。我的孩子迫不及待地想加入。非常感谢VSA Future为我们所做的一切!
两个女儿今年能被新泽西两所排名很高的私校录取就是最好的证明,VSA 负责人以及授课老师对孩子们非常耐心。
非常感谢她们的付出,让我的孩子取得现在的成绩!希望更多的孩子加入VSA Future,坚持下来会得到惊喜!
VSA Future教育中心创建于2015年, 多年来网上教学课程深受欢迎,师生同频网上系统化教学方式及教材与时俱进。
本中心办学宗旨是“美好未来始于早期的激励教育”。VSA Future 希望能提供一个最佳的学习环境, 让学生得到包括写作,公共演讲,数学技能方面终身受益的技巧。
现如今VSA Future 在线写作演讲夏令营正在火热招生中,名额有限,先到先得。

想了解夏令营的细节内容, 请欢迎关注网站 bit.ly/vsasummercamp
如您对夏令营感兴趣,请致电844-VSA-Future (844-872-3888)或电邮至 info@vsafuture.com,游览网页:www.vsafuture.com.

2022 Virtual Summer Camp
Including: Math, English, Writing, Vocabulary, Public Speaking and Much More!
June 27 to August 19, 2022
Mondays–Fridays, 9am–12pm EST
Grade 1 to Grade 8
PROMO ENDS on April 15, 2022
VSA Future Summer Camp 2022
Remote learning at its BEST
The remote learning experience with VSA Future is GREAT! I thought remote learning would be very challenging when I first heard about it – if it is challenging for adults to work from home, how could VSA Future manage so many kids at the same time? However, I am happily surprised – the classes have gone very well. Academically, we got the same classes and learning plans without any disruption. I appreciate my son has extra learning opportunities, and I now have some time to do my personal work, instead of turning on the TV to entertain him.
— Parent, 3rd Grader

Super-boosting children’s education and overcoming COVID-19 learning loss with engaging, interactive virtual lessons and 1-on-1 teacher feedback
Students become analytical thinkers, deft writers, and confident public speakers, enriching their core academic skills prepared for the challenges of tomorrow
Teach students how to research, build, and support original ideas with clarity and precision in our English, writing, and Public Speaking classes.
Equip student with a firm grasp on mathematical concepts and data analysis.
VSA Future Students
Win Top Awards in National Essay

The Scholastic Art & Writing Awards, established in 1923, is the nation’s longest-running and most prestigious art and writing recognition program for students Grades 7 through 12.
Renowned alumni who have gone on to become leaders in their fields include Tschabalala Self, Stephen King, Kay WalkingStick, Charles White, Joyce Carol Oates, and Andy Warhol. The program has an impressive legacy of being the first to acknowledge creative talent and is today’s largest source of scholarships for creative teens.
On average, the Scholastic Awards received about 230,000 entries across the United States with honorable mentions going to just a small percentage of these applicants. VSA Future is honored to have their students receive this award at a regional level two years in a row with this year’s regional awards including 3 Gold, 3 Silver and 3 Honorable mentions.

Our 2022 Virtual Summer Camp offers our best-loved programs in a convenient virtual format, with everything from intensive academics and Public Speaking to Fun with Science and Chess
— plus our Global Speech Series!
On Monday through Thursday, campers study the ins and outs of language arts, vocabulary lessons, craft thoughtful essays in every genre imaginable, and hone their problem-solving math skills. Campers in Grades 3–8 become bold, incisive speakers in daily Public Speaking classes.
On Fridays, campers explore the mysteries of the world in Fun with Science, broaden their horizons through the Global Speech Series, and get strategic in Chess and creative in Art!
Each camp week features a self-contained, independent curriculum. Students can sign up for any combination of weeks.
Register for our virtual camp by April 15, 2022
to Save 30% OFF TUITION
The online class is definitely a lifesaver for us during this challenging time!
I am a long-term customer of VSA Future. My three kids started their VSA learning experience at a young age and have been with this center for quite a while. Kudos to Ms. Julia and her staff for being flexible and the good quality of classes! Given the current environment where the on-site camp is not realistic, I am very excited that the center offers a virtual camp! Another great help just in time for working parents. It keeps them busy and they will continue to learn!
— Cathy H., Parent of 4th Grader
VSA Future Summer Camp
June 27 to August 19, 2022

We see the difference!
My son has been taking VSA courses for years and we all have had very good experiences. First, my son enjoys the classes. The teachers are great and engage the students during each class. The director, Julia, is motivating and inspiring helping them to stay focused. We have absolutely seen the difference in just one year and he wouldn’t be where he is without VSA Future.
— Parent of 6th Grader

Jump into fun when you enroll in our virtual camp!

Writing And Vocabulary
A rich vocabulary can enliven a student’s writing, improve communication and enable them to articulate their ideas clearly and effectively.
Guided group activities, independent practice, and homework assignments in sentence usage build a solid foundation in each unit. Interactive slides, vivid storytelling, and creative writing practice with new vocabulary make each lesson a class to remember!

Public Speaking
Speaking boldly and clearly has never been more important! In our innovative Public Speaking classes, students learn to project their voices and make their opinions known!
Public speaking builds a child’s ability to effectively argue an opinion, be persuasive, and hold an audience’s interest in a topic.
“We can clearly tell in the past year, Andrew made lots of progress on his reading, writing, and speaking. More importantly, he is more confident in expressing his ideas, especially in front of his classmates and teachers. With his well-prepared curriculums, the teacher made class interesting and easier.” —Parent, 6th Grader

Friday Fun
Get strategic in chess and design your own universes in Arts and Crafts.
Our experienced chess teacher introduces campers to key game principles and then they’re off, from beginner challenges to advanced competitions!
Arts and Crafts
Our art teacher guides students in art making, drawing lessons, and other creative activities that turn the everyday into the extraordinary. Everyone’s an artist, and everything, a potential artwork.

Get Moving!
Jump up, up, and away in daily Gym.
Every morning, campers shake it off and get moving. Our gym teacher leads students in warm-ups, stretches, and exercises, helping them stay active and strong between academic classes. From virtual dance breaks to jumping jacks, yoga poses to sit-ups, campers can let loose and exercise together while having fun.
Register for 2022
Virtual Summer Camp
by April 15, 2022
to Save 30% OFF TUITION
Last update: 4/08/2022