(7/15 周五 8:30PM EDT) 【推娃要素的思考和探讨】CAPA-NoVA Education & Community公益讲座

VSA Future


Email: info@vsafuture.com

Tel: 844-VSA-FUTURE (872-3888)



CAPA-NoVA Education & Community

7月15日 周五 美东8:30PM



如何在孩子成长的早期就开始培养他们的眼光; 挖掘孩子对钟爱专业的热忱?家长如何通过日常生活的点点滴滴有意识地从小锻炼孩子强大的抗压能力?

孩子如何打下扎实的语言功底, 让熟练的写作技能成为优势,无论完成学业,申请大学还是踏入社会都得天独厚?


这周五 7月15日晚美东八点半,CAPA-NoVA将很荣幸地采访 Julia博士, 分享育娃的丰富经验。

Julia 博士, 青少年教育专家,是VSA Future 教育学院创始人和两个藤娃的母亲。 八年半来,她创办的教育学院帮助了上千位孩子提高写作和演讲能力,荣获全国作文比赛【五连冠】。她的学生们在一年一度全美最具权威的Arts & Scholastics Awards 比赛中连年得奖。

欢迎有兴趣的家长扫码注册参加。 Zoom ID 是 853 1301 0472. Zoom名额有限制,尽早注册。

VSA Future教育中心创建于2015年, 多年来网上教学课程深受欢迎,师生同频网上系统化教学方式及教材与时俱进。请您今天就致电844-VSA-Future (844-872-3888)或电邮至 info@vsafuture.com,游览网页:www.vsafuture.com.

北维华裔家长联合会是活跃在北美维吉利亚州的华人非营利性组织。致力于”兴教为主,共建社区”. 欢迎加入北维华裔家长联合会会员:https://capanova.org/subscription-plan/。 捐款共建社区:https://capanova.org/donate-to-capa/

VSA Future Program Inquiry Form

VSA Future offers Virtual Summer Camp (9am to 12pm EDT) and Summer Evening Vocabulary & Reading Comprehension.

In the Fall, VSA offers English, Vocabulary, Grammar, and Reading and Comprehension, Math, and Public Speaking Programs.

Parents are invited to fill out this form to express your interest in VSA Programs:


欢迎浏览网站 www.vsafuture.com.

VSA Future 微信群:

Last update: 7/13/2022

Vocabulary and Reading Comprehension Strategies to Make Learning Fun and Memorable

Vocabulary is an essential component of language and having a rich vocabulary helps children not only to read well but to understand what they are reading. It makes speaking, writing, and overall communicating effective. The larger their vocabulary, the more they are able to fully understand the text from word problems, literature as well as the contents of words they encounter in everyday life. Building a robust vocabulary is a skill set that children must master in order to find success in their academic careers and beyond. However, many public schools have strayed away from teaching strictly vocabulary lessons.

Enhance Your Vocabulary and Reading Comprehension

Reading scores have been low nationally for quite some time and research has shown that children who do not master vocabulary well by the 4th grade remain poor readers for years to come. Old vocabulary lessons, and unfortunately the most common method still used in public schools today, consist of drill assignments where students worked mostly independently on words throughout their week. This gave vocabulary learning a reputation for being boring and ineffective and relied mostly on memorization rather than truly developing a skill.

VSA Future aims to cultivate a well-rounded set of reading and vocabulary skills in students that will enable them to succeed as learners, thinkers, and writers, and do it in a way that is fun, engaging and most importantly memorable. VSA has developed a summer reading comprehension and vocabulary program that uses a scientific approach to help children master vocabulary through reading while building connections between Greek and Latin roots. The program uses various methods to help children fully participate with their teachers and peers and keeps their attention through exciting and interactive lessons they will not forget. Classes for the VSA Future Reading Comprehension and Vocabulary classes are held Monday and Wednesdays over the summer and last 2 hours.

Contact Us:


Paramus, NJ


844-872 3888



VSA Future Summer Evening Classes

Vocabulary & Reading Comprehension

In our intensive VSA Future Summer Evening Classes, students can turbo-boost their vocabulary and reading comprehension!

Session 1: June 27–July 14, 2022
Session 2: July 18–August 4, 2022
Session 3: August 8–August 25, 2022

Mon & Wed Evening


Tuesday/Thursday classes, as well as morning classes, will be opened with sufficient demand. Complete the survey at bit.ly/vsatuth to express your interest.

Enhance Your Vocabulary and Reading Comprehension

VSA Vocabulary brings language to life in daily classes. The class learns to use Greek and Latin roots to categorize unfamiliar words based on its function and part of speech, and they build connections to other age-appropriate vocabulary based on word roots. Studying word roots opens children’s eyes to new words, making vocabulary mastery easier, faster, and more enjoyable. With a rich vocabulary, students become stronger writers who can articulate their ideas clearly and effectively.

VSA Reading Comprehension gives students a firm understanding in fiction and nonfiction analysis, as they examine perspective, voice, tone, and writing structure in discussion and multiple-choice questions. With daily practice across a range of texts, students become fluent critical readers who can confidently approach any passage with ease.

“I have 3 elementary school age children in 1st, 3rd and 5th grade. Thanks to VSA Future’s online learning, they are ahead of their school curriculum and have become more confident academically. VSA Future pays great attention to each of the students and puts in extra resources and efforts to ensure the quality of online learning. VSA utilizes multiple advanced technologies and online learning tools for students to have instantaneous interactions. As a result, kids are very engaged during the classes and they get extra homework and practice time to reinforce concepts. Most importantly, the quality of teachers from VSA are top-notch and very experienced to inspire each individual to learn and improve. Thank you VSA Future and teachers! You are the best!”

—Parent, 1st, 3rd, and 5th Grader


Frequently Asked Questions


What is the class schedule for the Summer Writing Workshop?

The Summer Evening Classes are offered in three sessions. Session 1 runs from June 27 to July 14, 2022. Session 2 runs from July 18 to August 4, 2022. Session 3 runs from August 8–25, 2022. Students can register for one, both, or all three sessions. Each session is a  different unit.

If there is sufficient demand, VSA will open Tuesday/Thursday classes as well as morning classes in addition to the current Monday/Wednesday classes. For additional dates and times, please complete this survey -> bit.ly/vsatuth.

Register at bit.ly/vsa22summer to reserve your spot today! Spots are limited.

What online platform does VSA Future use for class?

VSA Future uses Zoom videoconferencing for its camp classes. Each student will receive a class schedule with Zoom meeting IDs. VSA Future uses the Waiting Room feature to ensure student safety.

What software, equipment, and materials will my child need?

All campers should have access to a computer, laptop, or tablet with video and sound capabilities. VSA Future recommends that students use headphones (with microphone capabilities, when possible) for best sound quality and to focus. Students should have the Zoom app installed. Students should have pencil and paper with them during class to take notes and use as scratch paper. Additional class materials will be emailed to parents as needed.

What are the rules of the virtual classroom?

Please pay attention to the class, and close other applications and files on the computer. Eating and drinking are discouraged during class. Whenever possible, students should sit alone in a quiet room and wear headphones to help them concentrate. Parents should allow children to learn independently in virtual class without additional help, beyond providing technical assistance when needed. Avoid surrounding sounds and interference; when siblings or family members appear in front of or near the screen, it affects the attention of other students.


What is the ratio of teachers to students?

The class sizes range from 6–10 students per teacher and teaching assistant. VSA Future reserves the right to cancel any class that has fewer than 4 students registered.

How are students placed into classes?

New students are placed via diagnostic tests. Current VSA students in RW classes will take their Fall 2022 level.

Is there homework?

Students will receive homework assignments.


How do I register for the Summer Evening Classes?

Register online at bit.ly/vsa22summer. When you sign up, you’ll choose which session(s) and which class. After registration, you will receive an email with your invoice. VSA will arrange diagnostic tests for new students to determine their class level.

Can non-New Jersey students sign up for the Summer Evening Classes?

Yes. Our program is available to all students, regardless of their location.

How does payment work?

After you register, you will receive an invoice with payment instructions via email. There is a $100 prepayment at registration that is applied to the invoice.

Is there a sibling discount?

Yes. Siblings receive a 5% discount.

Is there a referral bonus?

Yes, if you refer a friend who signs up for 2+ sessions, both you and your friend will receive a $35 referral bonus.


The remote learning experience with VSA Future is GREAT! I thought remote learning would be very challenging when I first heard about it—if it is challenging for adults to work from home, how could VSA Future manage so many kids at the same time? However, I am happily surprised—the classes have gone very well. Academically, we got the same classes and learning plans without any disruption. I appreciate that my son has extra learning opportunities, and I now have some time to do my personal work, instead of turning on the TV to entertain him when I am busy. VSA Future teachers are so supportive and dedicated. The Director calls every parent before class if their kids forgot the class or are late. Now it is a new routine for my family. Keep learning and growing and save commute time with VSA Future. Do not spoil me, I am getting used to this new learning model!

—Parent, 3rd Grader

I have three kids. VSA Future offers a variety of course selections to fit the needs for each of my child. The teachers and staff are great to work with. My kids have been enjoying the classes. They have learned and developed so much on many different skillsets from English, Math, Reading & Writing and Public Speaking. I was not sure if the remote learning would work out. Turns out that my concerns are totally unnecessary. The director has done an amazing job for the virtual class. My kids did not feel much difference. The online class is definitely a saver for us during this challenging time! Really appreciate the flexibility VSA Future has offered. Kudos to the director and her staff for being flexible and good quality of classes! Given the current environment where the on-site camping is not realistic, I am very excited that the center offers virtual camp! Another great help just in time for working parent. It keeps them busy and they will continue to learn! Can’t wait to join the camp. Really appreciate for all the center has done for us!

—Parent, 4th Grader, 7th Grader, and 10th Grader

A VSA Future teacher has been tutoring Andrew for almost one and half years. We can clearly tell in the past year, Andrew made lots of progress on his reading, writing, and speaking. More importantly, he is more confident in expressing his ideas especially in front of his classmates and teachers. With his well-prepared curriculums, the teacher made class interesting and easier. For example, poem writing is a hard topic for students. But under the teacher’s guidance, with carefully analyzing sample poems, learning the techniques on rhyming and organizing stanzas, Andrew really enjoyed writing multiple decent haikus and sonnets by himself. Also students’ tutoring progress is well-communicated with parents. After every class, we will receive a summary on the class content, student’s general performance, and assignments, etc, so we know exactly what part Andrew is doing well, and what part he needs to work harder. Andrew has been very happy working with the VSA Future teacher and we really appreciated the teacher’s great help to Andrew. Thank you so much!

—Parent, 6th Grader

I have 3 elementary school age children in 1st, 3rd and 5th grade. Thanks to VSA Future’s online learning, they are ahead of their school curriculum and have become more confident academically. VSA Future pays great attention to each of the students and puts in extra resources and efforts to ensure quality of online learning. VSA utilizes multiple advanced technologies and online learning tools for students to have instantaneous interactions. As a result, kids are very engaged during the classes and they get extra homework and practice time to reinforce concepts. Most importantly, the quality of teachers from VSA are top-notch and very experienced to inspire each individual to learn and improve. Thank you VSA Future and teachers! You are the best!

—Parent, 1st, 3rd and 5th Grader

2022 Virtual Summer Camp

Including: Math, English, Writing, Vocabulary, Public Speaking and Much More!

June 27 to August 19, 2022

Mondays–Fridays, 9am–12pm EST

Grade 1 to Grade 8

  VSA Future Summer Camp 2022

Remote learning at its BEST

The remote learning experience with VSA Future is GREAT! I thought remote learning would be very challenging when I first heard about it – if it is challenging for adults to work from home, how could VSA Future manage so many kids at the same time? However, I am happily surprised – the classes have gone very well. Academically, we got the same classes and learning plans without any disruption. I appreciate my son has extra learning opportunities, and I now have some time to do my personal work, instead of turning on the TV to entertain him.

— Parent, 3rd Grader

Portrait of a little boy holding up a large round magnifying glass to his face, making his eye look humorously large, while playing with friends in a summer park


Super-boosting children’s education and overcoming COVID-19 learning loss with engaging, interactive virtual lessons and 1-on-1 teacher feedback


Students become analytical thinkers, deft writers, and confident public speakers, enriching their core academic skills prepared for the challenges of tomorrow


Teach students how to research, build, and support original ideas with clarity and precision in our English, writing, and Public Speaking classes.

Equip student with a firm grasp on mathematical concepts and data analysis.

VSA Future Students

Win Top Awards in National Essay

The Scholastic Art & Writing Awards, established in 1923, is the nation’s longest-running and most prestigious art and writing recognition program for students Grades 7 through 12.

Renowned alumni who have gone on to become leaders in their fields include Tschabalala Self, Stephen King, Kay WalkingStick, Charles White, Joyce Carol Oates, and Andy Warhol. The program has an impressive legacy of being the first to acknowledge creative talent and is today’s largest source of scholarships for creative teens. 

On average, the Scholastic Awards received about 230,000 entries across the United States with honorable mentions going to just a small percentage of these applicants. VSA Future is honored to have their students receive this award at a regional level two years in a row with this year’s regional awards including 3 Gold, 3 Silver and 3 Honorable mentions. 

Our 2022 Virtual Summer Camp offers our best-loved programs in a convenient virtual format, with everything from intensive academics and Public Speaking to Fun with Science and Chess

— plus our Global Speech Series!

On Monday through Thursday, campers study the ins and outs of language arts, vocabulary lessons, craft thoughtful essays in every genre imaginable, and hone their problem-solving math skills. Campers in Grades 3–8 become bold, incisive speakers in daily Public Speaking classes.

On Fridays, campers explore the mysteries of the world in Fun with Science, broaden their horizons through the Global Speech Series, and get strategic in Chess and creative in Art!

Each camp week features a self-contained, independent curriculum. Students can sign up for any combination of weeks.


The online class is definitely a lifesaver for us during this challenging time!

I am a long-term customer of VSA Future. My three kids started their VSA learning experience at a young age and have been with this center for quite a while. Kudos to Ms. Julia and her staff for being flexible and the good quality of classes! Given the current environment where the on-site camp is not realistic, I am very excited that the center offers a virtual camp! Another great help just in time for working parents. It keeps them busy and they will continue to learn!

— Cathy H., Parent of 4th Grader

VSA Future Summer Camp

June 27 to August 19, 2022


We see the difference!

My son has been taking VSA courses for years and we all have had very good experiences. First, my son enjoys the classes. The teachers are great and engage the students during each class. The director, Julia, is motivating and inspiring helping them to stay focused. We have absolutely seen the difference in just one year and he wouldn’t be where he is without VSA Future.

— Parent of 6th Grader


Jump into fun when you enroll in our virtual camp!

Writing And Vocabulary

A rich vocabulary can enliven a student’s writing, improve communication and enable them to articulate their ideas clearly and effectively.

Guided group activities, independent practice, and homework assignments in sentence usage build a solid foundation in each unit. Interactive slides, vivid storytelling, and creative writing practice with new vocabulary make each lesson a class to remember!

Public Speaking

Speaking boldly and clearly has never been more important! In our innovative Public Speaking classes, students learn to project their voices and make their opinions known!

Public speaking builds a child’s ability to effectively argue an opinion, be persuasive, and hold an audience’s interest in a topic.

“We can clearly tell in the past year, Andrew made lots of progress on his reading, writing, and speaking. More importantly, he is more confident in expressing his ideas, especially in front of his classmates and teachers. With his well-prepared curriculums, the teacher made class interesting and easier.” —Parent, 6th Grader

Friday Fun

Get strategic in chess and design your own universes in Arts and Crafts.


Our experienced chess teacher introduces campers to key game principles and then they’re off, from beginner challenges to advanced competitions!

Arts and Crafts

Our art teacher guides students in art making, drawing lessons, and other creative activities that turn the everyday into the extraordinary. Everyone’s an artist, and everything, a potential artwork.

Get Moving!

Jump up, up, and away in daily Gym.

Every morning, campers shake it off and get moving. Our gym teacher leads students in warm-ups, stretches, and exercises, helping them stay active and strong between academic classes. From virtual dance breaks to jumping jacks, yoga poses to sit-ups, campers can let loose and exercise together while having fun.

Register for 2022

Virtual Summer Camp

Last update: 7/13/2022