【WeLight Edu】哈佛哥大毕业老师的写作课,仍有少量名额


下周大家最期待的Mr Keating批判阅读写作课Mrs Cox世界文学写作课开课,仍有少量的名额,请家长们抓紧时间报名。

Critical Reading & Writing II (5-7th):https://welightedu.corsizio.com/c/6383cfc93f26c63964a50952

World Literature & Writing (7-10th):https://welightedu.corsizio.com/c/638137b63f26c6396496359b

WeiLight Edu 2023春季课程与教师


is excited to bring you our 2023 Spring Online/In person Program!

COURSE DESCRIPTIONS: Online & In-Person Program

English Language Arts

* Critical Reading and Writing II(Grade 5~7)

* 批判性阅读和写作II(5~7年级)

Teacher: Mr. Keating

Critical Reading and Writing II will build on the material and lessons from Critical and Reading I. It will include a classroom focus on the major elements in strong analytical writing, addressing those challenges that students will face in their English courses in the coming years. Those elements include (among others):

Subject-verb agreement

Transitioning from sentence to sentence and from paragraph to paragraph

Parallel structure

Paragraph organization

Thesis formation



In addition to these essential elements of composition, students will address additional components of strong critical writing, including overall organization and essay structure, supporting arguments and clarifications, relevant textual details and quotations, and independent conclusions and implications. Students will address these concerns in the weekly class periods, and on the weekly reading and writing assignments.

In conjunction with this work on writing skills, students will have weekly reading assignments as well. These assignments will be the focus for writing throughout the course. Titles include:

Poor Dear Margaret Kirby by Kathleen Norris

Interlopers and Tobermory by H. H. Munro

The Necklace by Guy de Maupassant

The Friday that Changed Everything by Anne Hart

The Ones Who Walk Away from Omelas by Ursula Le Guin

The Treasure in the Forrest by H. G. Wells

The Scholarship Jacket by Martha Salinas

Seventh Grade by Gary Soto

批判性阅读写作II是批判性阅读写作I的课程延续。本课在课堂上将侧重于强有力的分析性写作的主要元素, 解决学生在未来几年英语课程中将面临的种种挑战。这些写作要素包括:









结合这些写作技巧, 学生每周也会有相应的阅读作业。这些作业将是整个课程写作的重点。


1. 凯瑟琳诺里斯的《可怜的玛格丽特柯比》。

2. H.H.门罗的《闯入者和托贝莫里》。

3. 居伊莫泊桑的《项链》。

4. 安妮哈特的《改变一切的星期五》。

5. 乌苏拉勒奎恩(Ursula Le Guin)的《离开欧米拉斯的人》(The Ones Who Walk Away from Omelas)。

6. 威尔斯(H. G. Wells)的《森林中的宝藏》(The Treasure in the Forrest)。

7. 玛莎萨利纳斯(Martha Salinas)的《奖学金夹克》(The Scholarship Jacket)。

8. 加里索托的《七年级》。

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* Intermediate Concepts of Literature: Reading & Writing (Grade 6-8)

Teacher: Mrs. Cox

In Intermediate Reading and Writing, students will expand their reading and writing skills through academic and creative writing as well as through diverse reading assignments. Readings in this course will emphasize analysis of authorial craft and style and the elements of strong writing. Class discussions and guided reading questions will develop students’ critical thinking skills through their active engagements with each week’s texts. Class activities will be focused on teaching students close reading skills and fostering students’ independent thinking. Analytical writing and creative writing will help students learn to “read like a writer.” Students will build confidence in their writing through instruction and practice in writing composition, while learning how to analyze short literary works. This course is suggested for students in grades 6-8.

在中级阅读和写作课程中,学生将通过学术和创造性写作以及多样化的阅读作业来扩展他们的阅读和写作技能。 本课程的阅读将着重于对作者写作技巧和风格,以及强大写作要素的分析。 课堂讨论和引导式阅读问题将通过学生对每周文本的积极参与来培养他们的批判性思维能力。 课堂活动将侧重于教授学生精读技巧和培养学生的独立思考能力。 分析性写作和创造性写作将帮助学生学会像作家一样阅读。 学生将通过写作指导和练习建立对写作的信心,同时学习如何分析短篇文学作品。 本课程建议 6-8 年级的学生参加。

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* World Literature and Writing (Grade 7~10)

Teacher: Mrs. Cox

In the World Literature & Writing course, students will improve their critical reading and writing skills by studying classic and contemporary works from around the globe. New students are welcome. Returning students from the first semester of World Literature will have the chance to explore a new variety of world literature texts. The course will focus on continuing to improve students’ critical reading skills, reading comprehension, and writing skills. Students will be taught to respond to literature with focused analytical writing. Guided class discussion questions and short, in-class writing assignments are designed to help students improve their analytical responses to literature. Students will write, edit, and revise their work in order to build their composition skills. The course incorporates individualized writing instruction, as well as lessons in grammar and vocabulary. This course is suggested for students in grades 7-10.

在世界文学与写作课程中,学生将通过学习世界 各地的经典和当代作品来提高他们的批判性阅读和写作能力。已经上过世界文学第一学期的学生将有机会探索各种新的世界文学文本;我们也欢迎新学生的加入。该课程将着重于继续提高学生的批判性阅读能力、阅读理解能力和写作能力。学生将学会如何以重点分析性写作来回应文学作品。指导性的课堂讨论问题和简短的课内写作作业旨在帮助学生提高对文学作品的分析性回应写作。学生在写作、编辑和修改自己的作品中培养提高写作基本技能。该课程包括个性化的写作指导以及语法和词汇方面的训练。本课程推荐给7-10年级的学生。

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* AP Language & Composition English Exam Preparation Master Class

* AP语言与写作英语备考大师班(9~12年级)

Teacher: Mrs. Cox (Nov. 10 ~ May 4, 2023)

Taught by Harvard University graduate Jane Cox, a professional AP teacher who was selected by College Board to be an AP Language & Exam Reader for 2020, 2021, and 2022 AP Language & Composition exams, this AP Language & Composition master class will prepare students for the AP Language & Composition exam on May 9, 2023. This course will give AP English students strategies and tips for success on the AP Language & Composition exam, including focus on how to succeed on the essay questions and how to excel on the multiple-choice questions. The course is designed to help prepare both students who are self-studying for the exam and students who are already enrolled in an AP Language & Composition course but would like expert help to improve their score on the AP Language & Composition exam in May. Students will learn how to approach each of the three essay types on the exam, and each student will receive individualized feedback on practice essays with specific advice for improvement. Ms. Cox, who has taught AP Language & Composition courses for nearly a decade, will offer students insider insights into what to expect and how to excel on the exam.

本课程由哈佛大学毕业生Jane Cox老师讲授。她是一名专业的AP教师,被大学理事会选为2020年、2021年和2022AP语言与写作考试的阅卷人,本AP语言与写作大师班将为学生准备202359日的AP语言与写作考试。本课程将为AP英语学生提供在AP语言与写作考试中取得成功的策略和技巧,包括重点介绍如何在作文题中取得成功,以及如何在选择题中取得优异成绩。该课程旨在帮助自学考试的学生和已经参加了AP语言与写作课程,但希望得到专家帮助以提高他们在明年5AP语言与写作考试中分数的学生做好准备。学生们将学习如何处理考试中的三种作文类型,每个学生都将收到关于练习作文的个性化反馈,以及具体的改进建议。执教AP语言与写作课程近十年的Ms. Cox 将为学生提供内部见解,告诉他们在考试中应该注意什么以及如何在考试中脱颖而出。

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Public Speaking/ Podcasting

* Public Speaking in Science(Grade 3~6)IN-PERSON

* 公共演讲-科学(3~6年级)面授课

Teacher Ms. Chesebro

Public speaking is a skill that spans disciplines and is critical in almost every career! Imagine that you are a scientist who has just made an exciting discovery. How will you communicate your findings to the world? This course will focus on speaking skills as related to science. Whether you are a student who is doing your first science fair or you just want to share cool information with others, you will learn about scientific phenomena by reading, researching, and engaging in activities, and then use public speaking and presentation skills to share what you have discovered.


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* Public Speaking for Lawyers(Grade 6~11)IN-PERSON

* 公共演讲—律师(6~11年级)面授课

Teacher: Mrs. Chesebro

Good public speaking is about the ability to communicate and connect with your audience. For lawyers, it is important to convey your message in a clear, impactful way. Students in this class will enhance their speaking skills through Mock Trial activities. Students will take on the roles of attorneys, defendants, and witnesses while simulating court cases. They will learn how to prepare opening and closing statements, deliver testimony, and conduct questioning. As students prepare for trials, they will learn and practice a variety of speaking skills, including style, tone, posture, gestures, and facial expression. Additionally, they will enhance their critical thinking abilities as they analyze and develop their cases.


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STEM Courses

* Math Challenge I(Grade 2~3

Teacher: Mr. Tian

Math I provides a fun, rigorous, challenging, complete curriculum for aspiring students. This curriculum will cover chapters on place value, comparing, addition, subtraction, expressions, measurement, strategies, odds & evens, big numbers, algorithms, and problem solving. We will provide many problems ranging from introductory level exercises to very challenging puzzles and word problems. The course emphasizes on active learning and putting knowledge to use in independent and creative ways. It is recommended for 2nd to 3rd Graders.

数学挑战 I为有热爱数学的学生提供了一个有趣、严谨、具有挑战性的完整课程。本课程将涵盖位值、比较、加法、减法、表达式、测量、策略、单数和双数、大数、算法和解决问题等章节。我们将提供许多问题,从入门级的练习到非常具有挑战性的难题和文字阅读性问题。该课程强调主动学习,并以独立和创造性的方式将知识用于实践。本课程适合二至三年级学


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* Math Challenge II(Grade 4~5

Teacher: Mr. Tian

Math Challenge II is an extension of the Classic Math School Program. Based on the level of students, we develop students’ creative thinking abilities and math strategies. The courses cover a great deal of material and place emphasis on active learning and putting knowledge to use in independent and creative ways. This course is suitable for 4th~5th graders and will cover topics on integers, fractions, decimals, probability, and equations. We recommend that the students who take this course can register for the Math Kangaroo competition or NJ math league competition. We will guide students to prepare for the competitions.

数学挑战 II 是经典学校数学课程的延伸。我们将根据学生的水平,培养学生的创造性思维能力和数学策略。这些课程涵盖了大量的材料,并强调主动学习和以独立和创造性的方式运用知识。本课程适合 4~5 年级学生,涵盖整数、分数、小数、概率和方程等主题。我们建议参加本课程的学生可以报名参加Math Kangaroo竞赛、NJ 数学联盟等竞赛。我们将指导学生为比赛做准备。

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* Introduction to Computer Aided Design: Navigate and Create (Grade 5-8

Teacher: Mrs. Joanna Tebbetts

Interested in 3-D design? This class offers weekly mini-lessons introducing the various tools of 3-D design, including Parametric Technology Corporation’s OnShape program and TinkerCAD. Then, students will have time to practice the skills while creating and sharing products just as actual engineers do. (Prerequisite: must have a laptop or iPad)

3-D 设计感兴趣? 该课程在每周一次的迷你课程中学习各种 3-D 设计工具,包括

Parametric Technology Corporation OnShape 程序和 TinkerCAD。 学生将有机会像实际

工程师一样在创建和共享自己的作品时练习使用所学的技能。 (课程要求: 学生要有笔记本电脑或iPad)

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Introducing Our Teachers

English Language Art Teachers

Mrs. Cox received a B.A. from Harvard University Magna Cum Laude in History & Literature and an M.A. from Western Connecticut State University in English with a focus on writing education. Prior to her career in education, Mrs. Cox was a book editor at Simon & Schuster and Hyperion Press. Working as an excellent high school English teacher for many years, Mrs. Cox’s honors in teaching include selection for the 2018 Fund for Teachers Fellow (2018), selection for the 2020 2022 AP Language & Composition Exam Reader, and many more distinguished awards. With extensive experience in helping children prepare for AP Literature & Composition, AP Language & Composition, 9th Grade Honors and CP English, 10th Grade Honors and CP English, and Poetry, Mrs. Cox is an inspiring teacher who can really get high schoolers passionate about the art and science of writing.

Mrs. Cox 以历史与文学优等生的荣誉毕业于哈佛大学,获得文学学士学位,又在西康涅狄格州州立大学获得英语硕士学位,专攻写作教育。投身教育业之前,Mrs. Cox曾在 Simon & Schuster and Hyperion出版社任职图书编辑。作为一名从教多年优秀的高中英语教师,Mrs. Cox 获得多项荣誉,曾入选2018年教师研究员基金(2018年) 奖,2020年AP语言和作文考试阅卷老师以及其他杰出奖项。她以其丰富的教学经验,常年辅导高中生AP英文文学及作文、AP语言与作文、九年级荣誉和CP英语、十年级荣誉和CP英语以及诗歌。Mrs. Cox是一位启发型老师,她能真正调动高中生对写作艺术和科学的热爱与激情。

Mr. Keating, with undergraduate degrees in English & History from Bucknell University and a master’s in comparative literature from Columbia University, has been teaching English and writing since 1981 and has taught at the Pingry School for the past 34 years. His courses have featured a wide variety of authors, from Shakespeare to Salinger, but his all-time favorite book is The Great Gatsby. Mr. Keating’s teaching styles are working closely with his students on their writing & oral expression, and inspiring students to love literature and language. At Pingry, he has won numerous teaching awards and has had the entranceway of the school named in his honor. On a personal note, “I love book clubs, films, and traveling, and I am a competitive runner and cyclist. “

Mr. Keating 拥有巴克内尔大学的英语和历史本科双学位以及哥伦比亚大学的比较文学硕士学位,自1981年以来一直从事英语和写作教学,在过去34年中一直在Pingry学校任教。他的文学课程包含了各种各样的作家,从莎士比亚到塞林格,但他一直以来最喜欢的书是《了不起的盖茨比》。Mr. Keating 的教学风格是与他的学生在写作和口语表达方面开展密切的合作,并激励学生热爱文学和语言。在Pingry,他获得了许多教学奖项,学校的大门入口处也以他的名字命名。Mr. Keating 是这样评价自己的:“我喜欢读书俱乐部,电影和旅行,我是一个有竞争力的跑步者和自行车运动员。“

Public Speaking, Gifted & Science Teacher

Mrs. Chesebro has taught elementary, middle, and high school students, and spent 25 years teaching in a gifted & talented program for grades K-8. She coached in Debate, Model UN & Public Speaking classes. She is also a co-organizer of TEDx Youth events. Mrs. Chesebro serves on the board of the New Jersey Association for Gifted Children and offers training to teachers and administrators on meeting the needs of gifted students. She earned recognition as NJ’s Governor’s Teacher of the Year, NJ Association for Gifted Children Educator of the Year, and Rotary Club Teacher of the Year. She works closely with the NJ Department of Education to help school districts understand and implement the new Gifted Education law. Twice a year, she travels to China to teach at a STEM camp.

Mrs. Chesebro 曾教过小学、初中和高中学生,并在幼儿园-初中8年级的学校的天才课程中任教25年。她在辩论、模拟联合国和公共演讲课上担任教练。她也是TEDxYouth活动的联合组织者。Mrs. Chesebro 是新泽西州天才儿童协会的董事会成员,并为教师和行政人员提供培训,以满足天才学生的需求。她获得了新泽西州州长年度教师、新泽西州资优儿童协会年度教育家和扶轮社年度教师的认可。她与新泽西州教育部紧密合作,帮助学区了解和实施新的资优教育法。Mrs. Cox 每年会到中国的STEM营地亲自授课两次。

STEM Teachers

Mr. Tian Mr. T is familiar with the math syllabus of the USA and China. He has rich experience in teaching elementary math, math Olympiad training for kids, middle school and high school math. Now he aims to build interest and math skills in his students. He would like to use his professional skills to help students build basic mathematical thinking, and logical skills and enjoy learning math and science.

Mrs. Tebbetts was born in Alaska and has lived in several states before moving to Vermont for college. She graduated from Johnson State College in 2009 with her Bachelor’s degree in Elementary Education and in Environmental Science. She has always felt passionate about teaching, and science is her favorite subject. She enjoys working at STARBASE Vermont where she teaches students about science, technology, engineering, and math and is always learning more and more about these subjects each day! Mrs. Tebbetts possesses a teaching certificate from Vermont and is also a National Geographic Certified Educator and a Google Certified Educator. In her spare time, she loves to go hiking throughout New England as well as spend time with her husband, her son, and their dogs. She also loves writing historical fiction about pirates and she hopes to someday backpack throughout Europe.

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Enroll in our Spring courses for high-quality, personalized, fun, and safe learning!


Registration link: https://welightedu.corsizio.com/

In-Person ADDRESS: 432 Springfield Ave, Berkeley Heights, NJ 07922


Referral discount: $30 for referring a new family

Please contact us through WeChat or eMail for Siblings & Multiclass discount codes.
