东北风暴重袭纽约长岛 一老妪雪中丧生

东北风暴重袭纽约长岛 一老妪雪中丧生




东北风暴(Nor’easter)袭长岛,苏福克郡(Suffolk County)当天上午多地的积雪已超过一呎,下午将迎来更大暴雪,直到晚间才能解除暴雪警报(Blizzard Warning);因持续的暴雪与低温,一名居住在纳苏郡(Nassau County)的老妪,因未能及时获得医疗救援,被救援人员发现在户外停泊的轿车内丧生。

NYC snow storm: Subfreezing temperatures making clearing snow difficult
Jan 29, 2022

Marcus Solis reports from Bayside, Queens as the storm batters the region.

国家气象局(National Weather Service)表示,当天上午10时左右苏福克史密斯镇(Smithtown)积雪量达14.8吋、河头镇(Riverhead)达14吋;苏福克郡郡长贝隆(Steve Bellone)29日表示,这场暴雪比预计的更糟糕,当晚7时左右才能取消暴雪警报,「现在太难了,我们在风暴的中心」。


New York City Walk: Aftermath of the Snowstorm (January 29th 2022)

纳苏郡发布冬季风暴警告(Winter Storm Watch),部分地区的降雪将从下午5时开始减弱,直到晚上8时停止;纳苏郡郡长布莱克曼(Bruce Blakeman)表示,当地政府派出80辆铲雪车撒盐并清楚道路积雪,当天上午6时已清除了近八吋积雪,另将加派53辆铲雪车在晚间不间断清除积雪。


由于这场暴风雪,当地警局的发言人尤格(Michael Usinger)表示,一名长者女性于29日凌晨2时45分,发现在尤宁戴尔(Uniondale)的万豪酒店(Marriott Hotels)停车场丧生;布莱克补充,这名死者被铲雪工人发现,疑因未能及时获得救治,导致她不治离世,「这也说明目前的情况非常危险」。




New York City Buried In Snow Overnight
Jan 29, 2022

CBS2’s Christina Fan has a look at conditions in Long Island City, Queens.

居住在苏福克郡的赵杰克(Jack Zhao,音译)表示,疫情爆发后,这是他经历最大的一场暴雪;他说,因户外气温过低,且有强风,预计春节前都待在家中,避免发生危险,「我们之前已经买好了食物,准备安心在家中过节」。


冬季风暴袭击纽约州 纽约市积雪达12吋




超强冬季风暴28日晚间如期而至,纽约州南部受影响严重,预计纽约市积雪将在今晚达12吋,长岛地区将达到24吋;州长霍楚(Kathy Hochul)29日再度提醒,目前是最危险的阶段,大雪和强风将继续持续至今日晚间,建议民众待在家中不要外出。

NY snow storm
Jan 29, 2022

Video from New York City and Long Island shows some of the snow that was falling on Saturday from a nor’easter.

纽约州自28日晚8时进入紧急状态,霍楚表示该预警将继续生效,目前纽约市、长岛、威彻斯特郡(Westchester)等地区受影响严重,长岛苏福克郡(Suffolk County)更是启动暴雪预警。



What differentiates a blizzard from a regular winter storm? There are three criterias, according to the National Weather Service.

此外,大都会运输署也通知长岛铁路(LIRR)将继续停运,长岛快速路(Long Island Expressway)限制车速并禁止卡车通行。



暴风雪再袭美东 7千航班遭取消 纽约进入紧急状态



Heavy snow in Washington, D.C., this month. The Mid-Atlantic region and New England are bracing for another potentially severe snowstorm this weekend.Credit…Stefani Reynolds/Agence France-Presse — Getty Images


Major nor’easter blasts New York City with snow and high winds | AccuWeather
Jan 29, 2022


  波士顿市长吴弭 (Michelle Wu)已经于当地时间周五晚间宣布进入“暴雪紧急状态”,并表示周六早晨将经历降雪的峰值。当地分管城市道路和交通的官员Jascha Franklin-Hodge也表示,这场暴风雪有进入历史纪录的潜力,居民们应当做好雪停之后也不能马上重回正常生产生活的准备。

Blizzard conditions were already felt in Boston (pictured) on Saturday morning

  同样在周五晚间,纽约州州长Kathy Hochul宣布长岛、纽约市和哈德逊河谷进入紧急状态,呼吁居民避免“不必要的出行”。



The Powerful Snow Storm Hits New york | New York Snow
Jan 29, 2022




东北风暴本周末袭击大纽约 降雪最高12吋 办年货要趁早





根据AccuWeather气象专家吉伯特(Mary Gilbert)表示,大苹果地区周末将迎来一场东北风暴(Nor’easter),并于29日(周六)早加剧;吉伯特表示,一旦开始下雪,很快就会积起雪来,她预测降雪将在28日(周五)午夜左右至29日凌晨期间,覆盖纽约地区,伴随着每小时可达到45哩的阵风。


Snowstorm will dump 8-12 inches on NYC, more in New England: forecasters




暴风雪天 美国男子想步行6英里回家 却冻死野外




Map detailing disappearance of Jacob Whaley
Jan 6, 2022

The search continues for Jacob Whaley, a Louisa man who disappeared in the middle of Monday’s winter storm.

  当地时间1月3日,34岁的雅各布·威利(Jacob Whaley)在下午5点左右下班开车回家时,由于天气不佳,他的车滑进沟里被卡住了。他告诉家人准备步行回家,但在几个小时后,大概晚上8点46分,他给母亲发短信说自己迷路了。这是雅各布和家人最后一次联系,随后家人立即向多个执法机构报告该男子失踪。



Jacob Whaley walked through the snowstorm to be with his son. But he never made it.
Jan 8, 2022

Jacob Whaley’s family said around 8:30 p.m. Monday, the 34-year-old’s car slid into a ditch in Hanover County during the snowstorm. The location where his abandoned car was found was near the line Hanover County shares with both Spotsylvania and Louisa counties. “He was trying to find a path through the woods because there is a neighborhood that he lives that he could’ve gotten to and walked right across the street and been able to get home,” sister Angela Whaley said.








暴雪侵袭之下,维吉尼亚州东部的I-95高速公路(Interstate 95)路段交通瘫痪,某些驾驶人被卡在路上将近24小时。有线电视新闻网(CNN)报导,救难人员指出,这场维州大雪为民众带来的教训是,冬天开车要在车上备妥保命物品,包括保暖衣物以及可以用来做为车辆挡风隔热之用的毯子等。

科罗拉多州斯廷博特斯普林斯消防救难队(Steamboat Springs Fire Rescue)紧急救护技术员(Emergency Medical Technician,EMT)哈特曼(Isaiah Hartman)接受CNN访问时说,对他个人而言,冬季开车出门首先要准备的重要物品就是「能够让你保暖的任何东西」。

他举例说,保暖物品从手套、毛袜、暖暖包(hand warmers,又称暖手宝)都包括在内,毯子则有多重用途。他表示,毯子不但可以拿来裹住身体御寒,当遇到严峻的酷寒气候时,还能拿来挡在车窗,避免冷风窜入,做为让车子保持温度的隔热之用。



雪铲的另一个功能,是在轮胎被卡住时,协助脱困。哈特曼说,猫砂(kitty litter)也能帮助车子从雪地里脱困,可以准备一小罐放在车上以备不时之需。






无天气预警 驾驶被Google导航「骗」入绝境





内华达州居民温蒂.贝托德(Wendy Becktold)表示,她上月27日开车前往加州湾区探视亲戚,由于太浩湖(Lake Tahoe)附近的两条高速高路被关闭,因此Google导航指示她走511号郡道(County Road 511),结果发现511号郡道每逢冬季时都会季节性关闭,且当时正值暴风雪使所有驾驶人进退维谷,Google导航显然没有更新这项资讯。


Google地图发言人麦迪逊.谷维亚(Madison Gouveia)说:「鉴于当地暴风雪的状况难以预测,Google地图团队正在使用当局提供的资讯更新太浩湖地区的地图资讯;同时我们也在画面上显示『冬季风暴警报发布中』的字样,提醒用路人安全驾驶。」

另一方面,Waze地图的用户也出现过类似「灾情」;有Waze地图用户在推特分享上月底加州大风雪时,被导航导引至一条海拔高度6920呎、被称为Henness Pass Road的不知名的小路,受困七天才被救援队确定位置,平安下山。


事实上,加州运输厅曾警告过驾驶人不要太依赖地图导航,发言人巴洛威(Raquel Borrayo)说:「因为它很有可能把你导向没有柏油路的产业道路、积雪量过大的路线,甚至没有手机信号的地方。」


Snow Closed the Highways. GPS Mapped a Harrowing Detour in the Sierra Nevada.

Public safety officials warned that alternate routes offered by apps like Google Maps and Waze don’t always take into account hazards to drivers.

By Neil Vigdor


Volunteers helped a driver who was stranded after being led by a GPS system down a snow-covered, two-lane dirt road as an alternative route to the closed Interstate 80 on Monday night.Credit… Washoe County Sheriff’s Office

The road once carried stagecoaches during the Gold Rush, twisting its way through what is now a national forest and an area of the Sierra Nevada known for snowmobiling.

In the winter, the rugged passage, known as the Quincy-La Porte Road or County Road 511 in Plumas County, Calif., is closed.

But Wendy Becktold, an editor from the Bay Area who was on her way to visit an ailing relative in Reno, Nev., on Monday, said that she had been unaware of that when she navigated her rented Toyota Corolla while the region was still grappling with a record-setting snowstorm.

Google Maps had guided her that way because two major highways near Lake Tahoe were shut down, she recounted in an interview on Wednesday, echoing concerns of other drivers and public safety officials about the potential hazards of relying too heavily on GPS applications.

They said that Google Maps and Waze, which is also owned by Google, along with other mapping programs, wouldn’t always account for seasonal road closures or treacherous terrain, emphasizing temporary road closures instead.

“There were a lot of cars behind us,” Ms. Becktold said. “Clearly, Google Maps was routing everyone the same way.”

Ms. Becktold, 50, a senior story editor for Sierra, a magazine published by the Sierra Club, said she and her cousin had seen a tree limb on a power line and had passed many cabins as they unknowingly pressed on. Then, a worker in a safety vest waved them off, said Ms. Becktold, who lives in Berkeley, Calif.

“He said, ‘Everybody just keeps showing me their phones,’” Ms. Becktold recalled. “He was just like exasperated.”

A Google Maps spokeswoman said in a statement on Wednesday that the tech company was taking steps to provide drivers with accurate route information.

“In light of the unpredictable conditions from the current snowstorm, our team is working as quickly as possible to update routes in the Lake Tahoe area using details from local authorities.” the spokeswoman, Madison Gouveia, said. “We currently show a winter storm warning to alert drivers in the area, and encourage everyone to stay alert and attentive.”

Google Maps did not answer questions about what kind of safeguards for drivers it uses, including warnings about winter road closings or unpaved roads. SFGate.com earlier reported the white-knuckle detours.

Raymond DeGuzman of Hayward, Calif., removed snow chains from his tires in Pollock Pines, Calif., on Tuesday as his daughters shivered nearby. Heavy snow slowed eastbound traffic on U.S. Highway 50 to a crawl, and the family had decided to turn back. Credit…Randall Benton/Associated Press

In Washoe County, Nev., which includes Reno, a family of five from Southern California was stranded for two hours on Monday night when their rented pickup truck got stuck in the snow on a two-lane dirt road, the county sheriff’s office said.

The family had sought an alternate route on the way to visit relatives for the holidays in Truckee, Calif., during the storm, which closed an 81-mile stretch of Interstate 80 and contributed to the snowiest December in the Sierra on record.

More than 17 feet of snow had fallen during the month as of Thursday, according to the Central Sierra Snow Lab of the University of California, Berkeley. The storm also closed Highway 50 for about 50 miles in the Sacramento Valley and the Lake Tahoe Basin before it and I-80 reopened.

In a Facebook post on Tuesday, the Washoe County Sheriff’s Office said that the family had ignored illuminated warning signs telling drivers not to use the Dog Valley-Henness Pass Roads.

“However, the family’s GPS won the battle of which technology to listen to,” the sheriff’s office said in a Facebook post on Tuesday, adding that the family had been rescued.

It was not clear what GPS application the family had been using.

In a public warning last week, the Washoe County Sheriff’s Office said that drivers had frequently taken the same detour when using GPS. From November 2020 to last February, emergency responders were called to 11 rescues, according to the sheriff.

Raquel Borrayo, a spokeswoman for Caltrans, California’s state transportation department, said in an email on Wednesday that the agency had tried to reinforce that overreliance on GPS apps could be risky.

“When people try to use mapping apps like Waze or Google Maps to avoid highway closures, they can sometimes be put in very precarious and dangerous situations with unplowed roads/dirt roads, heavy amounts of snow and zero cellphone service,” Ms. Borrayo said. “We always tell people to stay on highways and find alternate routes that way vs. using rural roads. We also recommend people just stay put and wait until the interstate or highway closure has been lifted.”

During this week’s storm, several people posted screen shots on Twitter of Google Maps and Waze directions sending users to the Henness Pass Road, which the Sierra County Historical Society describes as a secluded and winding mountain road that rises to an elevation of 6,920 feet. The road, a primary emigrant trail from Virginia City, Nev., is “left off many maps,” according to a description on the historical society’s website.

The Donner Pass, named for the doomed snowbound pioneer family, some of whom resorted to cannibalism during the 1840s, is about 40 miles from the detour.

A spokeswoman for Waze said in an email on Thursday that the company was committed to helping drivers navigate efficiently and safely.

“In light of this week’s snowstorm and changing weather conditions, Waze Community Map Editors continue to keep our maps updated with the latest real-time routing information,” the spokeswoman, Caroline Bourdeau, said. “We encourage drivers to exercise caution and to stay alert on the road,”

Waze has a filter that allows drivers to avoid unpaved roads.

Crystal A. Kolden, a geographer and disaster scientist who teaches at the University of California, Merced, said she could not believe it when she saw that Google Maps had suggested Henness Pass and other backcountry roads to drivers seeking alternatives to I-80.

“They’re barely drivable in the summer,” Professor Kolden said on Wednesday. “How reliable do these companies have an ethical responsibility to be?”

Professor Kolden, 44, who was at her home near Sonora, Calif., in the foothills of the Sierra during the storm, criticized Google maps on Twitter. Some commenters mocked her post, saying that drivers should take responsibility for monitoring conditions and that she sounded like a Prius-driving millennial.

“Blaming vulnerable people for going down the wrong road is the same as blaming some of those poor vulnerable people who drowned in their basement apartments in New York City not long ago,” she said in an interview, referring to deadly flooding in September.

On Wednesday, Google Maps showed red dots with dashes in them on the road that Ms. Becktold had taken during her circuitous journey on Monday. The road closure warnings hadn’t been there two days earlier, she said.

“It wasn’t like we were just frolicking along, looking for a day in the snow,” Ms. Becktold said.

Ms. Becktold said she had no choice but to return to Berkeley when she had been about 150 miles into the 200-mile trip. Her cousin, who had been trying to reach her ailing brother in Reno, eventually resorted to flying from San Francisco to Reno — through Los Angeles, she said.

“It seems kind of silly in this day and age,” she said, “that there can’t be clearer information online that these roads are closed.”


只靠一张纸条 法国养殖业者吓阻小偷窃取生蚝

中央社 | 法国勒卡特



法国生蚝养殖业者朱诺特(Christophe Guinot)失窃3公吨生蚝后,他想到一个解决办法,就是在生蚝壳内放秘密纸条,来协助警方抓到小偷。


生蚝的利润相当丰厚。在巴黎市中心知名的法式餐厅Chez Francoise,6颗高品质生蚝要价24欧元(约27美元)。假期生蚝需求量最大,也是小偷横行的时节。








‘You’ve won your weight in oysters!’ – note in shells stops thieves



Oysters on a silver tray close up. Traditional fish market stall full of fresh shell oysters
Pic for representational purpose only. iStock

When thieves stole three tonnes of oysters from French shellfish farmer Christophe Guinot, he came up with a solution: planting secret notes inside oyster shells to help police track down the thieves.

Since Guinot put the method in place in 2016, he says there have been no new oyster thefts on his farm. “It has had a dissuasive effect,” the 60-year-old, from Leucate in southern France, told Reuters.

Oysters are lucrative: at the celebrated Chez Francoise restaurant in central Paris, a dish of six high-grade oysters costs 24 euros ($27). Demand is highest over the festive period, also the busiest time for thieves.

Guinot farms oysters in a coastal lagoon near France’s border with Spain. The shellfish are reared in cages, attached by wires to a metal frame that stops them drifting away. Thieves take a boat out to the cages and pluck them from the water.

Guinot’s solution: take an empty oyster shell, insert a tiny rolled-up note, glue the shell back together and drop it into the cage. The note tells whoever opens the shell that they have won their own weight in oysters, and invites them to call to claim their prize.

Anyone claiming their prize could be asked where they bought the oysters, and if it was not from somewhere that Guinot supplies, he could set the police on the trail of the thieves.

Fellow producers from the area followed his example and also planted notes among their oysters. So far no one has claimed the prize from Guinot himself, though some had been claimed from neighbouring farms, he said. In at least some cases, the prizewinners had been sold stolen oysters, and police were alerted.

Word has spread and appears to have created a deterrent effect: after 19 oyster thefts in the area in 2017, there were none in 2020, according to the French Interior Ministry. Reuters


影/衣服掉窗台捡不到…他派大闸蟹夹回 奇招被赞爆








搭飞机时手机掉椅下捡不到 为什么要立刻通知空服员?







BREAKING: Battery Catches FIRE on Ryanair Flight! (Video Footage)
Jul 31, 2018

Ryanair passengers escape on emergency chute after mobile phone external battery exploded while the 737 was about to taxi for departure. The incident happened around 5.30pm this afternoon at Barcelona’s El Prat airport as the packed Boeing 737 prepared to take off for Ibiza. No one needed medical attention, although some passengers are said to have suffered slight burns as they slid down the emergency chute.




Dangerous reason why passengers must tell cabin crew if they lose their phone

On a recent Qantas flight to Melbourne, a man dropped his mobile and then tried to fish it out from a crevice in the seat

By Caroline McGuire


THERE are a number of ways to make yourself the most unpopular person on a flight – showing up late for boarding, picking your toenails and getting drunk on the free booze should all do it.

But starting a fire, even unintentionally, has got to be the clincher.

Passengers are now being warned to contact a flight attendant every time they lose a phone down the side of a plane seat Credit: Getty – Contributor

It is far easier than you think to get a blaze going on a plane though – all a passenger has to do is lose their phone down the side of a seat.

On a Qantas flight to Melbourne in 2018, a man did just that, dropping his mobile and then trying to fish it out.

While he was trying to retrieve it the handset started smouldering, with the situation getting so bad that the pilot considered diverting the aircraft to Sydney and crew having to use fire extinguishers to put the blaze out.

Passengers are now  warned to contact a flight attendant every time they lose a phone down the side of a plane seat, as crushing the powerful lithium batteries can easily spark a fire or explosion.

The incident follows a previous warning Australia’s Civil Aviation Safety Authority, who had released a statement that read: “Smart phones can fall into aircraft seat mechanisms and be crushed when the seat is moved.

“This can result in damage to the phone’s lithium battery which can cause overheating and fire.

“Passengers must remember never to move their seat if a phone goes missing while in-flight and to always ask the aircraft cabin crew for assistance.

“If a phone is damaged cabin crew should be alerted immediately.”

The incident is just one of a number of phone fires that have happened on planes in recent years.

In August of this year, a mobile phone caught fire in the cabin of an Alaska Airlines flight, leading to the plane being evacuated.

In July 2018, Ryanair passengers were filmed escaping on emergency chute after mobile phone battery burst into flames minutes before take-off.

Holidaymakers could be seen falling over each other in a bid to get away from the aircraft as quickly as they could after the inflatable slide was activated.

Then in February 2018, a passenger’s hand luggage was filmed in flames on China Southern flight as a flight attendant was forced to fight the fire.

Ryanair passengers FLEE plane after mobile phone battery ‘explodes’
Aug 1, 2018

Airline pilot Patrick Smith told Sun Online Travel that phones in checked-in luggage pose an even bigger problem to flight safety.

He said: “I would be concerned with fires in the lower hold.

“If one was to occur then crew people on board won’t have an understanding of what is happening or how fast it’s spreading.

“Holds are equipped with fire suppressant systems but these systems aren’t always effective against those types of fires.”


航班被取消、延误 旅客可依法争取退款



芝加哥欧海尔(O’Hare)国际机场一号航厦(Terminal 1)里,由灯光设计师海顿(Michael Hayden)设计名为「一切都可能」(Sky’s the Limit)的灯饰艺术。(欧海尔机场脸书)

日前因错过转机,而被迫滞留在芝加哥欧海尔(O’Hare)国际机场的美食记者罗比塞莉(Allison Robicelli),趁机在机场内夜游,并在推特上介绍机场内的圣诞装饰与平时因匆忙而忽略的景致。旅行专家也建议民众,如果航班被取消、延误,或因新冠疫情必须放弃预定机位时,可依法争取退款或购买旅行保险弥补损失。

罗比塞莉在探索欧海尔机场时,发现在一号航厦(Terminal 1),连接B和C两大厅之间的地下信道里,有灯光设计师海顿(Michael Hayden)长达744呎、名为「一切都可能」(Sky’s the Limit)的灯饰艺术。海顿在信道的天花板上安装镜子与彩虹霓虹灯管,将这块原本阴暗乏味的空间打造成温暖的现代艺术,让旅客站在电动走道经过时,可以来回从不同角度欣赏。

另外,当航班取消或延迟时,根据Scott’s Cheap Flights的旅行专家奥兰多(Willis Orlando)说,民众在几个月前已经预定的机位,可能在最后一刻被取消或更改,原因可能是航空公司为了调整航班时刻表、增加飞行地点,或因应疫情期间的机组人员配置等。



如果民众因感染新冠病毒而自愿取消搭机,航空公司则不会退款,但可能会发给现金券(voucher)用于重订机票,多数航空公司也愿意免除更改航班的费用(change fee)。



美国万物齐涨 揭开商家变相涨价5大策略



美国消费者物价指数仍持续上涨。图为纽约市民众在街头水果摊选购水果。(Getty Images)














一元店聪明购物 买不买有讲究



家庭需要的大量用纸,还是在量贩店购买更经济划算。 (Getty Images)

一元商店向来是民众欲购买便宜货的好去处,不过因为所贩售的商品相当有限,去采买的人千万不可以用平时去沃尔玛(Walmart)等大型超市购物的模式去一元商店购物;非营利组织「消费者报告」(Consumer Report)的一些消费专家,就针对不同类型的采买标的,为消费者提供一些去一元商店买东西时可以运用的小技巧。

一元店出售的卫浴用品是消费者常见的品牌,价格常比一般超市便宜。(Getty Images)













另外,一元商店中也有许多便宜的汽车用品,确实是车子突然故障时的最佳帮手;如果临时需要为汽车加点润滑油或换机油,只需要确认包装上印有石油协会(American Petroleum Institute)的标志即可,不需要太计较品牌名称,因为石油协会只会授权符合最新法规的产品贴这款标章;贴有这款标章的产品,即便是没听过的杂牌,都不会对车子造成损伤。



By MB One


先简单回顾一下我车的问题:车子几次启动不顺畅后,需要jump start才能启动,以为是电池坏了,但换了新电池还是启动不顺畅,然后就算jump start也不能启动了。像版上朋友说的那样,是starter坏了。


车子突然不能启动,主要是两个原因:电池没电,starter坏了。电池没电,有可能是车未运行时开大灯把电用光了,jump start就可以解决。还有可能是电池寿命到了,买个新电池换上就行。还可能是发电机alternator坏了,不能给电池充电。区分的方法是,用万用表测电压,如果车子运行时测得的电压稳定在14v以上,说明发电机是好的。


如果真的是starter坏了,也不要慌,轻敲starter有可能暂时解决。有些车starter比较好够到,自己就可以换。我这车的starter位置比较深,我看了视频发现要拆很多东西,就找了Mobile mechanic换。yourmechanic.com还算可以,能事先看到价格,号称保修一年。


男婴噎到脸色发青 美餐厅客人“1工具”神救援

文章来源: 东森新闻



LifeVac Saves a Toddler from Choking to Death in Irmo SC restaurant
Sep 28, 2021

ABC Columbia reports on how a family dining at a local restaurant in Irmo SC quickly finds themselves in a choking emergency when their 10-month-old boy starts choking on pancakes. The Heimlich does not work and the boy loses consciousness. Watch to see how another customer at the restaurant steps in to help!

根据Inside Edition,男婴的母亲洁恩.科勒(Jayne Koehler)回忆道,当时10月大的儿子盖布瑞(Gabriel)因一块美式松饼噎住,马上伸手轻拍他的背部。但洁恩和丈夫乔恩(Jon)很快就意识到事情的严重性,因为盖布瑞的脸色开始发青,“而且发生得非常快”。


众人围在盖布瑞周围时,男性客人希拉德(Major Hillard)在一片混乱之中冲出餐厅,跑回车上拿出名为LifeVac的急救装备再冲回餐厅内,将这种气道抽吸器覆盖在盖布瑞嘴上,成功将异物吸出,才让他奇迹似地恢复呼吸,开始大口喘气。



异物进眼睛先别揉 医师教你外伤急救技巧




眼睛飞进小沙子、被肥皂水眼睛刺痛,忍不住想要马上揉眼睛,但揉眼睛小心眼角膜会受伤,尽管大多数眼外伤是轻微的,究竟该如何安全地清除眼中的刺激物?根据克里夫兰医学中心,眼科医生Peter McGannon,提供以下指引。











配戴护目镜 护眼不受伤


参考数据:Don’t Rub It! First Aid Tips for 5 Eye Irritants + Injuries

Don’t Rub It! First Aid Tips for 5 Eye Irritants + Injuries

Find out what to treat yourself and when to get help

Eye Care


Even if you do your best to protect your eyes, accidents do happen. Then you wonder if it’s OK to rub it or whether you should rinse it — and whether to call for help.

Most eye injuries, like getting soap or a tiny foreign body in the eye, are minor. Others, such as those that occur in some work environments or during sports play, require prompt medical attention.

Five most common eye injuries and how to handle them

If you’re looking for the best way to treat an eye injury or how to remove an irritant or object stuck in your eye, these tips from ophthalmologist Peter McGannon, MD, are for you:

1. Foreign objects in the eye

“Whether it’s a grain of sand, eyelash, or other tiny object, your first instinct may be to rub your eye, but don’t do it,” says Dr. McGannon.

Rubbing the eye — or trying to remove an object with your finger — may end up abrading the cornea and creating a much more serious situation, he says.

Instead, allow your tears to flow in response to the irritation. If that doesn’t flush it out, rinse the eye with clean water or with sterile saline solution. If your eye continues to bother you, or the foreign body remains, contact your eye doctor or head to the nearest urgent care or ER if an your eye doctor is not available.

2. Chemicals in the eye

Industrial chemicals and some household cleaning solutions cause serious damage when splashed into the eye.

If you get a chemical solution in your eye, rinse it out with clean water or saline solution immediately and thoroughly, preferably for at least 15 minutes. You may need to hold the eye open to allow the water or saline solution to properly flush it out.

Immediately seek medical attention after flushing to make sure no serious harm occurred. “Any time you work with chemicals at a job, or even when you use strong household cleaning products, you should be wearing eye protection,” says Dr. McGannon.

3. A blow to the eye

People of all ages play sports and, at some point, may suffer a blow to the eye from a ball or some other object during a game.

“Gently hold a cold compress or ice pack against the eye, taking care not to put any pressure on it,” Dr. McGannon says. “Keep your head upright to reduce swelling.”

Visit your local urgent care center or eye doctor if pain persists or if the injury affects your vision.

4. A puncture wound to the eye

A puncture wound to the eye requires immediate attention in an urgent care or emergency room setting. Don’t attempt to flush out or remove anything stuck in the eye and avoid rubbing your eye and the area around it.

“Protect your eye from accidental pressure or rubbing by covering it with a firm, circular object such as a foam or paper coffee cup,” says Dr. McGannon.

Tape the protective cover over the eye, preferably with first aid tape. Have someone drive you immediately to the nearest emergency room for evaluation.

5. A cut to the eye or eyelid

Unless it’s a very minor cut in the skin around the eye, this injury typically requires immediate medical attention, Dr. McGannon says.

Do not attempt to wash a cut eye or eyelid. Instead, without adding pressure to the eyeball, apply a clean cloth or sterile bandage to the area. Avoid using fluffy cotton or similar materials around the eye because fibers could stick in the area and cause more pain and irritation.

Seek immediate evaluation at an urgent care or emergency center.

Take active steps every day to protect your eyes

Accidents sometimes occur despite our best preventive efforts. But take a mindful, deliberate approach to eye protection and safety and you may avoid the worst ones, Dr. McGannon says.

“Properly fitted, activity-specific eye protection can go a long way toward preventing some of the most serious trauma to the eyes,” he says.

Always wear eye protection when you:

  • Play sports.
  • Work with lawn equipment.
  • Use household cleaners or chemicals.
  • Work with heavy machinery.
  • Do any construction or renovation work.

It’s also a good idea to keep specific supplies for treating eye injuries in your home first aid kit. Purchase these at your local pharmacy and you’ll be prepared to properly cope with most any future eye injuries.

Source: https://health.clevelandclinic.org/dont-rub-it-first-aid-tips-for-5-eye-irritants-injuries/