

Scholar Launch



  • 减少了人类在复杂任务(如计算机编程)中的错误
  • 能够在更短时间内无缝处理大数据集
  • 自动化重复性任务和流程
  • 执行一些危险任务,如救援行动和深海探索,这些任务如果由人类执行可能会面临巨大风险
  • 协助医生和外科医生进行医疗治疗,推动现代医学的进步









为了更好地帮助学生学习这项未来科技,今年秋季,人工智能专家、来自佐治亚理工学院的Guillermo Goldsztein教授,将带领多个人工智能小组科研项目:





  • 300+名校教授、学者提供专业研究指导
  • 名校在读PhD、MBA一对一指导学术写作、投稿
  • 一站式解决背景提升活动选择难题
  • 独立选题,产出论文归学员独立所有
  • 独家合作期刊,有概率获得论文发表
  • 有机会获得教授高质量亲笔推荐信
  • 科研方法先导课,帮助学生深入了解科研过程
  • 3-5人精品小班
  • 美国本科教学、研究模式

About Us

Scholar Launch offers a variety of extracurricular academic programs to middle and high school students who are determined to excel in higher education. Our group and 1-on-1 research cohorts are designed to prepare our scholars for the rigors of college life, encourage them to ask critical, thought-provoking questions about the world around them, and ultimately enrich students’ intellectual abilities outside the classroom.

We partner with a diverse array of distinguished Faculty Advisors (FAs) and Teachers’ Assistants (TAs) from around the world, each of whom boasts elite credentials that run the gamut of academia. With ample experience teaching at universities and a knack for working with eager middle and high school students, our FAs cover nearly any subject area you can think of. Students can look forward to carefully curated programs that align with their niche interests.

While the FAs determine the curricula for each cohort and manage the group sessions, our students also receive in-depth, one-on-one guidance from our masterful TAs. We take a hands-on approach to virtual education by working closely with each student to ensure a successful online learning experience. The relationships our scholars build with their mentors often lead to letters of recommendation, a priceless addition to any college application. 

This opportunity we have to offer world-class instruction in a wide variety of subjects to students in all corners of the globe is one we don’t take lightly.

In today’s increasingly connected world, access to global information and formerly exclusive knowledge is more democratized than ever before. While this Age of Information, which has resulted in more accessible education, is a net positive for world citizens, it also complicates the path forward for students. 

How do we fortify young people’s minds to be able to navigate the deluge of information at their fingertips with grace, critical thinking, and contextual awareness? In other words, how can we teach our scholars discernment and stability in a world of distractions? And how do we best prepare students to be the reliable, self-sufficient, emotionally intelligent adults that colleges, universities, and countless employers beyond school are looking for? 

These are the questions educators must ask, and it’s our responsibility to approach each of our students with these concerns in mind. We at Scholar Launch understand what’s at stake in the increasingly complex, competitive landscapes of academia and the job market. We offer new, more challenging research programs to our students every season and are always eager to welcome the next class of scholars to our ranks.

50 Mitchell Drive, Suite 104

New Haven, CT 06511



Last update: 10/02/2024

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