


作者:简翎 | 发表于 最热闹的华人社交网络–贝壳村













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Thursday, Dec 16, 2021, 美西6PM, 美东9PM

明州高速路逆行撞货车 中国留学生1死4伤



据KBJR报导,明尼苏达双港市9日傍晚6时左右,发生一起死亡车祸,死者为22岁的Qike Xu。(截自社群媒体)


明尼苏达州双港镇(Two Harbors)9日晚发生一起逆向行驶导致的致命车祸,一辆多功能车上的22岁中国女留学生徐绮柯(Qike Xu,音译,以下皆同)身亡,另外四人受伤。车上五人都是中国留学生,除徐绮柯外,其余四人均23岁,分别是萧岳元(Xiao Yueyuan)、方乔伊(Joy Fang)、雷松翰(Lei Songhan)和张萱茵(Zhang Xuanyn),四人被送到Duluth镇的St. Luke医院救治,没有生命危险,相撞的小货车司机也在同一家医院治疗伤势。

据报导,9日晚6时16分许,萧岳元驾驶2016年款的凌志(Lexus)多功能车在61号公路的逆行车道上向北行驶,在Scenic Drive附近迎头撞上向南行驶的2012年款GMC小货车。徐绮柯没系安全带,不幸死在乘客座位上。小货车司机是44岁的威德尔(Clifford Weidell)。



车祸律师康蒂丝·邦德(Candice Bond) 表示,对双港镇这起逆行车祸应进行独立调查,并保留证据,「除了警方报告外,律师还要分析车祸的原因,聘请专业证人,检查司机的背景调查情况,找到证人和查看保险的适用范围。作为当事人的维权者,律师可为受害家庭提供指导,保护他们的合法权利。」



据KBJR报导,明尼苏达双港市9日傍晚6时左右,发生一起死亡车祸,死者为22岁的Qike Xu是来自中国武汉的留学生。

明尼苏达州州警表示,一辆GMC Sierra卡车在61号公路上与一辆Lexus RX对撞,Lexus上有五名乘客,其中一人重伤不治,另四人受伤送医后无生命危险。卡车司机亦受伤送医。

据警方表示,Lexus RX 上共有五人,死者和23岁的Zhang Xuanyn、Joy Fang都没有系安全带,23岁的Lei Songhan和驾驶者Xiao Yueyuan则有系安全带。



30个威力强大龙卷风侵袭美国6州 至少已酿78死

文章来源: 中央社




紧急驰赴梅菲尔德的肯塔基州州长贝希尔(Andy Beshear)表示:“难以言喻,我从未见过这种毁灭程度。我相信,这是历来侵袭肯塔基州的最致命龙卷风系统。”



Tornadoes rip through Kentucky, five other states
Dec 11, 2021

A devastating swarm of tornadoes ripped through six U.S. states, killing more than 70 people in Kentucky and leaving a trail of destroyed homes and businesses along a path that stretched more than 200 miles, officials said.





载逾百移民 墨西哥货车翻覆 至少53死54伤





Bodies in body bags are placed on the side of the road after an accident in Tuxtla Gutierrez, Chiapas state, Mexico, Thursday, Dec. 9, 2021. Mexican authorities say at least 49 people were killed and dozens more injured when a cargo truck carrying Central American migrants rolled over on a highway in southern Mexico.

根据当地民防局局长说法,当地时间9日下午,一辆载有100多人的卡车在墨西哥南部恰帕斯州(Chiapas)首都图斯特拉古铁雷斯(Tuxtla Gutierrez)附近发生翻车意外,预计死亡人数会再上升,至少有3人受重伤,是数十来最严重的移民事故之一。


恰帕斯州州长埃斯坎东 (Rutilio Escandón)发推文说,已下令为伤者提供即时的关注和协助,将依法追究责任。



现代奴隶制 乔州农场贩卖剥削移工 24人遭起诉




根据日前公布的一份联邦起诉书,南乔治亚州的农场仍存在着人口贩卖,并将移民工人困在不人道的恶劣工作环境中的「现代奴隶制度」(modern-day slavery)。

he indictment alleges workers from Mexico, Honduras, and Guatemala were forced to live in squalor on the business properties, like the farm and property of Charles King, of Kings Berry Farms in Waycross, Georgia



美国乔州南区检察官办公室的新闻稿指出,有24人及其犯罪相关的企业因长期存在的剥削正面临一系列重罪起诉。VICE新闻网报导,此一调查行动动员了多方机构合作—被称为「盛开的洋葱行动」(Operation Blooming Onion)—可能是美国有史以来规模最大的人口贩卖和签证欺诈调查行动之一。

Workers harvests onions in a field in Lyons, Georgia (file photo, June, 2013)


「美国梦对全球贫困和绝望的人们具有强大的吸引力,但同样的就会有人利用此梦想,剥削工人以谋取其贪婪的私利,」该区代理检察官埃斯特斯(David Estes)表示。



Guest workers harvest a Vidalia onion field in Lyons, Georgia (file photo, June, 2013)

Solimar Mercado-Spencer是乔州法律服务计划农场工人权益部的高级律师,这是一家非营利事务所,代表乔州的低收入农场工人处理其工资或工作条件相关问题。该部门目前的客户中亦有「盛开的洋葱行动」中的受害者。




Some of the migrants allegedly worked at Hilltop Packing Company, owned by defendant Stanley McGauley, according to the 50-page indictment

根据起诉书,受剥削的外国劳工是以诈欺形式使用H-2A客工签证计划进入美国,该计划在乔州发展蓬勃,因为国内农民难寻。根据联邦外国劳工认证办公室(Office of Foreign Labor Certification)的数据,乔州在2020财年有2万7614个H-2A职位获批准,高于2010财年的约5500个。乔州更是仅次于佛罗里达,为全美H-2A劳工第二多的州。



参与揭露南乔州贩运团伙的联邦机构包括国土安全调查局(HSI),它隶属于美国移民和海关执法局(ICE)。在上周发布的声明中,ICE表示,此行动是根据该机构新的「劳动剥削模式」(labor exploitation model)而结案的第一项调查。

Federal officials say the slavery ring extended across southern Georgia where farmers paid the conspirators to provide contract laborers. Often, they were sold to other members of the crime ring in the southern Georgia counties of Atkinson, Bacon, Coffee, Tattnall, Toombs and Ware. But the illegal activities extended within the Southern, Middle, and Northern Districts of Georgia; the Middle District of Florida; the Southern District of Texas

10月,国土安全部部长马约卡斯(Alejandro Mayorkas)宣布了移民执法重点的转变。当局不再像过去政府那样针对未经授权的员工,大规模突袭工作场所,而是将焦点对准「剥削性雇主」和违反劳动法的企业。



洛市亚裔老板短报商品价格逃税 现被判吐出上亿元





这家服装批发公司老板叫Sang Bum「Ed」Noh,67岁,住在贝艾尔(Bel-Air),拥有两家公司,分别是Ambiance Apparel – Ambiance USA Inc和Apparel Line USA Inc。被告和他拥有的这两家公司于2020年10月承认八项控罪,包括洗钱和欺骗海关。





目前国际麻醉品、洗钱和敲诈勒索科的助理、联邦检察官Scott D. Dubois起诉了此案,资产没收科科长助理、联邦检察官Jonathan S. Galatzan处理了本案的资产没收部分。该案由国土安全调查局、国税局刑事调查局、联邦海关和边境保护局、LA IMPACT、长堤警察局、洛杉矶警察局等执法单位联手调查。


Department of Justice

U.S. Attorney’s Office

Central District of California


Monday, December 6, 2021

Los Angeles Fashion District Company Owner Sentenced to One Year in Prison for Committing Customs Violations and Tax Offenses

          LOS ANGELES – The owner of a garment wholesaling company in the Fashion District of downtown Los Angeles was sentenced today to 12 months and one day in federal prison for scheming to undervalue imported garments and avoid paying millions of dollars in duties to the United States, failing to report millions of dollars in income on tax returns, and failing to report large cash transactions to the federal government.

          Sang Bum “Ed” Noh, 67, of Bel-Air, who owns Ambiance Apparel, was sentenced by United States District Judge Virginia A. Phillips.

          Ambiance Apparel – the operating name for two corporations, Ambiance U.S.A. Inc. and Apparel Line U.S.A. Inc. – pleaded guilty in October 2020 to eight criminal counts, including conspiracy, money laundering and customs offenses, was sentenced to a term of five years’ probation and has been ordered to implement an effective anti-money laundering compliance and ethics program with an outside compliance monitor. There is a restitution order in this case for $35,227,855, a forfeiture money judgment of $81,564,856, and the additional forfeiture of $1,104,997 previously seized by law enforcement.

          Court documents outline separate schemes involving Ambiance and Noh, which came to an end in September 2014 when law enforcement authorities executed dozens of search warrants as part of an investigation into money laundering and other crimes at Fashion District businesses.

          Noh “made defrauding the United States a significant revenue stream for Ambiance, appropriating approximately $35,227,855.45 from U.S. Customs and Border Protection and the Internal Revenue Service in less than four years,” prosecutors argued in a sentencing memorandum. “While [Noh] was cheating the United States and facilitating money laundering [by failing to file Forms 8300], he enjoyed a house in Bel Air, bought luxury cars, and squirreled away bundles of cash worth $35 million in shoeboxes and garbage bags.”

          In the customs fraud scheme, Ambiance imported clothing from Asian countries and submitted fraudulent invoices to U.S. Customs and Border Protection (CBP) that undervalued the shipments and allowed Ambiance to avoid paying the full amount of tariffs owed on the imports.

          At Noh’s direction, the Asian manufacturers prepared two invoices for the clothing ordered by Ambiance – one that usually reflected 60 to 70 percent of the actual price and was paid by letter of credit, and one that reflected the balance of the actual price and was paid by wire transfer.

          The first invoice, which stated only 60 to 70 percent of the shipment’s value, was fraudulently submitted to CBP and was used to calculate the tariffs due on the imports. As a result of this scheme, over the course of just over 4½ years, Ambiance undervalued imports by about $82.6 million and failed to pay more than $17.1 million in tariffs.

          Ambiance also failed to file reports with the Secretary of the Treasury that documented cash transactions of more than $10,000. Ambiance employees received approximately 364 payments of more than $10,000 over a two-year period – which totaled more than $11.1 million – and the company failed to file a single Form 8300 to alert federal authorities to the cash transactions.

          In conjunction with transactions made at Ambiance’s storefront, Ambiance used two sets of books to record sales, one of which documented only cash transactions and was not reported to Ambiance’s outside accountants. Noh also directed some of the second set of transactions to be underreported to the accountants. The lower sales figures were reported on 2011 and 2012 tax returns filed by Noh. Noh failed to report income for those two years and owed the IRS a total more than $16.8 million, which includes unpaid taxes, penalties and interest.

          The $16,806,412 Noh owed to the IRS and the $18,421,443 he owed to CBP have been provided to the court from seized funds.

          The case against Ambiance and Noh was investigated by Homeland Security Investigations, IRS Criminal Investigation, U.S. Customs and Border Protection, LA IMPACT, the Long Beach Police Department, the Los Angeles Police Department, the Gardena Police Department, and the West Covina Police Department.

          Assistant United States Attorney Scott D. Dubois of the International Narcotics, Money Laundering and Racketeering Section prosecuted this case. Assistant United States Attorney Jonathan S. Galatzan, Chief of the Asset Forfeiture Section, handled the asset forfeiture portion of this case.


这个厉害了: 枪顶在后脑勺上 仍然自卫成功




内容大致提要:时间: 2015年5月15, 地点: 密西西比Jackson郊区 。

1. 主人公Larry Goldstein是医生,家住富人区以为安全。可罪犯想的是,就你们富人区才有油水可以抢 。
2.  主人公是USPSA射击赛爱好者,以为好区不需要随身带枪,但在皮卡车门边藏了上膛的手枪 。
3.  回家没有留心周围,被两个劫匪用枪顶在后脑,命令打开保险柜,抢走若干枪支 。
4.  然后被逼迫开车去取钱机取钱。整个过程中医生都老老实实照办,慢慢等待机会 。
5. 取钱之后命令开车回去绑架医生妻子,准备把两口子关进trunk。 这时医生意识到劫匪的计划是谋杀 。
6. 两个劫匪在车后座用枪顶着医生后脑,医生偷偷把门边的抢取出来。
7.  被命令在树林停车,下车。医生在下车瞬间后脑没枪的机会果断开枪击毙匪徒一名,另一匪徒从另 一 车门逃逸。
8. 后续故事,医生从此任何时候出门必带上膛枪 。





Situation: You are surrounded by hidden, loaded handguns. Unfortunately, one of your kidnappers is holding a .357 Magnum to the base of your skull.

Lesson: Sometimes it’s best to lull your assailants off guard by complying and biding your time. Experience shooting under pressure will help when the targets are trying to shoot you.

May 15, 2015. In a suburb of Jackson, Miss., Larry Goldstein, MD, is in his open garage, loading his pickup truck. A successful gynecologist, his sleepless years in residency and dedication to his long-standing practice have rewarded him with a large, expensive home. Unfortunately, criminals are drawn to signs of money.

His personal sport for the last five years has been competitive shooting. He is on his way to a USPSA match. He has just put his gear bag in the back seat of the quad cab. In it are two CZ Shadow 9mm pistols, several magazines of 9mm, and enough ammo for the whole match. He hears a noise sounding like a squirrel on the eaves, and suddenly he is confronted by two strange men wearing bandannas over their faces.

The nearest, a broad-chested guy about 5′ 10″, shoves a long barreled stainless-steel revolver in his face. Larry makes it for a .357 Magnum. He can see the noses of the live cartridges in the front of the cylinder. The man snarls, “You know what this is?” Larry replies as calmly as he can, “It’s a gun.” Predictably, the next words from the man are, “We want your money!”

Larry’s gun safe is visible in the garage. The guy with the revolver spins him around, grabs him by the shirt, and forces him toward the safe with the gun’s muzzle at the back of his head. He orders him to open it. Larry’s shaky hands don’t get the combination right at first, and he tries to explain. “You’re lyin’! We’re gonna shoot you!” He finally manages to get the combination right. The intruders start grabbing stuff. There are at least two AR15s in the safe, including a .223, but the one they grab is a Smith & Wesson M&P chambered for .22 LR. They grab a handful of AR magazines and a few handguns and stuff them into a backpack.

They march him into the house, his hands behind his head and the revolver still at the nape of his neck. Larry does not have a gun on his person. He has earned black belts earlier in his life in Hapkido and Tae Kwon Do. He knows enough to realize a disarming attempt on one of the men will leave him vulnerable to the other. He bides his time. They walk through the bedroom, past Larry’s sleeping wife. He cannot find his billfold — it will later turn up in a pair of pants he was wearing the day before — and the robbers satisfy themselves by pulling all the money from his wife’s purse. Without waking Mrs. Goldstein, they march Larry out of the house. Their plan is to make him drive them to an ATM and empty his account.

At the pickup, the second man tries to load the AR15 and realizes he can’t fit a .223 magazine into a .22 LR. They make him get a magazine fitting the rifle. Both robbers get into the back seat, the revolver still aimed at the base of his skull, and order him to take them to the bank’s drive-up ATM.

Going Mobile

Dr. Goldstein experiences a “water, water everywhere and not a drop to drink” moment. Like many armed citizens (and off-duty cops) he has presumed staging guns reasonably close in the home or vehicle will be adequate. In the console is a Walther PPK .380. In the driver’s door pocket of his pickup are a Ruger LCP .380 and a GLOCK 19. All are loaded.

He assesses his odds if he reaches for one as he drives. Both robbers are in the back seat, the smaller man (about 5′ 7″, 150 lbs.) has put a full magazine into the .22 caliber AR, and Larry has to presume him to be armed even though he hasn’t spotted a weapon of the suspect’s own yet.

The other, directly behind Larry in the rear passenger seat, has the decidedly loaded revolver he’s kept pointed at Larry’s head. The bandits have the case between them containing two CZ 9mms and mags and ammo. At the wheel, he can’t see them both at the same time in the rear-view mirror. If he conspicuously turns around to look at them, it will tip them off and put them on alert.

Either of them will be able to clearly see if he reaches for the Walther, so the console gun is out. He might be able to slip one of the pistols out of the door pocket with his non-dominant left hand but shooting backward over his shoulder will be awkward and difficult, and he’ll be unlikely to be able to neutralize both before one of them can kill him. The logical strategy still seems to be, “Bide your time.”

At The ATM

The robbers ask him how much money he has in his ATM card account. Larry answers truthfully, “About $12,000.” They yell at him, “You’re lying! You live in that big house! You’ve got to have more money!”

They pull up to the ATM. The security camera will be able to identify only Larry. The masked men in the back seat are largely shielded by the truck’s tinted windows; perhaps they had this in mind when they chose to seat themselves where they did. Larry believes he can only withdraw a thousand dollars per day and tells them so. The refrain comes again, “You’re lyin’! We’re gonna shoot ya! We want it all!” Larry answers as calmly as he can, “We can’t get it all.” They tell him to try for $1,500.

It takes Larry a while to punch in the numbers. The machine won’t give him $1,500. He tries for $500, gets it, then gets another $500. He tries a third time but hits the wrong buttons, and the machine only gives him $20. Apparently fixated on the stated amount, the robber with the revolver tells him, “Get $480!” He does. They’re satisfied. They tell him to drive.

As the truck is rolling, the larger criminal tells him, “Okay, we’re gonna take your truck. Go to the woods behind your house … We’re going back to your house and get your wife.” He adds, “We’re gonna put you in the trunk.” Larry has already complied with their order to give him the opening code to their gate, and he knows he has had to leave the house unlocked.

As a medical doctor Larry Goldstein has spent his career diagnosing. The diagnosis of this particular problem is excruciatingly clear. Drive to the woods. Go to the house and get your wife. We’re gonna put you in the trunk of a pickup truck that has no trunk.
He realizes they’re going to murder him, go back to the house, and probably murder his unsuspecting wife.

The stakes of the game have just gone up and Larry Goldstein knows there is only one card left to play.

Steering with his right hand, he unobtrusively reaches down with his left, lifts the GLOCK 19 from the door pocket, and surreptitiously slips it under his left thigh.

Last Resort

They reach a spot in the woods behind Larry’s house. They order him to stop. He does so. They order him to get out of the car.
As he opens the driver’s door, Larry lifts his left thigh enough to discreetly pick up the GLOCK with his right hand. As he alights on the ground, the man with the revolver opens the door behind Larry’s and prepares to step out, as his accomplice comes out of the right rear door.

Larry Goldstein channels his five years of USPSA, sweeps the 9mm up rapidly into a two-handed stance, and opens fire.

He’s shooting as fast as he can. He can see the gunman starting to fall backward, can see a window on the right side of the car shatter as one of his bullets passes through his antagonist and strikes the glass. The robber falls backward on the rear seat, his gun still in a hand that has fallen limply down.

Larry turns toward the second threat. The other man is running away. Larry fires three shots at him, from about 30 yards. The masked man disappears from view.

Larry turns his attention to the downed gunman. He sees the revolver is still in his hand, snatches it away, and puts it out of the man’s reach. He grabs the blood-soaked gunman and pulls his body out of the car. The experienced MD knows a dead man when he sees one. The gunman has been hit twice in the abdomen, twice in the chest and once in the head.

The remaining thug is running in the direction of the Goldstein home. All Larry can think of is his wife’s safety. He jumps behind the wheel of his pickup and goes after him.

In moments, Larry has eyes on him again. The perpetrator is getting into a tan SUV, apparently the getaway car, he has parked near the church close to Larry’s home. He starts it and begins to drive away. Larry aims his G19 and fires three rounds at the vehicle. It disappears from his view. It’s not heading toward his house; he lets it go.

They’ve taken his iPhone. Larry Goldstein drives his truck to the nearest house, knocks on the door, and asks the lady who answers the door to call police. She hands him a phone. He first calls his wife, telling her to lock the doors. Then he calls 9-1-1 and gives a brief description of what has happened.

The first act of the deadly play is over. The second now begins.

Immediate Aftermath

The scene not being exactly downtown, it took police 20 minutes to arrive. When he saw them coming, Dr. Goldstein unloaded the GLOCK, set it in the truck and stepped away from it. Patrol officers and detectives alike were professional and understanding.

A crowd had formed. Having called his wife to reassure her, Larry phoned a friend he was supposed to pick up to go to the match with him. The friend called a mutual friend, an attorney, to meet them at police headquarters. One of the officers drove him there — in the front seat of the patrol car, un-cuffed. With legal counsel by his side, Larry told detectives what had happened. At one point the chief of police arrived. “How are you doing?” he asked Larry. “Not very good,” the doctor replied. “Don’t worry, you’re going to be all right,” the chief said.

The chief had told him no lie.

Long Term Aftermath

Larry was never arrested, never sued, and never had to pay a penny in legal fees. His lawyer friend refused to bill him. He got his guns back in about a week. The escaped suspect was captured within a few days. He had used his personal vehicle as a getaway car and had taken it to an auto body shop to repair the bullet holes and shattered window caused by Larry’s gunfire. “I thought he’d be charged with felony murder,” Larry told American Handgunner later, “but the charges were kidnapping, armed robbery, and home invasion.” Legal proceedings dragged on, as they often do. “In December 2018,” says Larry, “he was convicted on all counts. His sentence added up to about 80 years. He’ll be eligible for parole in 40.”

Dr. Goldstein got a new truck out of the deal. His had become evidence, necessarily stored with the windows up in an impound lot in Mississippi heat. The rear cabin was soaked with blood. Blood is tissue. Tissue rots. The insurance adjuster opened the door, gagged at the stench, and blurted, “It’s totaled.”

Needless to say, the incident left an emotional mark. “The next morning when I woke up, it really dawned on me what could have happened, and I lost it,” he remembers. “I was a basket case for a while. Every time I thought about the incident, it really upset me. Later, I went to the family burial plot, and was overwhelmed at how close I had come to joining them.”

One of the first things he did when he got home was to put a .45 caliber GLOCK 30 where he could reach it immediately. Was the dead man a gang-banger, with buddies who would seek revenge? He didn’t know, but he had to consider the possibility and provide for it. The hypervigilance remained for quite a while, and never entirely went away, even though no reprisals materialized.

“I went to a psychologist, and studied up on post-traumatic stress disorder,” Larry comments. “I lost appetite. I had trouble sleeping. I did have a few dreams related to the incident.” Before long, he and his wife sold the house and moved. Friends and family were extremely supportive. So, he remembers, were the police and the prosecutor’s office.

A competitive shooter, Larry had never felt a need to take a defense-oriented class. This changed. His 25-minute ordeal sent him on a long odyssey of training, all the way to instructorship; in fact, he and I met when he took my MAG-40 class at the superb Boondocks training facility in Mississippi. He has found sharing with others the lessons of what he went through to be therapeutic.


The doctor’s short-term hypervigilance settled into simply … vigilance. Larry feels the biggest lesson he learned was the importance of being alert and aware and avoiding complacency. He now carries a gun on his person almost all of his waking hours and is seldom far from one. “I don’t step out to pick up my newspaper or take out the trash without a gun on,” he says adamantly.

If he had tried to fight earlier than he did, when the odds against him were all but hopeless, he would probably have been murdered and very likely his wife would have been, too. Larry was wise to give them reasons to keep him alive (getting money from the ATM on a weekend), to lull them into complacency with his compliance, and yet be ready to do what had to be done when the moment came.
He feels his competition experience definitely helped him win the fight with the men who were almost certainly going to murder him. When the time came to shoot, he performed on auto pilot: two-handed, eye level, hits sufficiently fast, accurate and voluminous to keep a deadly opponent from pulling the trigger of the revolver in his hand. Larry had been shooting USPSA for five years when the incident took place. He has continued competition to this day.

He’s glad he reached for the GLOCK instead of the seven- or eight-shot .380s also within reach. The G19 contained a GLOCK 17 magazine, for a total of eighteen 9mm rounds including the one in the chamber. It still had ammo on board after his three volleys of gunfire. The cartridges were match rounds, mild 147-gr. round nose FMJ handloads. His defense guns have modern defensive ammo in them today.
When Larry tells his story, one of the first questions he gets is “Didn’t you get in trouble for shooting at the fleeing felon?” The answer is, he didn’t, and this bears some explanation. The man he shot at had committed, not just a felony, but a “heinous felony against the person”: kidnapping. They had given him every reason to believe they intended to murder him. They’d explicitly stated they were next going to get his wife, who was sleeping in an unlocked house while the felon had the combination to the security gate. Larry was without communications, and no other reasonable means of capture seemed feasible. He could not identify the suspect — the only description he could give was a masked African-American man of average size — and if he was not stopped he was likely to remain at large indefinitely.

Finally, the cornerstone of the United States Supreme Court’s decision in Garner v. Tennessee was even police should only use deadly force on fleeing felons if their continued freedom constituted a clear and present danger to innocent human life. Larry had ample reason to consider this man armed and extremely dangerous. Remember, the thugs had told him they were going back to his house where they all knew Mrs. Goldstein was. While Garner was a civil case and involved police, it remains the defining statement on the mood of our highest court on the use of deadly force on fleeing felons. It is why I think, in this particular set of circumstances, Larry’s actions would have been defensible in court … and it’s probably why the investigating officers and the prosecutors had no problem with Larry’s final shots. Those last three shots, remember, were important factors in the ultimate capture of the surviving thug.

A last important lesson is it’s BS to think “I live in a nice neighborhood, so I don’t need to keep a gun at hand.” Au contraire: Larry lived in a fine home in a very nice neighborhood and this was one reason he was targeted! We can’t overlook how many times they told him a guy with a house as big as his should have lots of money on hand. The nice neighborhoods are where the best stuff is to steal.

We at American Handgunner thank Dr. Larry Goldstein for sharing the lessons of his deadly encounter with our readers.

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University of Chicago Addresses Safety Concerns Following Murder of Graduate

By Vi Nguyen


Aerial of The University of Chicago and Chicago city skyline in the background on a beautiful end of a sunny day in the fall, Illinois

The University of Chicago held a meeting Wednesday night addressing the growing concern of crime and violence in the Hyde Park neighborhood and what’s being done differently to prevent another tragedy.

Some students attending the university say they are worried about their safety following the robbery and murder of Shaoxing Zheng, also known as Dennis. He’s the third student from the University of Chicago killed so far this year.

“When a community member is struck down we lose a part of ourselves. The void left by the loss of Dennis and the promise of his life will never be filled,” said university President Paul Alivisatos. “We share in the grief felt by Dennis’ family and friends and those in our immediate community and communities in the South side.”

University leaders, along with Chicago Police Department Supt. David Brown, addressed security and safety concerns on and around campus from reports of shooting to robberies.

“We immediately expanded our resources and are now pursuing new innovative partnerships and initiatives to express our safety challenges,” said Eric Heath, U of C associate vice president for safety and security.

Since the tragedy last week the university said it has increased patrols, added more police cameras and expanded its free ride-sharing program. The university said it’s launching a new 24-hour strategic operations centers allowing U of C police to share information and data in real time. The school is also creating a victims servicing unit to provide advocacy and support for victims of violent crimes.

“I would like to state unequivocally that safety is my top priority,” said Alivisatos. “We are diligently working to make it safer on and around campus.”

Brown said CPD has added additional officers and has plans to add more by the end of the year. He would like to see more beat patrols and what he described as traffic safety missions to deter or capture the criminals.

“Think about this offender—he was in a stolen car,” said Brown. “If we had traffic safety missions in or around the campus we could have stopped him and arrested him for being in a stolen car before he even committed the robbery. So the more traffic safety missions, the more likelihood you are to deter offenders and/or capture them before they’re able to commit a crime.”

The university is holding a memorial service Thursday for Dennis Zheng. The public is welcome to attend the 3 p.m. service at Rockefeller Memorial Chapel.


芝加哥大学中国生校内怒吼:我们是来学习 不是送死

文章来源: 联合新闻网



这场在芝大校园Main Quad举行的集会响应热烈,自发到场的各族裔学生、教职员从11时许持续涌入,大家手持”白天也不安全”、”让我们活着”、”我会不会是下个受害者?”的标语、海报,表达迫切希望校方及有关单位实时改善校园安全的心声。






另方面,芝大300名教职员15日也签署联名信给校长阿利维萨托斯(Paul Alivisatos)与教务长利嘉仪,呼吁芝大必须将”打击暴力”列为首要任务,且要求校方立刻扩大芝大警察局的管辖范围,在海德公园区增加监测与保全人员。


University of Chicago international students rally to demand safety upgrades a week after fatal shooting of recent grad. ‘The next one … could be anyone in this crowd.’



Students rally to call attention to recent violence surrounding the University of Chicago campus, including the shooting death of a 24 year-old recent graduate, Nov. 16, 2021. (E. Jason Wambsgans / Chicago Tribune)

At least 200 University of Chicago students, many of them international, gathered at the campus’s Main Quadrangle Tuesday — a week after the fatal shooting in Hyde Park of Shaoxiong “Dennis” Zheng, a recent graduate — to demand further safety measures from the university.

They held handmade signs echoing their concerns: “We want safety,” “Who is next?” “No longer safe under daylight,” “We are here to learn not to die.”

Following the shooting of Zheng, students quickly banded together with help from local activists and student groups to come up with a list of demands for the university and to organize the rally.

Da Teng, a 23-year-old doctoral chemistry student, said that Chinese people in America are traditionally known for being more politically inactive.

“But we really want to be heard this time,” he said.

Teng said he can no longer tell students back in China that it is safe to study in Chicago.

“The next one to be shot could be anyone in this crowd,” Teng said. “We need actions right now to stop the violence.”

Victor Zhang, an undergrad, speaks as students rally to call attention to recent violence near the University of Chicago campus, Nov. 16, 2021. (E. Jason Wambsgans / Chicago Tribune)

Iris Xiao, a 22-year-old master’s student studying public policy, said many students who are from China came to the University of Chicago because of its academic prestige, but now she is also telling students back home applying for college to skip the University of Chicago if they have major safety concerns.

“My mom actually asked me to consider transferring … because a diploma is not as important as your life,” she said. “It’s just so devastating to see something like this.”

Zheng, 24, was fatally shot just before 2 p.m. Nov. 9 in the 900 block of East 54th Place while walking home from campus.

Alton Spann, 18, was charged with first-degree murder, armed robbery and aggravated unlawful use of a weapon in the killing. A judge denied him bail during a hearing Saturday.

Prosecutors said that Spann confronted Zheng and tried to rob him. When Zheng refused to give up his bag, Spann pulled out a gun. Witnesses said they saw Zheng fall to the ground as Spann stood over him, pointing a gun.

Zheng died of a gunshot wound to the arm and was pronounced dead less than an hour after the shooting at the University of Chicago Medical Center.

A mourner writes on a condolence sheet on Nov. 10, 2021, during a silent vigil in memory of a recent University of Chicago graduate who was fatally shot in the 900 block of East 54th Place in the Hyde Park neighborhood in Chicago. The 24-year-old man was shot and killed Tuesday afternoon while being robbed by a gunman. (John J. Kim / Chicago Tribune)

Two days after Zheng was killed, University of Chicago leaders held a webinar where they outlined measures being taken to increase safety around the school. This included increased police patrols, added surveillance cameras and an extension of the university’s Lyft Ride Smart program.

Zheng is the third U. of C. student or recent graduate fatally shot this year in Chicago.

In January, 30-year-old Yiran Fan, a graduate student, was killed during a shooting spree that ended with the gunman killed during a shootout with police in Evanston. Fan received a posthumous Ph.D. from the university.

In July, 20-year-old Max Lewis died three days after he was fatally struck by a stray bullet while riding on the Green Line.

Students at the rally Tuesday had a list of eight demands including further extension of the Lyft program, extended coverage of the shuttle routes, real-time alerts for any crime within the Hyde Park area, annual safety and security training for students and staff, life insurance for all university members who are not covered, options for off-campus protections and regular updates from the university police on investigation outcomes following every security alert.

Students took turns speaking into a megaphone that one of the organizers bought earlier in the day at a Target.

Victor Zhang, a 20-year-old economy student from China, stood on a chair as he addressed the crowd.

“We need all of you to voice out your concerns,” Zhang said. “What we need is action, and for that reason, we need to make that voice stronger.”

He then started a chant: “What do we need?”

The crowd yelled back: “Action!”



文章来源: 综合新闻


Police officers stand watch near the Main Quadrangles on the Hyde Park Campus of the University of Chicago on November 30, 2015 in Chicago, Illinois. File Photo: VCG

24 岁中国留学生郑少雄的不幸遭遇牵动着许多国人的心。这位已获得芝加哥大学统计学硕士学位的中国留学生,于 11 月 9 日下午 2 时左右在芝加哥大学附近遭一名 18 岁嫌犯持枪抢劫后杀害。而这已是一年之内第二位遭遇枪杀的芝加哥大学中国留学生。今年的 1 月 9 日,在芝加哥大学就读经济金融博士的中国留学生范一然在租住公寓停车场的车内遭歹徒枪击后不幸身亡。在失控的疫情下,美国的治安问题急剧恶化,尤其是针对华人群体的伤害事件也愈发频繁。一位芝加哥大学的中国留学生今日在接受中国官方媒体记者采访时说,从去年九月份之后,能明显感觉到所在地区的治安形势严峻,现在已经连白天都不太敢出门了。而芝加哥大学学生联和会(以下简称 " 学联 ")的工作人员在接受中国官方媒体记者采访时表示,面对糟糕的安全角势,芝加哥大学方面为学生提供的安保措施远远不够。


郑少雄的朋友近日在接受媒体采访时,讲述了这位四川 " 学霸 " 的成长经历。据介绍,平日里十分节俭的郑少雄本月初才从芝加哥给母亲寄回来一瓶香水作为生日礼物,这瓶通过省吃俭用节省下来的生活费购买的香水,特意算好了时间,在母亲 57 岁生日这一天由快递员送到了母亲的手上。在噩耗传来后,郑少雄的母亲得到了来自各方的慰问和帮助。14 日,郑少雄的母亲已飞往上海进行面签,然后经底特律,到芝加哥,去接回儿子。


据美媒报道,涉嫌杀害郑少雄的 19 岁嫌犯斯潘当地时间 13 日在库克郡法院过堂,库克郡法庭法官道金斯下令不准保释。检察官罗米托说,斯潘有大量的青少年犯罪前科,包括严重殴打、劫车、逃警,而 9 日抢劫枪杀郑少雄时,斯潘仍在上个案子的假释期。

学联工作人员表示,郑少雄母亲预计于 11 月 17 号到达美国,但是具体时间尚不确定。学联方面计划届时去机场迎接,但具体事宜还需要与郑少雄家属进行沟通,以免打扰他的家人。


15 日,芝加哥大学留学生石浩彤在接受中国官方媒体记者采访时表示,在郑少雄同学出事之后,当地留学生群体充斥着非常复杂的情绪," 震惊、伤心、愤怒,也有人感到后怕,因为在郑同学出事之前,一些朋友就有过被持枪抢劫的经历。"

这种恐惧感,在一些留学生的心中已经存在一段时间了。石浩彤告诉中国官方媒体记者,大概从去年九月份美国疫情全面失控之后,他就陡然感觉到周围的治安形势急剧恶化。在治安环境本就不太好的芝加哥地区,自己以前是晚上不敢出门,但在目睹、听闻越来越多的暴力事件后,现在连白天也减少了出门的次数," 尽量不外出吃饭,因为真的太不安全了。"

" 我是 2019 年 9 月份来到了芝加哥,来之前只是听说芝加哥的治安比较乱,而且越往南治安越乱。芝加哥大学大致位于 58 街到 60 街之间,大部分留学生居住的区域位于 50 街到 60 街之间,很多人都告诉我 60 街以外的地方就不要再去了,61 街或 62 街就比较乱了。" 石浩彤说。

全面崩塌的治安形势也体现在一款名叫 "citizen" 的安全类 APP 上,这款安全应用程序可以随时提醒用户周边的犯罪事件或安全事故,用户也可上传周遭危险情况的情报,警察在调查处理后会证实或解除警报。据石浩彤介绍,现如今,"citizen" 上的提醒越来越多,且级别也越来越高,各种暴力事件接二连三地发生。许多以前不以为然的人现在都开始紧张起来," 这一切都是从疫情之后开始的。"

另一位中国留学生小柚在接受中国官方媒体记者采访时也亮出了自己的一张手机截图,截图中 "citizen" 的警示提醒每隔几分钟就弹出一条,小柚称自己天天收到这种提醒都已经 " 看麻了 ", 她从来没有像现在这样如此担心自己的人身安全。



今年 1 月份,毕业于北京大学,之后曾到剑桥大学深造的芝加哥大学经济金融博士四年级学生范一然在公寓停车场的车内遭一名黑人男子枪击头部身亡。当时,这起枪击事件就已经在芝加哥大学留学生群体内引起了强烈震动。据芝加哥大学学联工作人员介绍,当时学联就已开了线上法律咨询会、心理咨询会,以及线上追悼会。在此次得知郑少雄同学遇害之后,学联又紧急给当地留学生们发布了一份安全须知。

而芝加哥大学也在当地时间 11 月 14 日晚上 17 点给中国留学生发了一封安全邮件,据一位不愿具名的中国留学生介绍,邮件采用中英文双语写作,对中国留学生学生们说了一些 " 暖心的话 "。此外,邮件中还提到校方已采取的一些安全提示措施,比如校方推荐使用一款名为 "safety" 的移动安全程序。但一些留学生向中国官方媒体记者表示,校方目前所发布的安全须知中,只是将此前已经公布的安保措施再 " 打包 " 发布一次,唯一针对此次枪击事件所做的安防升级工作,就是将一班之前只在周四、周五和周六晚上提供的免费便车,升级成一周 7 天都提供。然而几乎所有的学生和学生家长都认为校方这些细微的改善措施是远远不够的。

" 但无论是校方提供的安全信息,还是升级的班车新路线,作用都很有限。" 学联工作人员告诉中国官方媒体记者,因为芝加哥大学的地理位置非常独特,大学校园和周边的居民区几乎就没有任何的分界线,所以回家的路充满危险,如果学校方面没有办法解决社区、校园安全问题的话,其他做的再多都是无用功。

为了引起芝加哥大学对于中国留学生安全问题的高度关注,11 月 13 号,芝加哥大学学生联合会已起草了一个与安全相关的提案,目前正在征集中国留学生的签名。希望能以这种方式驱使学校在安全方面做出一些实质性的改善。

在这份提案里面,学联方面提出,已着手组织中国留学生、家长、校友甚至侨领侨胞一同组成安全委员会,让大家对学校的安保工作进行监督,并保持沟通,协力去改善芝加哥大学周边社区的安全状况。" 学校方面不能只是寄希望于短期改善,我们更盼望的是长期的改变。" 一位芝加哥大学学生联合会成员告诉中国官方媒体记者。


芝大被杀留学生母亲感恩信让人泪目 将赴美诀别

文章来源: 红星新闻


11 月 12 日,芝加哥警方宣布,劫杀芝加哥大学中国留学生郑少雄的嫌犯被捕。现年 18 岁的奥尔顿 · 斯潘被起诉一级谋杀、持武器抢劫和两项非法使用武器的罪名。


据知情人士透露,郑少雄的母亲已经得知了嫌犯被捕的消息,并在随后发布了一封《感恩叩谢信》,透露自己将于 11 月 17 日飞往美国,15 日起不再接受捐款。红星新闻记者查询后看到,截至目前,其在海外捐款平台上已经累计募得约 69.3 万元人民币。

郑少雄的母亲在上述信中讲述了自己事发后的状态与心理历程,感谢在这个时刻向她伸出援手,给予温暖的人们,并表示将坚强面对," 让孩子的灵魂安息,惩罚凶手,来回报您们 "。


在儿子即将开启他人生新篇章的时候,惊闻孩子轰然倒下,我的世界也瞬间坍塌了,肝肠寸断、撕心裂肺……儿子灿烂俏皮的笑容至今还萦绕在我的眼前,恍惚听到儿子呼唤妈妈的声音,看到儿子展开双臂拥抱我的情景…… " 儿子啊,你让我们共同一起期待的未来在哪里啊?" 我无时无刻都在担忧你的安危,每天都在为你祈祷。如今的你在哪儿啊?你知道吗?妈妈的世界里不能没有你啊,我问上天为什么天妒英才?为什么将你残忍地从我身边剥离?………

(人间至悲,晨昏坍塌,寝食难安,我如行尸走肉般昏昏噩噩,不愿接受这一切) 就在这时,在我最无助最煎熬的时候,一串串爱心从四面八方像血液一样源源不断地涌进了我僵硬的身体里,无数双温暖有力的大手,把我从冰窟里拉了上来,不断地给我输送坚强和勇气;不断地劝慰我 " 不能把儿子放在冰冷的地板上,他需要你温暖的拥抱,还盼望你接他回家呢…… ",我幡然醒悟,我要去见儿子,寻找到残忍的凶手,给儿子讨回一个公道,同时也为千万个留学生能安全求学,为了千万个家庭不再遭受撕心裂肺,肝肠寸断,悲痛欲绝的失独之痛,更希望悲剧不再重演,我必须踏上孩子生活呼吸过的城市。



在大家共同的推动下,下周三我们将带着您们满满的爱意和温暖,从上海直飞芝加哥去面对残忍的一切。因此从下周一(11 月 15 日)起我不再接受爱心捐款了。


据悉,郑少雄的不幸引发了海外华人同胞的极大关注,并采取实际行动支持。红星新闻记者发现,海外知名的众筹平台 GoFundMe 上先后发起了至少三个为其筹款的活动。截至目前,其中两个通道分别筹得 57803 美元(约合人民币 36.9 万元)、50733 美元(约合人民币 32.4 万元),合计约 69.3 万人民币;另一个 20 万美元筹款目标的通道已经关闭,组织者称,发布该页面是为了在小范围内方便分享,没有打算公开使用,因此已经将通道关闭并退还已经募得的捐款。


怀念郑同学 In memory of Dennis Zheng


Chinese American Association at Greater Chicago is organizing this fundraiser.

11月9日下午, 在芝加哥大学附近发生一起致命持枪抢劫案。 来自中国四川年仅24岁, 今年刚从芝加哥大学硕士毕业的中国留学生郑姓同学遭遇抢劫并遭枪击,郑同学被送到芝加哥大学医院后不幸不治身亡。 芝加哥地区华侨华人和留学生对于郑同学在在光天化日之下惨遭杀害感到震惊和悲愤! 为了帮助郑同学家人赴美奔丧以及支付与案件相关费用, 芝加哥华联会发起为郑同学及家人的募捐。 如果芝加哥大学支付郑同学家人来美费用, 通过这个平台募捐的全部金额将直接交给郑同学家人, 帮忙他们在这个特别困难的时刻度过难关。   衷心感谢您的支持和爱心!


We are starting this fundraising to help the family of Dennis Zheng through this difficult moment, and in memory of Dennis. All the fund raised will be used to cover the travelling and legal expense of Dennis' family.   If University of Chicago cover some/all cost of Dennis's parents trip to the U.S., we will pass all donations directly to his parents. Thank you!

Chinese American Association at Greater Chicago


(The organizer has currently disabled new donations to this fundraiser.)

郑少雄案 检方陈述抢劫枪杀详细过程 凶嫌前科累累




涉嫌枪杀芝加哥大学统计系硕士郑少雄的史攀(Alton Spann,19岁)13日在库克郡法院过堂,库克郡法庭法官道金斯(Barbara Dawkins)下令不准保释。检察官罗米托(Ashley Romito)说,史攀有大量的青少年犯罪前科,包括严重殴打、劫车、逃警,而9日抢劫枪杀郑少雄时,史攀仍在上个案子的假释期。


检方在庭上说,9日下午1时50分左右,郑少雄正从学校边走边「想着自己的事」(minding his own business),准备回到租住处,就在这时,史攀开了一辆偷来的福特野马(Mustang)车在街道停下,并下车往郑少雄接近。




Bail Denied For Alton Spann, Charged With Murder Of University Of Chicago Graduate Dennis Shaoxiong
Nov 13, 2021







U of C Graduate Struggled With Suspect Before Fatal Shooting: Court Docs

Two individuals riding inside the car with Spann witnessed the shooting, police said.

An 18-year-old man was arrested Friday in connection with the fatal shooting of University of Chicago recent graduate Shaoxiong Zheng in the city’s Hyde Park neighborhood this week, according to authorities. NBC 5’s Natalie Martinez reports.

Alton Spann, 18, was denied bond Saturday in connection with the murder of 24-year-old Shaoxiong Zheng, a recent graduate at the University of Chicago. Spann has been charged with first-degree murder, unlawful use of a weapon and armed robbery for his alleged role in Tuesday's fatal shooting.

According to a bond proffer, Spann and two others were driving a stolen black Ford Mustang when they saw the victim, identified as Zheng, holding a large laptop. Spann approached him, grabbed a gun and used it to rob the victim, according to authorities.

After Spann ordered Zheng to give him "all of his stuff," the victim struggled with Spann and tried to escape, documents stated.

The offender then shot him one time in the chest, police said. Zheng was taken to the University of Chicago Medical Center where he was pronounced dead.

The two individuals riding inside the car with Spann witnessed the shooting, police said. A third person, who saw the victim fall down and the suspect flee in the Mustang, ran outside to render aid, according to authorities.

Following the shooting, Spann and one of the witnesses pawned Zheng's laptop and iPhone, police stated. The suspect was arrested the following day and admitted to possessing guns, but denied involvement in the robbery and murder, according to authorities.

Detectives recovered handguns on his person, police said.

Police were led to Spann by examining pod cameras that recorded his path of travel and license plate readers.


枪杀郑少雄18岁凶嫌落网 芝警提控一级谋杀罪




芝加哥警察局局长布朗(David Brown)12日宣布,警方已经逮捕涉嫌在芝加哥大学校园附近枪杀郑少雄(Shaoxiong Zheng)的嫌犯史攀(Alton Spann,18岁),并提控一级谋杀罪,以及两项非法使用武器罪。


18-year-old man charged in connection with murder of U of C graduate
Nov 12, 2021


Alton Spann, 18 | Chicago Police Department

警方说,在郑少雄枪击案发生的同一天,警方在赛其威克街(Sedgewick St.)夹北大街(North Ave.)发现史攀踪迹,嫌犯当时持有两把枪及一辆福特野马车的钥匙,警方还表示,他们还握有史攀在一家手机店出售从郑少雄身上抢来电子产品的影片。



18-year-old man charged with murder of 24-year-old U of C graduate

By: WGN Web DeskRob Sneed


CHICAGO — Murder charges have been filed in the shooting death of a University of Chicago graduate earlier this week in Hyde Park, Chicago police announced.

Alton Spann, 18, is being charged with first-degree murder, armed robbery and two counts of unlawful use of a weapon.

Dennis Zheng, 24, was shot to death during a robbery in the 900 block of East 54th Place just before 2 p.m. on Tuesday afternoon.

Police said Span was located utilizing POD cameras the next day, and was taken into custody following a traffic stop near the intersection of West North Avenue and North Sedgwick Avenue.

Officers recovered two firearms from Spann’s vehicle during the arrest, with gun testing confirming Spann was connected to the murder.

Following charges being filed against Spann, Mayor Lori Lightfoot offered the following statement:

“Mayor Lightfoot is extremely proud of the dogged and phenomenal work of the Chicago Police Department’s Bureau of Detectives to quickly apprehend and charge Alton Spann for the murder of Shaoxiong Zheng. Individuals who commit senseless and cowardly acts of violence, and who recklessly cut short the lives of residents must be held accountable, and it the Mayor’s hope that this announcement can serve as the first step on the long road toward healing and justice for Mr. Zheng’s family and loved ones, as well as the University of Chicago Community.

The Mayor will continue to keep this young man’s family, as well as the entire Hyde Park and University of Chicago communities in her prayers as they continue to grapple with this tragic loss. As communities throughout Chicago continue to struggle with gun violence, protecting the lives and wellbeing of all of Chicago’s residents and visitors remains the Mayor’s top priority.”

According to police, the investigation into Zheng’s murder will continue, although police did confirm Spann was the gunman in Zheng’s murder.


痛失爱子 郑少雄母亲情绪崩溃 正赶办签证来美





Vigil Held For Dennis Shaoxiong Zheng, U Of C Graduate Shot And Killed In Hyde Park
Nov 10, 2021

Friends gathered for a vigil for Dennis Shaoxiong Zheng late Wednesday – but they found little comfort as police continued to search for the man who shot and killed him in broad daylight. CBS 2's Jermont Terry reports.




UChicago leaders host safety webinar in response to recent incidents
Nov 11, 2021

President Alivisatos, Provost Lee discuss steps to enhance public safety following Nov. 9 shootings.

During a Nov. 11 webinar, University of Chicago leaders discussed ongoing steps to address public safety following Nov. 9 shootings in the Hyde Park neighborhood, including the murder of recent UChicago graduate Shaoxiong “Dennis” Zheng. President Paul Alivisatos and Provost Ka Yee Lee said the University is taking seriously the challenges that face an urban campus, with Lee sharing her experiences and concerns as a parent who has lived in Hyde Park for years. She also mentioned an upcoming event with a senior Chicago Police Department official, which will include a live question and answer session.

Eric Heath, associate vice president for safety and security, outlined specific steps that the University has taken and will be taking to ensure the safety and wellbeing of those who study, teach and work on campus, as well as visitors and local residents. They also extended their sympathies to the family of Shaoxiong Zheng, who was killed during the course of a robbery, and discussed the impact his death has had on the UChicago community.




中国留学生遭枪击身亡 中驻芝加哥总领馆强烈谴责





Recent University of Chicago graduate shot, killed in armed robbery near campus
Nov 9, 2021


Shaoxiong "Dennis" Zheng | Provided

University of Chicago grad killed in Hyde Park shooting. Victim identified as Shaoxiong Zheng, who friends say went by Dennis.




UChicago adds extra patrols on campus after nearby fatal shooting of recent graduate
Nov 10, 2021







  每日经济新闻综合央视新闻、中国驻芝加哥总领馆 。

中國留學生鄭少雄 芝加哥大學校園遭搶劫槍殺
Nov 10, 2021

9日不幸在芝加哥大學校園附近遇害的24歲青年,為來自中國四川的留學生鄭少雄(Shaoxiong Zheng),他7月底才完成研究所答辯並取得芝大統計碩士學位,繼年初就讀芝大博士班的中國留學生范軼然遭瘋狂槍手殺害後,又一名年輕華人學者命喪槍口,讓芝大師生非常悲痛震驚。


中国留学生在美遭枪杀: 其来自成都 刚硕士毕业






芝加哥大学 图源:学校官网芝加哥大学 图源:学校官网























芝加哥大学24岁亚裔生 于校园遭抢劫枪杀





芝加哥警局表示,24岁的受害男子当时走在54小街夹爱丽斯大道(Ellis Ave.)交口的行人道,一辆深色车辆突然在其旁边停靠,一名男嫌从车内走出到该名亚裔男旁,要求其交出财物,抢劫过程中,歹徒不知何故对受害者开了好几枪,其中一发子弹打中受害者胸部。






20岁的芝加哥大学大三学生路易斯(Max Lewis)今年7月1日从芝加哥市搭乘绿线捷运准备返回校园时,不幸遭到从车窗窜入的流弹打中颈部,虽紧急送医急救仍于5日不治。




Recent University of Chicago graduate shot, killed in armed robbery near campus

By WGN Web Desk


CHICAGO — A recent University of Chicago graduate was shot and killed Tuesday afternoon in armed robbery near campus.

Just before 2 p.m., authorities were dispatched to the 900 block of 54th Place on the report of a shooting.

Police said a 24-year-old man was on the sidewalk when a dark-colored vehicle pulled up. A male suspect exited the vehicle and demanded the man’s property. The victim was then shot in the chest and pronounced dead at the University of Chicago Medical Center.

The vehicle was last seen fleeing westbound on 54th Place.

Around two hours earlier, the university sent out a safety notice regarding shots fired in the area of the 1500 block of East 53rd Street. Police said two local business and multiple vehicles were struck by gunfire.

As bullets flew by, Congressional candidate and founder of My Block, My Hood, My City Jahmal Cole dropped to the ground.

“I dove under the car, I ran for my life,” Cole said. “Nobody was hit but it’s traumatizing.  When you’re running for your life, that doesn’t just go away.”

Earlier this summer, a 20-year-old student from Colorado was shot while sitting on a Green Line train. Max Lewis was paralyzed, but alert in the hospital. He was taken off life support and died on July 4.

The university sent the following message to students and staff following Tuesday’s deadly shooting.

“We are working with the Chicago Police Department to gather more facts about the case, and the University of Chicago Police Department is immediately increasing patrols near campus. While we have not had any indication that this is an active incident, we encourage you to be vigilant and exercise caution.

This is devastating news for our entire community. We will keep you informed as we know more about this incident.”

Anyone with information can leave an anonymous tip at cpdtip.com.


抢匪作案遇“美军陆战队” 1秒夺枪压制 同伙鼠窜



  惹错人!亚利桑那州一名持枪歹徒伙同另外两人抢劫加油站商店,却遇到“路人”发威, 一个箭步就夺下手枪,还用手中的一袋罐装饮料当武器,砸向歹徒让他血流满面,其他同伙见状早就吓得逃之夭夭。这段监视器影片迅速在全美爆红,原来单枪匹马压制抢匪的路人竟是美国海军陆战队的退伍军人。

WATCH: Marine veteran stops armed robbery attempt at convenience store in Arizona
Oct 21, 2021

A Marine Corps veteran came to the rescue on Wednesday morning after an armed suspect and two others attempted to rob a convenience store in Arizona, according to the Yuma County Sheriff’s Office.

  根据美联社、ABC报导,亚利桑那州西南部尤马市(Yuma)一家加油站商店于20日清晨4时30分左右,突然闯进一名持枪歹徒,身后还跟著2名同伙,而当时正要去上班的前美军陆战队队员基尔瑟(James Kilcer)刚好就在店里。监视器画面显示,他先是一眼扫视了抢匪,接著瞬间出手夺枪,并将手中的一袋罐装饮料用力砸过去,随后将人压制在地,同伙吓得连滚带爬地逃跑了,最后一名歹徒都还没踏进店门,这桩抢劫行动就瞬间结束。



Marine speaks out after fighting off gas station robbery attempt
Oct 22, 2021

Marine veteran James Kilcer took matters into his own hands when he witnessed a robbery attempt at an Arizona gas station.




文章来源: 北美生活大爆炸



一时间,华人票圈都吓坏了,视频中流出了很多细节,据悉枪战发生在华人最熟悉的 400 block barber Lan 附近。即就在环球广场内!



事件一处引发当地华人疯狂转发。Milpitas 环球广场是华人最喜欢的购物中心之一,仅靠237和880交通要道,这里紧靠众多电子科技公司,不仅有超市还有很多华人餐馆,银行和其他娱乐业。是华人最常出行的地点。







MILPITAS GUNFIRE: Raw scene video of Milpitas police gathering evidence of gun battle with suspect
Oct 16, 2021


北加密爾比達環球廣場出現激烈槍戰 傷者滿身是血
Oct 15, 2021



北加密爾比達環球廣場出現激烈槍戰 傷者滿身是血(一)
Oct 15, 2021



Police exchange gunfire with stolen vehicle suspect in Milpitas

By: Bay City News


MILPITAS, Calif. (BCN) — Police in Milpitas on Friday were involved in a shooting with a suspect in a stolen vehicle.

On Friday at 3:41 p.m., detectives with the Milpitas Police Department initiated an enforcement stop on a stolen vehicle that was parked in the Milpitas Square shopping center in the 400 block of Barber Lane.

Police said the suspect shot at detectives, and a prolonged exchange of gunfire ensued.

The suspect was injured and barricaded himself in the vehicle, but he was later extricated, and officers provided first aid before paramedics transported him to a local hospital.

Police said no officers or bystanders were injured during the incident.

The Santa Clara County District Attorney’s Office is assisting in the investigation into the incident.

Anyone with information related to the case is asked to contact the Milpitas Police Department at (408) 586-2400.


(VA) Loudoun County superintendent apologizes, board member resigns as backlash grows over alleged sexual assaults

Loudoun County Public Schools has faced intense public pressure after Scott Smith revealed his daughter was allegedly assaulted in a school bathroom

By Peter Hasson | Fox News


The superintendent of Loudoun County Public Schools issued an apology and a school board member resigned on Friday as the district faces mounting backlash over its response to two alleged sexual assaults, one of which was allegedly carried out by a skirt-wearing male student in a girls' bathroom. 

Superintendent Scott Ziegler apologized for saying during a June event that the Virginia district had no record of assaults taking place in its bathrooms. His comments came amid debate about policy changes related to self-identified transgender students. Ziegler said Friday that he misunderstood the question when he made the comment. 

Ziegler also said he is "sorry that we failed to provide the safe, welcoming, and affirming environment that we aspire to provide." He told affected students and families: "We acknowledge and share in your pain and we will continue to offer support to help you and your families through this trauma." 


Scott Smith, a Loudoun County father who was arrested at that June event, said this week that his daughter was sexually assaulted in a girls' bathroom at Stone Bridge High School by a male student who was wearing a skirt. The Loudoun County sheriff's office has confirmed that an on-campus sexual assault was reported on the day Smith says his daughter was victimized. 

The boy accused of assaulting Smith's daughter later allegedly groped a female student at nearby Broad Run High School after forcing her into an empty classroom, Loudoun County Commonwealth's Attorney Buta Biberaj told WTOP in an interview this week.  

Board member Beth Barts announced her resignation on Friday, though she didn't say whether it was related to the ongoing controversy. "This was not an easy decision or a decision made in haste. After much thought and careful consideration, it is the right decision for me and my family," Barts said. 

Barts has repeatedly butted heads with Loudoun parents concerned about critical race theory and similar left-wing topics being taught in schools, leading residents to seek her recall. Brenda Sheridan, the school board chair, thanked Barts for her service and said that the position is expected to be filled during the board's December meeting. 

LCPS didn't immediately return Fox News' inquiry on whether Barts' resignation was linked to the current controversy. 

"This could not have been an easy decision for Ms. Barts. We have made known our displeasure with her actions as a school board member over the past several months, but today she has done the right thing. Her former colleagues should take notice," Ian Prior, the executive director of Virginia parent group Fight for Schools, said in a statement Friday. 

"The community should know, however, that the problems at Loudoun County Public Schools and on the school board go well beyond one school board member," Prior added. "We will continue to shine a light on Loudoun County Public Schools and will keep fighting until we have a school board of common sense, non-partisan members and a superintendent who is accountable to parents and tells the truth." 


自定义厕所性别 美中学女生在厕所遭裙装”男生“性侵

文章来源: 综合新闻





48岁的斯科特-史密斯对于学校的态度十分不满,6月22日他走入了学校董事会的会议,并且当面指责女儿在学校女厕所被一个 "穿裙子 "的男学生 "强奸",他想用发生在她身上的事情来说明他为什么认为每个人不应该自己选择使用哪种性别的洗手间。














Hill’s report said that Montgomery County, which has about 1 million residents, received about $2.61 million in revenue in 2017. Hill’s report noted that the revenue would decline over time as customers start using reusable bags, although it will take several years.

He wrote that it would be difficult to estimate potential revenues because Virginia’s legislation applies only to certain retailers while Montgomery County’s applies to virtually all and doesn’t have certain exemptions.

Earlier this year, Prince William County supervisors began drafting a similar plastic bag tax but decided to wait until after the fiscal 2022 budget was passed.


Loudoun County responds after dad says school district tried to conceal daughter's bathroom assault

Virginia school board under fire after father alleges daughter sexually assaulted in bathroom

By Jessica Chasmar | Fox News


Loudoun father claims city concealed sex assault

Scott Smith joins 'The Ingraham Angle' to discuss his claims that his daughter was sexually assaulted in girl's bathroom by boy wearing a skirt

The Loudoun County school district in Virginia issued a statement Wednesday saying it correctly followed all legal protocols, two days after a father – who was arrested during a June school board meeting – accused the district of trying to cover up an alleged bathroom sexual assault against his daughter by a skirt-wearing male student. 

"Loudoun County Public Schools is aware of the media and social media reports concerning alleged sexual assaults at two of our high school campuses," the school district said. 

"While LCPS takes student privacy seriously and cannot reveal details concerning the actions of any specific student, we do want to clarify our investigative process. Principals are legally required to report to the local law enforcement agency any act, including sexual assault, that may constitute a felony offense under Va. Code § 22.1-279.3:1. That process was followed with respect to these allegations."

The statement comes two days after Scott Smith, who was arrested for disorderly conduct during a June 22 school board meeting, alleged that the school district tried to cover up a sexual assault by a gender-fluid individual against his ninth-grade daughter in order to further its transgender rights agenda. 

Smith told The Daily Wire on Monday that weeks before his arrest, his daughter at Stone Bridge High School in Ashburn was sexually assaulted by a boy wearing a skirt who entered the girls’ bathroom on May 28.

"We can confirm a May 28, 2021 case that involved a thorough 2-month-long investigation that was conducted to determine the facts of the case prior to arrest," the sheriff's office previously told Fox News. "This case is still pending court proceedings. The Loudoun County Sheriff’s Office is not able to provide any documents that pertain to a pending case." The sheriff's office confirmed that the case involved sexual assault. 

All juvenile records are sealed, but Smith’s attorney Elizabeth Lancaster told The Daily Wire that the boy was subsequently charged with two counts of forcible sodomy, one count of anal sodomy, and one count of forcible fellatio.

The school district said in its statement that it contacted the sheriff’s office on May 28 within "minutes of receiving the initial report."

"Once a matter has been reported to law enforcement, LCPS does not begin its investigation until law enforcement advises LCPS that it has completed the criminal investigation," the school district said. "To maintain the integrity of the criminal investigation, law enforcement requested that LCPS not interview students until their investigation is concluded. LCPS has cooperated and continues to cooperate with law enforcement."

The statement differs dramatically from Smith’s account, who said school officials told him on May 28 that the matter would be handled in-house, and that they actually called law enforcement on him for creating a scene on campus. 

According to The Daily Wire, the school sent an email to parents later that day saying there had been an "incident in the main office" that required sheriff’s deputies to respond. The email made no mention of the alleged sexual assault and said there was "no threat to the safety of the student body."

Smith told The Daily Wire that he was arrested at the June 22 school board meeting shortly after LCPS Superintendent Scott Ziegler declared that to his knowledge, "we don’t have any record of assaults occurring in our restrooms." Smith said he then flew into a rage after a local progressive activist said she did not believe his daughter’s story.

On Aug. 11, nearly two months after Smith’s arrest, the school board voted to approve its transgender rights policy, which requires teachers to call students by the pronouns they identify with and requires bathroom renovations in order to make them more private.

Smith said he received a letter before the Aug. 11 vote informing him he was banned from the school board building.

Then on Oct. 6, the sheriff's office said a 15-year-old boy was charged with sexual battery and abduction of a fellow student at Broad Run High School in Ashburn. In an Oct. 7 press release, the sheriff's office said the suspect forced a female victim into an empty classroom where he held her against her will and inappropriately touched her. 

The Daily Wire, citing a government official, reported that the boy accused in the Broad Run case had the same name as the student who allegedly assaulted Smith's daughter. 

Elizabeth Lancaster, Smith's attorney, also told the outlet the suspect in the Oct. 6 incident was the same boy who allegedly attacked Smith’s daughter.  

Smith’s wife, Jess, said prosecutors told her the suspect’s court date had been postponed from this Thursday to Oct. 25 in order to handle both cases together. The sheriff's office declined to confirm or deny to Fox News that the same male student was suspected in both cases. 

The school district said in its statement that it is "prohibited from disciplining any student without following the Title IX grievance process, which includes investigating complaints of sexual harassment and sexual assault."

"LCPS does impose interim measures to protect the safety of students involved in the original incident, deter retaliation, and preserve the integrity of the investigation and resolution process," it said. "LCPS has complied and continues to comply with its obligations under Title IX."

The school district added that board members were "not aware of the specific details of this incident until it was reported in media outlets earlier this week."


Loudoun County parents demand resignation of $295K-a-year superintendent who DENIED school had any reports of sex assault by a trans kid in a restroom - one month after girl, 15, told teachers she was raped by a 'boy in a skirt' in women's toilets


Ziegler took the job in Loudoun County in January after working in HR for years. He is paid $295,000 a year.

Smith was arrested and charged with disorderly conduct after the June 22 meeting where Ziegler allegedly lied. He said he was trying to contain himself after listening to school board staff say they'd never had a report of a sexual assault in a bathroom, when that is what his daughter reported weeks earlier 


时间:周二到周五 晚间








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