维基解密创办人阿桑吉抗引渡 未婚妻称一度小中风


维基解密创办人阿桑吉抗引渡 未婚妻称一度小中风



维基解密(WikiLeaks)创办人阿桑吉的未婚妻莫里斯表示,阿桑吉因为争取避免由英国引渡到美国的诉讼战,于10月底发生小中风。(Getty Images)


莫里斯(Stella Moris)与阿桑吉育有2个年幼孩子。她说,美国政府10月下旬就阻止他被引渡的判决提出上诉当天,阿桑吉发生小中风。


「周日邮报」(Mail on Sunday)报导,这是一次暂时性脑缺血(TIA)发作,即部分大脑的血液供应暂时中断。


Julian Assange faces possible extradition to US




大突破…阿桑吉可引渡来美受审 不押入重刑犯监狱




英国伦敦上诉法院推翻了之前下级法院裁定,延宕多时的阿桑吉案件,10日终于获得突破;上诉法院裁定,「维基解密」(Wikileaks)创办人阿桑吉(Julian Assange)得以被引渡到美国受审;遭控间谍罪、密谋骇入政府电脑等罪名的阿桑吉若被定罪,恐将面临数十年有期徒刑。

WorldView: Wikileaks founder Julian Assange can be extradited to U.S., top U.K. court rules
Dec 10, 2021

In Britain, a top court has ruled that Wikileaks founder Julian Assange can be extradited to the U.S. In Myanmar, security forces have reportedly shot and burned 11 villagers in the northwestern region of Sagaing. CBS News reporter and producer Haley Ott joins “CBSN AM” from London with more on these stories and other international headlines.



由于阿桑吉取得政府机密文档并公开发布,美国司法部决定以触犯联邦间谍法(Espionage Act)为由起诉,但引发阿桑吉是否受到美国宪法第一修正案言论自由保障的讨论,某些倡议人士则说,司法部动作可能限缩媒体的新闻自由。







司法部发言人霍恩巴克(Wyn Hornbuckle)并不愿对阿桑吉案发表评论,仅表示,美国政府对于英国法院的裁定感到欣慰。

阿桑吉辩护律师波拉克(Barry J. Pollack)则说,英国法院竟然接受美国政府愿意给与阿桑吉人道待遇的「语意模糊保证」,令人忧心。



从2019年以来,阿桑吉一直关押在伦敦的贝尔马什监狱(Prison Belmarsh)。

英国法官裁定把「维基解密」创办人阿桑吉引渡至美国受审后,他的伴侣Stella Morris对法官的裁定表示失望。(路透)


英法院判决 维基解密创办人阿桑吉将引渡至美受审




英国伦敦上诉法院10日判决,同意美国引渡要求,将维基解密创办人阿桑吉(Julian Assange)送至美国受审,推翻早前判决。


US wins appeal over extradition of WikiLeaks founder Assange
Dec 10, 2021

The United States government has won an appeal at Britain’s High Court over the extradition of WikiLeaks founder Julian Assange.

Friday’s ruling, which overturns an earlier decision, means Assange is now closer to being extradited from a British prison to the US, where he would face spying charges over WikiLeaks’ publication of secret military documents a decade ago.





文 / 张佳莹











WikiLeaks founder Julian Assange given permission to marry partner in prison

Associated Press


LONDON — WikiLeaks founder Julian Assange has been granted permission to marry his partner, Stella Moris, in prison, British authorities say.

Assange has been held in London’s high-security Belmarsh Prison since 2019 as he fights a U.S. attempt to extradite him on espionage charges.

The couple began their relationship during Assange’s seven years living in the Ecuadorian Embassy in London to avoid extradition to Sweden on unrelated sex offenses allegations. Assange and Moris, a South Africa-born lawyer, have two young sons: Gabriel, 4, and Max, 2.

“I am relieved that reason prevailed, and I hope there will be no further interference with our marriage,” Moris said.

In January, a judge refused a U.S. request to extradite Assange, but he remains in prison while a higher court considers the U.S. government’s appeal.

Assange and Moris made their relationship public in April 2020 and had applied to prison authorities for permission to wed.

They threatened legal action against the prison governor and Justice Secretary Dominic Raab, accusing them of trying to prevent the marriage from taking place.

“Mr. Assange’s application was received, considered and processed in the usual way by the prison governor, as for any other prisoner,” the Prison Service said Thursday.

No date has yet been set for the wedding.

U.S. prosecutors have indicted Assange on 17 espionage charges and one charge of computer misuse over WikiLeaks’ publication of thousands of leaked military and diplomatic documents a decade ago.


参与国会暴动 加州男卖房逃东欧 称遭迫害寻求白俄庇护




参与国会暴动,遭检调起诉6项罪名的暴徒纽曼(Evan Neumann)4月卖掉房子,逃到欧洲,自称遭「政治迫害」,向独裁者卢卡申科已统治了26年的白俄罗斯申请庇护。




检方起诉书说,联邦调查员2月16日在他离开加州Mill Valley家,要到旧金山国际机场途中追上他,他也承认元月5日有到华府,元月7日离开华府。每日邮报问FBI为何被通缉的人可以出国,调查人员是否扣下他的护照?暂未获回复。








涉国会山骚乱 美国男子偷渡白罗斯求庇护

文 / 李秈霓




据报道,这名美国公民是埃文·诺依曼(Evan Neumann),他在3月飞到意大利,之后转往乌克兰,并于8月中旬从乌克兰进入白罗斯。





U.S. Capitol Rioter Seeks Asylum in Belarus – State TV


Belarusian state television covered Evan Neumann’s story in a segment titled “Goodbye, America!” Screenshot / Belarus 1

A man on the FBI’s Most Wanted List for allegedly attacking police during the Jan. 6 U.S. Capitol riot is now seeking asylum in Belarus, the ex-Soviet country’s state-run television reported Sunday.

Evan Neumann, 48, is wanted in the United States on charges of violent entry and disorderly conduct on Capitol grounds, as well as for assaulting, resisting and obstructing law enforcement during civil disorder. Neumann denies the charges as “unfounded.”

FBI looking for Mill Valley man accused of taking part in Capitol riot

The FBI is leading the search for a Mill Valley man who is accused of taking part in the attack on the US Capitol in January. Evan Neumann is facing six felony counts, including assaulting police officers. Investigators say he was caught on camera inside the Capitol building wearing a gas mask, while punching and violently pushing police officers

By KTVU staff

 July 12, 2021

Neumann sold his California home in spring and was thought to have moved to Ukraine to evade arrest, ABC News reported this summer.

“Judging by his story, [Neumann] is the same type of simple American whose shops were burned by Black Lives Matter activists,” a Belarus 1 TV channel presenter said, echoing a common talking point on Russian state television.

Neumann “sought justice and asked uncomfortable questions” following the 2020 U.S. elections disputed by ex-President Donald Trump, the presenter added, “but lost almost everything and is being persecuted by the U.S. government.”

Belarusian border authorities detained Neumann on the border with Ukraine on Aug. 15, Belarus 1 reported.

“This situation has not only never happened, but was difficult to imagine,” said the channel’s reporter in a segment titled “Goodbye, America!”

In a sit-down interview, Neumann recalled crossing swampy forests and meeting wild hogs and snakes in his journey from Ukraine to Belarus. Belarus 1 reported that Neumann traveled from the U.S. to Italy in March, then took a train to Switzerland and drove to Germany and Poland before settling in western Ukraine, where he had rented an apartment for four months.

Accused Capitol rioter Evan Neumann

Neumann said he noticed Ukrainian security services “following” him two weeks into his stay, which prompted him to cross into neighboring Belarus and seek asylum.

Belarusian migration authorities declined to comment, citing confidentiality of personal data, the Russian state-run RIA Novosti reported Monday.

At least three U.S. citizens have applied for asylum in Belarus so far in 2021, the outlet added.

Belarus meanwhile has been accused of orchestrating a wave of migrants and refugees, mainly from the Middle East, toward European Union members’ borders in retaliation to EU sanctions. Belarusian leader Alexander Lukashenko has denied the charges.


参与国会暴动 纽约皇后区华男被捕





法庭文档指出,FBI通过谷歌追查到一个当时在案发地活跃的电邮,用户名为「Jah Leo」,与其联系的Google Pay帐户中,揭露用户是来自皇后区小颈(Little Neck)的26岁华男刘佳(Jia Liu,音译)。




Jia Liu

据纽约市警提供的信息,刘佳在当日凌晨5时32分,开着一辆登记于其继父名下的车,通过林肯隧道(Lincoln Tunnel)离开纽约市,并在当晚11时左右返回纽约;其他证据包括,其信用卡当日曾在华府地区加油站刷卡,FBI调查员后来也反复检查刘佳的证件,确认和监控录像中拍到的人为同一人。

刘佳29日早被FBI拘捕,面临非法踏入限制区域、限制区内进行破坏性行为、在国会大厦无序行为、及在国会大厦内游行示威四项轻罪,他由公派律师Benjamin Yaster代为辩护。


U.S. Marine Corps Reservist Serving as a Cyber Network Operator Charged in Jan. 6 Breach of U.S. Capitol



Joining scores of other members of the U.S. armed services charged in the Jan. 6 breach of the U.S. Capitol, a Marine Corp Reserves corporal currently serving as a cyber network operator faces four misdemeanors for his alleged role in the siege.

The FBI arrested Jia Liu, a 26-year-old from Queens, N.Y., on Friday morning, authorities say.

Her attorney Benjamin Yaster of Brooklyn Federal Defenders did not immediately respond to a voicemail requesting comment.

The affidavit supporting his charges does not allege any violence or vandalism on his part. Prosecutors charged him with entering and remaining in a restricted building or grounds, disorderly and disruptive conduct in a restricted building or grounds, disorderly conduct in a Capitol building, and parading, demonstrating, or picketing in a Capitol building.

Authorities have leaned on those statutes to charge the lower-level offenders among the more than 600 people prosecuted with breaching the U.S. Capitol.

In its affidavit, the FBI says that it looked into Liu’s Department of Defense records—among others—in investigating the suspect. Authorities found Liu had been assigned to Direct Support Company, 6th Communication Battalion, Marine Forces Reserve.

“Based on Liu’s passport, driver’s license, and Department of Defense photographs, your affiant located Liu on law enforcement body camera footage outside the U.S. Capitol building, as well as on U.S. Capitol building security camera footage entering the U.S. Capitol,” an FBI agent wrote in an affidavit. “Liu appears in the stills below dressed in a black jacket with a red, white and blue American flag hood donned over his head.”

Authorities say they observed Liu entering the building twice: at 3:24 p.m. and 3:31 p.m. by “climbing through a broken window.”

Court papers show several screenshots from surveillance footage of Liu allegedly entering the building the first time. Police body camera footage allegedly captures the second entrance.

The FBI says that the New Yorker was also foiled by license plate readers capturing his bridge and tunnel entrances and exits.

“According to New York City Police Department […] license plate reader information, on January 6, 2021, at approximately 5:32 a.m., a 2004 Jeep Wrangler (registered to Liu’s stepfather) hit traveling in the Lincoln Tunnel Outbound West Tube, leaving New York City,” the complaint states. “Additionally, later on January 6, 2021, at approximately 11:55 p.m., the same vehicle hit traveling northbound on the George Washington Bridge, Lowel Level into New York City, and again at approximately 12:04 a.m. (on January 7, 2021) traveling Queens-bound on the Throgs Neck Bridge.”

The U.S. Marine Corps did not immediately respond to Law&Crime’s press inquiry.

Liu is not the only Marine Corps member charged in connection with the events of Jan. 6.

In May, prosecutors charged Major Christopher Warnagiris with “violently” entering the Capitol Building through the East Rotunda doors by pushing through a line of Capitol Police officers.

“[Warnagiris] positioned himself in the corner of the doorway and seemed to use his body to help keep the door partially opened and reached for individuals pushing their way through to help pull them inside,” an unidentified FBI agent wrote in an affidavit supporting his criminal complaint.

Marine Corps spokesman Maj. J. A. Hernandez confirmed at the time that Warnagiris was an active-duty Marine.

“The Marine Corps is clear on this: There is no place for racial hatred or extremism in the Marine Corps,” Hernandez told Law&Crime in May.


抢匪作案遇“美军陆战队” 1秒夺枪压制 同伙鼠窜



  惹错人!亚利桑那州一名持枪歹徒伙同另外两人抢劫加油站商店,却遇到“路人”发威, 一个箭步就夺下手枪,还用手中的一袋罐装饮料当武器,砸向歹徒让他血流满面,其他同伙见状早就吓得逃之夭夭。这段监视器影片迅速在全美爆红,原来单枪匹马压制抢匪的路人竟是美国海军陆战队的退伍军人。

WATCH: Marine veteran stops armed robbery attempt at convenience store in Arizona
Oct 21, 2021

A Marine Corps veteran came to the rescue on Wednesday morning after an armed suspect and two others attempted to rob a convenience store in Arizona, according to the Yuma County Sheriff’s Office.

  根据美联社、ABC报导,亚利桑那州西南部尤马市(Yuma)一家加油站商店于20日清晨4时30分左右,突然闯进一名持枪歹徒,身后还跟著2名同伙,而当时正要去上班的前美军陆战队队员基尔瑟(James Kilcer)刚好就在店里。监视器画面显示,他先是一眼扫视了抢匪,接著瞬间出手夺枪,并将手中的一袋罐装饮料用力砸过去,随后将人压制在地,同伙吓得连滚带爬地逃跑了,最后一名歹徒都还没踏进店门,这桩抢劫行动就瞬间结束。



Marine speaks out after fighting off gas station robbery attempt
Oct 22, 2021

Marine veteran James Kilcer took matters into his own hands when he witnessed a robbery attempt at an Arizona gas station.




文章来源: 北美生活大爆炸



一时间,华人票圈都吓坏了,视频中流出了很多细节,据悉枪战发生在华人最熟悉的 400 block barber Lan 附近。即就在环球广场内!



事件一处引发当地华人疯狂转发。Milpitas 环球广场是华人最喜欢的购物中心之一,仅靠237和880交通要道,这里紧靠众多电子科技公司,不仅有超市还有很多华人餐馆,银行和其他娱乐业。是华人最常出行的地点。







MILPITAS GUNFIRE: Raw scene video of Milpitas police gathering evidence of gun battle with suspect
Oct 16, 2021


北加密爾比達環球廣場出現激烈槍戰 傷者滿身是血
Oct 15, 2021



北加密爾比達環球廣場出現激烈槍戰 傷者滿身是血(一)
Oct 15, 2021



Police exchange gunfire with stolen vehicle suspect in Milpitas

By: Bay City News


MILPITAS, Calif. (BCN) — Police in Milpitas on Friday were involved in a shooting with a suspect in a stolen vehicle.

On Friday at 3:41 p.m., detectives with the Milpitas Police Department initiated an enforcement stop on a stolen vehicle that was parked in the Milpitas Square shopping center in the 400 block of Barber Lane.

Police said the suspect shot at detectives, and a prolonged exchange of gunfire ensued.

The suspect was injured and barricaded himself in the vehicle, but he was later extricated, and officers provided first aid before paramedics transported him to a local hospital.

Police said no officers or bystanders were injured during the incident.

The Santa Clara County District Attorney’s Office is assisting in the investigation into the incident.

Anyone with information related to the case is asked to contact the Milpitas Police Department at (408) 586-2400.


(VA) Loudoun County superintendent apologizes, board member resigns as backlash grows over alleged sexual assaults

Loudoun County Public Schools has faced intense public pressure after Scott Smith revealed his daughter was allegedly assaulted in a school bathroom

By Peter Hasson | Fox News


The superintendent of Loudoun County Public Schools issued an apology and a school board member resigned on Friday as the district faces mounting backlash over its response to two alleged sexual assaults, one of which was allegedly carried out by a skirt-wearing male student in a girls’ bathroom. 

Superintendent Scott Ziegler apologized for saying during a June event that the Virginia district had no record of assaults taking place in its bathrooms. His comments came amid debate about policy changes related to self-identified transgender students. Ziegler said Friday that he misunderstood the question when he made the comment. 

Ziegler also said he is “sorry that we failed to provide the safe, welcoming, and affirming environment that we aspire to provide.” He told affected students and families: “We acknowledge and share in your pain and we will continue to offer support to help you and your families through this trauma.” 


Scott Smith, a Loudoun County father who was arrested at that June event, said this week that his daughter was sexually assaulted in a girls’ bathroom at Stone Bridge High School by a male student who was wearing a skirt. The Loudoun County sheriff’s office has confirmed that an on-campus sexual assault was reported on the day Smith says his daughter was victimized. 

The boy accused of assaulting Smith’s daughter later allegedly groped a female student at nearby Broad Run High School after forcing her into an empty classroom, Loudoun County Commonwealth’s Attorney Buta Biberaj told WTOP in an interview this week.  

Board member Beth Barts announced her resignation on Friday, though she didn’t say whether it was related to the ongoing controversy. “This was not an easy decision or a decision made in haste. After much thought and careful consideration, it is the right decision for me and my family,” Barts said. 

Barts has repeatedly butted heads with Loudoun parents concerned about critical race theory and similar left-wing topics being taught in schools, leading residents to seek her recall. Brenda Sheridan, the school board chair, thanked Barts for her service and said that the position is expected to be filled during the board’s December meeting. 

LCPS didn’t immediately return Fox News’ inquiry on whether Barts’ resignation was linked to the current controversy. 

“This could not have been an easy decision for Ms. Barts. We have made known our displeasure with her actions as a school board member over the past several months, but today she has done the right thing. Her former colleagues should take notice,” Ian Prior, the executive director of Virginia parent group Fight for Schools, said in a statement Friday. 

“The community should know, however, that the problems at Loudoun County Public Schools and on the school board go well beyond one school board member,” Prior added. “We will continue to shine a light on Loudoun County Public Schools and will keep fighting until we have a school board of common sense, non-partisan members and a superintendent who is accountable to parents and tells the truth.” 


自定义厕所性别 美中学女生在厕所遭裙装”男生“性侵

文章来源: 综合新闻





48岁的斯科特-史密斯对于学校的态度十分不满,6月22日他走入了学校董事会的会议,并且当面指责女儿在学校女厕所被一个 “穿裙子 “的男学生 “强奸”,他想用发生在她身上的事情来说明他为什么认为每个人不应该自己选择使用哪种性别的洗手间。














Hill’s report said that Montgomery County, which has about 1 million residents, received about $2.61 million in revenue in 2017. Hill’s report noted that the revenue would decline over time as customers start using reusable bags, although it will take several years.

He wrote that it would be difficult to estimate potential revenues because Virginia’s legislation applies only to certain retailers while Montgomery County’s applies to virtually all and doesn’t have certain exemptions.

Earlier this year, Prince William County supervisors began drafting a similar plastic bag tax but decided to wait until after the fiscal 2022 budget was passed.


Loudoun County responds after dad says school district tried to conceal daughter’s bathroom assault

Virginia school board under fire after father alleges daughter sexually assaulted in bathroom

By Jessica Chasmar | Fox News


Loudoun father claims city concealed sex assault

Scott Smith joins ‘The Ingraham Angle’ to discuss his claims that his daughter was sexually assaulted in girl’s bathroom by boy wearing a skirt

The Loudoun County school district in Virginia issued a statement Wednesday saying it correctly followed all legal protocols, two days after a father – who was arrested during a June school board meeting – accused the district of trying to cover up an alleged bathroom sexual assault against his daughter by a skirt-wearing male student. 

“Loudoun County Public Schools is aware of the media and social media reports concerning alleged sexual assaults at two of our high school campuses,” the school district said. 

“While LCPS takes student privacy seriously and cannot reveal details concerning the actions of any specific student, we do want to clarify our investigative process. Principals are legally required to report to the local law enforcement agency any act, including sexual assault, that may constitute a felony offense under Va. Code § 22.1-279.3:1. That process was followed with respect to these allegations.”

The statement comes two days after Scott Smith, who was arrested for disorderly conduct during a June 22 school board meeting, alleged that the school district tried to cover up a sexual assault by a gender-fluid individual against his ninth-grade daughter in order to further its transgender rights agenda. 

Smith told The Daily Wire on Monday that weeks before his arrest, his daughter at Stone Bridge High School in Ashburn was sexually assaulted by a boy wearing a skirt who entered the girls’ bathroom on May 28.

“We can confirm a May 28, 2021 case that involved a thorough 2-month-long investigation that was conducted to determine the facts of the case prior to arrest,” the sheriff’s office previously told Fox News. “This case is still pending court proceedings. The Loudoun County Sheriff’s Office is not able to provide any documents that pertain to a pending case.” The sheriff’s office confirmed that the case involved sexual assault. 

All juvenile records are sealed, but Smith’s attorney Elizabeth Lancaster told The Daily Wire that the boy was subsequently charged with two counts of forcible sodomy, one count of anal sodomy, and one count of forcible fellatio.

The school district said in its statement that it contacted the sheriff’s office on May 28 within “minutes of receiving the initial report.”

“Once a matter has been reported to law enforcement, LCPS does not begin its investigation until law enforcement advises LCPS that it has completed the criminal investigation,” the school district said. “To maintain the integrity of the criminal investigation, law enforcement requested that LCPS not interview students until their investigation is concluded. LCPS has cooperated and continues to cooperate with law enforcement.”

The statement differs dramatically from Smith’s account, who said school officials told him on May 28 that the matter would be handled in-house, and that they actually called law enforcement on him for creating a scene on campus. 

According to The Daily Wire, the school sent an email to parents later that day saying there had been an “incident in the main office” that required sheriff’s deputies to respond. The email made no mention of the alleged sexual assault and said there was “no threat to the safety of the student body.”

Smith told The Daily Wire that he was arrested at the June 22 school board meeting shortly after LCPS Superintendent Scott Ziegler declared that to his knowledge, “we don’t have any record of assaults occurring in our restrooms.” Smith said he then flew into a rage after a local progressive activist said she did not believe his daughter’s story.

On Aug. 11, nearly two months after Smith’s arrest, the school board voted to approve its transgender rights policy, which requires teachers to call students by the pronouns they identify with and requires bathroom renovations in order to make them more private.

Smith said he received a letter before the Aug. 11 vote informing him he was banned from the school board building.

Then on Oct. 6, the sheriff’s office said a 15-year-old boy was charged with sexual battery and abduction of a fellow student at Broad Run High School in Ashburn. In an Oct. 7 press release, the sheriff’s office said the suspect forced a female victim into an empty classroom where he held her against her will and inappropriately touched her. 

The Daily Wire, citing a government official, reported that the boy accused in the Broad Run case had the same name as the student who allegedly assaulted Smith’s daughter. 

Elizabeth Lancaster, Smith’s attorney, also told the outlet the suspect in the Oct. 6 incident was the same boy who allegedly attacked Smith’s daughter.  

Smith’s wife, Jess, said prosecutors told her the suspect’s court date had been postponed from this Thursday to Oct. 25 in order to handle both cases together. The sheriff’s office declined to confirm or deny to Fox News that the same male student was suspected in both cases. 

The school district said in its statement that it is “prohibited from disciplining any student without following the Title IX grievance process, which includes investigating complaints of sexual harassment and sexual assault.”

“LCPS does impose interim measures to protect the safety of students involved in the original incident, deter retaliation, and preserve the integrity of the investigation and resolution process,” it said. “LCPS has complied and continues to comply with its obligations under Title IX.”

The school district added that board members were “not aware of the specific details of this incident until it was reported in media outlets earlier this week.”


Loudoun County parents demand resignation of $295K-a-year superintendent who DENIED school had any reports of sex assault by a trans kid in a restroom – one month after girl, 15, told teachers she was raped by a ‘boy in a skirt’ in women’s toilets


Ziegler took the job in Loudoun County in January after working in HR for years. He is paid $295,000 a year.

Smith was arrested and charged with disorderly conduct after the June 22 meeting where Ziegler allegedly lied. He said he was trying to contain himself after listening to school board staff say they’d never had a report of a sexual assault in a bathroom, when that is what his daughter reported weeks earlier 


时间:周二到周五 晚间








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