(2/14 Wed 7:30PM EDT) 哈佛百人谈 | 热爱写剧演剧的Kai

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每个星期三加东时间7:30PM,加西温哥华时间4:30PM, 北京周四早8:30AM




星期三 2月14日 晚

7:30PM EST | 4:30PM PST | 北京周四早8:30AM

今晚邀请来的嘉宾 – Arjun

【主讲】Kai 哈佛大一学生


Kai is from both Japan and Scotland, living in 7 countries before college. He is graduating in 2027 intending to concentrate in Social Studies or History of Art. He was Headboy at Fettes College in Edinburgh and the director of Fettes Equality Society. On campus he is acting in a original play premiering at the end of the month called ‘Under Control/Utter Chaos’ and is a freshman representative for the HalfAsian Persons Association. His hobbies include writing film reviews, reading, zip lining, and writing poetry. Kai has previously tutored for a UCL program called Opportutoring where he tutored non-English speakers. on the TOEFL exam and helped them with college applications. The subjects he is most comfortable with areanything college application related, English writing and reading,and psychology。


赞助 : IvyShuttle

【WATbox】微播客【哈佛百人访谈】:周三(英文)和【藤妈访谈】周五(中文)倾情展播学生传奇故事,让故事激发传奇 Story to Inspire !

赞助 : IvyShuttle

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                     Story to Inspire!

教育是孩子的未来是家庭的核心大计,【WATbox微播客】一个全球公益教育展播平台通过美顶大学学生以及美顶学生家长的亲口分享展播节目:‘哈佛百人谈’(美国顶尖大学生故事系列)和‘藤妈访谈’ 让一个个鲜活而行之有效的教育成长经历,走进家长的视野,成为孩子成长启发和借鉴。


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