威州圣诞游行 红色休旅车冲撞人群 已致多死逾20伤

威州圣诞游行 红色休旅车冲撞人群 已致多死逾20伤





在密尔瓦基哨兵日报(Milwaukee Journal Sentinel)实习的凯莉.斯塔拉尔(Kaylee Staral)向有线电视新闻网(CNN)表示,事件约发生在游行开始的20、30分钟后左右,一辆红色SUV快速驶过,「让他们一度以为是圣诞老人」,但却是一辆车撞上许多人。

斯塔拉尔表示,现场有「好几个人受伤了」;每日邮报(Daily Mail)的报导则称至少30人受伤,而且其中许多伤者是参加表演活动的年长妇女。

威州21日发生冲撞事故:一辆红色多功能车高速冲向道路上正在举行圣诞游行的队伍,目前已知至少30人受伤。(截自David Kimball推特)



美华人遭3名非裔抢劫…他开枪回击 劫匪尖叫逃窜

文章来源: 红星新闻 


据警方透露,当地时间周六凌晨(20 日),美国费城梅菲尔区的一名非裔男子在持枪抢劫一名华人男性未遂后死亡。

事故发生在晚上 12 点 15 分左右,一名华人优步司机在 Sackett 街附近的 Longshore 大道下车准备回家时,三名非裔男子拿着枪指向他,试图抢劫。

Philadelphia Mayfair Shooting
Nov 20, 2021

1 dead, 1 wounded and 1 arrested 2021/11/20 12:15 a.m at 3200 block of Longshore Avenue.

A Chinese Uber food delivery driver who has a license to carry a concealed weapon in front of his house was robbed by 3 young men and fought back.



从现场视频看,这名华人男子最初十分 ” 顺从 “,并试图表现出无助的样子。在劫匪放松警惕之际,他趁机掏出自己的手枪,向三名劫匪开枪,造成 1 人死亡,2 人受伤。视频中可以听到一名劫匪尖叫道:” 拜托!(Please)”。


警方表示,其中一名男子胸部中了数枪,于凌晨 4 点 59 分在杰斐逊 – 托雷斯代尔医院被宣布死亡。另一名男子全身中枪多处,目前情况危急,而另一名男性嫌疑人在逃跑后被捕归案。

Police: Deliveryman shoots, kills armed suspect trying to rob him in Philadelphia
Nov 20, 2021

Two armed suspects picked the wrong deliveryman to rob Saturday in Philadelphia’s Mayfair section. Police say the victim was leaving his home after dropping off a delivery to his family after midnight on the 3200 block of Longshore Avenue.

警方人员表示:” 被抢劫人持有有效的持枪许可证。在事件发生后,他待在现场,和警方交谈,描述了发生的事情,另外,我们获取了事发地区的多个监控录像,证实了他所说的事情。”

而就在当地时间 19 日,在美国备受关注的基诺沙市枪击案宣判,嫌疑人凯尔 · 里滕豪斯被判无罪。

去年 8 月,威斯康星州基诺沙持续发生抗议示威活动,在 8 月 25 日的示威中,当时 17 岁的里滕豪斯手持步枪在街上被人追打,他倒在地上后向抢夺其枪支的人开枪,造成 2 人死亡、1 人受伤。美国检方随后对里滕豪斯提出包括一级谋杀罪在内的 5 项罪名指控。



另据外媒报道,同样是在费城,数日前还发生了一起 4 名非裔女孩在地铁上攻击一群亚裔学生的事件。

当地时间 19 日,费城地方检察官办公室批准了对四名非裔未成年女生的指控,她们涉嫌于 17 日在地铁上对一群亚裔学生发动仇恨袭击,将面临严重攻击、种族恐吓、犯罪阴谋等相关指控。据报道,一名女孩还因试图盗窃一名受害者的 AirPods 而面临一项抢劫罪的指控。

↑四名非裔未成年女生涉嫌于 17 日在地铁上对一群亚裔学生发动仇恨袭击。


警方称,袭击者和受害者都来自中央高中(Central High School)。SEPTA 交通警察局长 Thomas Nestel 表示,这是一次基于种族的袭击。他还补充说,此次袭击事件完全是无端发生的,” 但一些非裔美国人团体试图将这次袭击事件归咎于亚洲学生。”

有消息人士向媒体透露,就在袭击发生前一天,当地时间周二,袭击组织的非裔女孩就曾对这两名亚裔男孩进行了 ” 种族侮辱 “,并向他们倒了一杯冰沙。另据当地媒体报道,中央高中的家长们也曾一再抱怨,亚裔学生在学校不断受到非裔学生的骚扰。他们被迫放弃来之不易的职位,为其他非裔学生腾位置,很多无辜的学生也不断受到骚扰。


全美瞩目枪击案 白人少年获判无罪 法律专家不意外

文章来源: HK01


美国18岁白人少年里滕豪斯(Kyle Rittenhouse)在威斯康星州(Wisconsin)城市基诺沙(Kenosha)反种族歧视示威现场开枪,酿成2死1伤后,陪审团11月19日裁定他无罪,在美国社会引发众怒,但据美媒所指,当地法律专家认为这个结果并不意外,为何如此?

事发于2020年8月25日午夜,基诺沙市街头的反种族歧视示威演变成骚乱之际,里滕豪斯开枪造成26岁的胡贝尔(Anthony Huber)和36岁的罗森鲍姆(Joseph Rosenbaum)死亡,27岁的格罗斯克罗伊茨(Gaige Grosskreutz)亦受枪伤。

Kyle Rittenhouse trial
Nov 20, 2021



报道引述民权律师科尔曼(Charles F Coleman Jr)解释,随着审判展开,两种论述开始“竞争”,一是里滕豪斯是挑起暴力者,另一是他属于遭攻击的受害人。科尔曼说,比起挑衅,最终陪审团认为“自卫”的说法更有说服力。



CNN指,里滕豪斯出庭时的供词成为关键。里滕豪斯辩称,自己当晚带着武器前往基诺沙市中心,尝试保护一间名为Car Source的汽车经销商,他是向追赶他的“暴民”开枪。


Protests Across The U.S. Over Kyle Rittenhouse Trial Verdict
Nov 20, 2021


里滕豪斯的辩护律师理查兹(Mark Richards)更向记者表示,辩方之前已私下做测试,找来模拟陪审团分成两组,只有其中一组观看里滕豪斯的作供,测试结果便显示,若然里滕豪斯亲身作供,得来的结果会有利得多。



联邦前法官霍尼格(Elie Honig)认为,控方尝试把里滕豪斯描绘成主动开枪的人,但这种说法未能站得住脚。他认为里滕豪斯当时并非无差别开枪,而是向攻击他的人开枪。除此之外,检控官曾两度遭法官警告提问方式有问题。


报道引述高级法律分析人士科茨(Laura Coates)指,真正影响审判结果的是法官向陪审团发出的指示。在这次案中,法官要求陪审员从年仅17岁的里滕豪斯身上发生这种事的视角去看待这宗案件和评估他当时的行为是否合理,而非事后回顾。


Why the Kyle Rittenhouse ‘not guilty’ verdict is not a surprise to legal experts



Bystanders on the steps of the courthouse watch as the verdict is read in the trial of Kyle Rittenhouse. Legal experts said Rittenhouse’s claim of self-defense was strong from the beginning.
Nathan Howard/Getty Images

After 27 hours of deliberation over the course of four days, a jury declared Kyle Rittenhouse not guilty on the five charges he faced after fatally shooting two people and wounding a third during a night of unrest in Kenosha, Wis., last year.

Rittenhouse trembled as the verdict was read, count by count, then collapsed in sobs.

“There were times we doubted the case. There were times when we were confident,” said Mark Richards, Rittenhouse’s lead defense attorney, speaking to reporters outside the courthouse after the verdict was read.

Rittenhouse faced five felony counts after he shot and killed Joseph Rosenbaum, 36, and Anthony Huber, 26, and wounded Gaige Grosskreutz, then 26. The most serious charge, first-degree intentional homicide, carried a mandatory sentence of life in prison.

Though jurors did not speak to the media to explain their decision, legal experts contacted by NPR throughout the trial said an acquittal was not surprising.

“I think that anyone who saw the evidence could see that the jury might have a difficult time coming to a unanimous decision that Kyle Rittenhouse wasn’t defending himself,” said Julius Kim, a defense attorney and former prosecutor based in the Milwaukee area.

Rittenhouse had a strong self-defense case

Prosecutors said that Rittenhouse had put himself in danger through a series of reckless choices: He came to Kenosha during a period of violent and destructive riots; he armed himself with an AR-15-style rifle; he stayed there past curfew and after being separated from his group. They emphasized that he was the only person there to shoot someone.

But the law of self-defense in Wisconsin allows someone to use deadly force if they reasonably believe they are in imminent danger of death or great bodily harm.

“And if so, he’s allowed to use essentially as much force as he thinks is reasonably necessary to stop the threat,” said Kim.

Rosenbaum, the first person Rittenhouse shot, had acted belligerently throughout the night, according to video evidence and witness testimony. Later, he chased Rittenhouse through a used-car lot. Rittenhouse and another witness both testified that Rosenbaum had reached for Rittenhouse’s gun. Rittenhouse shot four times within a second, killing him.

“Mr. Rosenbaum was chasing me. I pointed my gun at him, and that did not deter him. He could have ran away instead of trying to take my gun from me, but he kept chasing me. It didn’t stop him,” Rittenhouse testified last week.

Afterward, Rittenhouse ran away toward a police line, he said during the trial. While he was running, several people started to chase him, including Huber and Grosskreutz. Huber struck Rittenhouse with a skateboard, evidence showed, and Grosskreutz was armed with a Glock pistol.

Prosecutors said that the two men had believed Rittenhouse was an “active shooter” and were trying to disarm him. But Rittenhouse testified that he feared for his life.

The defense had a “very disciplined message” throughout the trial, said Steven Wright, a law professor at the University of Wisconsin. They consistently emphasized Rittenhouse’s stated intentions that night — acting as a medic and protecting private property — and the threats to his safety, Wright said.

That message was clearest when Rittenhouse himself testified, a turn on the stand that several experts said was very effective for the defense.

“He was very well prepped. He did not come off as smug or indignant,” said Charles Coleman Jr., a civil rights lawyer and former prosecutor, who said that Rittenhouse came off like a “regular teenager.” “That needed to be something that the jury was reminded of.”

Richards, Rittenhouse’s defense attorney, told NPR’s All Things Considered that he thought Rittenhouse “did a very good job for an 18-year-old kid who was testifying for his life.”

Prosecutors had a very high bar to overcome Rittenhouse’s self-defense claim

In Wisconsin, once a defendant has made a self-defense claim, prosecutors must then disprove it “beyond a reasonable doubt,” experts explained.

The prosecution’s case depended on video evidence that was often dark and blurry. One key video was shot from far away, and in others, the action was at times obstructed, making it difficult to draw definitive conclusions.

“Some of the video footage, some of the still frame shots appeared to support the self-defense claim,” said Chris Zachar, a criminal defense attorney based in La Crosse, Wis., who said prosecutors had “squandered” their case.

Prosecutors attempted to convince jurors that Rittenhouse had provoked the encounter with Rosenbaum, which would have undercut his self-defense claim. But the interaction they described as Rittenhouse pointing his rifle at other people before the chase was captured only by a single drone video, filmed from over a block away, in which Rittenhouse and Rosenbaum are tiny and distant.

Another video that captured Rittenhouse’s encounter with Huber and Grosskreutz was analyzed frame by frame during the trial. Defense attorneys and prosecutors urged jurors to draw opposite conclusions from it — including, crucially, whether Grosskreutz had pointed his pistol at Rittenhouse before being shot.

“The state has to prove that Kyle Rittenhouse provoked the attack by proof beyond a reasonable doubt. And so, the question is: If everyone in that courtroom is still not sure, if the judge wasn’t sure, then how are 12 jurors going to be sure?” said Kim.

The state’s own witnesses at times helped Rittenhouse’s case

Prosecutors called more than a dozen witnesses to help make their case. But legal experts said that, at times, those witnesses seemed to bolster Rittenhouse’s self-defense claim.

The state called two men who had accompanied Rittenhouse that night, also intending to help protect private property. Both witnesses, Ryan Balch and Jason Lackowski, said Rosenbaum asked to be shot and “false-stepped” armed men in an attempt to provoke a reaction. One described him as “hyperaggressive.”

“They all painted a picture that Mr. Rosenbaum was definitely the aggressor,” said Wright, of the University of Wisconsin. “There was testimony that he lunged for the gun.”

Another one of the state’s witnesses, Richie McGinniss, a video director for a conservative news site who witnessed the Rosenbaum shooting, testified that Rosenbaum was reaching for Rittenhouse’s rifle.

And Grosskreutz, who was the prosecutors’ star witness as the only person who survived being shot by Rittenhouse, gave testimony that underscored the challenge facing prosecutors.

Grosskreutz ran after Rittenhouse after the first shooting and was approaching him, Glock pistol in hand, as Rittenhouse shot Huber. Grosskreutz testified that he believed Huber was trying to harm Rittenhouse.

For a moment, Grosskreutz paused and raised his hands in the air, gun held limply in his right hand.

But then he saw Rittenhouse adjusting his weapon, he testified, so he brought his arms back down and moved toward Rittenhouse. In doing so, he pointed his weapon at Rittenhouse, he admitted during cross-examination.

“It wasn’t until you pointed your gun at him — advanced on him with your gun, now your hands down, pointed at him — that he fired, right?” defense attorney Corey Chirafisi said.

“Correct,” Grosskreutz replied.

Kim, the former prosecutor, pointed to that exchange as an especially bad moment for the prosecution.

“I think the defense did an effective job of taking one of the state’s witnesses and using him to start building their case,” he said. “There were times where I had to remind myself who called him as the witness.”


枪杀郑少雄18岁凶嫌落网 芝警提控一级谋杀罪




芝加哥警察局局长布朗(David Brown)12日宣布,警方已经逮捕涉嫌在芝加哥大学校园附近枪杀郑少雄(Shaoxiong Zheng)的嫌犯史攀(Alton Spann,18岁),并提控一级谋杀罪,以及两项非法使用武器罪。


18-year-old man charged in connection with murder of U of C graduate
Nov 12, 2021


Alton Spann, 18 | Chicago Police Department

警方说,在郑少雄枪击案发生的同一天,警方在赛其威克街(Sedgewick St.)夹北大街(North Ave.)发现史攀踪迹,嫌犯当时持有两把枪及一辆福特野马车的钥匙,警方还表示,他们还握有史攀在一家手机店出售从郑少雄身上抢来电子产品的影片。



18-year-old man charged with murder of 24-year-old U of C graduate

By: WGN Web DeskRob Sneed


CHICAGO — Murder charges have been filed in the shooting death of a University of Chicago graduate earlier this week in Hyde Park, Chicago police announced.

Alton Spann, 18, is being charged with first-degree murder, armed robbery and two counts of unlawful use of a weapon.

Dennis Zheng, 24, was shot to death during a robbery in the 900 block of East 54th Place just before 2 p.m. on Tuesday afternoon.

Police said Span was located utilizing POD cameras the next day, and was taken into custody following a traffic stop near the intersection of West North Avenue and North Sedgwick Avenue.

Officers recovered two firearms from Spann’s vehicle during the arrest, with gun testing confirming Spann was connected to the murder.

Following charges being filed against Spann, Mayor Lori Lightfoot offered the following statement:

“Mayor Lightfoot is extremely proud of the dogged and phenomenal work of the Chicago Police Department’s Bureau of Detectives to quickly apprehend and charge Alton Spann for the murder of Shaoxiong Zheng. Individuals who commit senseless and cowardly acts of violence, and who recklessly cut short the lives of residents must be held accountable, and it the Mayor’s hope that this announcement can serve as the first step on the long road toward healing and justice for Mr. Zheng’s family and loved ones, as well as the University of Chicago Community.

The Mayor will continue to keep this young man’s family, as well as the entire Hyde Park and University of Chicago communities in her prayers as they continue to grapple with this tragic loss. As communities throughout Chicago continue to struggle with gun violence, protecting the lives and wellbeing of all of Chicago’s residents and visitors remains the Mayor’s top priority.”

According to police, the investigation into Zheng’s murder will continue, although police did confirm Spann was the gunman in Zheng’s murder.


痛失爱子 郑少雄母亲情绪崩溃 正赶办签证来美





Vigil Held For Dennis Shaoxiong Zheng, U Of C Graduate Shot And Killed In Hyde Park
Nov 10, 2021

Friends gathered for a vigil for Dennis Shaoxiong Zheng late Wednesday – but they found little comfort as police continued to search for the man who shot and killed him in broad daylight. CBS 2’s Jermont Terry reports.




UChicago leaders host safety webinar in response to recent incidents
Nov 11, 2021

President Alivisatos, Provost Lee discuss steps to enhance public safety following Nov. 9 shootings.

During a Nov. 11 webinar, University of Chicago leaders discussed ongoing steps to address public safety following Nov. 9 shootings in the Hyde Park neighborhood, including the murder of recent UChicago graduate Shaoxiong “Dennis” Zheng. President Paul Alivisatos and Provost Ka Yee Lee said the University is taking seriously the challenges that face an urban campus, with Lee sharing her experiences and concerns as a parent who has lived in Hyde Park for years. She also mentioned an upcoming event with a senior Chicago Police Department official, which will include a live question and answer session.

Eric Heath, associate vice president for safety and security, outlined specific steps that the University has taken and will be taking to ensure the safety and wellbeing of those who study, teach and work on campus, as well as visitors and local residents. They also extended their sympathies to the family of Shaoxiong Zheng, who was killed during the course of a robbery, and discussed the impact his death has had on the UChicago community.




中国留学生遭枪击身亡 中驻芝加哥总领馆强烈谴责





Recent University of Chicago graduate shot, killed in armed robbery near campus
Nov 9, 2021


Shaoxiong “Dennis” Zheng | Provided

University of Chicago grad killed in Hyde Park shooting. Victim identified as Shaoxiong Zheng, who friends say went by Dennis.




UChicago adds extra patrols on campus after nearby fatal shooting of recent graduate
Nov 10, 2021







  每日经济新闻综合央视新闻、中国驻芝加哥总领馆 。

中國留學生鄭少雄 芝加哥大學校園遭搶劫槍殺
Nov 10, 2021

9日不幸在芝加哥大學校園附近遇害的24歲青年,為來自中國四川的留學生鄭少雄(Shaoxiong Zheng),他7月底才完成研究所答辯並取得芝大統計碩士學位,繼年初就讀芝大博士班的中國留學生范軼然遭瘋狂槍手殺害後,又一名年輕華人學者命喪槍口,讓芝大師生非常悲痛震驚。


中国留学生在美遭枪杀: 其来自成都 刚硕士毕业






芝加哥大学 图源:学校官网芝加哥大学 图源:学校官网























芝加哥大学24岁亚裔生 于校园遭抢劫枪杀





芝加哥警局表示,24岁的受害男子当时走在54小街夹爱丽斯大道(Ellis Ave.)交口的行人道,一辆深色车辆突然在其旁边停靠,一名男嫌从车内走出到该名亚裔男旁,要求其交出财物,抢劫过程中,歹徒不知何故对受害者开了好几枪,其中一发子弹打中受害者胸部。






20岁的芝加哥大学大三学生路易斯(Max Lewis)今年7月1日从芝加哥市搭乘绿线捷运准备返回校园时,不幸遭到从车窗窜入的流弹打中颈部,虽紧急送医急救仍于5日不治。




Recent University of Chicago graduate shot, killed in armed robbery near campus

By WGN Web Desk


CHICAGO — A recent University of Chicago graduate was shot and killed Tuesday afternoon in armed robbery near campus.

Just before 2 p.m., authorities were dispatched to the 900 block of 54th Place on the report of a shooting.

Police said a 24-year-old man was on the sidewalk when a dark-colored vehicle pulled up. A male suspect exited the vehicle and demanded the man’s property. The victim was then shot in the chest and pronounced dead at the University of Chicago Medical Center.

The vehicle was last seen fleeing westbound on 54th Place.

Around two hours earlier, the university sent out a safety notice regarding shots fired in the area of the 1500 block of East 53rd Street. Police said two local business and multiple vehicles were struck by gunfire.

As bullets flew by, Congressional candidate and founder of My Block, My Hood, My City Jahmal Cole dropped to the ground.

“I dove under the car, I ran for my life,” Cole said. “Nobody was hit but it’s traumatizing.  When you’re running for your life, that doesn’t just go away.”

Earlier this summer, a 20-year-old student from Colorado was shot while sitting on a Green Line train. Max Lewis was paralyzed, but alert in the hospital. He was taken off life support and died on July 4.

The university sent the following message to students and staff following Tuesday’s deadly shooting.

“We are working with the Chicago Police Department to gather more facts about the case, and the University of Chicago Police Department is immediately increasing patrols near campus. While we have not had any indication that this is an active incident, we encourage you to be vigilant and exercise caution.

This is devastating news for our entire community. We will keep you informed as we know more about this incident.”

Anyone with information can leave an anonymous tip at cpdtip.com.



时间:周二到周五 晚间

周二: 遗嘱和资产传承(蒋律师&Joanna)

周三: 数据泄露和个人身份保护&事业机会说明会

周四: 婚姻和家庭法(主讲周律师)

周五:企业法律问题公益讲座(主讲人:蒋律师&Joanna)& 事业机会说明会

Zoom 6045004698,
