前幕僚长惊曝:川普2024不会参加大选 原因竟是…

前幕僚长惊曝:川普2024不会参加大选 原因竟是…

文章来源: 美国中文网


美国中文网综合报道 尽管川普不断在为2024年再次入主白宫造势,他的前白宫幕僚长凯利(John Kelly)却认为,川普不会在2024年参选。




川普的前私人律师科恩(Michael Cohen)上周日称,他认为川普无意参选,因为无法承受两度挫败。



尽管如此,川普仍对共和党保有重大的影响力。前美国驻联合国大使黑利(Nikki Haley)就曾表示,如果川普决定在2024年参选,她预计其他人将不会与他竞争。


Ex-White House chief of staff said former President Donald Trump won’t run in 2024 because he can’t ‘be seen as a loser’

By Erin Snodgrass 


White House chief of staff John Kelly listens as U.S. President Donald Trump speaks at a briefing with senior military leaders in the Cabinet Room of the White House on October 5, 2017. 
Andrew Harrer-Pool/Getty Images
  • Former White House Chief of Staff John Kelly is skeptical that Donald Trump will run in 2024.
  • But the former president continues to hint at a possible second run for the White House.
  • “He will not run,” Kelly told The Atlantic. “And the reason is he simply cannot be seen as a loser.”

As former President Donald Trump continues to tease a campaign to return to the White House, some of his former allies are skeptical that he will enter the presidential race come 2024.

John Kelly, Trump’s longest-serving White House chief of staff, expressed doubts that the former president will make a run for the executive seat again in an interview with The Atlantic published Tuesday.

Kelly told The Atlantic that he suspects Trump will continue to imply a possible run leading up to campaigning season, but in the end, will fail to follow through.

“Trump won’t run,” Kelly told the publication. “He’ll continue talking about it; he may even declare, but he will not run. And the reason is he simply cannot be seen as a loser.”

A representative for the Trump Organization did not immediately respond to Insider’s request for comment. 

After leaving his position at the White House in 2019, Kelly rarely criticized the former president in the remainder of Trump’s time in office. But the retired Marine Corps general has since expressed criticism of Trump following the January 6 Capitol attack.

Kelly told ABC News correspondent Jonathan Karl that if Trump “was a real man, he would go down to the Capitol and tell them to stop,” referring to the mob of rioters who breached the Capitol nearly one year ago. His comments were included in Karl’s book, “Betrayal: The Final Act of the Trump Show,” which was released earlier this month and details the final tumultuous year of Trump’s presidency. 

Trump made headlines last weekend when he once again hinted at a 2024 run.

“I think if I run, I’ll get it,” he said in a Fox Business interview. “Look, I have a 94, 95% even, in the CPAC, I had a 98% approval rating. So if I decide to run, I’ll get it very easily.”

“Most people have said if I run, they won’t run against me, so I think that’s good,” he added.

Trump’s 2020 loss to President Joe Biden by nearly 7 million votes prompted the former president to cast doubt on his defeat by making several legal attempts to overturn the loss, all of which have failed.

Former associates of Trump seem to believe that that loss — and the possibility of another — could keep Trump from trying again.

Former National Security Advisor John Bolton and Trump’s former lawyer Michael Cohen have made similar predictions to Kelly, highlighting the former president’s aversion to defeat following the 2020 election. 

“I think he knows deep inside, although he will never admit it, he did lose in 2020 and very much fears losing in 2024 because if he hates anything in the world, he hates being called a loser,” Bolton said last month


国会调查:CDC去年初曾想警告疫情 被川普及亲信阻止





Politico网站12日报导,众院特别小组委员会过去几个月进行多次访谈,想了解川普及其最亲信助理,如前白宫顾问阿特拉斯(Scott Atlas)、川普女婿库许纳,试着想凌驾CDC内部流程,主导联邦对疫情的因应。



几位川普政府高官,例如前白宫疫情协官柏克斯(Deborah Birx),都已回答委员会的询问;全国呼吸道疾病暨免疫中心前主任南西‧梅森尼尔(Nancy Messonnier)、CDC副主任安‧舒查特(Anne Schuchat)也回答委员会质询。







Trump White House Repeatedly Blocked Critical COVID Warnings, Officials Tell House Probe

“Our intention was certainly to get the public’s attention,” said CDC expert Dr. Nancy Messonnier, who said she was reprimanded for doing so.

By Mary Papenfuss


The Donald Trump administration intervened multiple times to block critically important warnings to the public from the Centers for Diseased Control and Prevention as COVID-19 was exploding across the nation, top health officials have told congressional investigators, according to new testimony and other records released Friday and reported by The Washington Post.

A furious Trump immediately curtailed CDC officials’ media appearances after agency health expert Dr. Nancy Messonnier warned early last year that the spread of COVID-19 was inevitable, she told the House select subcommittee on the pandemic.

“Our intention was certainly to get the public’s attention,” Messonnier told investigators, but she was later reprimanded for the warning, including by then-Health and Human Services Secretary Alex Azar.

The CDC held no news briefings between early March 9 and the end of May last year as the pandemic was building and despite repeated requests from the agency, the Post noted.

Trump appointees also pressured the agency to change its Morbidity and Mortality Weekly Reports to align with the White House’s optimistic messages about COVID-19, health officials said.

In the newly released excerpts of information from White House COVID-19 response coordinator Dr. Deborah Birx, she accused Trump’s controversial White House adviser Scott Atlas of working to cut access to COVID-19 tests last year.

Trump frequently complained publicly that U.S. statistics looked bad because too many tests were revealing the nation’s high number of cases. Stopping tests was his solution to minimizing the appearance of a problem.

“If we stop testing right now, we’d have very few cases, if any,” Trump insisted in June last year.

Birx told the subcommittee that Atlas triggered changes to CDC testing recommendations two months later that called for excluding people without visible symptoms, even if they had been exposed to infected people.

“This document resulted in less testing and … less aggressive testing of those without symptoms that I believed were the primary reason for the early community spread,” Birx told investigators.

In information from Birx released by the subcommittee last month, Birx said she believes the COVID-19 death toll could have been cut as much as 40% with better decisions by the Trump White House.

Trump himself admitted to Washington Post journalist Bob Woodward that he knew COVID was “deadly stuff,” but that he deliberately downplayed the risk to the public.

“I wanted to always play it down,” Trump told Woodward, the journalist reported in his book “Rage.” “I still like playing it down, because I don’t want to create a panic.”

In February 2020 Trump said there were only 15 cases of COVID-19 in the nation, and that it would soon be “close to zero.” He also said that “like a miracle” the virus would “disappear,” and congratulated himself on doing a “pretty good job.”

Since then, 762,000 Americans have died of COVID.



时间:周二到周五 晚间






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美媒报道,数千名海地人上周六(9月18日)突然“戏剧性地”迅速涉水过河来到美国,并“驻扎”在得克萨斯州德尔里奥(Del Rio)一座大桥下,有的甚至还搭起了临时营地。


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