(VA) Fairfax County 2020 Election Results (Tysons / Merrifield for Biden While McLean for Trump)

Fairfax County 2020 SAMPLE BALLOT … and the Results

By David Swink, FCTA, 10/19/2020 … and the results, 11/08/2020

On Nov 3, 2020, Fairfax County voters will be asked to vote for U.S. President, a U.S. Senator, a U.S. Congressman (in one of three districts), two Virginia Constitutional amendments, and four bond issues. Herndon residents will also be voting for mayor and six town council slots.

The combined ballot issues are presented below, in order and in plain English. (Reference here!)

President and Vice President

( ) .. Democrat (Joseph Biden, Pres; Kamala Harris, VP) — 227EV+ (wins in Va. via Fx Co)
( ) .. Republican (Donald Trump, Pres; Mike Pence, VP) — 213EV+
( ) .. Libertarian (Jo Jorgensen, Pres; Jeremy Cohen, VP)
( ) .. Write-in: __________________________________________________

Four days after the presidential election, results for eight states are still in question, due to either simple delayed counting of mailed ballots or election irregularities such as manipulated voting machines, USPS backdating of mailed ballots, or lack of verification by poll watchers during the certification and counting of mailed ballots. Those states and their Electoral College votes: PA(20), MI(16), WI(10), GA(16), AZ(11), NC(15), NV(6), AK(3). Court challenges and recounts in some cases are pending.

U.S. Senate

( ) .. Democrat (Mark Warner) — 55.9%
( ) .. Republican (Daniel Gade) — 44.1%
( ) .. Write-in: __________________________________________________

U.S. House of Representatives — 8th District

( ) .. Democrat (Don Beyer) — 76.1%
( ) .. Republican (Jeff Jordan) — 23.9%
( ) .. Write-in: __________________________________________________

U.S. House of Representatives — 10th District

( ) .. Democrat (Jennifer Wexton) — 56.5%
( ) .. Republican (Aliscia Andrews) — 43.5%
( ) .. Write-in: __________________________________________________

U.S. House of Representatives — 11th District

( ) .. Democrat (Gerry Connolly) — 71.1%
( ) .. Republican (Manga Anantatmula) — 28.3%
( ) .. Write-in: __________________________________________________

Herndon only — Mayor

( ) .. Sheila A. Olem (5,138)
( ) .. Roland B. Taylor (3,152)
( ) .. Write-in: __________________________________________________

Herndon only — Town Council (Vote for no more than six)

( ) .. Stevan M. Porter (3,818)
( ) .. Pradip Dhakal (4,839)
( ) .. Sean M. Regan (4,713)
( ) .. Naila Alam (4,410)
( ) .. Cesar A. del Aguila (4,892)
( ) .. Signe V. Friedrichs (4,393)
( ) .. Jasbinder Singh (4,386)
( ) .. Clark A. Hedrick (3,911)
( ) .. Write-in: __________________________________________________
( ) .. Write-in: __________________________________________________
( ) .. Write-in: __________________________________________________
( ) .. Write-in: __________________________________________________
( ) .. Write-in: __________________________________________________
( ) .. Write-in: __________________________________________________

Va. Constitutional Amendment — Q1: Redistricting Commission

Should the Constitution of Virginia will be amended to establish a bipartisan commission, comprising eight members of the General Assembly and eight members of the public, that would draw new lines for the U.S. House of Representatives, the state Senate, and the House of Delegates election districts. The full General Assembly would vote on these lines, but could not change them. The state Supreme Court would draw the lines if the commission, or the assembly, could NOT agree.

( ) .. Yes — Add this Redistricting Commission to the Va. Constitution (66%)
( ) .. No — Leave redistricting to the General Assembly and the Governor

Va. Constitutional Amendment — Q2: Disabled Veteran Vehicle Tax

Should the Constitution of Virginia will be amended to exempt one automobile or pickup truck that is owned and used primarily by or for a veteran of the United States armed forces or the Virginia National Guard who has a one hundred percent (100%) service-connected, permanent, and total disability from state and local taxation.

( ) .. Yes — Add to the Va. Constitution (81%)
( ) .. No — Leave out of Va. Constitution, not exempt from taxation

Fairfax County Bond Issue — Transportation (Metro)

Shall the County go into debt for $160,000,000 to subsidize Metro?

( ) .. Yes (67.7%)
(x) .. No — FCTA’s recommendation

Fairfax County Bond Issue — Parks

Shall the County go into debt for $112,000,000 to maintain and add to County and Regional parks?

( ) .. Yes (72.4%)
(x) .. No — FCTA’s recommendation

Fairfax County Bond Issue — Public Libraries

Shall the County go into debt for $90,000,000 to maintain and add to public libraries?

( ) .. Yes (66.1%)
(x) .. No — FCTA’s recommendation

Fairfax County Bond Issue — Health and Human Services

Shall the County go into debt for $79,000,000 to finance the construction and reconstruction of community centers and shelters?

( ) .. Yes (72.3%)
(x) .. No — FCTA’s recommendation

Source: https://www.fcta.org/FxCo/Misc/2020_fx_sampleballot.html

Message of Election 2020: Trump lost, but Trumpism did not


FILE – In this Oct. 15, 2020, file photo President Donald Trump sits during a break in an NBC News Town Hall, at Perez Art Museum Miami, in Miami. (AP Photo/Evan Vucci, File)

WASHINGTON (AP) — President Donald Trump lost. But Trumpism did not.

It won in the parts of the country and with the voters whom Trump catered to over four years, constantly jabbing the hard edges of almost every contentious cultural issue into Red America, on the bet that fear and anger were a winning hand. It almost was.

Joe Biden defeated Trump to win the presidency, and is on pace to win up to 306 electoral votes, a total that would match what Trump exaggerated as a “landslide” four years ago. In a typical election year, such a victory would mean Biden would have carried other Democrats along with him. Instead, several promising Democratic Senate and House candidates, including incumbents, lost.

For Trump, the situation was the inverse. His popularity among his base voters helped protect incumbent Republicans but was not enough to save him. He won more votes for president than any other candidate. Except Biden. The rejection of Trump was personal.

The election did little to suggest that the country was suddenly less polarized. Trump wrung out votes from areas where he already had a core of support, in rural and small-town America. Biden did the same, only more, in urban and suburban America while also holding down Trump margins in some rural areas. The outcome didn’t change the fact that much of the country is still speaking two different political languages.

“This defied everyone’s expectations. Everyone said if Joe Biden wins, Democrats win the Senate. If Trump wins, Republicans win the Senate,” said Rahm Emanuel, the former mayor of Chicago and chief of staff to President Barack Obama. “That’s not what happened. Clearly there was an undertow.

“Life is not binary,” Emanuel said. “It’s more complicated. Florida, a state that voted for Trump, voted for the minimum wage. Illinois, a state that voted for Biden, voted down a progressive income tax. California, cobalt blue, voted against affirmative action in the place of employment.”

Emanuel said that Democrats may have erred in not offering clearer plans about how they would rebuild the economy while also gaining control over the virus and in not batting back Republican efforts to label them socialists.

“Trump played to people’s fatigue about COVID,” he said. “If we had brought the same sense of urgency to getting the economy moving as we did getting COVID under control, it might have been different.”

Instead, some Democrats were advocating for expanding the Supreme Court and ending the filibuster in the Senate, proposals that might have prompted fear about one-party control.

“It’s clear there was more voter frustration with Trump than with the ideology of the Republican Party,” said Mike Murphy, a strategist to several Republican presidential campaigns who broke with his party over Trump. “Clearly the presidential race was operating in its own world from the congressional race.”

Since Trump campaigned largely on friendly turf, he also helped Republican candidates in those areas.

“Trump lifted Republican candidates by vastly boosting turnout in areas of Republican strength,” said David Axelrod, former senior adviser Obama. “In the states and districts that favor Republicans, they ran up the score.”

Many voters offered a consistent refrain about Trump: They liked his policies but could not abide his anger-fueled personality, his constant use of Twitter as a weapon, and the way he ridiculed anyone who dared disagree with him.

Biden’s call for a return to decency, and his appeal to be a president for all Americans and not just the base of his party, was an important part of his formula.

But the closeness of the race, even with the president’s persistently low approval ratings, was also a testament to the inherent power of an incumbent seeking reelection. There’s a reason only three elected incumbents before Trump had lost in nearly a century.

When an incumbent loses, the challenger’s party often gains. In 1980, when Ronald Reagan defeated President Jimmy Carter, Republicans took 12 Senate seats from Democrats. In 1992, Bill Clinton’s victory over President George H.W. Bush also came with three Democratic Senate victories over incumbent Republicans. When Franklin D. Roosevelt defeated President Herbert Hoover in 1932, Democrats gained nearly 100 House seats and a dozen in the Senate, giving Roosevelt the muscular majorities he needed to pass sweeping New Deal legislation.

But no president in recent memory had maintained such iron-grip allegiance from his own party as Trump, with only a handful of Republicans in Congress ever willing to cross him, fearing that they were always one presidential tweet away from a primary challenge. They stuck with him during his impeachment, when only Sen. Mitt Romney, R-Utah, voted to convict him, and Trump ostracized him. And several were sticking with him even in defeat, offering up unproven allegations of voter fraud.

Some voters liked Trump’s tough talk on trade and getting other nations to pay more for common defense. They gave him credit, right or wrong, for an economy that was buoyant before the pandemic struck. And Trump played to Americans’ fatigue from all the restrictions imposed because of the virus by saying the warnings of his own administration’s top public health officials were overblown.

Still, there was a collective limit to how much more of Trump’s always-in-your-face presidency they were willing to take.

Not enough, though, to deliver Biden a majority in the Senate, at least not until the outcome of two runoff elections in Georgia in January.

But some Democrats also noted that they held most seats in swing states, and that Biden won in some competitive districts. “There are also many districts that Biden flipped from 2016, like my district,” said Rep. Elaine Luria of Virginia. She said her margin of victory over the same opponent more than doubled from 2018.

“The bottom line on Republicans winning in traditionally Republican-held seats was their unprecedented turnout,” Luria said. “Trump was not able to capitalize on that turnout himself, because his actions and rhetoric over the last four years made him unpalatable to the majority of Americans.”

Jessie Huang, Mortgage Loan Professional, Meridian Bank Mortgage

Biden clearly was seen as both a necessary and acceptable alternative. He had no pithy slogan like “Hope and Change” when he was Obama’s running mate in 2008. Rather, he tapped into a national desire to stop the noise, to turn the page from a period so marked by rage and hate inspired from the White House itself.

Source: https://apnews.com/article/election-2020-joe-biden-donald-trump-elections-aff4f036b6b1d5e6559a8b6438d730c7

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