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Frozen food package polluted by living coronavirus could cause infection, China’s CDC says



FILE PHOTO: A woman looks at frozen food products in a supermarket in Beijing

BEIJING (Reuters) – China’s disease control authority said on Saturday that contact with frozen food packaging contaminated by living new coronavirus could cause infection.

The conclusion came as the Chinese Center for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) detected and isolated living coronavirus on the outer packaging of frozen cod during efforts to trace the virus in an outbreak reported last week in the city of Qingdao, the agency said on its website.

The finding, a world first, suggests it is possible for the virus to be conveyed over long distances via frozen goods, it said.

Two dock workers in Qingdao who were initially diagnosed as asymptomatic infections in September brought the virus to a chest hospital during quarantine due to insufficient disinfection and protection, leading to another 12 infections linked to the hospital, authorities said last week.

However, the CDC’s latest statement does not show solid proof that the two workers in Qingdao caught the virus from the packaging directly, rather than contracting the virus from somewhere else and then contaminating the food packaging they handled, said Jin Dong-Yan, a virology professor a t the University of Hong Kong.

The CDC said no instance had been found of any consumer contracting the virus by having contact with frozen food and the risk of this happening remained very low.

Nonetheless it advised that workers who handle, process and sell frozen products should avoid direct skin contact with products that could possibly be polluted.

Staff should not touch their mouth or nose before taking off work garments that could possibly be contaminated without washing their hands and should take tests regularly, the agency said.

Prior to the CDC’s latest findings genetic traces of the virus had been found in some samples taken from frozen food or food packaging, but the amount of virus was low and no living virus was isolated, the agency said.

Only living virus can infect people, while samples containing dead virus could also test positive for virus traces, Jin said.

Source: https://news.yahoo.com/frozen-food-package-polluted-living-144539547.html










Jessie Huang, Mortgage Loan Professional, Meridian Bank


  病毒污染的物品上特定条件下尚存活的病毒可能导致无有效防护的易感接触者感染,主要为相关行业从业人员。国务院应对新型冠状病毒肺炎疫情联防联控机制综合组近期印发的《新冠肺炎防控方案(第七版)》已要求各地落实冷链食品相关从业人员的日常防护、健康监测和核酸主动筛查,改进生产、加工和交易环境卫生条件,降低从业人员感染风险。   中国疾控中心建议工作中经常与具有较高新冠病毒污染可能的冷链产品密切接触的行业从业人员,如从事冷链产品装卸、加工、销售等的人员,需增强防护意识,做好日常防护,避免皮肤直接接触可能被污染的冷链产品,接触冷链产品后未脱掉可能被污染的工作服并洗手消毒前不摸口鼻眼,工作完成后需立即洗手消毒,定期进行核酸筛查。


Russian School of Mathematics