How to add a POLL gadget to your website?

You might have run into one or two poll gadgets when you surf the internet during election seasons. See below for an example:

You may wonder how to add this or similar gadgets to your website?

If you have a site or you have the Crowdsignal plugin installed you can use this shortcode.

[crowdsignal poll=9549492]

If you host your own blog then you can insert the URL of your poll into a blog post.

If you would like to use Javascript, simply copy the code below into your website and your poll will magically appear in that location!

<script type="text/javascript" charset="utf-8" src=""></script>
<noscript><a href="">White House 2020: General Election Poll</a></noscript>

Add custom vote data

Note: You must copy all of the above code as it is shown here for your poll to appear correctly.

Below is the report generated by this gadget:

To create your own poll gadget, you may visit: