密州杀害华妻案 法官今判刑28年 全案不得重审

密苏里州布恩郡巡回法院法官贾克伯斯(J. Hasbrouck Jacobs)7日宣布,因涉嫌杀害妻子纪梦奇、二级谋杀罪成的艾立吉(Joseph Elledge),判处28年有期徒刑,法官裁决的刑期与陪审团去年11月做成的建议相同,此外,贾克伯斯也当庭否决艾立吉辩护律师提出重审全案的动议。
穿着囚服、戴着脚镣的艾立吉,出庭时坐在辩护律师罗森布卢姆(Scott Rosenblum)与斯特莱斯(Matei Stroescu)中间,全程专心聆听,而他在听到法官判处28年刑期时,戴着口罩的艾立吉低头看着桌面。
该案检察官奈特(Dan Knight)在庭上表示,艾立吉是个控制狂,他总是想要他人在其面前鞠躬低头,奈特还称艾立吉是种族主义者,也是霸凌犯,奈特表示,艾立吉让纪梦奇的生活变成人间地狱,然后还将她杀害,奈特到后来说话声音都因激动而颤抖。

艾立吉与纪梦奇在2017年结婚,夫妻俩于2018年10月有了女儿,2019年10月8日纪梦奇无故「失踪」,不久之后,艾立吉因涉嫌谋杀妻子而遭警方逮捕,全案展开长达两年多的调查、审理,原本一直无下落的纪梦奇遗骸,最终于去年3月25日,被一位民众在岩石桥州立公园(Rock Bridge State Park)发现,因此成为该案的重要证据。
狠夫杀害纪梦奇弃尸公园 2年追凶始末

经历两年多的调查、审判,密苏里州华女纪梦奇命案,12日由陪审团宣布杀害她的丈夫艾立吉(Joseph Elledge)二级谋杀罪成,并建议判处28年监禁,至此为全案大致划下句点。
Nov 12, 2021
艾立吉表示,约清晨5时被女儿哭声吵醒,才发现妻子不见了;然而明知妻子失踪,他却未告诉任何人,当日还向母亲发短信祝贺生日;警方追踪其手机,发现9日上午10时30分左右,他开车带一岁的女儿,到距离不近的杰佛逊市(Jefferson City),但抵达该市不久,他又开车回到哥伦布市。
民众在岩石桥州立公园(Rock Bridge State Park)发现一具遗骸,4月6日法医办公室指出,根据牙齿纪录,确认该遗骸就是失踪多时的纪梦奇。
纪梦奇命案宣判 凶嫌二级谋杀 监禁28年

密苏里州由五女七男组成的布恩郡陪审团,12日清晨宣布密苏里州华妇纪梦奇(Mengqi Ji)命案的审议结果,涉嫌杀害妻子纪梦奇的艾立吉(Joseph Elledge)「二级谋杀」罪成,建议判处28年监禁,最终刑期将在12月由法官贾克伯斯(J. Hasbrouck Jacobs)做出判决,但最高不能超过陪审团建议的28年。
该案检察官奈特(Dan Knight)在宣判后表示,陪审团花了很多时间分析证据,「他们不支持我们主张的一级谋杀,我尊重其决定」。至于为何陪审团提出28年的监禁处罚,他推测可能是因为纪梦奇在28岁时死亡,但仅是他个人想法并无法证实。
首席辩护律师罗森布卢姆(Scott Rosenblum)则不断反驳说,艾立吉笨拙的做出「愚蠢决定」,但他从来没有打算要杀害妻子,「这个案子从来不是谋杀案,从来都不是」。
检方与被告方11日完成结辩,随后交由五女七男组成的陪审团裁决艾立吉「一级谋杀」是否罪成,但经过长达五小时的讨论,陪审员提出想再查看一些证据的要求,包括欲多了解法医诺顿(Keith Norton)证词中的信息,同时询问了「突然激情」(sudden passion)的法律定义。
「突然激情」是「故意杀人」(voluntary manslaughter)的法律要素之一,通常是指杀人是非预谋,而是在受到严重挑衅后失去理智的激情行为,判刑相对较轻,而艾立吉的辩护团队一直试图说服陪审员该案属于「故意杀人」。
结辩进行前,法官贾克伯斯(J. Hasbrouck Jacobs)向陪审团宣读了说明,他表示,虽然艾立吉被控一级谋杀,但陪审团可以做出共六种选择,包括一级谋杀、二级谋杀、故意杀人、一级过失杀人、二级过失杀人,或声明无罪。
Nov 11, 2021
中国留学生遭枪击身亡 中驻芝加哥总领馆强烈谴责
Nov 9, 2021

University of Chicago grad killed in Hyde Park shooting. Victim identified as Shaoxiong Zheng, who friends say went by Dennis.
Nov 10, 2021

每日经济新闻综合央视新闻、中国驻芝加哥总领馆 。
Nov 10, 2021
9日不幸在芝加哥大學校園附近遇害的24歲青年,為來自中國四川的留學生鄭少雄(Shaoxiong Zheng),他7月底才完成研究所答辯並取得芝大統計碩士學位,繼年初就讀芝大博士班的中國留學生范軼然遭瘋狂槍手殺害後,又一名年輕華人學者命喪槍口,讓芝大師生非常悲痛震驚。
中国留学生在美遭枪杀: 其来自成都 刚硕士毕业




芝加哥大学24岁亚裔生 于校园遭抢劫枪杀

芝加哥警局表示,24岁的受害男子当时走在54小街夹爱丽斯大道(Ellis Ave.)交口的行人道,一辆深色车辆突然在其旁边停靠,一名男嫌从车内走出到该名亚裔男旁,要求其交出财物,抢劫过程中,歹徒不知何故对受害者开了好几枪,其中一发子弹打中受害者胸部。
20岁的芝加哥大学大三学生路易斯(Max Lewis)今年7月1日从芝加哥市搭乘绿线捷运准备返回校园时,不幸遭到从车窗窜入的流弹打中颈部,虽紧急送医急救仍于5日不治。
Recent University of Chicago graduate shot, killed in armed robbery near campus
By WGN Web Desk

CHICAGO — A recent University of Chicago graduate was shot and killed Tuesday afternoon in armed robbery near campus.
Just before 2 p.m., authorities were dispatched to the 900 block of 54th Place on the report of a shooting.
Police said a 24-year-old man was on the sidewalk when a dark-colored vehicle pulled up. A male suspect exited the vehicle and demanded the man’s property. The victim was then shot in the chest and pronounced dead at the University of Chicago Medical Center.
The vehicle was last seen fleeing westbound on 54th Place.
Around two hours earlier, the university sent out a safety notice regarding shots fired in the area of the 1500 block of East 53rd Street. Police said two local business and multiple vehicles were struck by gunfire.
As bullets flew by, Congressional candidate and founder of My Block, My Hood, My City Jahmal Cole dropped to the ground.
“I dove under the car, I ran for my life,” Cole said. “Nobody was hit but it’s traumatizing. When you’re running for your life, that doesn’t just go away.”
Earlier this summer, a 20-year-old student from Colorado was shot while sitting on a Green Line train. Max Lewis was paralyzed, but alert in the hospital. He was taken off life support and died on July 4.
The university sent the following message to students and staff following Tuesday’s deadly shooting.
“We are working with the Chicago Police Department to gather more facts about the case, and the University of Chicago Police Department is immediately increasing patrols near campus. While we have not had any indication that this is an active incident, we encourage you to be vigilant and exercise caution.
This is devastating news for our entire community. We will keep you informed as we know more about this incident.”
Anyone with information can leave an anonymous tip at cpdtip.com.
抢匪作案遇“美军陆战队” 1秒夺枪压制 同伙鼠窜
惹错人!亚利桑那州一名持枪歹徒伙同另外两人抢劫加油站商店,却遇到“路人”发威, 一个箭步就夺下手枪,还用手中的一袋罐装饮料当武器,砸向歹徒让他血流满面,其他同伙见状早就吓得逃之夭夭。这段监视器影片迅速在全美爆红,原来单枪匹马压制抢匪的路人竟是美国海军陆战队的退伍军人。
Oct 21, 2021
A Marine Corps veteran came to the rescue on Wednesday morning after an armed suspect and two others attempted to rob a convenience store in Arizona, according to the Yuma County Sheriff’s Office.
根据美联社、ABC报导,亚利桑那州西南部尤马市(Yuma)一家加油站商店于20日清晨4时30分左右,突然闯进一名持枪歹徒,身后还跟著2名同伙,而当时正要去上班的前美军陆战队队员基尔瑟(James Kilcer)刚好就在店里。监视器画面显示,他先是一眼扫视了抢匪,接著瞬间出手夺枪,并将手中的一袋罐装饮料用力砸过去,随后将人压制在地,同伙吓得连滚带爬地逃跑了,最后一名歹徒都还没踏进店门,这桩抢劫行动就瞬间结束。
Oct 22, 2021
Marine veteran James Kilcer took matters into his own hands when he witnessed a robbery attempt at an Arizona gas station.
文章来源: 北美生活大爆炸

一时间,华人票圈都吓坏了,视频中流出了很多细节,据悉枪战发生在华人最熟悉的 400 block barber Lan 附近。即就在环球广场内!


事件一处引发当地华人疯狂转发。Milpitas 环球广场是华人最喜欢的购物中心之一,仅靠237和880交通要道,这里紧靠众多电子科技公司,不仅有超市还有很多华人餐馆,银行和其他娱乐业。是华人最常出行的地点。



Oct 16, 2021

Oct 15, 2021
Oct 15, 2021
Police exchange gunfire with stolen vehicle suspect in Milpitas
By: Bay City News

MILPITAS, Calif. (BCN) — Police in Milpitas on Friday were involved in a shooting with a suspect in a stolen vehicle.
On Friday at 3:41 p.m., detectives with the Milpitas Police Department initiated an enforcement stop on a stolen vehicle that was parked in the Milpitas Square shopping center in the 400 block of Barber Lane.
Police said the suspect shot at detectives, and a prolonged exchange of gunfire ensued.
The suspect was injured and barricaded himself in the vehicle, but he was later extricated, and officers provided first aid before paramedics transported him to a local hospital.
Police said no officers or bystanders were injured during the incident.
The Santa Clara County District Attorney’s Office is assisting in the investigation into the incident.
Anyone with information related to the case is asked to contact the Milpitas Police Department at (408) 586-2400.
(VA) Loudoun County superintendent apologizes, board member resigns as backlash grows over alleged sexual assaults
Loudoun County Public Schools has faced intense public pressure after Scott Smith revealed his daughter was allegedly assaulted in a school bathroom
By Peter Hasson | Fox News
The superintendent of Loudoun County Public Schools issued an apology and a school board member resigned on Friday as the district faces mounting backlash over its response to two alleged sexual assaults, one of which was allegedly carried out by a skirt-wearing male student in a girls’ bathroom.
Superintendent Scott Ziegler apologized for saying during a June event that the Virginia district had no record of assaults taking place in its bathrooms. His comments came amid debate about policy changes related to self-identified transgender students. Ziegler said Friday that he misunderstood the question when he made the comment.
Ziegler also said he is “sorry that we failed to provide the safe, welcoming, and affirming environment that we aspire to provide.” He told affected students and families: “We acknowledge and share in your pain and we will continue to offer support to help you and your families through this trauma.”
Scott Smith, a Loudoun County father who was arrested at that June event, said this week that his daughter was sexually assaulted in a girls’ bathroom at Stone Bridge High School by a male student who was wearing a skirt. The Loudoun County sheriff’s office has confirmed that an on-campus sexual assault was reported on the day Smith says his daughter was victimized.
The boy accused of assaulting Smith’s daughter later allegedly groped a female student at nearby Broad Run High School after forcing her into an empty classroom, Loudoun County Commonwealth’s Attorney Buta Biberaj told WTOP in an interview this week.
Board member Beth Barts announced her resignation on Friday, though she didn’t say whether it was related to the ongoing controversy. “This was not an easy decision or a decision made in haste. After much thought and careful consideration, it is the right decision for me and my family,” Barts said.
Barts has repeatedly butted heads with Loudoun parents concerned about critical race theory and similar left-wing topics being taught in schools, leading residents to seek her recall. Brenda Sheridan, the school board chair, thanked Barts for her service and said that the position is expected to be filled during the board’s December meeting.
LCPS didn’t immediately return Fox News’ inquiry on whether Barts’ resignation was linked to the current controversy.
“This could not have been an easy decision for Ms. Barts. We have made known our displeasure with her actions as a school board member over the past several months, but today she has done the right thing. Her former colleagues should take notice,” Ian Prior, the executive director of Virginia parent group Fight for Schools, said in a statement Friday.
“The community should know, however, that the problems at Loudoun County Public Schools and on the school board go well beyond one school board member,” Prior added. “We will continue to shine a light on Loudoun County Public Schools and will keep fighting until we have a school board of common sense, non-partisan members and a superintendent who is accountable to parents and tells the truth.”
自定义厕所性别 美中学女生在厕所遭裙装”男生“性侵
文章来源: 综合新闻
48岁的斯科特-史密斯对于学校的态度十分不满,6月22日他走入了学校董事会的会议,并且当面指责女儿在学校女厕所被一个 “穿裙子 “的男学生 “强奸”,他想用发生在她身上的事情来说明他为什么认为每个人不应该自己选择使用哪种性别的洗手间。
Hill’s report said that Montgomery County, which has about 1 million residents, received about $2.61 million in revenue in 2017. Hill’s report noted that the revenue would decline over time as customers start using reusable bags, although it will take several years.
He wrote that it would be difficult to estimate potential revenues because Virginia’s legislation applies only to certain retailers while Montgomery County’s applies to virtually all and doesn’t have certain exemptions.
Earlier this year, Prince William County supervisors began drafting a similar plastic bag tax but decided to wait until after the fiscal 2022 budget was passed.
Loudoun County responds after dad says school district tried to conceal daughter’s bathroom assault
Virginia school board under fire after father alleges daughter sexually assaulted in bathroom
By Jessica Chasmar | Fox News
Loudoun father claims city concealed sex assault
Scott Smith joins ‘The Ingraham Angle’ to discuss his claims that his daughter was sexually assaulted in girl’s bathroom by boy wearing a skirt
The Loudoun County school district in Virginia issued a statement Wednesday saying it correctly followed all legal protocols, two days after a father – who was arrested during a June school board meeting – accused the district of trying to cover up an alleged bathroom sexual assault against his daughter by a skirt-wearing male student.
“Loudoun County Public Schools is aware of the media and social media reports concerning alleged sexual assaults at two of our high school campuses,” the school district said.
“While LCPS takes student privacy seriously and cannot reveal details concerning the actions of any specific student, we do want to clarify our investigative process. Principals are legally required to report to the local law enforcement agency any act, including sexual assault, that may constitute a felony offense under Va. Code § 22.1-279.3:1. That process was followed with respect to these allegations.”
The statement comes two days after Scott Smith, who was arrested for disorderly conduct during a June 22 school board meeting, alleged that the school district tried to cover up a sexual assault by a gender-fluid individual against his ninth-grade daughter in order to further its transgender rights agenda.
Smith told The Daily Wire on Monday that weeks before his arrest, his daughter at Stone Bridge High School in Ashburn was sexually assaulted by a boy wearing a skirt who entered the girls’ bathroom on May 28.
“We can confirm a May 28, 2021 case that involved a thorough 2-month-long investigation that was conducted to determine the facts of the case prior to arrest,” the sheriff’s office previously told Fox News. “This case is still pending court proceedings. The Loudoun County Sheriff’s Office is not able to provide any documents that pertain to a pending case.” The sheriff’s office confirmed that the case involved sexual assault.
All juvenile records are sealed, but Smith’s attorney Elizabeth Lancaster told The Daily Wire that the boy was subsequently charged with two counts of forcible sodomy, one count of anal sodomy, and one count of forcible fellatio.
The school district said in its statement that it contacted the sheriff’s office on May 28 within “minutes of receiving the initial report.”
“Once a matter has been reported to law enforcement, LCPS does not begin its investigation until law enforcement advises LCPS that it has completed the criminal investigation,” the school district said. “To maintain the integrity of the criminal investigation, law enforcement requested that LCPS not interview students until their investigation is concluded. LCPS has cooperated and continues to cooperate with law enforcement.”
The statement differs dramatically from Smith’s account, who said school officials told him on May 28 that the matter would be handled in-house, and that they actually called law enforcement on him for creating a scene on campus.
According to The Daily Wire, the school sent an email to parents later that day saying there had been an “incident in the main office” that required sheriff’s deputies to respond. The email made no mention of the alleged sexual assault and said there was “no threat to the safety of the student body.”
Smith told The Daily Wire that he was arrested at the June 22 school board meeting shortly after LCPS Superintendent Scott Ziegler declared that to his knowledge, “we don’t have any record of assaults occurring in our restrooms.” Smith said he then flew into a rage after a local progressive activist said she did not believe his daughter’s story.
On Aug. 11, nearly two months after Smith’s arrest, the school board voted to approve its transgender rights policy, which requires teachers to call students by the pronouns they identify with and requires bathroom renovations in order to make them more private.
Smith said he received a letter before the Aug. 11 vote informing him he was banned from the school board building.
Then on Oct. 6, the sheriff’s office said a 15-year-old boy was charged with sexual battery and abduction of a fellow student at Broad Run High School in Ashburn. In an Oct. 7 press release, the sheriff’s office said the suspect forced a female victim into an empty classroom where he held her against her will and inappropriately touched her.
The Daily Wire, citing a government official, reported that the boy accused in the Broad Run case had the same name as the student who allegedly assaulted Smith’s daughter.
Elizabeth Lancaster, Smith’s attorney, also told the outlet the suspect in the Oct. 6 incident was the same boy who allegedly attacked Smith’s daughter.
Smith’s wife, Jess, said prosecutors told her the suspect’s court date had been postponed from this Thursday to Oct. 25 in order to handle both cases together. The sheriff’s office declined to confirm or deny to Fox News that the same male student was suspected in both cases.
The school district said in its statement that it is “prohibited from disciplining any student without following the Title IX grievance process, which includes investigating complaints of sexual harassment and sexual assault.”
“LCPS does impose interim measures to protect the safety of students involved in the original incident, deter retaliation, and preserve the integrity of the investigation and resolution process,” it said. “LCPS has complied and continues to comply with its obligations under Title IX.”
The school district added that board members were “not aware of the specific details of this incident until it was reported in media outlets earlier this week.”
Loudoun County parents demand resignation of $295K-a-year superintendent who DENIED school had any reports of sex assault by a trans kid in a restroom – one month after girl, 15, told teachers she was raped by a ‘boy in a skirt’ in women’s toilets
Ziegler took the job in Loudoun County in January after working in HR for years. He is paid $295,000 a year.