占南非74%病例 专家:Omicron势必成为主流毒株

Dec 2, 2021
Omicron now in 24 countries and California. Now clear it is highly transmissible.
纽约州发现5例Omicron确诊者 4人在纽约市

传染极高的Omicron变种在纽约市出现,市长白思豪和纽约州州霍楚(Kathy Hochul)2日晚举行在线记者会宣布,纽约州已确认五例Omicron感染者,其中四例在纽约市。
Dec 2, 2021
At least five cases of the COVID-19 omicron variant were reported in New York, just hours after the Minnesota Department of Health announced a case in a resident with a recent travel history to New York City.
全美第三例 科州女确诊Omicron 已完全接种
科罗拉多州环境卫生局(Department of Public Health & Environment,DPHE)2日证实,该州发现首例Omicron染疫者,也是全美第三例Omicron确诊病例。
全美第2个Omicron染疫者 11月初已打过补强针

过去一周,明州卫生部门开始对该州最近的阳性测试样本进行测序,部分样本出现了「S 基因靶标失败」,此情况通常是因为Alpha和Omicron变异引起。
而优先测序的少数样本中,该实验室2日确认了全美第二个Omicron 病例,明州在未来几天内,将从商用实验室收到另一批潜在病例进行测序的结果。
Dec 2, 2021
The Minnesota Department of Health has confirmed that the COVID-19 Omicron variant has been detected for the first time in the state.
明尼苏达州公共卫生实验室助理主任维特(Sara Vetter)说,「我们是在1日收到了这些数据,通过实验室的大量工作,最终于昨晚深夜获得测序结果」。
明尼苏达州流行病学家林菲尔德(Ruth Lynfield)说,染疫者非常合作,他自愿提供了有关近期旅行的信息,并在发现症状后采取措施检测、进行隔离。
CDC: 美国首例Omicron变种病例在这州确认
文章来源: 文学城编译
综合CNN、USA today报道,美国官员周三表示,在 omicron 冠状病毒变异体在南非的迅速传播引起全球关注几天后,在美国加州湾区发现了首例已知的 omicron 冠状病毒变种病例。
加州和旧金山公共卫生部证实,该州最近一例 COVID-19 病例是由 omicron 引起的。 此人是一名旅行者,于 11 月 22 日从南非返回,并已全面接种疫苗。
“当病毒表现出这种程度的传染性,并且你在其他地方已经注意到与旅行相关的病例时,最终它几乎总是会蔓延开来,” 总统医疗顾问安东尼·福奇博士在周六接受媒体采访时说。
福奇博士说,该病例发生在这个人身上,他 11 月 22 日从南非旅行并于 11 月 29 日检测出 Covid-19 呈阳性。
福奇说,加州和旧金山公共卫生部以及美国疾病控制与预防中心通过在旧金山加州大学进行的基因组测序证实,该病例是由 Omicron 变异引起的,并得到了 CDC 的证实。
世界卫生组织将 Omicron 变种病毒指定为“高度关注的变体”。在本周发布的一份技术简报中,世卫组织指出,该变种构成“非常高”的全球风险。该变种首先由南非的科学家发现,此后在多个国家被发现。
Dec 1, 2021
Dr. Anthony Fauci spoke at a White House press briefing, announcing that the first confirmed US case of the Omicron coronavirus variant was discovered in California.
CDC confirms first case of Omicron COVID-19 variant in U.S.
The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) and health authorities in California confirmed the first case of COVID-19 linked to the newly discovered variant Omicron in the U.S. on Wednesday, saying an individual who had recently returned from South Africa tested positive for the strain.
Dec 1, 2021
The traveler was fully vaccinated and is experiencing “mild symptoms that are improving” and has been self-quarantining since testing positive, the CDC said in a statement. The person’s close contacts have been contacted by health authorities and tested negative.
The health agency said the emergence of the variant “emphasizes the importance of vaccination, boosters, and general prevention strategies needed to protect against COVID-19. Everyone 5 and older should get vaccinated boosters are recommended for everyone 18 years and older.”
The U.S. joins more than 20 countries and territories to have spotted at least one case of the strain around the world, since South African health officials sounded the alarm over the variant on November 25. The Biden administration recently classified Omicron as a “variant of concern,” echoing the World Health Organization’s designation over the holiday weekend.
“This is the first confirmed case of COVID-19 caused by the Omicron variant detected in the United States. As all of you know, of course we’ve been discussing this, we knew that it was just a matter of time before the first case of Omicron would be detected in the United States,” Dr. Anthony Fauci, the president’s chief medical adviser, told reporters at a White House briefing.
The first Omicron case
Officials said the person, who has not been identified due to privacy rules, is an adult under the age of 50 who began noticing symptoms of COVID-19 on November 25, a few days after returning from South Africa on November 22. The individual tested positive on November 29.
“The person recently traveled to South Africa and developed symptoms upon their return, and they did the right thing and got tested and reported their travel history,” Dr. Grant Colfax, San Francisco’s director of public health, told reporters on Wednesday.
The person had been fully vaccinated with Moderna’s COVID-19 vaccine less than six months ago, California’s governor said on Wednesday, but was not yet eligible to receive a booster shot.
Scientists at the University of California, San Francisco have been sequencing the vast majority of positive tests collected in San Francisco, and had been alerted to the possibility of the possible Omicron case on Tuesday afternoon.
“We were able to confirm the detection of Omicron within five hours and we had most of the genome within eight hours. So, 4 a.m. last night, we actually had assembled most of the genome. We were able to conclusively demonstrate that this was indeed an infection from the Omicron variant,” said Dr. Charles Chiu, professor of laboratory medicine at the university.
Preparing for more
The discovery comes as the Biden administration is mulling tougher restrictions on international travel, part of a new strategy to curb the virus that Mr. Biden plans to announce on Thursday. The CDC has also ramped up efforts to surveil for new cases of Omicron in recent days, including an unplanned expansion of a pilot program that includes San Francisco’s international airport.
On Wednesday ahead of the announcement, the CDC ordered airlines to begin handing over contact information for travelers from eight countries in Southern Africa.
Fauci said he was not aware of any other potential Omicron cases being investigated by the CDC in the country. He said Americans should continue following CDC guidance to prevent the spread of the variant, and urged those who are fully vaccinated to “get boosted now,” saying the extra dose likely conveys some level of protection against the variant.
“There’s every reason to believe that that kind of increase that you get with the boost would be helpful at least in preventing severe disease of a variant like Omicron,” he said. “We may not need a variant-specific boost. We’re preparing for the possibility that we need a variant-specific boost.”
How exactly vaccines perform against the variant remains unclear. Though the Omicron variant shares a number of mutations with other variants of concern that could enable it to be more transmissible and evade the body’s defenses, scientists have cautioned that it could take weeks to verify in test tubes the variant’s risk.
On “Face the Nation” on Sunday, Dr. Scott Gottlieb, a former commissioner of the Food and Drug Administration and a member of Pfizer’s board, conveyed confidence in the vaccines.
“People who have looked closely at this sequence … those individuals feel reasonably confident that three doses of vaccine is going to be protective,” Gottlieb said. “Now, that could give a really strong impetus to trying to get more people boosted.”
The Omicron variant’s emergence in the U.S. comes amid the busy holiday travel season. According to auto club AAA, over 53 million Americans were estimated to have traveled for the Thanksgiving holiday, an increase from last year.
The Food and Drug Administration says current COVID-19 tests will likely remain accurate in detecting infections by the variants, despite a quirk known as “S-Gene Target Failure” that had also been seen in earlier strains. Several labs have said they are using that to prioritize positive tests that may be caused by Omicron for further genetic sequencing, in order to verify which variant caused the infection.
Public health officials have defended the U.S. variant surveillance effort, arguing that the system of public health and commercial labs scaled up by the CDC could detect emerging variants down to 0.01% prevalence in the country.
The CDC currently estimates that the Delta variant remains virtually all circulating virus in the country.

Nov 30, 2021
联邦疾病防治中心(CDC)主任瓦伦斯基(Rochelle Walensky)在30日的白宫疫情简报会上表示,CDC目前正考虑推出多项旨在保护美国人的防疫规定,例如增进国际旅行的防疫安全,将登机之前的病毒检测时间与登机时间尽量拉进,并考虑要求旅客入境美国之后还要接受病毒检测以及自主隔离。
瓦伦斯基在疫情简报会上指出,CDC将在全美最繁忙的四大机场扩大推出病毒快捷检测设施服务(XpresCheck),包括亚特兰大国际机场(Hartsfield-Jackson Atlanta International Airport)、纽约甘迺迪国际机场(JFK International Airport)、纽瓦克自由国际机场(Newark Liberty International Airport)与旧金山国际机场(San Francisco International Airport),此举在追查可能Omicron新变病株入境。
白宫首席防疫顾问、国家过敏和传染病研究院(NIAID)院长佛奇(Anthony Fauci)30日说,根据疫情追踪统计,目前全球20个国家累计出现226起Omicron变种病毒感染案例,美国目前则还没有出现Omicron变种病毒通报案例。
「公共卫生实验室协会」(APHL)首席执行官贝克(Scott Becker)30日说,估计几天之内可能就会出现美国境内第一起Omicron变种病毒感染案例。
美最快明宣布 所有来美旅客 登机前1天须做新病毒筛检

Nov 30, 2021
日本宣布禁止外国人入境 病毒向美进逼

满18岁 经评估可打第3剂
跟进以色列 已3国封边境
加国2例 欧洲几全境扩散
Nov 29, 2021

Omicron已到美国门口 加拿大出现2例 欧洲几全沦陷

新冠病毒变种异株Omicron已现身美国门口。加拿大公卫官员28日表示,首都渥太华发现两名近日从尼日利亚入境的旅客感染Omicron病毒变异株,两人隔离中,公卫部门着手追踪可能的接触者;欧洲几乎每个国家至少已有一个疑似Omicron确诊病例, 英国已出现至少三起Omicron确诊个案,染疫者有非洲旅游史。澳洲已有一起Omicron确诊案例。全球各国已采锁国封城的严格措施。

每日野兽(The Daily Beast)报导,印度居民之前因为疫苗接种计划推动缓慢,成为上一波遭Delta变种病毒蹂躏最惨重的国家;当时许多人表示,非洲可能是下一个受害地区,如今一语成谶。


以色列周末起禁止所有外国旅客入境,成为这波变种病毒疫情第一个全面封锁海陆边境的国家,为期14天;总理班奈特(Naftali Bennett)说:「这是暂时性的必要措施。」
文章来源: 联合新闻网
Omicron变种病毒株的出现让世界各国如临大敌,白宫首席防疫顾问、国家过敏和传染病研究院(National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases)院长福奇(Anthony Fauci)28日表示,美国恐将发生第五波疫情,但如果越来越多全美民众接种新冠疫苗及施打补强针,疫情严重程度将可望降低。他说,第五波疫情究竟会是如何,”取决于我们在接下来几周或几个月的所作所为”。
Nov 28, 2021
Dr. Anthony Fauci says the U.S. could face a resurgence of virus cases without more intensive vaccination and booster efforts.
福奇在接受哥伦比亚广播公司(CBS)”面对全国”(Face the Nation)节目专访时说,全美有6200万名民众虽然符合新冠疫苗接种资格却未打疫苗,另外数以百万计的民众则是在半年多前接种新冠疫苗,如今疫苗保护力已经降低,应该接种补强针。
联邦食品暨药物管理局(FDA)前任局长、目前任职辉瑞药厂(Pfizer)董事会的高特里布(Scott Gottlieb)28日接受”面对全国”节目专访时则说,上周被科学家指认的Omicron变种病毒,很可能已经进入美国;他也说,与一年前Delta变种病毒B.1.1.7刚出现时的状况相比,如今联邦政府对于掌握新型变种病毒感染案例,能力已经提高许多。
Omicron病毒变异株 渥太华现踪

The Ontario government has announced that two cases of the omicron variant of the coronavirus have been detected in Ottawa. The two people had recently travelled from Nigeria, a statement read.
加拿大卫生部长杜克洛斯(Jean-Yves Duclos)表示,随着筛检工作持续进行,预计将会在加国境内找到Omicron变异株的其他确诊病例。

澳洲也”沦陷”!2例Omicron阳性 皆完整施打疫苗
文章来源: 综合新闻
悉尼晨驱报(Sydney Morning Herald)报导,这2人从多哈(Doha)搭乘卡塔尔航空(Qatar Airways)班机QR908抵达澳洲,机上共有14人来自非洲南部。
Nov 28, 2021
The new Omicron strain of Covid-19 (B.1.1529) has caused some consternation around the world due to the amount of spike proteins it exhibits when compared to other variants we’ve seen so far.
However, there is a mixed reaction in the scientific community about just how worried we should be about the latest strain of Covid-19. Dr Tom Peacock has warned that the variant could be “of real concern” due to the 32 mutations in its spike protein, while Professor Francois Balloux maintains there’s “no reason to get overly concerned.”
预言成真…Omicron有4大可怕突变 这些国家恐重创
文章来源: 中时新闻网
综合英国《卫报》(The Guardian)、以色列《国土报》(Haaretz)报导,以色列魏兹曼科学研究院(Weizmann Institute of Science,WIS)研究人员8月在《自然微生物》(Nature Microbiology)刊登研究,当时研究人员在实验室中对新冠病毒进行进化仿真,目的是要协助开发治疗新冠肺炎的药物。
魏兹曼科学研究院生物分子科学系教授李佛薛伯(Gideon Schreiber)表示,团队在期刊中指出,他们担心未来会出现一种结合不同有问题突变的变异株,其中他们担心在第498个胺基酸的突变再加上Alpha变异株上有名的501突变组合,李佛薛伯说这个组合已经证实会带来问题,能让病毒更强劲地结合受体。此外,李佛薛伯也补充,若再加上477、484的突变,”情况会更糟。”
全球首张Omicron照片发布 密集红点显示比Delta更多突变

意大利全时新闻(ITALY24 NEWS)报导,意大利罗马小耶稣儿科医院研究团队27日发布全球首张Omicron变异株的照片。
Nov 26, 2021
The World Health Organization has declared a new variant of concern called omicron, first identified in South Africa. Scientists say there are a large number of mutations in the omicron variant, which means it could be more infectious and cause more severe illness.
抑制奥密克戎传播 以色列禁止所有外国人入境

受奥密克戎影响 美国政府建议不要前往8个非洲国家旅行

防Omicron变异株 澳门禁21天内到过非洲8国人员入境



南非新变种病毒撼动全球市场 它有何不同、接下来要注意什么
文 / 张佳莹
1. 这个变种病毒有何不同?
科学家们说,B.1.1.529的刺突蛋白(spike protein)带有大量变异,这在病毒进入体内细胞中起着关键作用。研究人员仍在试图确定它是否比先前的变种病毒更容易传播或更致命。
捷克总统冠病检测结果呈阳性 此前已接种三剂冠病疫苗
文 / 张佳莹

文章来源: 看世界杂志

11 月 22 日,罗马尼亚的布加勒斯特大学医院里出现了这样一幕:
可容纳 15 具尸体的停尸房已经全部被塞满,门外还有堆积如山的尸体正在排队等候。这些尸体被裹在黑色塑料袋里,躺在一排排医院轮床上,挤满了整个医院走廊。
布加勒斯特大学医院是罗马尼亚首都最大的治疗新冠的医疗机构,但在新一轮的疫情冲击下,医疗系统再度濒临崩溃,医护人员也告诉 CNN 记者,他们从没想过会再发生 ” 将整个家庭送入坟墓的灾难 “。
进入 11 月后,欧洲日均录得的新冠确诊以及死亡病例数,超过了同期全球新增确诊及死亡病例数的一半。曾因处理疫情得当而受到西方媒体肯定的德国,11 月 17 日的单日新增确诊病例达到 68366 例,创下德国暴发疫情以来的最高纪录。邻国荷兰也从 11 月 16 日开始,每日新增病例都超过了 2 万,并且连续第三天创下新纪录。而在受到第五波疫情冲击的法国,11 月 17 日当天的新病例数也超过了 2 万,至今都没有缓和的迹象。

布加勒斯特街边的广告牌上印着医务人员的抗疫身影,下方的标语写着:” 他们令人窒息。他们在乞求我们。他们在后悔。”
11 月 4 日,世界卫生组织宣布,欧洲再次成为新冠病毒的重灾区。这意味着欧洲进入第四波疫情。世卫组织欧洲区域办事处主任汉斯 · 克鲁格在接受媒体采访时表示,根据目前欧洲的新冠疫情发展态势,若不采取紧急防疫举措,到明年 3 月,欧洲或将有 50 万人死于新冠肺炎。
面对第四波疫情,欧洲各国政府的应对措施与之前的最大差别,是打了疫苗的国民和没打疫苗的国民受到不同待遇。以奥地利为代表,11 月 17 日凌晨起,未打疫苗的奥地利国民将被限制出门,外出活动被局限于看病,或者采购生活必需品。
奥地利政府规定,这一限行措施为期 10 天,但不排除在疫情没好转前延续这一措施。
在第四波疫情中,比奥地利更早采取部分封城措施的欧洲国家,是荷兰。11 月 12 日,荷兰首相马克 · 吕特宣布了为期三周的 ” 娱乐场所关闭、非必需品商铺和服务业门店晚 6 时关门、生活必需品商铺晚 8 时关门 ” 的措施。

不过,相比去年两波疫情期间的措施,荷兰今次封城显得更 ” 软 “:学校、戏院和电影院都没关闭,一些静态的公开活动(譬如讲座和论坛)也继续举行,但是展览和商业展会等造成人员在密闭空间流动的活动被叫停。
荷兰的新冠确诊人数在 10 月上旬就开始急剧攀升,奥地利稍晚暴发,连拉几个高线也让人焦急。

然而,这些国家的每日新增病例曲线自 10 月起同样往上攀升。葡萄牙和西班牙,以及马耳他和意大利这几个南欧国家,算是攀升曲线幅度相对平缓的国家,其中葡萄牙的疫苗注射率达到 87.6%,是全欧洲第一。
随着疫情折腾近两年,欧洲各国的封城措施也与过去疫情刚暴发时的 ” 一刀切 ” 显得不同。
奥地利防疫政策背后,自然是有 ” 用限行措施倒逼国民打疫苗 ” 的企图。据统计,这项措施将会让大概 200 万名奥地利公民出门受限制,而该国已注射两针疫苗的国民比例为 63.6%,略低于欧盟整体标准。
柏林地方政府在 11 月 17 日宣布,进入酒吧和餐馆等地方,必须持有已注射疫苗的证明;德国卫生部长杨斯 · 斯波恩也表态,可能会跟随柏林地方政府采取相似措施。

除此之外,希腊、拉脱维亚、爱沙尼亚等国,都相继出台了针对未注射疫苗国民的限行措施。然而,在一些疫苗注射率高于欧盟平均水平的国家,疫情依然不容乐观。譬如法国有着 68.7% 的疫苗注射率,但是自 11 月 11 日起,法国日增确诊人数又再次过万,甚至达到两万。
在意大利港口城市的里雅斯特(Trieste),经过一场反对强推健康通行证的示威后,该城市出现了新冠疫情在周末急剧扩散的现象。的里雅斯特当地的医院向媒体反映,该市最近收治的新冠病人,有 90% 都没有注射疫苗,并且都跟反疫苗游行有关联。
10 月 16 日,罗马的抗议者们手持棍棒和金属棒,冲进意大利劳工总联合会的总部。他们砸毁了办公室,抗议政府要求员工接种新冠疫苗或接受阴性检测的规定 。
欧洲当地一些学者批评,政府的第三剂 ” 加强针 ” 疫苗推广政策不力,导致了日增病例不断刷新纪录。他们把以色列视作可以效仿的 ” 榜样 “:早在 7 月份,以色列便开始给超过 60 岁的公民注射第三剂 ” 加强针 ” 辉瑞疫苗——而自 10 月 18 日起,以色列的日增新冠病例数开始跌破 1000,曲线不断往下走。
借鉴 ” 加强针 ” 成功经验
在 9 月份联合国大会上,以色列总理贝内特发表演说,宣布以色列 ” 率先开打加强针 “。以色列所谓的 ” 加强针 “,是基于以色列卫生部在夏天的一项研究结果得出的举措。
该研究发现,人体对新冠病毒的抗体水平,在注射了两针辉瑞疫苗 6 个月后将显著下降;而年龄在 60 岁以上的长者,在注射了第三针疫苗后,其体内抗体水平将在 10 天内提高 6 倍,并且能有效防止新冠病毒引起的严重症状。
如果从近半年的日增确诊数据看,以色列的感染曲线的确在 10 月持续往下掉,进入 11 月后日均确诊病例不超过 300。美国威斯康星大学病理学教授大卫 · 欧康奈认为,” 加强针 ” 应该成为各国防疫的标准措施。

而且,” 加强针 ” 同时也面临一个伦理问题:在疫苗数量有限的现实中,疫苗是应该分配给从没得到一针疫苗的公民,还是已经注射了两针的公民?以色列作为一个可供借鉴的 ” 活的实验室 “,并不完全跟世界其他国家的需求吻合。
对于欧洲国家来说,以色列先例的一个可借鉴之处,是打完了 ” 加强针 ” 后,不但扭转了第四波的曲线,更避免了要施加封城政策带来的痛苦。到目前为止,以色列政府在国内已经取消了年初采取的各种限制商业活动的行为,但前提是执行健康通行证政策,以及公众场所必须戴口罩的措施。
在疫苗注射率相对较高的法国,总统马克龙宣布,年满 65 岁及以上的长者必须注射第三针疫苗,才能获得出行所需的健康通行证。与此同时,挪威和意大利也将在 12 月推出高龄长者的 ” 加强针 ” 计划。

以色列本 · 古里安大学教授纳达夫 · 大卫朵维奇认为,欧洲目前的第四波疫情很像以色列在 7 月经历的第四波,德尔塔变种加上两针疫苗半年后出现的抗体衰减,是如今第四波在 2021 年冬天卷席欧洲的原因。而欧洲国家要避免去年那样执行严酷的封城措施,就不得不跟随以色列的步骤,不断推广 ” 加强针 ” 的注射。
在现行技术还没出现更多突破之前,也许每隔一段时间推广一次 ” 加强针 “,就是人类跟新冠病毒较量的最好手段了。
文 / 陈慧璋

(早报讯)澳大利亚总理莫里森周二(5日)宣布,澳洲将向美国药厂默克公司(Merck & Co)购买30万份实验性抗冠病口服药疗程。

时间:周二到周五 晚间
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文 / 麦可欣

(早报讯)美国默沙东药厂(Merck & Co Inc)周五(10月1日)公布,研发中的冠病实验口服药“molnupiravir”,可使重症高风险患者的住院或死亡率降低约50%。默沙东表示,将向美国当局申请紧急授权使用,一旦获批准,将是全球首款抗冠病口服药。
Merck says its new Covid pill reduces the risk of hospitalization, death by half for some patients
By Chloe Taylor
- A phase 3 trial of Merck and Ridgeback Biotherapeutics’ oral antiviral treatment molnupiravir showed it reduced the risk of hospitalization or death by around 50% in Covid patients.
- Merck plans to seek emergency use authorization in the U.S. and submit marketing applications to other global drug regulators.
- If authorized by regulatory bodies, molnupiravir could be the first oral antiviral medicine for Covid.
- “The company, when they briefed us last night, had mentioned that they will be submitting their data to the FDA imminently,” White House chief medical advisor Dr. Anthony Fauci said at a Covid briefing Friday.
Merck and Ridgeback Biotherapeutics said Friday they’ve developed a drug that reduces the risk of hospitalization or death by around 50% for patients with mild or moderate cases of Covid.
The companies plan to seek emergency authorization for the antiviral Covid treatment after the medicine showed “compelling results” in clinical trials.
The drug, molnupiravir, is administered orally and works by inhibiting the replication of the coronavirus inside the body.
An interim analysis of a phase 3 study found that 7.3% of patients treated with molnupiravir were hospitalized within 29 days. Of the patients who received a placebo, 14.1% were hospitalized or died by day 29. No deaths were reported in patients who were given molnupiravir within the 29-day period, while eight deaths were reported in placebo-treated patients.
“The news of the efficacy of this particular antiviral is obviously very good news,” White House chief medical advisor Dr. Anthony Fauci said at a Covid briefing Friday. “The company, when they briefed us last night, had mentioned that they will be submitting their data to the FDA imminently.”
“The FDA will look at the data and in their usual, very efficient and effective way, will examine the data as quickly as they possibly can, and then it will be taken from there,” Fauci said.
All 775 trial participants had laboratory-confirmed symptomatic Covid-19 and were randomly given molnupiravir or a placebo within five days of symptoms.
Every participant was unvaccinated and had at least one underlying factor that put them at greater risk of developing a more severe case of the virus. The most common risk factors included obesity, being over age 60 and having diabetes or heart disease.
The phase 3 part of the trial was conducted at more than 170 sites, in countries including the U.S., Brazil, Italy, Japan, South Africa, Taiwan and Guatemala.
Molnupiravir’s efficacy was not affected by the timing of symptom onset or patients’ underlying risk factors, the study showed. It also proved to be consistently effective in treating all variants of Covid, including the widely dominant and highly transmissible delta strain.
Adverse events were comparable in the molnupiravir and placebo groups, with around 10% reporting adverse events. Just 1.3% of the molnupiravir group discontinued therapy due to an adverse event — less than the 3.4% of the placebo group who did so.
Recruitment into the study is being stopped early due to the positive results, at the recommendation of an independent Data Monitoring Committee and in consultation with the U.S. Food and Drug Administration.
Merck is also testing molnupiravir in a separate global phase 3 study to evaluate its efficacy in preventing the spread of Covid within households.
‘Profound impact’
Robert M. Davis, CEO and president of Merck, said in a press release Friday that the company would do everything it can to bring molnupiravir to patients as quickly as possible.
“With these compelling results, we are optimistic that molnupiravir can become an important medicine as part of the global efforts to fight the pandemic,” he said.
Ridgeback Biotherapeutics CEO Wendy Holman added: “With the virus continuing to circulate widely, and because therapeutic options currently available are infused or require access to a healthcare facility, antiviral treatments that can be taken at home to keep people with Covid-19 out of the hospital are critically needed.”
“We are very encouraged by the results from the interim analysis and hope molnupiravir, if authorized for use, can make a profound impact in controlling the pandemic,” she said.
Emergency use authorization
Merck said Friday it plans to seek emergency use authorization for the drug in the U.S. as soon as possible. The company also plans to submit marketing applications to other international drug regulators.
If authorized by regulatory bodies, molnupiravir could be the first oral antiviral medicine for Covid. Antiviral treatments now in use, such as remdesivir, are administered intravenously.
Merck has already begun producing molnupiravir. The pharmaceutical giant expects to produce 10 million courses of treatment by the end of 2021, and more doses in 2022.
The company agreed earlier this year to supply the U.S. with around 1.7 million courses of molnupiravir if it receives emergency use authorization or full approval from the FDA. The federal government also has the option to purchase additional doses if the drug is approved, White House coronavirus response coordinator Jeff Zients said at Friday’s briefing.
Merck has also entered supply and purchase agreements for the drug with other governments — pending regulatory authorization — and is in discussions with other governments about the supply of molnupiravir.
The company said it plans to implement a tiered pricing approach based on World Bank country income criteria to ensure molnupiravir can be accessed globally. Merck previously announced that it had entered into nonexclusive voluntary licensing agreements for molnupiravir with generic manufacturers, a move intended to assist low and middle-income countries in gaining access to the treatment. Those agreements are also pending approvals or emergency authorization by local regulators.
Profit share
Ridgeback received an upfront payment from Merck as part of the companies’ development of molnupiravir. The company is also eligible to receive contingent payments depending on developmental and regulatory approval milestones.
Profits arising from the collaboration will be split between Merck and Ridgeback equally.
Supreme Court Justice Brett Kavanaugh tests positive for COVID-19
Kavanaugh shows no symptoms, is fully vaccinated, court says
By Houston Keene | Fox News
Supreme Court Justice Brett Kavanaugh tested positive for COVID-19, the court announced Friday, noting that he’s fully vaccinated and showed no symptoms.
Kavanaugh learned of the positive test Thursday evening, ahead of Justice Amy Coney Barrett’s ceremonial investiture Friday morning, according to a news release from the court.

The release added that Kavanaugh’s wife and daughters, all fully vaccinated, tested negative.
“On Thursday, per the Court’s regular testing protocols, Justice Kavanaugh had a routine Covid test ahead of Justice Barrett’s investiture on Friday,” the release said. “On Thursday evening, Justice Kavanaugh was informed that he had tested positive for Covid-19.”
“He has no symptoms and has been fully vaccinated since January. Per current Court testing protocols, all of the Justices were tested Monday morning prior to conference, and all tested negative, including Justice Kavanaugh,” it continued.
Barrett and Kavanaugh will be sitting at opposite ends of the table when oral arguments resume in the Supreme Court on Monday.
Kavanaugh ran in the Capital Challenge Road Race on Wednesday, with his team winning the three-mile race’s judicial division with a 25 minute time.
Several lawmakers, judges and members of the media also participated in the race. Fox News’ Sandra Smith placed first in the Electronic Journalist – Female category while Fox News took first in the Electronic Media category.
COVID-19 breakthrough cases have hit Capitol Hill recently. Fully vaccinated South Carolina Republicans Sen. Lindsey Graham and Rep. Ralph Norman tested positive for the virus in August.
As of Friday, the U.S. has 3.7 million COVID-19 cases and almost 52,000 deaths reported within the last 28 days, according to Johns Hopkins University’s COVID-19 tracker.
1 in 500 US residents has died of Covid-19
By CNN Wire

(CNN) — The United States has reached another grim milestone in its fight against the devastating Covid-19 pandemic: 1 in 500 Americans have died from coronavirus since the nation’s first reported infection.
As of Tuesday night, 663,913 people in the US have died of Covid-19, according to Johns Hopkins University data. According to the US Census Bureau, the US population as of April 2020 was 331.4 million.
It’s a sobering toll that comes as hospitals in the US are struggling to keep up with the volume of patients and more children are grappling with the virus. In hopes of managing the spread and preventing more unnecessary deaths, officials are implementing mandates for vaccinations in workplaces and masking in schools.
They are fighting against a sharp upward trend in cases and deaths: The US is reporting a more than 30% increase in average daily cases and a near tripling of average daily deaths over the past month, according to data from the US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.
But with only 54% of the population fully vaccinated, the rate of people initiating vaccinations each day has declined over the past month.
Health experts have hailed vaccinations as the best source of protection against the virus, noting that the majority of people hospitalized with and killed by Covid-19 are unvaccinated. In Pennsylvania, from January 1 to September 7, 97% of the state’s Covid-19 deaths were among unvaccinated people, Pennsylvania’s acting secretary of health said Tuesday.
Another layer of strong protection, experts say, is masking.
The CDC recommends people — even those fully vaccinated — wear masks indoors in areas with substantial or high community transmission. More than 99% of the population lives in a county with one of those designations.
In Ohio, where children’s hospitals are overwhelmed with Covid-19 and respiratory cases, Gov. Mike DeWine is encouraging schools to issue mask mandates since the state legislature has told him it would overturn any mandate he issued.
“Reasonable people may disagree about a lot, but we can all agree that we must keep our children in the classroom so they don’t fall behind and so their parents can go to work and not take time off to watch their kids at home,” DeWine said.
The combination of masks and vaccinations is the way to keep children in school, Dr. Anthony Fauci, director of the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases, told CNN Tuesday.
“If you surround the kids with vaccinated people and you have everybody wear a mask, you can get a situation where the children will be relatively safe in school,” Fauci told CNN’s Jake Tapper.
Fight brewing over vaccine mandates
In the effort to manage the spread of the virus, many officials and experts have promoted vaccine mandates — but others are opposing such measures.
New York issued an order in August requiring all health care workers be vaccinated against Covid-19 by September 27. But on Monday, 17 Catholic and Baptist medical professionals filed a federal complaint seeking to prevent the state from enforcing the mandate, saying they oppose getting the vaccine for religious reasons.
On Tuesday, a federal judge issued a restraining order temporarily suspending New York state from enforcing its vaccine mandate if health care workers claim a religious exemption.
Because the mandate does not require health care workers to receive their first dose of the vaccine until September 27, the judge’s order states the temporary restraining order “does not, as a practical matter, go into effect until that date.”
A hearing is scheduled for September 28.
After the ruling, New York Gov. Kathy Hochul’s press secretary, Hazel Crampton-Hays said in a statement that the governor is considering all legal options.
“Governor Hochul is doing everything in her power to protect New Yorkers and combat the Delta variant by increasing vaccine rates across the State,” Crampton-Hays said.
In Los Angeles, despite a mandate that all city employees be inoculated against the virus, nearly a quarter of the police force is seeking an exemption, according to Mayor Eric Garcetti’s office. Those who are not vaccinated will be required to show evidence of weekly testing and a negative COVID result if regularly reporting to work.
By November 1, Nevada workers who serve “vulnerable populations” must show proof of vaccination under a new emergency regulation passed Tuesday.
New hires must have at least one dose by their start date and must follow through on the required vaccination schedule to remain employed. Workers are allowed to ask for a medical or religious exemption.
Booster meeting won’t be a slam dunk
On Friday, the US Food and Drug Administration (FDA) will meet to discuss whether most Americans need a booster of their Covid-19 vaccine.
Unlike other meetings to discuss the vaccine, this one, with requests from Pfizer to authorize a third dose for most people, won’t be a slam dunk.
“This will be much messier than in December,” said Dr. William Schaffner, an infectious disease specialist at Vanderbilt University. The FDA committee was quick to recommend authorization of vaccines made by Pfizer and rival Moderna last December.
When the FDA’s Vaccines and Related Biological Products Advisory Committee meets Friday, it will be presented with dueling data, some of it suggesting there’s a need for boosters, but other pieces of data suggesting there is no such need.
Three separate articles published last week in the CDC’s Morbidity and Mortality Weekly Report suggest that we don’t need boosters.
On the other hand, an Israeli study found that over time, the vaccines’ power to keep people from getting very sick with Covid-19 diminished. Looking at illnesses in the second half of July, that study found that those who’d received their second dose of Pfizer’s vaccine in March were 70% more protected against severe disease than those who received the second shot in January.
President Joe Biden announced plans last month to begin administering booster doses next week. While she wouldn’t say directly if that date would be met, CDC Director Rochelle Walensky said Tuesday she is hopeful about the timeline to get doses administered.
If the booster does get approved, experts will still have to wait and see how much protection is added by the third dose.
“I would hope that that would sustain us for an extended period of time, but I don’t know that right now,” Fauci said. “We’re just going to have to do the boost, and then follow people long enough to determine what the durability of that protection is.”