Outpouring of support for girl beaten in SEPTA attack, over $700,000 raised via GoFundMe to stop Asian hate

Outpouring of support for girl beaten in SEPTA attack, over $700,000 raised via GoFundMe to stop Asian hate

The 18-year-old, who was trying to stop others from being bullied, has been released from the hospital.

By Billy Penn Staff


Video of the attack was captured on cell phones and by SEPTA security cameras

A huge outpouring of support for the Asian American girl who got attacked on SEPTA after trying to stop bullying brought in over half a million dollars in less than 24 hours, via a fundraiser set up by her mother and brother.

Titled “Support Christina in Advocating for Public Safety,” the GoFundMe had raised nearly $550,000 by early Saturday afternoon, from close to 10,000 donors.

The page was set up by YLin Chen and Michael Chen, the Philadelphia Chinatown Development Corporation confirmed to Billy Penn. They are mother and brother to Christina, the 18-year-old seen being punched and stomped on by other girls in a viral video of the attack.

Christina was recently released from the hospital, according to the fundraiser, and will be receiving mental health support from a therapist.

“As her family, we will continue to campaign against Asian hate crimes in the School District of Philadelphia,” the Chens wrote on GoFundMe. “In addition, we are actively advocating for the safety of school students when taking public transportation.”

The assault took place around 3:30 p.m. Wednesday on the Broad Street Line near Erie Station, according to SEPTA.

An 18-year-old senior at Central High School, Christina was riding home from school, her aunt Mei Lu said, when she saw a group of Black girls “tormenting” another group of Asian American students who attend Central.

When she tried to intervene, the group of harassers turned on her, injuring her to the extent that she required hospitalization.

The attackers were identified within a day, according to Transit Police Chief Thomas Nestel III. Described as being between 13 and 16 years old, they face multiple counts including ethnic intimidation, aggravated assault, recklessly endangering another person, and disorderly conduct.

One of the girls charged with assault had run away from home two weeks prior, her mother said in an interview with NBC10. She called her daughter’s actions inexcusable.

“We’re all apologetic,” the mother told NBC10, which is not releasing her name. “We are embarrassed, ashamed. It’s not who we represent.”

The attack has become a rallying point for Philly’s AAPI community.

People of Asian and Pacific Islander descent have contended with increased hate crimes since the start of the pandemic. Nationwide, more than 9,000 anti-Asian incidents have been reported over the past two years, up more than 75% from before COVID.

Councilmember David Oh, who was the first Asian American elected to political office in Philadelphia, has called on SEPTA and the school district to increase security measures. Nestel, the transit police chief, told WHYY he was immediately stationing an officer at Olney Station to help commuting students.

No details are yet available on the Chen family’s plans for the money raised, per the Chinatown Development Corporation. On the GoFundeMe they wrote donations will “help us advocate for the city’s public safety.”

Comments on the fundraiser page praise Christina as brave and a hero. “You have showed true courage and selflessness!” one donor said. “So proud of your heroic action!” said another. “You are not alone,” wrote a third.

Christina’s main wish, the Chens wrote, “is that students, regardless of race, can be safe outside of their homes.”



美国英雄华裔女孩出院 GoFundMe捐款破$60万阻亚裔仇恨






  女孩的阿姨卢梅(Mei Lu,姓名皆音译)说,虽然消息曝光后社区给予很多的关怀和爱,大家甚至称她为英雄,她的母亲还是因为女儿的经历感到心碎,“付出了惨痛的代价才成为的英雄”。










Officials Investigating Violent Attack At SEPTA’s Erie Station Involving Teenagers
Nov 17, 2021


Video of the attack was captured on cell phones and by SEPTA security cameras




毛女打亚女,一群亚裔就站在旁边看。毛女大声骂“庆科”,一群亚裔就轰的一声,喊句”shut the f**k up”,其他啥也不会干。


Spate Of Violence On The Subway
Dec 14, 2018

Video of a violent attack is just the latest in an uptick in crime that has some people worried about their safety on mass transit. CBS2’s Jenna DeAngelis reports.



华女费城地铁见义勇为遭暴力围殴 被赞“长乐女英雄”

文章来源: 美国华讯



 宾州东南捷运(SEPTA)17日发生一起暴力事件,四名非洲裔年轻女性在费城捷运列车上辱骂殴打三名亚裔学生,口出种族歧视语言,更将另一名上前劝阻的华裔女性暴打在地;费城东南捷运警方18日表示,此案属于基于种族的犯罪,四名施暴者将面临多项指控,包括种族恐吓(ethnic intimidation)和恶性攻击(aggravated assault)。

 事件发生在17日下午3时30分左右,Broad Street线列车行驶在Erie Station附近时,四名站立在车厢中部的非洲裔青少年不停地向对面坐在座位上的三名亚裔男性青年挥拳、咆哮,不时口出歧视性语言,喊叫「Fxxxing China」,遭遇攻击的亚裔男性并未反击;一名华裔女性出面劝阻,却被施暴的非裔拽到车门处,将华裔女性的头部撞向车门,随后将她暴打在地,其中一人脱下鞋子砸向华裔女性的头部。

据悉,其中一名被攻击的华裔男生是14岁的费城中央中学(Central High School)一年级学生,而见义勇为的华裔女生则是该高中三年级华裔女生,施暴的几名非裔学生来自特许学校,其中一名施暴者的家长看到视频后已经联系警方合作;受害华裔女生的家属说,女生名叫Tina。

(长乐籍见义勇为女英雄TINA LU)

据大费城侨界人士介绍,被4名非裔女生群殴的华裔女生TINA LU,祖籍地为福建省福州市长乐区石屏村。






SEPTA交通警察局长Thomas Nestel在周四下午的新闻发布会上说,录像中的四名女性嫌疑人年龄在13-16岁,正在等待指控,包括种族恐吓、严重袭击、简单袭击、鲁莽危害他人和恐怖威胁。

Thomas Nestel还表示,这次袭击是基于“种族”和“种族侮辱”来攻击受害者,但这一事件是“无缘无故的”。




Aunt speaks out after niece attacked on SEPTA train: ‘She did the right thing’

The attack happened after school Wednesday, around 3:30 p.m., on the Broad Street Line.

By 6abc Digital Staff


PHILADELPHIA (WPVI) — The aunt of one of the victims who was attacked on a SEPTA train earlier this week spoke out Friday morning, saying her niece was violently beaten for trying to stop the assault.

On Thursday, SEPTA police said the suspects involved in a violent assault involving students on the Broad Street Line will be charged with ethnic intimidation.

“My niece didn’t even know anybody,” Mei Lu said. “It was at the wrong place, wrong time. But what she did, she did the right thing. She stepped up for strangers, for people she doesn’t know.”

According to investigators, the incident happened after school Wednesday, around 3:30 p.m., on a train near the Erie Station.

Video of the assault shows a female student yelling at another group of students sitting on the train.

SEPTA Police Chief Thomas Nestel said the victims in the attack are Asian and the four suspects are African American females.

The altercation quickly escalates.

In the video, one of the female students, now a suspect, is seen throwing a punch. The group of victims sit and try to shield themselves.

One of the suspects gets into the face of another female student who is standing. Then the suspect’s attention goes back to the students who are sitting.

More obscenities are shouted and then the situation turns more violent.

The female student who is standing gets hit in the face multiple times. Then her head is slammed against the side of the train and she is taken to the ground. She is punched and stomped on repeatedly.

Authorities are investigating after video captured a violent assault involving students on SEPTA’s Broad Street Line.

One of the suspects is seen taking off her shoe and hits the victim repeatedly.
Then you hear someone’s voice and the video stops.

“This was an attack based on ethnicity and ethnic slurs were used by the attackers,” Nestel said.

On Thursday night, the Philadelphia District Attorney’s Office approved charges of aggravated assault, ethnic intimidation, criminal conspiracy, simple assault and other related offenses against four of the juveniles.

One suspect has been charged with one additional count of robbery for an attempted theft of one of the victims’ air pods.

“This matter will proceed in the juvenile justice system; as such, we will not be releasing the names of the defendants. We are grateful to our partners in law enforcement, particularly SEPTA Police, for their swift investigation of this incident,” said the district attorney’s office in a statement.

At this point, SEPTA police say the attack seemed unprovoked.

The students who were injured attend Central High School, Nestel said.

Officials said that starting immediately, a police escort will be present on the Broad Street Line for students returning home from Central.

Anyone with information on this incident is asked to contact SEPTA police at (215) 580-8111 or Philadelphia police at 215-686-TIPS.


华裔女学生费城地铁遭非裔群殴 警:4嫌将被控种族恐吓




宾州东南捷运(SEPTA)17日发生一起暴力事件,四名非洲裔年轻女性在费城捷运列车上辱骂殴打三名亚裔学生,口出种族歧视语言,更将另一名上前劝阻的华裔女性暴打在地;费城东南捷运警方18日表示,此案属于基于种族的犯罪,四名施暴者将面临多项指控,包括种族恐吓(ethnic intimidation)和恶性攻击(aggravated assault)。

事件发生在17日下午3时30分左右,Broad Street线列车行驶在Erie Station附近时,四名站立在车厢中部的非洲裔青少年不停地向对面坐在座位上的三名亚裔男性青年挥拳、咆哮,不时口出歧视性语言,喊叫「Fxxxing China」,遭遇攻击的亚裔男性并未反击;一名华裔女性出面劝阻,却被施暴的非裔拽到车门处,将华裔女性的头部撞向车门,随后将她暴打在地,其中一人脱下鞋子砸向华裔女性的头部。

另据CBS报导,其中一名被攻击的华裔男生是14岁的费城中央中学(Central High School)一年级学生,而见义勇为的华裔女生则是该高中三年级华裔女生,施暴的几名非裔学生来自特许学校,其中一名施暴者的家长看到视频后已经联系警方合作;受害华裔女生的家属说,女生名叫Tina。

SHOCKING: Video captures brutal beating involving students on SEPTA train
Nov 18, 2021

Authorities are investigating after video captured a violent assault involving students on SEPTA’s Broad Street Line.

According to SEPTA, the incident happened on the train near the Erie Station on Wednesday afternoon.

“SEPTA Police were notified and immediately launched an investigation. Progress has been made in identifying individuals who were involved in the assault. Investigators are continuing to interview witnesses and reviewing cell phone video that has been released on social media, as well as SEPTA surveillance video,” said a SEPTA spokesperson in a statement.

The video shows what appears to be a female student yelling at a group of other students sitting on the train. The altercation quickly escalates and multiple punches are thrown by several students.


此外,一个名为Timura Warren的目击者在脸书上发帖称,施暴者的目标就是亚裔学生,也有网友评论称这群人经常在地铁站和车厢内针对亚裔学生袭击;Warren表示,「这些非裔女生在我坐的车厢里谈论中国人哪里有问题,然后换了一节车厢,我们就看到那个女孩被打倒在地;这就是他们做的事情。」


负责调查此案的费城警方、宾州东南捷运警方、宾州学校管理局(Philadelphia School Administration)、学区警方和费城人际关系委员会(Philadelphia Human Relations Commission)18日下午召开记者会,宾州东南捷运警局局长内斯特尔(Thomas Nestel)表示,四名袭击者的年龄都不满17岁,将面临多项指控,包括种族恐吓(ethnic intimidation)和恶性攻击(aggravated assault)。


Officials Investigating Violent Attack At SEPTA’s Erie Station Involving Teenagers
Nov 17, 2021

A video of the attack was posted publicly on social media Wednesday evening.


Police to give update on attack aboard Philadelphia subway train
Nov 18, 2021




费城亚裔市议员欧大卫(David Oh)则呼吁宾州东南捷运和费城学区加强安保措施,「警方、宾州东南捷运及学校安保管员必须对此事做出回应。」



郑重提醒在美中国公民加强安全防范 警惕针对亚裔的歧视和暴力






















时间:周二到周五 晚间

周二: 遗嘱和资产传承(蒋律师&Joanna)

周三: 数据泄露和个人身份保护&事业机会说明会

周四: 婚姻和家庭法(主讲周律师)

周五:企业法律问题公益讲座(主讲人:蒋律师&Joanna)& 事业机会说明会

Zoom 6045004698,






US virologists synthesize infectious SARS-like coronavirus in 2008: PNAS



BEIJING — A group of US virologists reported “the design, synthesis, and recovery of the largest synthetic replicating life form,” a 29.7-kb bat SARS-like coronavirus in an article published in the US scientific journal PNAS as early as October 2008.

The article reported the creation in laboratory of the coronavirus, which was not only infectious in mice, but also in human airway epithelial cell cultures.

Researchers have the ability to design and synthesize various SARS-like coronaviruses, said Ralph Baric, professor at the University of North Carolina and leading author of the article published in the scientific journal PNAS.

Since 1983, Baric has published over 400 papers in his own name or as an instructor, including 268 papers on coronavirus. He has been exploring the analysis, manipulation and creation of coronavirus, and recombining, cloning, modifying and transforming different viruses for more than 30 years, according to a report by China’s Science and Technology Daily on Thursday.

Insufficient fund had been the biggest headache of Baric in his study of coronavirus until the outbreak of SARS in 2003, which proved to the world the lethality of coronavirus and the tremendous damage coronavirus could inflict on humanity.

In 2006, after an unknown number of generations of targeted culture of viruses by Baric’s team, a mutation that can successfully cause rapid death in mice appeared, and this new virus can infect humans and lead to pneumonia and higher mortality.

In a report, he warned that the technology of synthesizing virus sequences has the potential to be used to make biological weapons of mass destruction. However, his warning was seen as an advertisement by warmongers.

The Fort Detrick lab researchers were among the inventors of many of Baric’s granted patents. This practice is more conducive to covert patent sharing, so that the staff of the lab will no longer have to pay patent fees for virus preparation in the future.

The article described Baric’s creation of coronavirus with an aim to respond to health emergencies as “confusing.”



Joint Statement from HHS Public Health and Medical Experts on COVID-19 Booster Shots

Media Statement

For Immediate Release: Wednesday, August 18, 2021
Contact: Media Relations
(404) 639-3286

Today, public health and medical experts from the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) released the following statement on the Administration’s plan for COVID-19 booster shots for the American people.

The statement is attributable to Dr. Rochelle Walensky, Director of the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC); Dr. Janet Woodcock, Acting Commissioner, Food and Drug Administration (FDA); Dr. Vivek Murthy, U.S. Surgeon General; Dr. Francis Collins, Director of the National Institutes of Health (NIH); Dr. Anthony Fauci, Chief Medical Advisor to President Joe Biden and Director of the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases (NIAID); Dr. Rachel Levine, Assistant Secretary for Health; Dr. David Kessler, Chief Science Officer for the COVID-19 Response; and Dr. Marcella Nunez-Smith, Chair of the COVID-19 Health Equity Task Force:

“The COVID-19 vaccines authorized in the United States continue to be remarkably effective in reducing risk of severe disease, hospitalization, and death, even against the widely circulating Delta variant. Recognizing that many vaccines are associated with a reduction in protection over time, and acknowledging that additional vaccine doses could be needed to provide long lasting protection, we have been analyzing the scientific data closely from the United States and around the world to understand how long this protection will last and how we might maximize this protection. The available data make very clear that protection against SARS-CoV-2 infection begins to decrease over time following the initial doses of vaccination, and in association with the dominance of the Delta variant, we are starting to see evidence of reduced protection against mild and moderate disease. Based on our latest assessment, the current protection against severe disease, hospitalization, and death could diminish in the months ahead, especially among those who are at higher risk or were vaccinated during the earlier phases of the vaccination rollout. For that reason, we conclude that a booster shot will be needed to maximize vaccine-induced protection and prolong its durability.

“We have developed a plan to begin offering these booster shots this fall subject to FDA conducting an independent evaluation and determination of the safety and effectiveness of a third dose of the Pfizer and Moderna mRNA vaccines and CDC’s Advisory Committee on Immunization Practices (ACIP) issuing booster dose recommendations based on a thorough review of the evidence. We are prepared to offer booster shots for all Americans beginning the week of September 20 and starting 8 months after an individual’s second dose. At that time, the individuals who were fully vaccinated earliest in the vaccination rollout, including many health care providers, nursing home residents, and other seniors, will likely be eligible for a booster. We would also begin efforts to deliver booster shots directly to residents of long-term care facilities at that time, given the distribution of vaccines to this population early in the vaccine rollout and the continued increased risk that COVID-19 poses to them.

“We also anticipate booster shots will likely be needed for people who received the Johnson & Johnson (J&J) vaccine. Administration of the J&J vaccine did not begin in the U.S. until March 2021, and we expect more data on J&J in the next few weeks. With those data in hand, we will keep the public informed with a timely plan for J&J booster shots as well.

“Our top priority remains staying ahead of the virus and protecting the American people from COVID-19 with safe, effective, and long-lasting vaccines especially in the context of a constantly changing virus and epidemiologic landscape. We will continue to follow the science on a daily basis, and we are prepared to modify this plan should new data emerge that requires it.

“We also want to emphasize the ongoing urgency of vaccinating the unvaccinated in the U.S. and around the world. Nearly all the cases of severe disease, hospitalization, and death continue to occur among those not yet vaccinated at all. We will continue to ramp up efforts to increase vaccinations here at home and to ensure people have accurate information about vaccines from trusted sources. We will also continue to expand our efforts to increase the supply of vaccines for other countries, building further on the more than 600 million doses we have already committed to donate globally.”


Six Spaces Home Staging

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Fairfax, VA
Contact: Hongliang Zhang
Tel: 571-474-8885
Email: zhl19740122@gmail.com

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