上课叫学生「中国佬」 乔治城法学教授道歉
乔治城大学法律教授韦尔洛(Franz Werro)因日前讲课使用「中国佬」(Chinaman)一词与一名华裔学生对话,遭拍成视频粘贴推特网站而掀起风波,翌日立即发表书面道歉,表英语并非自己母语,并不了解Chinaman一词的历史涵义,日后定会小心措词用语。
国家广播公司新闻网(NBC News)17日报导,韦尔洛日前在班上讲课时说,「好,不知有没其他没说清之处,你觉得如何,中国佬先生?抱歉没记住你的姓名,请你再告诉我一下。」
中国佬一词源自19世纪,大致用来蔑称中国移民工及商贩;弗里堡大学(Fribourg University)官网教职员项目指出,韦尔洛国籍为瑞士,除该校以外,另任职乔治城大学。
法学院院长崔诺(William Treanor)11日发表声明说,「昨日深夜我才获知昨天事件,牵涉到一名教授在课堂上使用一个蔑视词汇,而该词汇有贬损伤人的意义。中国佬这个词已有百余年历年,让亚裔觉得受辱。今天我与美国亚太裔法学学生会(APALSA)及乔治城中国法学会的学生代表见面,对此事件仍抱持开放、诚恳对话的态度。」
藉农历年发送伤害中国字眼 南加内陆学区职员遭停职
南加州内陆厄浦兰学区(Upland USD )近日一名职员,在亚裔学生庆祝农历新年之际,在学区社群中发布「伤害」(hurt)中国及将新冠病毒与中国挂钩的字眼,引起部分学生、家长不安。据最新消息,这名职员遭学区停职,唯学区并未公布该职员姓名及来自哪所学校。
事件发生后,学区已于2月1日将致歉信发布在学区网页,以及Instagram、推特、脸书上,指出这名职员的资讯涉及「麻木不仁和伤害性陈述」,通过学区内部使用的社群分享,令部分家庭感到「令人可以理解的不安」。通常学区教师利用专用「Remind App」通知学生和家长,有关班级作业及其它学校特殊安排。
Upland Unified staff member on leave after ‘offensive’ message shared with parents, students
District removed the employee from the classroom and is continuing to investigate
By STEVE SCAUZILLO | San Gabriel Valley Tribune
An Upland Unified staff member who sent an electronic message to parents and students that blamed China for the global coronavirus pandemic and disparaged the celebration of the Lunar New Year has been removed from the classroom, the school district announced Tuesday, Feb. 8.
The employee is no longer in the classroom and was placed on leave, according to a letter written by Upland Unified School District Superintendent Lynn J. Carmen Day and posted on the district’s website and social media accounts.
Carmen Day wrote that the staff member “shared hurtful and offensive messages about China and COVID-19” in a school messaging app. The superintendent said the district wants to send a clear message that “any disparaging statements about race, nationality, ethnicity, or any dimension of diversity will not be tolerated.”
However, the district did not name the school, the employee, or his or her position.
Carmen Day reiterated from a previous letter issued Feb. 1, the district was conducting an investigation into the matter. The district would not say if the staff member was a teacher and would not elaborate further, citing confidentiality concerns. District spokesperson Liz Puney-Muglia declined to answer questions Tuesday about the incident.
In a screen shot of the message obtained by this news organization from several parents, the staff member wrote:
“The school wants everyone to wear red tomorrow (Feb. 1) but I disagree and do not support the CCP,” which stands for the Chinese Communist Party, the political party of China.
“I am sorry and disagree. China gave us this Covid and will not wear red,” the thread continued. “Parents you need to wake up!”
Last week, the district acknowledged the remarks in a post on Instagram and Twitter, saying the staff member used the Remind App to send “insensitive and hurtful statements to families at one of our elementary schools.”
In a posted response on Instagram, Dianna Ho, a PTA member, replied:
“A large number of the AAPI (Asian American and Pacific Islander) community in Upland, which I am a part of, appreciate the acknowledgment of and immediate resolution of this egregious act of hate by a teacher.”
Six Spaces Home Staging
北加湾区华人管委会发言 被讥英文差、滚回你的国家
又发生种族歧视的事件!在湾区华人众多的桑尼维尔,一名担任HOA管理委员会理事的华人彭先生,日前在开在线管理会发言后,竟遭其他住户传短信,内容骂他是「白痴」、「很笨」、「不会讲英文干嘛要去当管理委员会理事?」,「开会时除了你之外大家都很痛苦」、「你难道不知道说不好英文让你自己在大家面前难堪吗?」。该名无理的邻居还用「Ching Chong」等词嘲弄彭先生,并要他「滚回你的国家(Go back to your country)。」
骂亚裔「滚回中国」遭群起反弹 河滨县女教师被革职
来自坦密库拉市(Temecula)Sandra Miller日前在橙县新港滩(Newport Beach)的购物中心Fashion Island向两名亚裔女性开骂,她说「美国是个自由乐土!滚回中国去!」(America is a free country! Go back to China!)。她先前还说,要亚裔别再散播新冠病毒了。
Racist couple Roger Miller and Sandra Miller were recorded spouting disgusting anti-Asian racist remarks towards an Asian couple, blaming them for starting and spreading COVID. Rick Strom breaks it down. Give us your thoughts in the comments below!
Sandra Miller任教於坦密库拉市的Linfield Christian School,校方在得知此事后立刻决定革职。声明指出,校方已经与当事人谈过事件经过,并决定将她革职,因为她的发言不符合学校信念,也无法成为学生的表率。
Sandra Miller的先生在圣地牙哥县科罗纳多市府担任公务员,目前已被停职,等候独立全面与公正的调查。两人在上车离去前还曾讨论,对方是不是在骂她们,先生则说他不知道,他又不懂中文。Sandra Miller就说了,美国是个自由乐土!滚回中国去!
亚美公义促进中心(Asian Americans Advancing Justice)首席执行官Connie Chung Joe强调,新冠疫情造成的厌亚情绪仍在,她希望女教师知道自己的言词有多伤人,「滚回中国」这句话,只代表亚裔再怎么努力,都不是纯种的美国人。
加州官员夫妇骂亚裔滚回中国 调查后遭停职解雇
文章来源: 星岛日报
据《城市新闻网》报道,影片中说出仇亚言论的男子遭网友肉搜出为科市娱乐和高尔夫服务总监罗杰米勒(Roger Miller)和其妻子桑德拉米勒(Sandra Miller)。制作视频的网友表示,该事件发生在29日的新港滩(Newport Beach)市的时尚岛购物中心,两名亚裔民众与米勒夫妇擦肩而过时两人故意说,“糟了,你会感染新冠病毒!”、“遇到传播新冠病毒的中国人!”,即便并非华人的当事人拿着手机录影对质时,两人仍大言不惭地说“美国是自由民主国家!”、“好险我不在她们的国家、不是共产党人!”、“滚回中国去!”。
科罗纳多市经理芙兰德(Tina Friend)30日先表示已就此事展开调查,31日再发表声明,表示科市市府的文化和价值观强调对人民的尊重、服务和专业,因此对任何型式的歧视都采零容忍政策,在独立调查结果出炉前该涉事雇员已被放行政假。
另外,桑德拉所任职的河滨县特曼库拉市(Temecula)的K-12林菲尔德基督教学校(Linfield Christian School),31日上午也发表声明切割,表示在与桑德拉本人交谈后立即决定解雇桑德拉,米勒女士的任何陈述皆不反映该校的信念和使命,也不符合该校期望员工为学生树立的榜样。林菲尔德约有800名学生。
圣地亚哥菲裔资源中心主任兼 API Initiative 的负责人菲尔兹 (JoAnn Fields) 也说,视频中的仇亚言论激烈危险,呼吁任何受到不当对待的民众都应勇于举报,团结起来才能改变基于种族偏见的仇恨和伤害。
Illinois Realtor says she was told to ‘go back to your country’ at Springfield hardware store
Tiffani Jackson | State Journal-Register
While many honored the legacy of the Rev. Martin Luther King Jr. and called for racial healing on Monday, one Springfield woman said she endured a shopping experience that puts a spotlight on anti-Asian racism.
Xuna Hu, a 31-year-old realtor and Chinese immigrant, said as she was shopping at the Lowe’s on Wabash Avenue and picked up two fire pits with the intent to buy them. Realizing they were too heavy, she put them down and stood by while calling her father to help her load them in a cart, but while waiting, said she was harassed.
“A lady came over with her daughter, a Lowe’s employee, while pointing to the fire pits and said to me ‘Hey I want one of those,’” Hu recounted. “I said, ma’am, I’m taking both, I’m just waiting for my dad to come over so he can help me load my cart and pay for it. She then said ‘Well have you already paid?’ I said ‘no, not yet,’ so she said ‘Well I’m taking one from you.’
At that point, Hu said, she decided to offer the woman one of the fire pits.
“I was like all right, I’ll just give you one then,” Hu said, but the woman responded that since Hu hadn’t paid for the fire pits she could take one because ‘this is how it works here.’
This is what happened today on Jan 17th, 2022 on Martin Luther King Day. In lowe’s at 3101 Wabash Ave, Springfield, IL 62704. I was buying two fire pits. It was so heavy and I am sitting on it, waiting for my dad walk to me to help move to the cart. One lady came with one lowe’s worker said: ”I want one of this!” I said: ”Oh sorry, I am taking both. I am just waiting for my dad to help me load it.“ She said: ”Did you pay for it?” I said:”Not yet I am waiting for help load, so that I can pay for it.” She said : “Then I am going to take one from you.” I said: “Alright I will give you one.” Then she took one said: “This is how it works here. You haven’t pay for it ! I can take from you. My daughter works here.” (The worker who helped her took one from my hand, it’s her daughter) I said: “Hold on, it’s not suppose to be like that. I was being nice and let you have one.” Lady said: “GO BACK TO YOUR COUNTRY!” I told her: “Say that again, I am going to record you for being racist. You need to apologize to me!” The whole time, Lowe’s staff named “David” is trying to protect the lady who is being racist. He told me that only if I deleted the video, he will help me resolve this issue. David then accuses me, saying that me recording the video with my phone is threatening people in the store.— at Lowe’s Home Improvement (3101 West Wabash, Springfield, IL).
After more words, Hu said the woman, who was not identified, yelled “‘go back to your country.'”
Hu said she took out her cellphone and began recording after the exchange. In the video posted to Tik Tok and Facebook that has since gone viral, Hu confronts the woman at a register and asks for an apology for which the woman declined.
An unidentified Lowe’s employee becomes involved when he saw that Hu was recording and asked her to delete the video. Hu refused.
“In this situation, if I say something with my mouth it’s not gonna be stronger evidence than having a video. No matter how much I say, they don’t have to believe me but if I have proof through the video they can’t deny it at all,” Hu said.
As the conversation between Hu and the Lowe’s worker continued, the woman who shouted at Hu left the store. Hu said the worker then demanded she move on and not make the situation bigger than necessary,
“They said ‘Hey she left, there’s no point in talking to us about it anymore, just pay your money and leave.’ Hu said. During that moment she said she felt helpless.
“I thought the staff came toward me to help me with the situation but … I didn’t get any help. It was pretty sad.”
According to Hu, Illinois Rep. Theresa Mah, D-Chicago, saw the viral video and started a petition on Change.org that urged Lowe’s to issue an apology to Hu and require racial sensitivity training for employees. As of Jan. 22, Mah’s petition had over 8,000 signatures.
In a statement two days after the incident, Lowe’s spokesperson Steve Salazar said the company was “appalled to hear about this experience. At Lowe’s, discrimination of any kind is unacceptable. We spoke to Ms. Hu and apologized, letting her know we are taking swift action to address the matter. Our intent is to always ensure customers feel valued, respected and welcome. We are committed to creating a safe and open environment for all customers.”
The Springfield Immigrant Advocacy Network also helped to circulate the petition.
“We were saddened to hear that this had happened because we know how damaging racism and xenophobia is, and we know how these incidents impact whole communities,” a network statement said. “Unfortunately, we were not surprised. Incidents of hate, and particularly anti-Asian hate, have been on the rise across the country and we have seen other anti-immigrant sentiments here already.”
Veronica Espina, the network’s founder said it was Hu’s right to record the situation. Instead of putting the victim of the attack on trial, employees should have stood up for her.
“It has become necessary for persons of color and the targets of this kind of treatment to have a record of what happens to them, to protect themselves. The reality is that without some record, reports of their experiences are often discounted or ignored and It results in further marginalization and victimization.”
Hu said before the incident she had never experienced racism so bluntly.
“When she said that to me I thought ‘Oh my God, the things I see on the news are actually happening to me right now. What do I do?’ I thought ‘I can’t just let this go because if I keep my mouth shut that means I’m giving her permission to say that to me and if she said it to me she will say it to my kids and anyone else who looks like me.”
Hu said her family and friends were not surprised by what happened and told her they frequently experienced similar treatment but often couldn’t respond because of the language barrier.
“That made me really sad to hear because due to the language barrier we have to deal with racism this way. So when this happened to me I was standing up not only for myself but for the people who can’t fight back because they don’t know how,” she said.
Espina said Hu’s video brought attention to a problem faced by communities of color and should serve as a teaching moment.
“ All of us in the community have a role in opposing and preventing these kinds of incidents, and videos like this are instructive to understand the kind of treatment she and others have too often received, and the responses they get when they try to stand up for themselves.”
Espina said the incident highlights the necessity of the Springfield Immigrant Advocacy Network.
“Springfield, unfortunately, was identified a few years ago as one of the most segregated cities in America. Incidents like this serve as important reminders for why SIAN and many others worked to pass a Welcoming City resolution for the city of Springfield – a resolution that simply states that immigrants are both welcome and already an important part of our community,” she said. “This would be an important time for the Springfield City Council to pass the resolution and send a message of goodwill.”
Chinese woman told by Lowe’s customer to go back to her country is scolded by store employee for filming
Editorial Staff | Yahoo
A Lowe’s in Illinois has come under fire after a Chinese woman and Springfield resident claims another customer told her to go back to her country.
Xuna Hu says she was shopping for two fire pits when the other customer tried to get Hu to hand over one of the pits, leading up to the alleged racist encounter at a Lowe’s branch on Wabash Avenue on Jan. 17.
“I was like alright, I’ll just give you one then,” Hu told WICS Channel 20. “She went, ‘This is how it works here.’ So, I was like, ‘OK ma’am, if I give you one it’s because I’m trying to be nice, it’s not how it works here. And then she was like ‘Go back to your country.’ Loud. In the store.”
In a video posted to Facebook, Hu approaches a cash register to demand an apology from the unidentified customer, who replies: “No, I said go back to where that is the way it works.”
A Lowe’s employee tells Hu to stop recording and delete the video, but Hu stands her ground.
“You’re making a much bigger thing with your phone out right now than it needs to be,” the Lowe’s employee tells Hu. “You’re being combative, you’re being hostile. So right now you are the threatening one in this situation.”
A Lowe’s spokesperson said in a statement: “We were appalled to hear about this experience. At Lowe’s, discrimination of any kind is unacceptable. We spoke to Ms. Hu and apologized, letting her know we are taking swift action to address the matter. Our intent is to always ensure customers feel valued, respected and welcome. We are committed to creating a safe and open environment for all customers.”
State Rep. Theresa Mah (D-Chicago) created a Change.org petition to demand the company apologize to Hu and “require racial sensitivity training for [their] employees.”
“I put it together to help Ms. Hu get a wider audience and to engage more people in the effort to get Lowe’s to respond,” Mah told WICS. “As one of five Asian American state legislators who spend a good amount of time in Springfield, we have a responsibility to represent Asian Americans beyond the districts we represent. It’s important to shine a spotlight on anti-Asian racism, and do what we can to bring awareness and justice. This is not the only incident I have heard about involving anti-Asian racism at that particular Lowe’s, so the demand for racial sensitivity training for their employees is an important response we’d like to see.”
Hu hopes her encounter raises awareness about anti-Asian hate.
“I have two little babies,” she said. “When they grow up, they’re going to face the same issues I did. I’m standing for not only myself anymore. I’m standing for all the Asian people who are facing or have experienced the same thing with me.”
State lawmaker calls for change after alleged racist comments made at Springfield Lowe’s
By Jakob Emerson
SPRINGFIELD, Ill. (WICS/WRSP) — An Illinois state lawmaker is calling out a Springfield Lowe’s after an alleged racist encounter this week between two customers.
On Monday, Jan 17, Xuna Hu, a Chinese immigrant and Springfield resident, said she was shopping at the Lowe’s store on Wabash Avenue when a woman told her to go back to her country.
Hu says she was trying to buy two fire pits. She says she was waiting for family to help lift the heavy products when another store customer began to verbally attack her with racist remarks after Hu wouldn’t give her one of the fire pits.
“I was like alright, I’ll just give you one then. She went, ‘This is how it works here.’ So, I was like, ‘Okay ma’am, if I give you one it’s because I’m trying to be nice, it’s not how it works here,’” Hu said. “And then she was like ‘Go back to your country.’ Loud. In the store.”
An online video from Hu reportedly shows what happened right after the alleged incident.
Hu had walked to the store’s registers and confronted the customer who made the comment. Hu is shown asking for an apology from the customer while two Lowe’s employees stand nearby.
The unidentified customer then responded to Hu in the video: “No, I said go back to where that is the way it works.”
Hu continued filming while asking a Lowe’s employee for an apology from the other customer. The employee asks Hu to delete the video and to stop filming. After Hu declines, the employee says he cannot help her at this time.
“You’re making a much bigger thing with your phone out right now than it needs to be,” the Lowe’s employee said. “You’re being combative, you’re being hostile. So right now you are the threatening one in this situation.”
Hu’s video ends with no resolution to the situation inside the store.
After seeing Hu’s video on Facebook., State Rep. Theresa Mah, D-Chicago, says she decided to put together an online petition to demand action from Lowe’s.
In a text, Mah said: “I put it together to help Ms. Hu get a wider audience and to engage more people in the effort to get Lowe’s to respond. As one of five Asian American state legislators who spend a good amount of time in Springfield, we have a responsibility to represent Asian Americans beyond the districts we represent. It’s important to shine a spotlight on anti-Asian racism, and do what we can to bring awareness and justice. This is not the only incident I have heard about involving anti-Asian racism at that particular Lowe’s, so the demand for racial sensitivity training for their employees is an important response we’d like to see.”
As of Wednesday, Jan. 19, Mah’s petition currently has over 2,200 signatures.
For Hu, she says she doesn’t care anymore about the fire pits or an apology from the other customer. She wants to remind the public that this is a nation of immigrants, and she hopes the community will be supportive in helping to end anti-Asian hate.
“I have two little babies. When they grow up, they’re going to face the same issues I did,” Hu said. “I’m standing for not only myself anymore. I’m standing for all the Asian people who are facing or have experienced the same thing with me.”
In a statement, a spokesperson for Lowe’s said:
“We were appalled to hear about this experience. At Lowe’s, discrimination of any kind is unacceptable. We spoke to Ms. Hu and apologized, letting her know we are taking swift action to address the matter. Our intent is to always ensure customers feel valued, respected and welcome. We are committed to creating a safe and open environment for all customers.”
Urge Lowe’s to Apologize for Racist Bullying
Theresa Mah started this petition to Lowe’s and Springfield Illinois Lowe’s
On Martin Luther King Day, January 17, 2022, Xuna Hu, a Springfield resident, was shopping at the Lowe’s at 3101 Wabash Avenue in Springfield, Illinois, when she was racially harassed by a customer whose daughter Jennifer works at the store. She was told, “GO BACK TO YOUR COUNTRY” after the woman hostilely took one of the two firepits from her that she was planning to purchase, and when Xuna followed her to the checkout station with her cellphone camera on to demand an apology, another employee, David, blocked access to Jennifer and her mother, dismissed her request, and repeatedly demanded that she stop recording and erase her video. David kept demanding that Xuna erase the video because he claimed that she “was making [the incident] something bigger than it was.”
However, Lowe’s should know that for an Asian American to be told to “Go back to your country,” is to experience an unfortunately too common example of anti-Asian hate and racism. Asian Americans have been in the US for more than 175 years and those of us who live here have every right to call it home. The United States is our country too, so for someone who sees an Asian face and says “GO BACK TO YOUR COUNTRY,” they are assuming foreignness and expressing their belief that we do not belong in this country as much as a white person does, and that is just plain wrong. That’s blatantly racist and wrong.
We demand that Lowe’s acknowledge that their employees were wrong to stand by and allow this racial bullying and harassment to take place and repeatedly deny that anything wrong had happened. We further demand that Lowe’s require racial sensitivity training for their employees so that they treat all customers, regardless of racial background, with respect and dignity at their stores. Ms. Hu simply wanted to shop in peace at your store and was reserving two firepits while her father went to get a cart to take them to checkout. When the offending customer went up to her to demand that she give up one of the firepits, simply because she had not yet paid for them, your employees could have taken the opportunity to find another firepit for the other customer to purchase. You could have sold three firepits instead of two and supported racial equity on Martin Luther King Day. Instead, your employees defended a racist bully and allowed her to have her way, while an Asian American customer was deprived of dignity and respect, treated like she did not matter and as if she did not deserve to spend her hard-earned money like everyone else at your store, and that for her to be racially harassed and told to “Go back to your country” was an acceptable experience for Asian Americans to have at Lowe’s. The video and Ms. Hu’s account of what happened to her can be found on her Facebook page. We, the undersigned, urge Lowe’s to do the right thing. Issue an apology to Xuna Hu and require racial sensitivity training for your employees.
7,522 have signed. (1:18AM, 01/21/2022)
Lowe’s 终于道歉 华女购物遭歧视 3600人签署力挺
由本报率先报导的家用品连锁Lowe’s伊州春田市店歧视华裔顾客Xuna Hu事件,引起广大关注,在华裔州众议员马静仪与3600多位民众签署声援下,Lowe’s公司区域经理麦卡提(Lisa Mccarty)已经致电Xuna表达歉意,她承诺将加强员工对于敏感族裔议题的培训,且会对相关处置不当员工予以惩处,该店并将禁止说出「滚回你的国家」的白人妇女再度入店消费。
Xuna Hu在民权领袖马丁路德‧金恩纪念日当天,到Lowe’s(3101 Wabash Ave.)店购买火盆,遇到白人妇女问,「你两个都要?你结帐了没?」Xuna回答她两个都要买,但还未付钱,正等家人来帮忙搬上购物车,该妇女说,「还没结帐就不算你的,我要拿走一个」。
Xuna当场要求对方道歉遭拒,她随后跟著白人母女到结帐台,并与在场的另一名白人男员工说明情形,该名男员工明显忽视白人妇女的歧视言论,只是不断要求Xuna必须立刻删除手机影片,称「 其录像行为已经威胁到他与全店的安全」。
An Asian woman shared this story on Facebook where she was told to “go back to her country” and was gaslighted and told to delete this video. These employees in #Lowes needs to be fired SMH.
👉 From Xuna HU: This is what happened today on Jan 17th, 2022 on Martin Luther King Day. In lowe’s at 3101 Wabash Ave, #Springfield, IL 62704.
I was buying two fire pits. It was so heavy and I am sitting on it, waiting for my dad walk to me to help move to the cart. One lady came with one lowe’s worker said: ”I want one of this!”
I said: ”Oh sorry, I am taking both. I am just waiting for my dad to help me load it.“
She said: ”Did you pay for it?”
I said: “Not yet I am waiting for help load, so that I can pay for it.”
She said : “Then I am going to take one from you.”
I said: “Alright I will give you one.”
Then she took one said: “This is how it works here. You haven’t pay for it ! I can take from you. My daughter works here.” (The worker who helped her took one from my hand, it’s her daughter)
I said: “Hold on, it’s not suppose to be like that. I was being nice and let you have one.” Lady said: “GO BACK TO YOUR COUNTRY!”
I told her: “Say that again, I am going to record you for being racist. You need to apologize to me!”
The whole time, Lowe’s staff named “David” is trying to protect the lady who is being racist.
He told me that only if I deleted the video, he will help me resolve this issue. David then accuses me, saying that me recording the video with my phone is threatening people in the store.
马静仪说,事件后她发起要求Lowe’s道歉签署行动,至少有两位友人提到曾在同一店内经历族裔歧视,其中一名在伊州国会参议员德宾办公室任职的海克勒(Stacie Barton Hackler) 说,去年2月12日与丈夫(不同族裔)前往该店选购厨房柜台、橱柜,当时该区只有他们一对夫妇,然而两人等了约30分钟,才获得值班店员Robert首肯接待,「我们告诉店员,我们已经知道要买哪些橱柜,也量好了尺寸,希望他可以提供估价」。
Why not lottery admissions for great high schools? It’s not church bingo.
Struggling for fairness at two famous schools, Jefferson and Lowell.
By Jay Mathews
Judging from heavy participation in the Powerball and Mega Millions jackpots, many Americans love lotteries. But when such randomized selection systems have been used lately to decide who gets into popular high schools, they have inspired bitter debates and lawsuits.
Among the most controversial proposed lottery admissions systems have been the ones for Thomas Jefferson High School for Science and Technology in Fairfax County, Va., and Lowell High School in San Francisco.
The debate over such systems is often confusing and misleading. Frequently overlooked is the fact that many long-used admissions processes, particularly in our most revered colleges, also are quite random but don’t get as many complaints, in part because the schools involved are considered national treasures.
Jefferson High was built in 1965 and became a magnet school admitting students on academic merit in 1985. It is often the most selective high school in the country, public or private, as measured by the average SAT scores of its students.
Lowell, under another name, became in 1856 the first U.S. public high school west of the Mississippi. It has long selected students on the basis of grades and test scores, but, in recent decades, it has not had average SAT scores as high as some Bay Area public schools that admit anyone living in their affluent neighborhoods.
The Fairfax County schools superintendent proposed in fall 2020 a lottery-like admissions system for Jefferson, but the school board said no. Lowell has adopted a lottery system because of issues with grades and test scores during the pandemic. It is set to expire in the next school year, but the school board wants to keep it. Reformers also have suggested lottery-like admissions for selective public schools in Boston, New York City and other places, but many people don’t like what sounds to them like picking names out of a hat.
Influential people wanted to try lotteries at Lowell and Jefferson for the same reason. They did not like the fact that Black, Hispanic and impoverished students were underrepresented. Jefferson, with 1.7 percent of students low-income and 5 percent Black or Hispanic, was less welcoming to such students than Lowell, with 36 percent of students low-income and 14 percent Hispanic or Black.
The largest ethnic group at both schools is of Asian descent. This has happened at some other selective high schools. I can’t find research on this, but one reason may be that Asian American culture is more focused on academic achievement. Lawsuits have been filed in both San Francisco and Fairfax County, arguing that new admissions systems wrongly reduce the number of Asian American students accepted.
The new randomized lottery system at Lowell produced the largest number of Black and Hispanic freshmen in at least 25 years, up from 16 percent to 30 percent of that class. Jefferson also got more low-income, Black and Hispanic admissions out of a new non-lottery system that gave personal background some weight, one of several points of controversy in the lawsuits that have been filed.
While we fret over selective high school admissions, the random nature of our system for picking students for selective universities doesn’t get much attention. Ivy League admissions officers work hard to make sure each year they create a new class of freshmen that is both diverse and talented. But from the perspective of an individual applicant who knows the chance of admission can be as low as 5 percent, the process looks pretty random. Experienced admissions people at such colleges say that with the exception a few uniquely gifted students, those they admit are not clearly superior to many of the students they reject or put on bloated wait lists.
A new documentary about Lowell, “Try Harder!,” goes deep into the lives of students on that campus struggling with college admissions systems that don’t make sense to them. The students seem less concerned about the difficulties they encountered getting into their ancient and excellent high school. I think this is in part because the San Francisco district (57,000 students), like the Fairfax County district (178,000 students), has other schools with courses and teachers just as good.
If ninth-graders don’t get into Lowell, there are four other San Francisco campuses in the top 5 percent of U.S. high schools measured by participation in Advanced Placement and International Baccalaureate courses and exams on my Challenge Index list. AP and IB are important for college preparation. Fairfax County has 16 high schools other than Jefferson in the top 5 percent.
Families are understandably pleased to have their children admitted to Jefferson, Lowell or other selective high schools. But I can find no research showing those students do better in college or life than similarly talented graduates of lower-performing high schools.
Complaints about randomized high school admissions often overlook the fact that only the most ambitious students are likely to apply to such demanding schools. Wanting to go to a school like Lowell or Jefferson reveals a desire to succeed that, as many of us learn in life, in the long run is more important than whatever high school we attended.
This is particularly true of the intellectual superstars who critics fear will not get into the best schools because of randomized admissions. I sense there are great teachers in nearly every school who will detect such students and make sure they get the special attention and freedom they need.
Those students’ parents are also likely to supply enriching experiences they would not find in most schools. Our country is blessed to have so many opportunities for young people like that.
Thomas Jefferson High responds to proposed bill challenging admissions policy
By Melissa Howell
Thomas Jefferson High School for Science and Technology, in Fairfax County, Virginia, is pushing back against a proposed bill that challenges its admissions process.
Beginning in October 2020, the magnet school stopped requiring standardized tests from students looking to apply, and implemented what it calls a merit-based, race-neutral application process aimed at giving students from underserved communities a chance to attend the school.
A bill which will be introduced to the Virginia General Assembly this month would prohibit Governor’s Schools from asking for racial and ethnic information and suggests that factors such as standardized testing, grades and extracurricular activities should be the determining factors when it comes to admissions.
The school has since responded, saying, “The bill rests on the fiction that any action taken to increase access for underserved or underprivileged groups is discrimination. This bill would serve to reinforce inequities, rather than working to eliminate them.”
Since implementing the new application process in 2020, the school says the average GPA for applicants has been higher than in the previous five years. Diversity has also increased: The number of Black students has risen from 1% to 7%, and the percentage of Hispanic students has grown from 3% to 11% of the school population.
维州提案 挑战明星TJ高中将族裔纳入招生标准
维州立法者近日推出一项提案,禁止州长学校(Governor’s Schools)以学生族裔等信息来招生,并建议以标准化考试来决定录取,这将重点挑战北维州汤玛斯杰弗逊高中(TJ高中)去年才通过并开始采用新招生方式,此招生改革议题再次引起地方乃至全美关注。
全美公立高中排名第一的的TJ高中去年开始以「综合评估」的新录取方式招收2021年秋季入学的新生,该方案规定,学生须满足GAP达3.5,上过代数学一(Algebra I)或更高级数学课、上过数学和科学的资优课(honors course),外加一门英语或社会研究相关的资优课,申请者还要提交一篇数学或科学的短论文、一篇展示学生参与课外活动情况及成绩的「学生肖像单」(Student Portrait Sheet),同时取消了入学考试及申请费,TJ高中所在的费郡公校(FCPS)称,此方案是为平衡学生族裔比例,提高多元性。
但此录取改革从开始至今持续惹议,以华裔为主的亚裔社区始终反对,表示新方案明显族裔偏袒,也让学生的刻苦努力徒劳;维州共和党州众议员戴维斯(Glenn R. Davis)近日提案称,除了联邦法律要求的信息之外,TJ高中等19所维州州长学校不应在招生过程中搜集申请者的族裔、性别、肤色、国籍等信息。
该提案即将提交维州州议会,也被认为是在挑战TJ高中的录取改革,费郡公校(FCPS)的法律顾问福斯特(John Foster)表示,TJ高中没有在录取过程中考虑学生的族裔、民族、国籍等信息,并指责该提案明显针对TJ高中,「我们会持续捍卫TJ高中的录取流程,不论需要多少力气或时间。」
Immigrant Mom to School Officials: “Treat Children as Humans, Not Identities”
On April 17, Suparna Dutta sent the following email to Ann Bonitatibus, principal of Fairfax County’s Thomas Jefferson School for Science and Technology (“TJ”). Dutta’s email included a plea to Lisa Williams, the school district’s “chief equity officer.”
Ms. Bonitatibus,
On March 19th, as I sat in a hospital in India caring for my ailing mother, I got frantic texts from my child about offensive material being shown as part of 8th period mandatory social and emotional learning lessons. My child, who was very upset, sent me the slides and videos that the class was being subjected to. I was shocked to see videos of leaders of a very small but radical leftist 501(c)(4) group TJAAG, telling FCPS children that TJ is racist and indoctrinating them with far-left ideology at taxpayers’ dime. These were ideas right out of the Marxist “equal outcomes” Critical Race Theory ideology. These activists said “America is not the land of equality,” “have to be actively anti-racist; not simply not being racist, not doing bad things isn’t an option,” “take an active stance in calling out your classmates.” Adults should not be allowed to hold children as captive audience and subject them to psychological harm. That is what happened to my child. This is tantamount to child abuse at TJ under YOUR watch.
I shared these videos with other parents who are also upset about this. As the principal you are ultimately responsible for this radical propaganda. Who created this lesson? Do not try to hide behind our children by saying that this was created by them. Who approved this lesson? Why were parents not notified about this beforehand? Why were there no diverse viewpoints expressed? Since when does a school have the role of teaching morality to my child? That is my sacred job as a parent. You should stick to your job to provide a rigorous factual academic experience to my child. Let children be free thinkers by letting them express their opinions in a free and open dialogue without the fear of repercussions by activist educators, not by limiting ideas.
As most TJ parents now know from FOIA requests, you have been in bed with the radical activist TJAAG members for a long time, plotting to destroy the haven of meritocracy that TJ has offered children. TJ used to be the alternative to private schools, which most of us cannot afford. You wrote to mostly minority TJ parents last year questioning our privilege. You spoke of “lessons and activities that will need to be infused across our entire TJ program of study in all content areas.” You have demonized the hard working Asian American students by insinuating that they cheated their way into TJ by paying up to “$15,000,” which is an utter lie. While the rest of the world forges ahead in STEM education, and the US lags behind, your priority is to not bolster academic excellence but to teach kids to be radical activists. This is a dereliction of duty and you ought to be fired.
Ms. Williams,
Most parents don’t expect much of Superintendent Brabrand after the debacle over TJHSST and FCPS distance learning. But it is disappointing to see that as the equity lead, you have joined this divisive fray at FCPS. My chosen home, America, has been the beacon of freedom and hope in the world. “Anti-racist” ideology pits people against each other, divides them into oppressors and oppressed warring factions based on immutable factors. Everything gained since the civil rights movement is being lost now, with this cancerous Marxist ideology being inculcated in the youth. It encourages hatred and discrimination. A core tenet of CRT claims “The only remedy to past discrimination is present discrimination.”
I hope you don’t indulge in the bigotry of low expectations against some groups, like Ms. Bonitatibus does. She said in an email last year that there are “so few black and brown children” at TJ. She also said at a TJPTSA meeting that when she pokes her head into classrooms at TJ, she’s saddened that the demographics do not reflect the geographic area. Imagine how that makes the parents feel?! Treat children as humans, NOT identities or objects to be experimented with.
I’m worried about the misguided and regressive path FCPS is taking. What will you do to assuage the concerns of parents who are very concerned about the indoctrination of CRT, couched in euphemisms like “culturally responsive,” which inflicts real emotional harm in our innocent children?
Very disappointed in FCPS,
Suparna Dutta
On April 19, Dutta received the following response from Bonitatibus.
Dear Ms. Dutta,
Thank you for reaching out to share your and your daughter’s experience relative to the content in the SEL lesson on March 19. I am sorry that your daughter felt offended and we will respect your request to excuse your child from remaining SEL lessons this year. Also, I am sorry to hear your mother was ailing and hope your time at her side was one of comfort.
I would like to take this opportunity to provide one point for clarity on an issue you raise. Please be aware that there is no partnership that TJ as a school or I as an individual share with TJAAG. TJ student leaders working on the project wanted current and former TJ voices. They reached out to alumni of their choosing, none of whom in the video were identified as members of TJAAG, nor did they speak to that organization.
I would also offer that you and I have never spoken personally about our shared beliefs and values, especially the sacred right you hold as a parent teaching morality to your child. If you would want to speak one-on-one about your concerns, I am always open to do so. We most likely would learn from each other and develop a stronger mutual respect and understanding.
Ann N. Bonitatibus, Ed.D.
To date, the embattled Bonitatibus has not resigned, nor has she been terminated from her role at TJ. While Bonitatibus’s email fails to apologize for the March 19 incident, she does offer to excuse Dutta’s child from “remaining SEL lessons this year.” Other parents, across Fairfax County, might want to request the same for their own children, if they don’t want them exposed to similar Critical Race Theory indoctrination sessions.
A Lawsuit Challenges TJ Admission Changes
Parents sue to stop TJ’s admission policy changes, alleging anti-Asian race discrimination.
By Mercia Hobson
The Fairfax County School Board and Fairfax County Public Schools Superintendent Dr. Scott Brabrand face a new lawsuit filed against them last week in United States District Court in Alexandria. The lawsuit alleges race discrimination against Asian-American students by the School Board and the superintendent in changing the admissions process to Thomas Jefferson High School for Science and Technology, known as “TJ.” The Pacific Legal Foundation filed the civil suit on Wednesday, March 10, on behalf of their client, Coalition for TJ, a group of mostly concerned parents at the high school.
#“This type of racial balancing is unconstitutional,” said Pacific Legal Foundation attorney Erin Wilcox at a press conference held that morning outside the courthouse.
#The Plaintiffs allege FCPS’ recently-implemented overhaul of the TJ admissions process changes, which eliminated the long-standing race-neutral standardized admissions test, is specifically aimed to reduce the number of incoming Asian-American students to racially balance the school according to the racial demographics of the school. “Up until this year, admissions to TJ have been race-blind,” said Wilcox. “Unfortunately, Fairfax County Schools officials apparently believed that this is too many Asian students,” she said.
#THE COMPLAINT alleges that without the court issuing an injunction, the number of Asian-American students in the incoming TJ Class of 2025 is likely to be cut in half due to the “defendants’ stated desire to manipulate TJ’s demographics.” “The discriminatory intent they’ve shown is intertwined and an inseparable part of the policies they put in place,” Wilcox said.
#According to the lawsuit, in the fall of 2020, Superintendent Brabrand and the School Board saw a reporting requirement by the Virginia Department of Education to include the racial/ethnic make-up and socioeconomic diversity of its students, faculty, and applicants as an opportunity “to completely overhaul the TJ admissions process in order to racially balance the school’s demographics, going far beyond the minimal reporting requirements.”
#Located in Alexandria, TJ is a regional Virginia state-chartered magnet school operated by FCPS with students eligible for admission from Fairfax, Arlington, Loudoun, and Prince William counties, and the City of Falls Church. TJ is ranked the number one public high school in the 2020 National Rankings.
#The School Board voted to eliminate the TJ merit-based admissions test at its Oct. 6 work session with no public comment opportunity. The complaint quotes Brabrand during the discussion at the work session with the Board to say that eliminating the merit admissions test “eliminat[es] the testing component that squeezed out talent and squeezed out diversity in our system.” Board members said they hoped the new process increased Black and Hispanic representation in the student body.
#On Dec. 17, the School Board voted and adopted, with immediate implementation, further changes to the TJ admissions policy applicable to the incoming TJ freshman Class of 2025 and to future years. The Board adopted the challenged admissions policy that limits the number of students accepted from each county feeder middle school to the top 1.5 percent who meet the minimum evaluation criteria-GPA, student portrait sheet, problem-solving essay, and experience factors: including economically disadvantaged students, English language learners, or special education students.
#The lawsuit alleges that coupled with the high concentration of Asian-American students at four middle schools – Carson, Kilmer, Rocky Run, and Longfellow – and their history of sending large numbers of students to TJ, racial balancing could be accomplished.
#According to the complaint, the plaintiffs sought “to vindicate the rights of Asian-American public school children in and around Fairfax County, Virginia, to compete on an equal footing for admission to the nationally-ranked Thomas Jefferson High School for Science and Technology (TJ) without regard to their race.” Overall, Plaintiffs’ data analysis reported in the complaint that the student body at TJ, at approximately 73 percent Asian-American students under the merit-based race-blind admissions system would drop to 31 percent under the new racial-balancing admissions system for the Class of 2025 with “no other racial group projected to lose seats.”
#The lawsuit alleges changes to admissions violate the Equal Protection Clause of the Fourteenth Amendment “…a promise that government at every level will treat every American as an individual, not simply as a member of his or her racial group. Policies like the one implemented by FCPS stand in direct opposition to that promise.”
#THE PLAINTIFFS requested entry of an order requiring the Defendants to return to the admissions procedure for entry into TJ in the fall of 2020. “The Coalition for TJ is not going to stand for this kind of discrimination against Asian-American students and they are here to fight for equal protection for their children,” said Wilcox.
#Julia McCaskill, an immigrant, and parent of a TJ student and students in grades 8 and 6, said at the March 10 press conference that TJ does not belong to a certain race or certain group of people. Low admission rates at TJ for Black and Hispanics are the failure of the FCPS Board, according to McCaskill. “They failed those under-represented areas over the decades instead of fixing the pipeline issue. The authorities are stirring up hate against Asian-Americans hoping to slash the number of Asian-American students will fix the overdue school problem.”
#Asra Nomani, a cofounder of Coalition for TJ and parent of a senior at TJ, said during the press conference that she came to the United States at age four from India. Nomani said she was proud to be working the past nine months with families who came to the United States from communist China and eastern Europe, India, and other places where they faced injustice. “They never could have imagined that they would face injustice in America,” she said.
#A Fairfax County Public Schools spokesperson provided a statement saying, “The process continues to be race-neutral and merit-based… As a Governor’s school, we value diversity and believe that it contributes to the richness of the education at TJHSST.”
#Parents of 17 middle school students filed the initial lawsuit in November 2020 to overturn the School Board’s decision to eliminate the standardized admission test for TJ and the $100 application fee. On Feb. 2, a Fairfax Circuit Court Judge John M. Tran denied the parents’ request to require mandatory standardized testing in the admissions process. Tran said, “The debate over standardized testing belongs to educational professionals.”
#On Friday, March 12, Wilcox said that the next step would be the defendants’ response, either an Answer or a Motion to Dismiss, in approximately 60 days. “I’ve seen in various news articles that FCPS issued a statement on Wednesday. Their legal response to our complaint will be one of the documents mentioned,” Wilcox said.
Source: http://www.connectionnewspapers.com/news/2021/mar/19/lawsuit-challenges-tj-admission-changes/
Judge declines to halt elite school’s admissions changes
FAIRFAX, Va. (AP) — A judge on Tuesday refused to issue an injunction to stop an elite northern Virginia high school from changing its admissions policies.
Fairfax County Public Schools is overhauling the admissions process at Thomas Jefferson High School for Science and Technology, which has been ranked as the top public high school in the country.
The school board hopes the changes will increase diversity at the school, which has long failed to attract Black and Hispanic students. Standardized tests that have long been part of the admissions process have been scrapped in favor of a more holistic review.
Supporters of the existing system sued, citing state regulations designating TJ as a school for the gifted and stating that giftedness should be measured by a standardized test.
Circuit Court Judge John Tran declined to issue an injunction that would immediately bar the changes from taking effect, but the lawsuit itself can still go forward.
A conservative legal group is also weighing a challenge based on racial discrimination against Asian Americans who currently make up a majority of the student body.
Students, Parents Challenge TJ Admissions Changes
Coalition for TJ | Press Release
Seventeen parents filed a lawsuit against the Fairfax County School Board and Fairfax County Public Schools Superintendent Scott Brabrand for illegally changing the admissions process at Thomas Jefferson High School for Science and Technology.
TJ, as the school is known, is the nation’s top-ranked public high school, according to U.S. News & World Report. Established in 1985, the STEM-focused Governor’s School has long maintained rigorous, merit-based, race-blind admissions standards that include the administering of a set of standardized tests. In an October 6 work session, however, the Fairfax County School Board voted to abolish the school’s admissions tests, and the superintendent abruptly eliminated the tests from this year’s admissions process.
The lawsuit alleges that the school board and superintendent violated state laws and regulations requiring that a “nationally norm-referenced aptitude test” be used as part of the TJ admissions process to identify gifted learners with an aptitude for STEM. As a Governor’s School, TJ provides services to gifted students, or advanced academic learners, and receives special funding from the Commonwealth for this purpose.
Today, the Coalition for TJ held a press conference outside the Fairfax County Courthouse, announcing that the 17 parents had filed a lawsuit against school officials. “The basis for the complaint against Fairfax County School Board and Scott Brabrand is relatively simple,” Coalition for TJ co-founder Glenn Miller said at the news conference. “Virginia law, which is the superior law and controls the actions of Fairfax County and its school board, contains specific requirements that must be followed in order to admit students to TJ. Fairfax County and its school board violated those laws. As such, the Fairfax County School Board and the superintendent acted beyond their authority and acted arbitrarily and capriciously.”
The abolition of TJ’s standardized admissions tests will invariably reduce the number of Asian students at the school. The lawsuit’s 17 plaintiffs are families of current middle schoolers who are disadvantaged by the admissions changes. Plaintiff James Pan, father of a gifted middle schooler, spoke at today’s press conference. “FCPS is using the pretext of banning the test for their goal of reducing Asians at TJ,” Pan said. “The government is using a process that is plain old bigotry.”
Plaintiff and middle school parent Srinivas Akella said that he chose to live in Fairfax County for its program for gifted students and for TJ, in particular. “The school board and FCPS arbitrarily made changes to the admissions process in violation of state law,” Akella said today. “I have faith in our judiciary, and I am petitioning them as a last avenue since there was no other recourse left for me to pursue.”
Following the plaintiffs’ remarks at today’s press conference, Coalition for TJ co-founder Asra Nomani spoke of the opportunities that TJ has afforded generations of immigrants in Fairfax County. “My father came here for the American Dream. My son pursued it here in this country and is now a student at Thomas Jefferson High School for Science and Technology,” Nomani said. “We should not allow anyone — including the Fairfax County School Board and Superintendent Scott Brabrand — to stand in the way of justice. We are all here for the justice that America provides, and I applaud these courageous families.”