中国航天员首次进入自己空间站 专家:标志着中国已成太空领域有实力新玩家

中国航天员首次进入自己空间站 专家:标志着中国已成太空领域有实力新玩家

来自 / 联合早报 | 文 / 于泽远













今年和明年将接续 实施11次飞行任务


英文电子杂志“Go Taikonauts”创办人之一陈蓝昨天发表文章说,神舟十二号发射以及中国空间站的首次入驻,和20多年前国际空间站的首次入驻具有相似的意义,都代表了人类在太空的持续存在。不同的是,这次是不同的国家,不同的人。中国在太空中的人口比例已经不输美俄,它将改变几十年来美俄主导的太空格局。


Jun 17, 2021

Shenzhou-12 astronauts enter space station core module
Jun 17, 2021

First virtual student ‘enrolls’ at Tsinghua University

By Cheng Yu


Hua Zhibing, China’s first virtual student enabled by the country’s largest pre-trained model, made its debut on Tuesday.

With the move, Hua officially became a student in the Department of Computer Science and Technology at Tsinghua University in Beijing.

Hua, a “woman”, is able to compose poetry and music and has some ability in reasoning and emotional interaction.

The virtual student was co-developed by the Beijing Academy of Artificial Intelligence, Zhipu AI and a company, Xiaoice. It is powered by the second generation of WuDao, a pre-trained model.

“Compared with other common pre-trained models like GPT-3, WuDao is a multimodal model, which can understand and generate pictures and other content formats,” said Tang Jie, deputy dean of academic affairs at the academy and a Tsinghua University professor.

GPT-3 is English-centered, while WuDao is multilingual, including in both English and Chinese. In the future, more languages will be added, Tang said.

“WuDao is also more open than GPT-3 and many other pre-trained models. The training data, programming codes and model APIs are all open to the public,” he added.

Tang pointed out that the potential of such models is huge, as many real scenarios can use the same model with more general large pre-trained models.

“The key significance of WuDao is that it lowers the application threshold of AI and reduces the cost of the training process of machine learning models, including labor costs and carbon emissions,” he said.


China’s first virtual student developed by Tsinghua U meets fans on Weibo

By Global Times


Hua Zhibing, China’s first virtual student developed by Tsinghua University Photo: Screenshot of Weibo

China’s first virtual student developed by Tsinghua University met fans on Thursday as she opened an account on China’s Twitter-like Sina Weibo platform. 

In the first Weibo post, the female virtual student named Hua Zhibing, greeted Chinese netizens and said that she will start studying in the computer laboratory in Tsinghua University.

Hua Zhibing attracted close to 2,000 followers on Weibo in about nine hours.

A video introducing Hua Zhibing was published in her first Weibo post. In it, a young girl wanders around the campus while a female voice introduces herself.

“I’ve been addicted to literature and art since I was born. The scientists not only gave me my appearance and my voice but also taught me to compose,” Hua Zhibing said, noting said the background music in the video was composed by her. 

The girl in the video was a real person but the face and voice were virtually synthesized, Tang Jie, a professor at the Department of Computer Science of Tsinghua University, one of the major developers of Hua Zhibing, said during a forum on artificial intelligence held between Tuesday and Thursday in Beijing.

Hua Zhibing officially registered and became a student of Tsinghua University on Tuesday. Developers said at the forum that they have high expectations for Hua Zhibing, hoping she can keep learning, exploring and cultivating the abilities of creativity and communication in the future. She might also be employed after graduating from the university, developers said.  

Hua Zhibing was based on the latest version of a China-developed deep learning model,  Wudao 2.0, which literally means “understanding of natural laws.” It can process 1.75 trillion parameters, breaking the record of 1.6 trillion previously set by Google’s Switch Transformer AI language model. 

The appearance of Hua Zhibing soon became a hot topic on Weibo. 

Some are amazed by how China has advanced in the field of artificial intelligence. Some netizens said they were curious whether scientists would create a humanoid robot named Hua Zhibing, rather than a virtual face and voice.

Some joked that if more robots like Hua Zhibing, which can learn and work, are created in the future, population decline would not be a problem in the world.
