全美校园仇恨言论增加 520万学生曾遭霸凌

全美校园仇恨言论增加 520万学生曾遭霸凌





Tigard High School students walk out after peers posted social media video using racial slurs
Dec 1, 2021

Students at Tigard High School orchestrated a walkout to show support for students of color after a racist video appeared on TikTok by students at the school.


俄勒冈州泰格德高中(Tigard High School)学生月初开始发起抗议游行,该学区10月时报告校园中仇恨言论不断增加,参与此次抗议的学生索柯拉姆(Sean Sorkoram)接受CNN采访表示:「这不是现在才发生的事,只是刚好现在比以前得到更多关注。」

上月明尼苏达州数十名学生参与抗议活动,起因为一支在社群媒体上大量转发的影片,影片中一名少女不断对一名非裔高中生飙骂种族歧视字眼,甚至鼓励对方自杀,该段影片引起当地及全国各方关注。派瑞尔湖高中(Prior Lake High School)的学生妮雅.西金(Nya Sigin)上个月接受CNN采访表示她是影片中的受害者,西金的姐姐及多所学校的学生向校方举报该影片后,目前警方正在调查此事件。

密西根州一名15岁非裔学生的家长上个月向校方提起1.5亿元联邦集体诉讼,诉讼中指出布鲁菲尔山高中(Bloomfield Hills High School)的非裔学生及家长与白人职员及学生「经历了种族歧视、不公、伤害,且有时危险的交互」,诉讼提到学区官员未能采取行动阻止种族歧视,校方表示不会对待判决的诉讼细节发表评论,并在声明中表示「公平及包容会继续作为布鲁菲尔山高中的优先事项。」


费城捷运上被暴打 女华生首露面:我不是英雄




宾州费城东南捷运(SEPTA)华裔高中女生遭仇视殴打案,引起全美华社高度关注,活跃于纽约市的亚裔维权大联盟11月30日率领众多侨团华人,专程到费城参与示威游行;见义勇为的受害者Christina Lu在案发后首次出现在大众面前,表示任何时候都会坚决反抗暴力和霸凌行为,帮助弱势群体脱困。

Young Woman Beaten On SEPTA Train Shares Important Message
Nov 30, 2021









Teen Victim Speaks Out For First Time Following Racially Motivated Attack Aboard SEPTA Train

By Matt Petrillo


PHILADELPHIA (CBS) — The young woman who was brutally beaten as a group of Asian American students were attacked aboard a SEPTA train earlier this month is speaking for the first time since the assault. The 18-year-old Central High School student spoke outside the Municipal Services Building in Center City Tuesday afternoon, where people rallied demanding justice, safety and an end to violence.

Christina Lu spoke to the crowd for several minutes. She recalled being kicked and stomped on in what officials called a racially-motivated attack on a SEPTA subway ride as she headed home from school earlier this month. In a one-on-one with Eyewitness News, Lu said she has a message for her attackers.

Christina Lu

Pounding the pavement and demanding they want justice, dozens of people marched from the Municipal Services Building near City Hall and up North Broad Street to school district headquarters in Spring Garden Tuesday, demanding safety for students and rallying in support of Lu. Many held signs that say, “Stop school bullying.”

“No one should live in fear,” Lu said.

Lu made her first public comments since the horrifying moments she was kicked and stomped on a SEPTA subway train while heading home from school earlier this month. The violent assault, which was caught on camera, happened on a train near the Erie station around 3:30 p.m. on Nov. 17.

Cellphone video shows a freshman Central High School student, who is of Asian descent, being attacked on the Broad Street Line subway while heading home from school. The video then shows Lu, a senior Central High School student, who’s also of Asian descent, trying to intervene, but she is thrown to the floor and then kicked and stomped on.

Lu had initially intervened, trying to stop the attackers from beating up younger Asian American students.

“From the moment I stepped in, I didn’t care who either party were, I only cared to deescalate the problem,” she said.

Lu spoke to a crowd of supporters, many holding signs that read “Stop Asian hate” after police called the attack racially motivated.

“I’m a little overwhelmed by the support,” she said.

Lu also spoke with Eyewitness News in an exclusive interview. She was asked about the four people who attacked her. Police identified them as African American girls ages 13 to 16 years old. They’re now charged with aggravated assault, ethnic intimidation and related charges.

“I hope that they learn from this incident, and to be a better person,” Lu said. “Because I know that they’re just kids and they have a great future ahead.”

“They’re just kids and they have a great future ahead” — those are the words Lu said about the same people who attacked her. She also said SEPTA needs to do more to make people feel safe when using public transit.

Lu says she wants to see change. She says people must learn to be open-minded.

“Everyone has been calling me a hero, but I really am not,” Lu said. “I’m just an ordinary girl from an ordinary family who saw people in need of help and so I tried to help. I’ll continue to stand up against bullying and violence and help people in need.”

On Monday, Philadelphia City Council called for SEPTA’s Police Department to hire more officers as it has almost 50 vacancies.


Asian student attacked on SEPTA train heads public safety rally

FOX 29 Philadelphia


Asian student attacked on SEPTA train heads public safety rally

Hundreds attended a rally to protest Asian hate after an Asian student was attacked on a SEPTA train

CENTER CITY – Hundreds of people took to Center City on Tuesday to call for an end to Asian Hate and an increase in safety for young people. The rally comes in response to a viral video showing a group of Asian students from Central High School being attacked on a SEPTA train.

Christina Lu, the Central high school student who was attacked talked publicly for the first time.

“Everyone has been calling me a hero, but I really am not,” Lu said. “I’m just an ordinary girl from an ordinary family who saw people in need of help and so I tried to help.”

Lu’s decision to step in while students from another high school bullied and berated a group of Asian students on a SEPTA train lead to a nationwide outcry.

John Chin, with the Philadelphia Chinatown Development Corporation, organized the rally. “Today’s message is about demanding safety, justice and accountability,” Chin commented.

The disturbing viral video shows Lu being thrown to the ground and hit several times.

“From the moment I stepped in, I didn’t care who either party were,” Lu said. “I only cared to de-escalate the problem so that no one would get hurt. Many have said that I should have fought back or that the boys were cowards. First of all, violence against violence isn’t one of my values. Second, the double standards in our society where boys are to be strong and girls are to be obedient has pained me.”

City Council Member-At-Large Daniel Oh spoke at the rally just a day after he led a five-hour hearing about safety on public transportation.

“I introduced a resolution on the lack of safety with SEPTA prior to this video coming out. It was actually immediately after the rape on the El,” Oh explained.

Christina’s friends and classmates also came out in support.

“My girlfriend and I – I’m Black and she’s Asian and a lot of people would be like, ‘Oh no, mixing races,’ especially amongst the Black community,” said Central High Student Parker McCall. “Whereas we feel like we gotta stick to ourselves but it shouldn’t be about race. Race is a human, man-made construct.  We are all on,e we are all human.”

GoFundMe was created to help Christina stop Asian Hate and has raised over $750,000 so far.


Support Christina in Advocating for Public Safety


Officials Investigating Violent Attack At SEPTA’s Erie Station Involving Teenagers
Nov 17, 2021

Community members hold rally for justice at City Hall following SEPTA attack

Rally participants plan to deliver demands for safety to the Philadelphia School District and the School Board.

By 6abc Digital Staff and Bob Brooks


A rally for justice was held Tuesday in front of City Hall following the attack earlier this month on a Central High School student.

PHILADELPHIA (WPVI) — A rally for justice was held Tuesday in front of Philadelphia City Hall following the attack earlier this month on a Central High School student.

The incident happened on Wednesday, November 17, on a Broad Street Orange Line SEPTA train.

The victim, 18-year-old Christina Lu, stepped in when Asian students on the train were being bullied and assaulted. She was then hit in the face multiple times, including her head slammed against the side of the train.

Lu was hospitalized for her injuries and required follow-up care.

“From the moment that I stepped in, I didn’t care who either side was. I only cared to de-escalate the problem so that no one would get hurt,” said Lu.

The suspects are facing ethnic intimidation charges.

But Lu says what happened can bring change in the city.

“I hope that all people from different backgrounds realize the true meaning of my message. We need to be united as one,” added Lu.

SEPTA police said the suspects involved in a violent assault involving students on the Broad Street Line are multiple charges, including ethnic intimidation.

Lu’s family organized the rally to call on Philadelphia officials to address the growing violence in the city.

Rally participants also delivered demands for safety to the School District and the School Board in front of the Philadelphia School District building.

“Now is our time to exercise our voice and our vision for what a true public safety vision looks like for everyone,” said Philadelphia Councilwoman Helen Gym, who also was in attendance. “For what Brotherly love for our students actually looks like.”


Mother of teen attacked on SEPTA subway calls for improved transit safety

A City Council convened a hearing following several violent incidents on SEPTA trains

PhillyVoice Staff


Philadelphia City Council held a joint committee hearing to discuss safety on SEPTA following several violent incidents this fall

The mother of a Central High School student who was attacked on a SEPTA subway train earlier this month urged transit officials to enact new safety measures as soon as possible during a Philadelphia City Council hearing Monday.

The hearing, jointly held by two council committees, followed several violent incidents on SEPTA vehicles this fall, including a sexual assault on the Market-Frankford Line and the attack of Christina Lu on the Broad Street Line in November. 

Yun Lin Chen, Lu’s mother, was among several people who testified at the hearing. Lu, 18, was attacked after she intervened in an altercation between groups of Black and Asian high school students. Chen testified as a last-minute replacement for Lu, who was unavailable. 

“Usually it takes between three and five minutes for the train to arrive at the next station. However, during those three or five minutes, violent events can happen,” Chen said through a translator. “If there was a security guard in the [train] car, my daughter would not have had to intervene.” 

Chen testified that SEPTA officials told her additional safety measures would be implemented following the attack. She called for those changes to be implemented as soon as possible, noting both of her children have been physically attacked. She encouraged the committee members to imagine how they would react if they were her. 

In a video of the incident, which was widely spread on social media, four Black teenage girls could be heard accusing a group of Asian teen boys of attempting to throw them off the train. The tension escalates until Yu attempts to protect the Asian teen boys. 

The video then shows Lu being pushed into a train door and onto the ground, where she was kicked, punched and beaten with a shoe. She later got off the subway, found a transit officer, and was transported to Temple University Hospital. The four teen girls later were charged with ethnic intimidation and aggravated assault, among other offenses. 

“The object is not to point blame, but the object is to find solutions,” Councilmember Curtis Jones, chair of the Committee on Public Safety, said in his opening statements. “Our city depends on it.” 

“Ultimately, a safe system is one that’s heavily used and utilized,” Councilmember Helen Gym said. “You can’t simply will something into existence, we have to create it.” 

Gym emphasized the importance of the public transit system, and the severe decrease in SEPTA ridership during the COVID-19 pandemic. She stressed that the city’s economic recovery has not necessarily resulted in SEPTA’s economic recovery. 

SEPTA General Manager Leslie Richards was among three people who testified on behalf of the transit system. She focused on existing initiatives and pilot programs that aim to ensure the safety of riders and SEPTA workers. 

She pointed to the transit system’s SCOPE Program, which pairs social service specialists with transit police at high-volume stations dealing with vulnerable populations. The program aims to augment “traditional policing strategies with social service initiatives, building stronger relationships with communities we serve,” Richards said. 

SEPTA recently received more than $3 million to expand the program. 

SEPTA Police Chief Thomas J. Nestel III noted the “shifting attitude” about policing among civil rights activists throughout the United States. 

“While we’re focused on keeping people safe, we do that while assuring that people are treated with respect,” Nestel said. 

Nestel and Richards each addressed the current transit police shortage. Though SEPTA budgets for 260 transit police officers, it only has 213 officers, Richards said. Nestel noted that transit police make less than the city’s police officers. 

Nestel said a safety plan that exists specifically for high-volume areas on the Broad Street and Market-Frankford lines, but he did not have details on hand during the hearing. 

Kevin Bethel, chief of school safety at the School District of Philadelphia, addressed the incidents of gun violence that have occurred outside district facilities over the last several months. 

In October, a 13-year-old boy was fatally shot while walking to E.W. Rhodes Middle School in North Philly. And in September, a shooting near Lincoln High School killed a 66-year-old man and wounded a 16-year-old student.

“We have to look at things differently as an organization,” Bethel said. He spoke on the recently announced “Safe Path” program, which will pay community members to serve as unarmed patrols during arrival and dismissal times at four city schools. 

“We continue to work in an effort to create a safer environment,” Bethel said. “We’re providing additional eyes and ears supporting SEPTA at the Broad and Olney station.”

Other speakers included Brian Pollitt, acting president of TWU Local 234; Omari Bervine and Troy Parham, of the Fraternal Order of Transit Police; and representatives from the Pennsylvania chapter of the National Organization for Women and Philadelphia’s Women Organized Against Rape.



郑重提醒在美中国公民加强安全防范 警惕针对亚裔的歧视和暴力






















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US virologists synthesize infectious SARS-like coronavirus in 2008: PNAS



BEIJING — A group of US virologists reported “the design, synthesis, and recovery of the largest synthetic replicating life form,” a 29.7-kb bat SARS-like coronavirus in an article published in the US scientific journal PNAS as early as October 2008.

The article reported the creation in laboratory of the coronavirus, which was not only infectious in mice, but also in human airway epithelial cell cultures.

Researchers have the ability to design and synthesize various SARS-like coronaviruses, said Ralph Baric, professor at the University of North Carolina and leading author of the article published in the scientific journal PNAS.

Since 1983, Baric has published over 400 papers in his own name or as an instructor, including 268 papers on coronavirus. He has been exploring the analysis, manipulation and creation of coronavirus, and recombining, cloning, modifying and transforming different viruses for more than 30 years, according to a report by China’s Science and Technology Daily on Thursday.

Insufficient fund had been the biggest headache of Baric in his study of coronavirus until the outbreak of SARS in 2003, which proved to the world the lethality of coronavirus and the tremendous damage coronavirus could inflict on humanity.

In 2006, after an unknown number of generations of targeted culture of viruses by Baric’s team, a mutation that can successfully cause rapid death in mice appeared, and this new virus can infect humans and lead to pneumonia and higher mortality.

In a report, he warned that the technology of synthesizing virus sequences has the potential to be used to make biological weapons of mass destruction. However, his warning was seen as an advertisement by warmongers.

The Fort Detrick lab researchers were among the inventors of many of Baric’s granted patents. This practice is more conducive to covert patent sharing, so that the staff of the lab will no longer have to pay patent fees for virus preparation in the future.

The article described Baric’s creation of coronavirus with an aim to respond to health emergencies as “confusing.”



Joint Statement from HHS Public Health and Medical Experts on COVID-19 Booster Shots

Media Statement

For Immediate Release: Wednesday, August 18, 2021
Contact: Media Relations
(404) 639-3286

Today, public health and medical experts from the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) released the following statement on the Administration’s plan for COVID-19 booster shots for the American people.

The statement is attributable to Dr. Rochelle Walensky, Director of the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC); Dr. Janet Woodcock, Acting Commissioner, Food and Drug Administration (FDA); Dr. Vivek Murthy, U.S. Surgeon General; Dr. Francis Collins, Director of the National Institutes of Health (NIH); Dr. Anthony Fauci, Chief Medical Advisor to President Joe Biden and Director of the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases (NIAID); Dr. Rachel Levine, Assistant Secretary for Health; Dr. David Kessler, Chief Science Officer for the COVID-19 Response; and Dr. Marcella Nunez-Smith, Chair of the COVID-19 Health Equity Task Force:

“The COVID-19 vaccines authorized in the United States continue to be remarkably effective in reducing risk of severe disease, hospitalization, and death, even against the widely circulating Delta variant. Recognizing that many vaccines are associated with a reduction in protection over time, and acknowledging that additional vaccine doses could be needed to provide long lasting protection, we have been analyzing the scientific data closely from the United States and around the world to understand how long this protection will last and how we might maximize this protection. The available data make very clear that protection against SARS-CoV-2 infection begins to decrease over time following the initial doses of vaccination, and in association with the dominance of the Delta variant, we are starting to see evidence of reduced protection against mild and moderate disease. Based on our latest assessment, the current protection against severe disease, hospitalization, and death could diminish in the months ahead, especially among those who are at higher risk or were vaccinated during the earlier phases of the vaccination rollout. For that reason, we conclude that a booster shot will be needed to maximize vaccine-induced protection and prolong its durability.

“We have developed a plan to begin offering these booster shots this fall subject to FDA conducting an independent evaluation and determination of the safety and effectiveness of a third dose of the Pfizer and Moderna mRNA vaccines and CDC’s Advisory Committee on Immunization Practices (ACIP) issuing booster dose recommendations based on a thorough review of the evidence. We are prepared to offer booster shots for all Americans beginning the week of September 20 and starting 8 months after an individual’s second dose. At that time, the individuals who were fully vaccinated earliest in the vaccination rollout, including many health care providers, nursing home residents, and other seniors, will likely be eligible for a booster. We would also begin efforts to deliver booster shots directly to residents of long-term care facilities at that time, given the distribution of vaccines to this population early in the vaccine rollout and the continued increased risk that COVID-19 poses to them.

“We also anticipate booster shots will likely be needed for people who received the Johnson & Johnson (J&J) vaccine. Administration of the J&J vaccine did not begin in the U.S. until March 2021, and we expect more data on J&J in the next few weeks. With those data in hand, we will keep the public informed with a timely plan for J&J booster shots as well.

“Our top priority remains staying ahead of the virus and protecting the American people from COVID-19 with safe, effective, and long-lasting vaccines especially in the context of a constantly changing virus and epidemiologic landscape. We will continue to follow the science on a daily basis, and we are prepared to modify this plan should new data emerge that requires it.

“We also want to emphasize the ongoing urgency of vaccinating the unvaccinated in the U.S. and around the world. Nearly all the cases of severe disease, hospitalization, and death continue to occur among those not yet vaccinated at all. We will continue to ramp up efforts to increase vaccinations here at home and to ensure people have accurate information about vaccines from trusted sources. We will also continue to expand our efforts to increase the supply of vaccines for other countries, building further on the more than 600 million doses we have already committed to donate globally.”


Six Spaces Home Staging

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Fairfax, VA
Contact: Hongliang Zhang
Tel: 571-474-8885
Email: zhl19740122@gmail.com

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