开源软件却宣称是自己的? 川普新社群平台遭控侵权

开源软件却宣称是自己的? 川普新社群平台遭控侵权



  美国前总统川普稍早宣布将推出自家社群平台“TRUTH Social”,不料才过没几日,就被软件自由保护协会(Software Freedom Conservancy,简称SFC)指控违反免费和开源软件许可协议,要求限期30日内改善,否则将提告。

  根据川普媒体科技集团(TMTG)的声明,TRUTH Social已经在苹果App Store开放预购,用户也可以到官网申请加入邀请名单,预计11月推出测试版,2022年第一季在美国正式上线。

  不过,软件自由保护协会主席Bradley Kuhn表示,该平台是以免费开源软件“Mastodon”为基础打造,原本任何人都可以自由使用,但TMTG却宣称编码内容是私人专属,且不肯分享编码内容,违反免费和开源软件许可协议,“TMTG无视那些为社会公益而制定的重要规则。”



Mastodon (software)

Mastodon is free and open-source software for running self-hosted social networking services. It has microblogging features similar to the Twitter service, which are offered by a large number of independently run Mastodon nodes (known as “instances”), each with its own code of conductterms of service, privacy options, and moderation policies.[5][6]

Each user is a member of a specific Mastodon instance, which can interoperate as a federated social network, allowing users on different nodes to interact with each other. This is intended to give users the flexibility to select a server whose policies they prefer, but keep access to a larger social network. Mastodon is also part of the Fediverse ensemble of server platforms, which use shared protocols allowing users to also interact with users on other compatible platforms,[7] such as PeerTube and Friendica.

The Mastodon mascot is an animal with a trunk, resembling a mastodon or mammoth, sometimes depicted using a tablet or smartphone. Messages posted using the software are known as “toots”.



文 / 潘万莉





Fang (Winnie) Schreck | United Real Estate
Tel: 551-580-4856 | Email: F.WINNIE.S@GMAIL.COM




Donald Trump Falls Off The Forbes 400 For First Time In 25 Years

By Dan Alexander | Forbes Staff


Donald Trump is worth an estimated $2.5 billion, leaving him $400 million short of the cutoff to make this year’s Forbes 400 list of America’s richest people. The real estate mogul is just as wealthy as he was a year ago, when he stood at No. 339 on the ranking, but he is down $600 million since the start of the pandemic. Technology stocks, cryptocurrencies and other assets have thrived in the Covid era. But big-city properties—which make up the bulk of Trump’s fortune—have languished, knocking the former president out of the nation’s most exclusive club.

If Trump is looking for someone to blame, he can start with himself. Five years ago, he had a golden opportunity to diversify his fortune. Fresh off the 2016 election, federal ethics officials were pushing Trump to divest his real estate assets. That would have allowed him to reinvest the proceeds into broad-based index funds and assume office free of conflicts of interest.


From 1997 to 2016, Donald Trump maintained a spot in the top half of The Forbes 400. But things took a turn for the worse the year he won the presidency. After five years of dropping in the rankings, he’s now off the list entirely.

Others in the executive branch have little choice but to listen to ethics officials. People who hold assets that might conflict with their day jobs in government run the risk of violating the criminal conflicts-of-interest law. The president, however, is exempt from that statute, as Trump proudly noted during a press conference nine days before entering the White House. “I could actually run my business and run government at the same time,” he told a crowd of reporters assembled in Trump Tower. “I don’t like the way that looks, but I would be able to do that if I wanted to. I would be the only one that would be able to do that.”

Trump decided to hang onto his assets. At the time, they were worth an estimated $3.5 billion, after subtracting debt. If he had instead chosen to sell off everything, there is a chance that he would have had to pay significant capital gains taxes. Trump acquired his five most valuable holdings long ago, so he likely has huge untaxed gains locked in each of them. If he paid the maximum possible capital gains tax—23.8% to the federal government, plus 8.8% to the New York State authorities on every penny he owned—that would have shaved about $1.1 billion off his fortune, leaving him with $2.4 billion on the first day of his presidency. But what would have appeared to be a huge sacrifice at first could have turned into a lucrative realignment. By plowing that $2.4 billion in an index fund tracking the S&P 500, for example, Trump’s fortune would have ballooned to $4.5 billion by now, leaving him 80% richer than he is today. His refusal to divest, in other words, cost him $2 billion.

And that’s a conservative estimate—it could have cost him far more. A little-known section in the federal tax code allows government workers who get rid of their holdings to obtain a document called a certificate of divestiture, which enables them to avoid paying capital gains taxes. Think of it as the government’s way of enticing officials to do the right thing and avoid conflicts of interest. Since Trump was not subject to the conflict-of-interest statute, however, he may not have been able to secure the perk. Walter Shaub, who ran the Office of Government Ethics at the time Trump was transitioning into his new role, told Forbes he would have been happy to hand Trump a certificate of divestiture, but it’s not clear whether officials inside the Internal Revenue Service would have honored the document. Trump’s team didn’t even ask about it, according to Shaub. “They never showed any interest in divestiture,” he said.

Close-mindedness has its costs. If Trump had managed to avoid capital gains taxes, he could have theoretically reinvested $3.5 billion into the S&P 500 on the day he entered the White House. In that alternate scenario, Trump would have been worth an estimated $7 billion by this September, when Forbes locked in estimates for its annual list, enough to earn a spot as the 133rd-richest person in the country. Instead, he’s off The Forbes 400 for the first time in a quarter-century.







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