

文章来源: 综合新闻




8月31日,马克西米利亚诺·乔纳斯(Maximiliano Jonas)在阿根廷马德林港海岸(coast of Puerto Madryn)拍摄了这一惊人的画面。

马克西米利亚诺用无人机拍摄到了一只南方露脊鲸和冲浪者之间的偶遇,冲浪者是他的朋友阿纳利娅·乔盖蒂(Analia Giorgetti),当时她正坐在划水板上与鲸鱼进行互动。




Whale Gently Pushes Paddleboarder With Fin
Sep 3, 2021

A drone captured the incredible moment a whale pushed a paddleboard with its fin.

Maximiliano Jonas filmed the amazing footage off the coast of Puerto Madryn, Argentina, on August 31.

Maximiliano used a drone to capture the moment a Southern right whale approached a paddler board on which his friend Analia Giorgetti was sitting.

Incredibly, the whale gently pushed the paddleboard forward with one of its fins, in a video that has gone viral online.

这段令人惊叹的视频也被分享到了海洋保护研究机构(Ocean Conservation Research)的脸书(Facebook)页面上,迄今为止获得了近20,000个反馈和令人难以置信的130万次浏览。

“马德林港是通往巴尔德斯半岛(Península Valdés)的门户,这里是一个对保护海洋哺乳动物具有全球意义的联合国教科文组织(UNESCO)的地点。”该组织分享说。







北卡罗莱纳州一只母熊自2017年起,就常到当地一名男子康利(Patrick Conley)后院拜访。康利将母熊命名为西蒙(Simone),称西蒙是只喜欢与人交互、友善的熊。日前西蒙的到访跟以往很不同,因为牠那次带了2个熊宝宝来跟康利「拜码头」。

May 2, 2021

First visit this year by your favorite girl, Simone! AND YES, SHE BROUGHT HER FIRST EVER LITTER OF CUBS!!!!

The collar is gone – nice! – and she looks well-fed. The cubs are the cutest things to ever have walked these woods, but then I’m kind of biased.

Being that it’s her first litter I tried my best not to spook her or the little ones. She seemed pretty comfortable with the proximity so I’m guessing we’ll be seeing her again soon.

For those of you with questions regarding Asheville’s rather unique bear situation the following article from November 2019 in The Wall Street Journal will provide many answers.






时间:周二到周五 晚间

周二: 如何准备遗嘱文件(遗嘱workshop)

周三: 数据泄露和个人身份保护&事业机会说明会

周四: 移民和留学生常见法律问题

周五: 小企业常见法律问题&事业机会说明会


游阿拉斯加遇到大棕熊 做对「这些事」全身而退





44岁佛罗里达州房地产经纪人西西莉雅诺(Cara Siciliano)当时和另2对夫妇、1名水上飞机机长一起参观卡特迈国家公园和自然保护区(Katmai Park)。拍下影片的西西莉雅诺表示:「同行的机长说他在这条小路上走了1000次,但从没有见过这样的事情!」





Incredible trip to Alaska we happen to encounter a bear walking right in front of us fortunately my seaplane captain kept everyone calm 🐻

♬ original sound – MrsB111

A remote mining camp is shown near Nome, Alaska, where a Coast Guard Air Station Kodiak aircrew rescued the survivor of a bear attack, on July 16, 2021. U.S. Coast Guard

Bear Pulls California Woman Out of Her Tent, Kills Her in Montana

Lokan was killed on the bear’s second visit to the site where she and two fellow bicyclists were camping near the post office, officials said.

By Amy Beth Hanson and Matthew Brown


This July 6, 2011, file photo shows a grizzly bear roaming near Beaver Lake in Yellowstone National Park, Wyo.

A grizzly bear pulled a woman from her tent in a small Montana town in the middle of the night and killed her before fellow campers could use bear spray to force the bruin out of the area, wildlife officials said Wednesday.

Leah Davis Lokan, 65, of Chico, California, was on a long-distance bicycling trip and had stopped in the western Montana town of Ovando when she was killed early Tuesday, said Montana Fish, Wildlife and Parks officials as they provided more details about the attack.

Lokan was killed on the bear’s second visit to the site where she and two fellow bicyclists were camping near the post office, officials said.

The approximately 400-pound grizzly first awakened the campers about 3 a.m., officials said. They took food out of their tents, secured it and went back to sleep, they said.

Surveillance video from a business in town showed the bear about a block from the post office about 15 minutes later, wildlife officials said.

About 4:15 a.m., the sheriff’s office received a 911 call after two people in a tent near the victim’s were awakened by sounds of the attack, Powell County Sheriff Gavin Roselles said. They discharged their bear spray, and the bear ran away.

The bear is also believed to have entered a chicken coop in town that night, killing and eating several chickens.

Officials searched by helicopter for the grizzly again Wednesday but couldn’t find it.

“At this point, our best chance for catching this bear will be culvert traps set in the area near the chicken coop where the bear killed and ate several chickens,” said Randy Arnold, Montana Fish, Wildlife and Parks regional supervisor in Missoula.

The bear will be killed if it is found, said Greg Lemon, a spokesperson for Fish, Wildlife and Parks.

Investigators have obtained DNA from the bear at the scene of the attack and will be able to compare it with any bruin they are able to trap, the agency said.

Lokan, a registered nurse who had worked at a hospital in Chico, had looked forward to the Montana bike trip for months, said Mary Flowers, a friend of the victim’s from Chico. Lokan had taken previous long-distance bike trips and on this one was accompanied by her sister and a friend, Flowers said.

“She loved these kind of adventures. A woman in her 60s, and she’s dong this kind of stuff — she had a passion for life that was out of the ordinary,” Flowers said.

Grizzly bears have run into increasing conflict with humans in the Northern Rockies over the past decade as the federally protected animals expanded into new areas and the number of people living and recreating in the region grew. That has spurred calls from elected officials in Montana and neighboring Wyoming and Idaho to lift protections so the animals could be hunted.

Ovando, about 60 miles northwest of Helena, is a community of fewer than 100 people at the edge of the sprawling Bob Marshall wilderness.

North of Ovando lies an expanse of forests and mountains, including Glacier National Park that stretches to Canada and is home to an estimated 1,000 grizzlies. It’s the largest concentration of the bruins in the contiguous U.S.

Fatal attacks are rare in the region. There have been three in the last 20 years, including Tuesday’s mauling, according to the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service.

In 2001, a hunter was killed by a grizzly with two cubs while he was gutting an elk at a wildlife management area west of Ovando. The three animals were shot and killed by wildlife officials days later.

Over the past 20 years, there have been eight fatal maulings of people by grizzlies from a separate population of about 700 bears in and around Yellowstone National Park. In April, a backcountry guide was killed by a grizzly bear while fishing along the park’s border in southwestern Montana.

Bears that attack people are not always killed if the mauling resulted from a surprise encounter or the bear was defending its young. But the bear involved in Lokan’s death is considered a public safety threat because of the circumstances of the attack, Lemon said.

Source: https://www.nbcbayarea.com/news/california/bear-pulls-california-woman-out-of-her-tent-hills-her-in-montana/2588715/