






杨振宁忆述当时美国报纸称中国主席毛泽东派了个飞机到陕北,去找美国的一个叫做寒春(编者注:寒春的英文名为Joan Hinton,核物理学家,1921年10月20日出生在芝加哥,2010年6月8日去世)的物理学家到北京去帮助中国制造原子弹。 























据新华社北京9月22日电 受中共中央总书记、国家主席、中央军委主席习近平委托,教育部负责同志9月22日到清华大学看望中国科学院院士、著名物理学家杨振宁,代表习近平赠送花篮,转达习近平对他百岁生日的祝福,祝愿他健康长寿。



Yang Zhenning’s 100th Birthday Speech: No Foreigners Participated in China’s Atomic Bomb Manufacturing



To celebrate the 100th birthday of Mr. Yang Zhenning, on the afternoon of September 22, Mr. Yang Zhenning’s academic thought seminar-Mr. He Yang’s 100th birthday, co-sponsored by Tsinghua University, the Chinese Physical Society, and the Chinese University of Hong Kong, was held at Tsinghua University.

At the meeting, Mr. Yang Zhenning delivered a speech under the theme of “I hope that people will be long, a journey of thousands of miles”, and the full text was published specially for readers.

I hope people will be long and have a common journey for thousands of miles

——At the seminar on Yang Zhenning’s academic thoughts

(Mr. He Yang’s 100th Birthday) Speech

Yang Zhenning

Dear leaders, guests, friends, and relatives:

I am very grateful to Tsinghua University, the Chinese University of Hong Kong, and the Chinese Physical Society for celebrating my 100th birthday in the lunar calendar. I didn’t expect that you invited so many people and had many contacts with me at different times. I visited New China for the first time in 1971 exactly fifty years ago. That interview was a very, very important part of my life, because it gave me a little understanding of New China for the first time, and this knowledge will have a very big impact on my life trajectory in the next 50 years.

In addition to seeing my father who was hospitalized during that visit, I also saw many relatives and friends. The most important and closest friend was Deng Jiaxian. A letter he wrote to me in 1971 was recently published in a book. The story here is like this. After the Chinese atomic bomb went off, American newspapers soon had various news. Among them, I noticed that Deng Jiaxian was among the characters who designed the Chinese atomic bomb. Deng Jia is a close friend of my middle school, university, and in the United States. I think his relationship with me is not only academic, but also surpassing the relationship between brothers, so of course I pay much attention to this news. I have also noticed another piece of news. It was said in the American newspapers that Chairman Mao had sent a plane to northern Shaanxi to bring the American physicist Han Chun to Beijing to help China build an atomic bomb. I know Hanchun because I have worked in the same laboratory as the University of Chicago for 20 months, and she wants me to teach her Chinese. She didn’t tell me why, until March 1948 she told all the teachers and students in the University of Chicago department that she was going to China to marry her boyfriend in northern Shaanxi.

Because of this, I have always wanted to know if the news is right, and I really want to know if China’s atomic bomb was made by the Chinese themselves without the help of foreigners. So during my four-week visit in 1971, I really wanted to ask these questions. Is the story about Hanchun’s participation in China’s atomic bomb true or false? But this is a sensitive question, so I dare not ask. Finally, after a few weeks in Beijing, I will go to Shanghai and fly back to the United States in a few days from Shanghai. When I left Beijing, but also when I went to the airport, Deng Jia sent me first. At that time, the airport in Beijing was very simple, so he accompanied me to the bottom of the flight stairs. I really couldn’t hold back anymore, I asked him if Hanchun participated in the design of the Chinese atomic bomb? He said that he didn’t think so, but he said he wanted to get certification with the organization and then told me.

So he went to contact the organization that day, and the organization told him that no foreigners participated in the manufacture of China’s atomic bomb , except for a little help from the Soviets at the beginning, and later it was basically done by the Chinese themselves. He wrote a letter. The letter was sent to Shanghai the next day. When I arrived, I was in the Shanghai Building. The messenger sent this letter during the meal. This letter has now been published on my one. Inside this new book. This letter is very interesting if you read it carefully, because it says that it verifies that China’s atomic bomb basically has no foreign participation, and of course there is no cold spring. There are a few paragraphs at the end of this letter that are very clear. He has seen me many times in those few weeks, and he has something to say to me, so he can’t say what he wants to say. What do you want to tell me, but I don’t know how to tell. At the end of this letter, he gave me an expectation like “I hope people will last forever”. He changed the “A Thousand Miles Together Chanjuan” into “A Thousand Miles of Common Journey”. I didn’t understand this after reading the letter. Sentence. What does “a common journey of thousands of miles” mean? I thought about it later and knew that this was a deep meaning. After the publication of this letter recently and after reading it carefully, I feel that fifty years from today, I can say to Deng Jiaxian: Jiaxian, I understand what you mean by “common way”, and I can confidently tell you that I am The next fifty years are in line with your “common path” expectations, and I believe you will also be satisfied. goodbye!


Xi sends birthday wishes to physicist



Yang Zhenning attends a book launch at Peking University on March 22, 2017. [Photo by Zhu Xingxin/CHINADAILY]

President Xi Jinping extended his best wishes to Yang Zhenning, also known as Yang Chen-ning, a physicist and academician of the Chinese Academy of Sciences, as Yang celebrated his 100th birthday on Wednesday.

Xi, who is also general secretary of the Communist Party of China Central Committee and chairman of the Central Military Commission, asked officials from the Ministry of Education to visit Yang at Tsinghua University and present a flower basket to the scholar on Xi’s behalf, wishing Yang a healthy and long life.

Yang received the Nobel Prize in Physics together with his colleague Tsung-dao Lee in 1957 for their theory of parity non-conservation in weak interaction.










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