

文章来源: 宁波市中级人民法院



经审理查明,2019年初,被告人沙迪德·阿布杜梅亭与被害人陈某某 (女,殁年21岁)相识,谎称自己离异单身,逐渐与陈某某建立男女朋友关系。自2021年5月中下旬开始,陈某某多次提出分手,沙迪德·阿布杜梅亭不同意并对陈某某进行言语威胁。2021年6月14日20时许,经事先联系,沙迪德·阿布杜梅亭携带折叠刀、衣物等,到达宁波市通途路南侧清水桥路口公交车站附近人行道与陈某某见面交谈。21时48分许,沙迪德·阿布杜梅亭用随身携带的折叠刀捅刺、切割陈某某颈部数刀,陈某某失去反抗能力后,又继续戳刺陈某某面部数刀,导致陈某某大出血当场死亡。




宁波美籍黑人外教残杀女学生案 更多作案细节披露

文章来源: 多维


据中国央视新闻客户端11月25日消息,浙江省宁波市中级人民法院在25日一审公开开庭审理了美国籍被告人沙迪德(Shadeed Abdulmateen)故意杀人一案。











据中国央视新闻客户端消息,宁波市人民检察院指控,美国籍被告人沙迪德(Shadeed Abdulmateen)于2019年与23岁的被害人陈某相识后,被告人谎称自己离异单身,并与陈某建立男女朋友关系。2021年5月下旬,陈某向沙迪德提出分手,遭到沙迪德反对和言语威胁。















宁波高校外教杀害女学生引发众怒 网民呼吁严惩 不让外籍身份成罪犯“护身符”

来自 / 联合早报 | 文 / 杨丹旭

























Foreign identity can’t be used as shield to escape punishment in China

By Lu Xue


File Photo: Xinhua

A woman on June 14 was murdered in Yinzhou district, Ningbo, East China’s Zhejiang Province. According to an online post purported to be parent of the victim, the victim is a college student in a local university and the alleged suspect is a foreign teacher who lectures at the college where the victim was studying. Local police announced on Saturday that it had arrested a suspect. But it didn’t identify the victim and suspect as a college student and teacher at the local university. 

This case has triggered wide public anger in China, with many netizens calling for the death sentence for the foreigner. Some worry that the alleged perpetrator would get a lighter sentence if he is foreign.

Hong Daode, a professor of criminal law at the China University of Political Science and Law, told Global Times on Sunday that such a narrative is a complete misconception. Some people have misled the public in this regard. They tend to compare the results of similar practices by Chinese nationals and their foreign counterparts, believing foreign ones get preferential treatment. 

For example, in July 2019, an international student in Fuzhou, East China’s Fujian Province, pushed a police officer who tried to stop him for illegally carrying a person on an electric scooter. This student was released after being criticized, which many citizens considered a very light punishment. They said if it were a Chinese, the punishment would be harder. Such rhetoric may have left many netizens the impression that foreign citizens who commit crimes in China will be given a lighter sentence.

But the fact is foreign nationals in China do not have extraterritorial rights, Hong said. “There is no such thing as a lighter sentence for foreigners who commit crimes in China. The legal provisions and judicial practice of China are absolutely equal to anyone regardless of their nationality, especially for criminal offenders.” Two Canadian citizens producing and trafficking a large amount of drugs were sentenced to death by Chinese courts in 2019 and 2020. Foreign identity cannot be a shield for foreign nationals to escape punishment in China. There is no doubt about that. 

With globalization and China’s increasing openness, more and more foreigners arrive in China to seek academic and employment opportunities. Against this backdrop, cases involving foreigners committing crimes in the country have arisen. The public’s attention to the cases should avoid focusing on the nationality of the suspect, but on the cases itself.

Yinzhou police authorities said in bulletin that they will strictly regulate the law enforcement, and ensure to make their case with conclusive evidence. It is expected that Yinzhou police will publish more information related to the case when the investigation progresses, in a bid to dispel the public’s suspicions about the sentencing of foreign suspects.

Furthermore, many netizens appeal for stronger supervision and verification of foreign teachers’ backgrounds in both public and cram schools. Some online posts alleged that the suspect, who was married, had harassed female students several times. If so, the suspect’s basic professional ethics as a teacher must be questioned.

The quality of foreign teachers in China is indeed uneven. Three or four decades ago, when China’s economy was backward, many foreigners were reluctant to come to China. It is rational that the criteria for recruiting a foreign teacher were low. But as the country has witnessed a rapid rise in terms of social and economic development, greater emphasis should be attached to the quality of foreign teachers, instead of quantity. The basic requirement for lecturers in most Chinese universities are PhD holders or above, and the threshold of foreign teachers should keep pace with it. It is hoped that the case, if proved, serves as an opportunity to strengthen the supervision of foreign teachers, to avoid repetition of such a tragedy.

Murder case allegedly committed by foreigner draws attention of Chinese netizens, calling for impartiality

By Global Times


File Photo: Xinhua

The murder of a woman by a foreigner in a university in East China’s Zhejiang Province has drawn public outrage, with many Chinese netizens calling for severe punishment and for the fact that he is a foreigner not to be a factor.

Many netizens have expressed regret and pain over the woman’s murder and some have called for impartiality in handling the case as they believe the nationality of the suspect should not be a factor given special treatment and could not be serve as a shield to dodge severe punishment. 

The Yinzhou public security bureau in Ningbo first reported the incident on Friday, in which it said the police received a report at 10 pm on June 14 that a woman had been killed in the woods near Shiji Avenue in Yinzhou district of Ningbo. The suspect, a foreign male, was arrested. According to his confession, he murdered the woman over a relationship dispute. 

In a second police release on Saturday, the local bureau said they had traced tools discarded by the suspect and objects related to the case. 

Higher-level public security organs have attached great importance to the case. The procuratorial organ has stepped in according to law and the bureau will strictly regulate law enforcement to ensure the case is properly handled, the Yinzhou public security bureau said in the latest release. 

The police did not reveal which country the foreign national comes from. 

According to an online post purported to be parent of the victim, the victim is a college student in a local university and the alleged suspect is a foreign teacher who lectures at the college where the victim was studying. The police didn’t identify the victim and suspect as a college student and teacher at the college. 

“In such a horrible and brutal case, the killer should never be given a lighter sentence just because he is a foreigner,” wrote one netizen on China’s Twitter-like social networking platform Sina Weibo.

In the past few years, there have been cases of foreigners receiving supranational treatment in various regions in China, which made this incident involving a crime committed by a foreigner of great interest to the public, observers noted.

Justice will definitely be carried out. This foreigner-related murder case in Yinzhou is a criminal case of serious nature, and the murderer will never escape the severe punishment of Chinese law, observers said. 

China’s criminal law provides that foreigners who commit criminal offenses in China’s territory, except those with diplomatic immunity, are directly subject to the disposal of Chinese criminal law.

Global Times