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每日美食 108:酸甜可口的糖醋菜





里脊肉 300g

小葱 2根

生姜 2-3片

大蒜 3瓣

香醋 5克

白砂糖 3克

生抽 5克

番茄酱 5克

盐 3克

玉米淀粉 适量

熟白芝麻 适量


1. 准备一小块里脊肉,葱姜蒜适量。

2. 里脊肉切粗条,筷子粗细。生姜切粗丝,小葱洗净切成段。

3. 里脊肉放入大碗中,加入葱段和姜丝,加一点生抽,一点点盐和五香粉,抓匀腌制10分钟左右。

4. 准备糖醋汁,小碗中加入适量味极鲜,香醋,适量的番茄酱,一点点盐和白砂糖,搅拌均匀。

5. 加入适量的玉米淀粉,搅拌均匀,即是糖醋汁又是芡汁。

6. 取三瓣大蒜,去皮洗净,先拍碎再剁成蒜蓉。

7. 取适量玉米淀粉在一个深盘中加入,腌制好的里脊肉去掉生姜和大葱,裹上一层玉米淀粉。

8. 锅里加入多一些油,油温五成热下入里脊肉小火炸熟,定型,捞出。

9. 升高油温到到八九成热,下入里脊肉复炸,炸至金黄色捞出备用。

10. 锅中留一点底油,放入蒜蓉小火炒香。

11. 倒入提前调好的糖醋汁,小火煮开。

12. 放入炸好的里脊肉。

13. 快速颠勺或者翻炒,使里脊肉均匀的裹上糖醋汁,即可出锅。

14. 撒一些熟白芝麻。



茄子 500g

蒜瓣 3个

香葱 2根

玉米淀粉 40g

玉米油 适量

香醋 5g

生抽 15g

老抽 5g

蚝油 10g

番茄酱 25g

白糖 8g

盐 1g

玉米淀粉 4g

水 3g


1. 准备好食材。

2. 茄子去皮洗净切块放入保鲜袋中,倒入40g玉米淀粉,捏紧开口后摇晃均匀,让茄块表面裹一层淀粉。

3. 蒜瓣、香葱切末备用。

4. 将糖醋汁的所有配料倒入碗里搅拌均匀调好备用。

5. 将电磁炉接通电源,选择爆炒模式,热油到七、八成热,这款电磁炉升温极快,所以比一般的热油时间短,烹饪的时候要留意一下火候。

6. 将茄块倒入油锅中炸至表面定型后再翻动,使茄块受热均匀,炸至表面金黄后捞出。

7. 另起锅,倒入少许玉米油,将蒜末煸炒出香味。

8. 倒入炸好的茄块翻炒几下。

9. 倒入调好的糖醋汁,炒至浓稠,让所有茄块都裹上即可出锅,撒葱花点缀一下即可。

10. 成品。 酸甜开胃,超级下饭呦!



鸡蛋 6个

蒜瓣 8个

香葱 适量

生抽 2勺

香醋 2勺

甜辣酱 2勺

耗油 2勺

白糖 1勺

淀粉 1勺

盐 适量

食用油 3勺


1. 准备食材;蒜瓣切末,香葱切碎。

2. 锅里刷一层薄薄的食用油。

3. 鸡蛋磕入锅里,鸡蛋黄慢慢往中间推,这样蛋黄就固定在中间了,看见蛋白凝固就可以翻面了。

4. 煎到你想要的成熟程度就可以了。

5. 调糖醋汁:碗里放2勺生抽,2勺香醋,2勺耗油 ,2勺甜辣酱,1勺白糖,少许眼,加入180克左右饮用水搅拌均匀。

6. 锅里放入3勺食用油,放入蒜末炒香。

7. 放入鸡蛋,倒入调好的糖醋汁烧开。

8. 1勺淀粉加60克左右饮用水搅拌均匀 倒入锅里勾芡。

9. 成品图。



Croissant Dozens Virtual Tour – more than 40 croissant and Danish creations in one book!
Jun 22, 2021

Jialin Tian

A virtual tour of my new book Croissant Dozens. In this book, you will find the secrets for making more than forty mouthwatering croissant dough creations, from the classic pain au chocolat, chausson aux pommes, and kouign-amann to the irresistible snails, from danish-retro reinventions of pinwheels, pockets, turnovers, swirls, and twists to modern-chic creations of mont-blanc, whiskey tarts, apricot hearts, and rose loaves. Finally, whimsical animal-inspired treats will please both the eye and the palate! Croissant Dozens opens new doors for discovering the tantalizing world of croissant pastries. Recipes are accompanied by step-by-step photographs to demonstrate procedures, dimensional diagrams to offer quick references, and photographs of finished works to provide inspiration. So, without further ado, let’s laminate!

About the Author

A former NASA research engineer, Jialin Tian developed a passion for making pastries while she was working on her doctoral dissertation in satellite instrumentation. Since then, the art of pastry making has brought her endless enjoyment. Classically trained, Jialin studied pastry and chocolate art at the prestigious French Pastry School in Chicago. She holds Certified Specialist of Spirits (CSS) and Certified Specialist of Wine (CSW) diplomas from the Society of Wine Educators. She is the author of eight cookbooks and the creative director and publisher at Jayca. Jialin received her PhD in electrical engineering from the Georgia Institute of Technology in 2004. She lives in the greater DC metro area.