


每日美食 165:五仁月饼做法






中筋面粉 35克

花生碎 80克

黑白芝麻 50克

南瓜籽 40克

蔓越莓干 30克

馅料用中筋面粉 10克

转化糖浆 25克

玉米油 9克

枧水 1克

麦芽糖 40克

蛋黄液 1个


1. 馅料用的坚果铺在烤盘里。

2. 入预热好的烤箱中层,150度20分钟左右,中途翻拌1次,坚果表面微黄即可出炉;也可放炒锅里,小火慢慢炒熟。

3. 晾至温热,放入切碎的蔓越莓干。

4. 月饼材料和模具准备好。

5. 转化糖浆、玉米油、枧水同入碗中,充分混合。

6. 倒入面粉,用刮刀混拌成不软不硬的面团。

7. 麦芽糖倒入坚果碎中;适量加些中筋面粉。

8. 戴上一次性手套,用手抓匀;麦芽糖除了调味,和面粉都有黏合的作用。

9. 皮馅比例2:8,馅料40克/个,皮子10克/个;馅料要用力捏揉成球。

10. 面团拍薄片,五仁馅料放上面。

11. 从四周向中间聚拢,包裹住五仁馅。

12. 6个依次完成。

13. 模具中撒少量中筋面粉,转动几下倒出多余的面粉;月饼面坯上也拍打薄薄一层面粉。

14. 将面坯调整塞入模具中;此时的五仁温度已经恢复成常温,可塑性差了,要稍微用点儿力才成。

15. 模具倒扣在铺了烤布的烤盘上,用力按压三下,顺利脱模。

16. 6个月饼生坯全部完成了;烤箱开始预热180度。

17. 生坯送入预热好的烤箱中层,先烤5分钟。

18. 取出晾3分钟,用羊毛刷子蘸少许蛋黄液在表面轻刷2遍。

19. 重新送入烤箱中层,180度烤15分钟;为防止表面颜色过深,我用锡纸做了一个“天棚”,不要直接挨着月饼,留出空气流动的空间。

20. 出炉后的月饼比较软,拿取易变形,5分钟后移到晾架上,完全凉透后入保鲜盒,2天后回油可食用。

21. 五仁月饼,薄皮大馅,味足料多不甜不腻!









Croissant Dozens Virtual Tour – more than 40 croissant and Danish creations in one book!
Jun 22, 2021

Jialin Tian

A virtual tour of my new book Croissant Dozens. In this book, you will find the secrets for making more than forty mouthwatering croissant dough creations, from the classic pain au chocolat, chausson aux pommes, and kouign-amann to the irresistible snails, from danish-retro reinventions of pinwheels, pockets, turnovers, swirls, and twists to modern-chic creations of mont-blanc, whiskey tarts, apricot hearts, and rose loaves. Finally, whimsical animal-inspired treats will please both the eye and the palate! Croissant Dozens opens new doors for discovering the tantalizing world of croissant pastries. Recipes are accompanied by step-by-step photographs to demonstrate procedures, dimensional diagrams to offer quick references, and photographs of finished works to provide inspiration. So, without further ado, let’s laminate!

About the Author

A former NASA research engineer, Jialin Tian developed a passion for making pastries while she was working on her doctoral dissertation in satellite instrumentation. Since then, the art of pastry making has brought her endless enjoyment. Classically trained, Jialin studied pastry and chocolate art at the prestigious French Pastry School in Chicago. She holds Certified Specialist of Spirits (CSS) and Certified Specialist of Wine (CSW) diplomas from the Society of Wine Educators. She is the author of eight cookbooks and the creative director and publisher at Jayca. Jialin received her PhD in electrical engineering from the Georgia Institute of Technology in 2004. She lives in the greater DC metro area.