黑心”老坛酸菜被央视曝光!涉康师傅、统一 相关方便面已下架

黑心”老坛酸菜被央视曝光!涉康师傅、统一 相关方便面已下架











亚培3款奶粉受污染 1婴死亡 FDA警告勿喂食







FDA表示,目前明尼苏达、俄亥俄、德州等三州报告四宗疑似食用这些奶粉而染病的婴儿,其中一名婴儿已经死亡;四名婴儿中,一名感染沙门氏菌(Salmonella),另外三名感染阪崎肠杆菌(Cronobacter Sakazakii),此病菌甚为罕见,但是会造成多种严重并发症,威胁性甚高。


FDA副局长雅纳斯(Frank Yiannas)表示,FDA正在努力就相关病例报告与各方合作调查,并承诺会尽速解决产品安全问题。



Marijuana Candy: FDA Warns Of THC-Infused Treats Reaching Children


Marijuana Candy: FDA Warns Of THC-Infused Treats Reaching Children
Oct 29, 2021

A 3-year-old girl was hospitalized after consuming a treat infused with cannabis. As Halloween approaches, the Food and Drug Administration and health experts issued a warning for parents to be vigilant of THC-infused candy that resembles notable snack brands. NBC News’ Vaughn Hillyard reports.

万圣节将至 美国多州警告儿童勿误食“大麻零食”

来源: 美国中文网





Video: Officials issue warning about look-alike cannabis edibles
Oct 26, 2021





加州青少年危机 误食大麻产品求救 4年暴增190%

文章来源:世界新闻网  | By 刘先进


州总检察长邦塔表示,这些非法、不受监管的食物,可能含有危险的高浓度四氢大麻酚,或剧毒的合成大麻素,对公众健康和安全构成风险。(记者刘先进 /摄影)

州总检察长邦塔 吁市民举报

加州总检察长邦塔(Rob Bonta)28日在屋仑男孩女孩俱乐部举行记者会,发布消费者警报,提醒加州市民注意,一些注入大麻的食用产品,被包装成知名流行食品和糖果品牌的山寨版。它们外形酷似Cheetos,Oreos,Doritos,Fruity Pebbles,Sour Patch Kids等,吸引儿童和青少年使用。这些非法、不受监管的食物,可能含有危险的高浓度四氢大麻酚,或剧毒的合成大麻素,对公众健康和安全构成风险。市民不要消费这类山寨品,可进行举报。

酷似知名品牌包装 不受监管










How can you tell the difference between edible marijuana treats and actual candy?
Feb 1, 2018


邦塔还鼓励市民报告非法产品。市民可登录www.oag.ca.gov/report和大麻控制局https://cannabis.ca.gov/resources/file-complaint/投诉, 或电邮 complaints@cannabis.ca.gov


万圣节来临 大麻糖果流入市面 家长须慎防儿童食用

文章来源:世界新闻网  | By 黄惠玲


原标题: 万圣节来临 大麻糖流入市面 伊检察长警告慎防幼童食用


伊利诺州检察长办公室26日发布警告指出,市面出现多种与Flamin’、Hot Cheetos、Skittles等受欢迎零食外观几乎一模一样的「大麻糖果」,幼童一旦服用将对身体健康造成严重威胁,由于家家户户发放糖果的万圣节来临,检察长办公室呼吁家长,今年务必特别留意查看孩子带回家的零食与糖果。

伊州检察长罗武(Kwame Raoul)说,儿童过量食用大麻的情况,在全美各地都出现增加趋势,尤其外观看起来像糖果的产品,更容易让儿童与青少年误食甚至过量,造成很大的健康风险。

Police warn of marijuana edibles that look like candy ahead of Halloween
Oct 21, 2021

根据全美毒品控制中心协会(American Association of Poison Control Centers)统计,今年前半年全国收到2077件12岁以下孩童食用大麻产品的紧急求救电话,而在2016年时,这类案例全年不过只有153件。


今年5月份时,芝加哥的糖果大厂Wm. Wrigley Jr. Co.就对加州Terphogz提出商标告诉,指控该公司将含有THC成分的产品,刻意模仿Wrigley的产品包装;此外,Wrigley也向多家仿制Skittles、Starburst与Life Savers包装,但实际内含大麻酚的美国、加拿大公司提出诉讼。


Health officials urge parents to check Halloween candy after local child is hospitalized for eat… Oct 20, 2021




Illinois warns parents against cannabis look-alike treats ahead of Halloween



File: A trick-or-treater adheres to social distancing markers on for Halloween Saturday, Oct. 31, 2020, in downtown Overland Park, Kan. (Charlie Riedel/AP)

The Illinois attorney general’s office issued a warning Tuesday to be extra careful about which treats end up in your child’s hands this Halloween — they could be a cannabis edible look-alike that will impart more than a sugar high.

Bensalem police warn parents to be on alert during Halloween for possible cannabis candies
Sep 28, 2021

The potentially illicit cannabis edibles, which mimic everything from Flamin’ Hot Cheetos to Skittles, are sold online and may contain high concentrations of THC, the main psychoactive chemical in marijuana. That could pose a serious threat to children if consumed, the attorney general’s office said.

“Accidental cannabis overdoses by children are increasing nationwide, and these look-alike products will only exacerbate the danger by appealing to children and youth,” Illinois Attorney General Kwame Raoul said in a news release.

During the first half of 2021, the American Association of Poison Control Centers, a nonprofit organization representing 55 centers across the U.S., reported 2,077 emergency calls related to children 12 and under ingesting cannabis products. There were 153 such incidents reported during all of 2016, according to association data.

While Illinois regulates legal cannabis edibles sold through licensed dispensaries, a booming black market may skirt both state regulations and intellectual property laws, offering products that are packaged like well-known candies and snacks, but pack the extra punch of THC.

In May, Chicago-based candy giant Wm. Wrigley Jr. Co. filed a trademark infringement lawsuit against Terphogz, a California company that produces Zkittlez. The suit alleges the cannabis-infused candies are meant to “cause confusion” with Wrigley’s Skittles brand and pose a danger to children. That case is ongoing in Chicago federal court.

Wrigley also sued four other companies in the U.S. and Canada for selling cannabis-infused edibles branded to resemble Skittles, Starburst and Life Savers.

Similar trademark infringement lawsuits have been filed in recent years against cannabis-infused products resembling Reese’s Peanut Butter Cups, Sour Patch Kids and Nerds Rope candy.

The attorney general’s office warned that cannabis edibles sold outside of Illinois’ regulated market may have much higher levels of THC. In Illinois, legal edible products may contain up to 10 milligrams of THC per adult serving, with no more than 100 milligrams of THC in the package.

The attorney general said a single bag of look-alike Cheetos can contain 600 milligrams of THC. If a child were to eat the entire bag, they would be consuming 60 times the maximum legal adult serving in Illinois.

A variety of cannabis-infused Flamin’ Hot Cheetos look-alike products is marketed online. Frito-Lay, which makes Cheetos, does not offer cannabis edibles.

Jason Erkes, spokesman for Chicago-based Cresco Labs, a large multistate cannabis operator that owns 10 Sunnyside retail dispensaries and three cultivation centers in Illinois, said the company’s edible products would never be confused with candy intended for children.

“The stuff we sell is appropriately packaged and branded, and in child safety sealed containers, with very clear labeling that this is a medicated cannabis product,” Erkes said. “When you’re buying something on the illicit market, or from a source that isn’t reputable, you’re not going to have those safeguards in place.”

Erkes questioned the likelihood that cannabis edibles would intentionally end up in Halloween bags, if only because of the prohibitive cost of filling up a candy bowl for trick-or-treaters.

“You’re paying $40 or $50 for a 100 milligram pack of 10 edibles, versus $2.99 for a package of candy,” Erkes said.

What is the difference between hemp and marijuana plants?
Jul 12, 2019

Recreational marijuana was legalized in Illinois in January 2020. Total sales reached $1.03 billion last year, including $669 million in recreational weed and more than $366 million in medical sales, according to the Illinois Department of Financial and Professional Regulation.

The state’s marijuana revenue pace has accelerated this year, with nearly $1.3 billion in total sales through September, including $997 million in recreational cannabis products.



Investigation of Acute Non-viral Hepatitis Illnesses – “Real Water” Brand Alkaline Water (March 2021)

Do not drink, cook with, sell, or serve “Real Water” alkaline water

The FDA, along with the CDC and the Southern Nevada Health District is investigating a number of reports of acute non-viral hepatitis in the state of Nevada.

The consumption of “Real Water” brand alkaline water is the only common link identified among all of these cases to date. This brand of alkaline water is owned by Real Water Inc., headquartered in Mesa, Arizona.

Although the investigation is ongoing, epidemiologic information currently indicates that this alkaline water product may be the cause of the illnesses. 

FDA is in the beginning stages of this investigation, and there may be additional products connected to this outbreak. FDA has initiated an investigation at the firm. 

As this outbreak investigation continues, the FDA will provide additional updates to this advisory as more information becomes available.


Consumers, restaurants, and retailers should not drink, cook with, sell, or serve “Real Water” alkaline water, until more information is known about the cause of the illnesses. These products include but are not limited to: 5-gallon containers (sold through home delivery/subscription), bottles (sold on-line and in stores), and the “Real Water” concentrate (sold on-line).

The 5-gallon containers are delivered to homes in the following areas, according to the firm’s website:

  • Honolulu, HI through Aloha Water
  • Orange County, CA through Paradise Bottling Company
  • St. George, UT through Real Water Southern Utah
  • Tucson, AZ through Aqua Pure
  • Ventura and Santa Barbara, CA through Real Water Gold Coast

Additionally, according to the firm’s website, Real Water is sold in 1 gallon, 500 mL (16.9oz.), 1 liter, and 1.5 liter plastic bottles and in a 750 mL glass bottle.

Symptoms of all types of hepatitis, including non-viral hepatitis, are similar and can include fever, fatigue, loss of appetite, nausea, vomiting, abdominal pain, dark urine, clay or gray-colored bowel movements, joint pain, yellow eyes, and jaundice. Those experiencing these symptoms should contact their doctor.

Product Images

Case Counts

Total Illnesses: 5
Hospitalizations: 5
Deaths: 0
Last Illness Onset Date:  11/29/2020
States with Cases:  NV (5)

Previous Updates

March 16, 2021

On March 13, the FDA was alerted to five cases of acute non-viral hepatitis (resulting in acute liver failure) in infants and children that occurred in November 2020 with an unknown cause reported to the Southern Nevada Health District. All five patients had been hospitalized but have since recovered. All patients were reported to have consumed “Real Water” brand alkaline water. These patients came from four different households. Five additional people, two adults and three children, from two of the four households were reported to have experienced other symptoms as well. Less severe symptoms included fever, vomiting, nausea, loss of appetite, and fatigue. 

The consumption of “Real Water” brand alkaline water is the only common link identified among all of these cases to date. This brand of alkaline water is owned by Real Water Inc., headquartered in Mesa, Arizona.

Although the investigation is ongoing, epidemiologic information currently indicates that this alkaline water product may be the cause of the illnesses. 

FDA is in the beginning stages of this investigation, and there may be additional products connected to this outbreak. FDA has initiated an investigation at the firm. 

As this outbreak investigation continues, the FDA will provide additional updates to this advisory as more information becomes available.

Who to Contact

Consumers who have symptoms should contact their health care provider to report their symptoms and receive care.

To report a complaint or adverse event (illness or serious allergic reaction), you can

Submit Questions/Get Assistance

Follow Us on Twitter

Source: https://www.fda.gov/food/outbreaks-foodborne-illness/investigation-acute-non-viral-hepatitis-illnesses-real-water-brand-alkaline-water-march-2021


Posted on March 18, 2021 by Cathy Milne

Real Water was notified on March 16, 2021, of a potential problem with our water dating back to November 2020. We are saddened to hear of the potential health issue of the product from our Real Water Las Vegas Home Delivery operation.

We, at Real Water, take the safety of our products and concern for our customer’s health seriously. Real Water takes great strides in every way to make sure our product is safe for consumption. Our goal is to diligently work with the FDA to achieve a swift resolution.

While the potential problem arose in Las Vegas, we are taking proactive steps to stop selling and distributing Real Water products throughout the United States until the issue is resolved.

Real Water is asking that all retailers pull the product from the shelf, effective immediately, and hold it in the back rooms or return it to the distributors.

Any customer who has purchased Real Water from a retailer is asked to return the product.
For more information, we urge you to call 702-310-5437 or email us at customerservice@drinkrealwater.com

Source: https://drinkrealwater.com/press-release-real-water-product-recall/

Las Vegas family sues as FDA issues warning about Real Water
Mar 17, 2021

A Las Vegas family filed a lawsuit against the local company that bottles Real Water on Tuesday, the same day the Food and Drug Administration announced an investigation into a possible hepatitis outbreak.

美回收10万磅大陆火锅底料 致命成分曝光了


2021/02/25   维加斯新闻报

      (综合报导)据美国国家广播公司报导,美国农业部食品安全检疫处(Food Safety and Inspection Service, FSIS)22日宣布发现大陆名扬火锅底料中的10万磅的牛油是从大陆非法进口,并称这种成分合理可能会导致严重与负面的健康后果、甚至死亡,已下令回收并要求零售与餐厅业者丢掉或办理退款。

      报导引述美国农业部(USDA)官网指出,由于大陆并非美方认定的牛肉生产国,其牛油没有经过FSIS的复检。而加州贸易公司GLG Trading在检验时,发现名扬火锅底料的中辣、微辣与特辣等3种口味产品中含有牛油成分,FSIS表示该产品上没有联邦检验标志。GLG Trading将负责回收9万6810磅火锅底料。







火锅底料怎么用1.火锅底料煮 水煮肉片

水煮肉片肯定是经典川菜,肉味香辣,软嫩,易嚼。吃时肉嫩菜鲜 ,汤红油亮,麻辣味浓,最宜下饭,为家常美食之一。不只在重庆四川见得到,在外地这也是很多川菜馆的主打菜。先上图,馋馋大家。


火锅底料怎么用2.火锅底料炒 麻婆豆腐





火锅底料怎么用4.清油麻辣烫底料 麻辣鸡翅

材料:鸡翅中300克、青椒50克、红椒30克、干辣椒10克、 大蒜20克、食用油25克、清油麻辣烫底料1/2包做法:1、 鸡翅中从中间剁开分成两段,用水焯熟;大蒜拍碎待用、青红椒洗净切成段。2、 炒锅烧热放入食用油,放入大蒜炒香,再放入鸡翅中炒变色。3、 加入清油麻辣烫底料炒匀,再加入青椒、红椒、干辣椒炒匀。

火锅底料怎么用5.清油火锅调味料 —麻辣羊肉烩粉条

材料:羊肉片300克、红薯粉条100克、清油火锅调味料1/2包做法:1、 红薯粉条提前用热水泡软。2、 锅中放入清油火锅调味料1/2包和600毫升水煮开。3、 放入粉条煮熟4、 再放入羊肉片煮熟即可。



食材一:鸡肉(我做鸡肉类型的菜品通常选用的都是鸡的大腿肉)A. 将鸡琵琶腿进行拆骨处理,然后切成拇指大小的鸡丁块;B. 在鸡块中加入料酒、生抽、辣椒面、生粉….抓匀后码味20分钟;C. 将码制好的鸡块下油锅至变色,捞出沥干油备用。

食材二:油豆皮A. 干油豆皮浸泡于温水中至变软;B. 沥干水分后改刀大小适宜的块;C. 下油锅炸制金黄,捞起沥油备用。4、食材三:土豆+杏鲍菇A. 土豆洗净去皮切成条状;B. 杏鲍菇切成条状;C. 下油锅稍作炸制,捞起沥油备用。




Russian School of Mathematics