每日美食 54:枇杷的香甜,是初夏的味道!




枇杷 5个

黄冰糖 1块


1. 准备。

2. 把枇杷去皮去核切块。

3. 放入养生壶中、掺入未过枇杷的水、选花果茶键、大概30分钟左右即可。

4. 非常好。

5. 清甜美味。

6. 清热润肺。

7. 止咳化痰.值得一试。



枇杷 1000克

冰糖 100克

水 小半碗

盐 5克


1. 枇杷酱。

2. 中医药性:枇杷性凉,味甘酸,有润肺止咳、止渴、和胃的功效。常用于咽干烦渴、咳嗽吐血、呃逆等症。枇杷不仅果肉可入药,其核、叶、根也 有药用价值。鲜枇杷洗净,生吃,就能治疗口干烦渴等不适。治疗果效:枇杷中丰富的维生素B,对保护视力,保持皮 肤健康润泽,促进儿童的身体发育都有着十分重要的作用。

3. 准备鲜枇杷。

4. 去除果皮和果核用盐水浸泡五分钟。

5. 将枇杷果肉用清水冲洗一遍倒入砂锅,放入冰糖。

6. 加入小半碗清水。

7. 大火烧开

8. 改中小火,用木勺子捣碎枇杷。

9. 改小火熬制。

10. 熬制浓稠即可。

How to Grow Loquat Trees and Get a TON of Fruit
Mar 23, 2020

Buy a loquat tree to grow at home: https://bit.ly/2xmfau0​ There are few fruit trees more slept on than the humble loquat, or Eriobotrya japonica. It’s commonly grown as a landscaping plant here in my home town of San Diego (Zone 10b), but it can be cultivated from zones 7-10 as a fruit tree, and below that as an ornamental.

There are a ton of loquat benefits, but I love growing them simply to eat – they taste like a tropical peach and are even better when dehydrated and mixed into a trail mix. You can also turn them into jams, honey syrups, and more.