










Exclusive: Attacking airlines info system, peeping meteorological data around military bases – cases disclosed of overseas spies stealing China’s vital data

By Fan Lingzhi


File photo

A country’s vital data can be stolen in a second by hackers hiding behind screens from far away. This is not only a scene in movies.

In the information era, data can be collected, gathered, dug out and used to promote technology and economic development, which makes the issue of data safety prominent.

Even some open data are of vital significance in terms of national security; once manipulated, Chinese citizens’ interests would be threatened.

The Global Times recently learned about three cases that seriously threatened China’s data security. Overseas spies have never stopped trying to steal China’s vital data.

Airline attack

In January 2020, an unnamed airlines company reported to relevant national security authorities that their information system was under cyberattacks.

The authority immediately launched an investigation and confirmed that the airlines company’s various servers had been planted with Trojan horse programs and some passengers’ data had been stolen.

After thorough investigation, the authority found that the attack was well planned and conducted by an overseas spy and intelligence organization, which used multiple domestic and overseas internet facilities to hide their work.

The Global Times learned that the authority had helped the company clean the programs and adjust security strategies to enhance prevention measures.

Stealing shipping data

In May 2021, a relevant national security authority found that some overseas consulting and survey companies frequently contacted management personnel in major Chinese shipping enterprises and agencies. Under the name of hiring consulting experts with high payments, they reached cooperation with dozens of domestic personnel and asked them to collect data from China’s shipping industry and information of certain cargos.

Investigation also revealed that the overseas company had a close relationship with the spy and intelligence agency in the country it is located. It undertook a lot of work to collect and analyze information for the agency, and provided all the data collected from China to the agency.

The Global Times learned that the Chinese national security authority had warned and educated involved personnel and required the companies involved to enhance personnel management and data protection. The authority had also dealt with the illegal activities conducted by the overseas group in accordance with law.

Collecting meteorological data

In March, the national security authority discovered suspicious meteorological observation facilities nearby a vital domestic military base. The facility was capable of collecting accurate location information and multiple types of meteorological data and would directly send these data to overseas meteorological observation websites.

The facility was purchased by a Chinese citizen surnamed Li. A hundred such facilities had been sold and some were set up in the surrounding areas of some vital places in China.

The so-called meteorological observation website was actually established by a certain country’s government department in the name of scientific research. And one major task of the department was to collect and analyze global meteorological data for military purposes.

The Global Times has learned that the state security authorities and other relevant departments jointly carried out law enforcement and ordered the personnel concerned to remove the equipment immediately, eliminating potential risks.

In recent years, the problem of data security due to data leakage has become more and more prominent. Basic data of China’s various industries and major enterprises is always a target of overseas spy and intelligence agencies, experts said.

Data security is related to national security and public interest, and is an important aspect of non-traditional security. If the sectors of society and the people are not vigilant about such matters, they would be unknowingly used by overseas illegal forces and institutions, allowing these data to be leaked overseas and causing major harm to China’s national security in various fields, experts noted, calling for the public to enhance data security awareness and help safeguard national security.







美国联邦通信委员会(FCC)26日投票决定,撤销中国电信美洲公司(China Telecom Americas)的在美业务的授权,理由是出于国家安全考虑。



美国吊销中国电信在美经营授权 限六天内停业

文 / 陈慧璋




美国之音报道,美国联邦通信委员会(FCC)周二(10月26日)宣布吊销和终止命令,吊销中国电信美洲公司(China Telecom Americas)在美国提供国内州际和国际通信服务的授权,要求中国电信美洲公司在命令公布的六天内停止任何国内和国际通信服务。




委员会并指出,中国电信美洲公司的行为以及向委员会和美国政府其他机构所做的陈述缺乏坦率、可信度和可靠性,削弱了委员会和美国政府其他机构要求通信公司所具备的基本信任水平,而且中国电信美洲公司故意违背了2007年与行政部份签署保证书(Letter of Assurances)的五项条款中的两项。委员会因此决定吊销中国电信美洲公司在美国经营电信业务的授权。


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China beating US by being more like America

Cultivating human capital will be essential if the US rather than China is to be the base of the next industrial revolution



China’s high-tech group Huawei has become the world leader in 5G technology, powering a new era of smart manufacturing linked to AI. Photo: AFP

The United States transitioned from an agrarian backwater into an industrialized superstate in a rapid timeframe. One of the most decisive men in America’s industrialization was Samuel Slater.

As a young man, Slater worked in Britain’s advanced textile mills. He chafed under Britain’s rigid class system, believing he was being held back. So he moved to Rhode Island.

Once in America, Slater built the country’s first factory based entirely on that which he had learned from working in England’s textile mills – violating a British law that forbade its citizens from proliferating advanced British textile production to other countries. 

Samuel Slater is still revered in the United States as the “Father of the American Factory System.” In Britain, if he is remembered at all, he is known by the epithet of “Slater the Traitor.”

After all, Samuel Slater engaged in what might today be referred to as “industrial espionage.” Without Slater, the United States would likely not have risen to become the industrial challenger to British imperial might that it did in the 19th century. Even if America had evolved to challenge British power without Slater’s help, it is likely the process would have taken longer than it actually did. 

Many British leaders at the time likely dismissed Slater’s actions as little more than a nuisance. The Americans had not achieved anything unique. They were merely imitating their far more innovative cousins in Britain.

As the works of Oded Shenkar have proved, however, if given enough time, annoying imitators can become dynamic innovators. The British learned this lesson the hard way. America today appears intent on learning a similar hard truth … this time from China.

By the mid-20th century, the latent industrial power of the United States had been unleashed as the European empires, and eventually the British-led world order, collapsed under their own weight. America had built out its own industrial base and was waiting in the geopolitical wings to replace British power – which, of course, it did. 

Few today think of Britain as anything more than a middle power in the US-dominated world order. This came about only because of the careful industrial and manipulative trade practices of American statesmen throughout the 19th and first half of the 20th century employed against British power. 

The People’s Republic of China, like the United States of yesteryear with the British Empire, enjoys a strong trading relationship with the dominant power of the day. China has also free-ridden on the security guarantees of the dominant power, the United States.

The Americans are exhausting themselves while China grows stronger. Like the US in the previous century, inevitably, China will displace the dominant power through simple attrition in the non-military realm.

Many Americans reading this might be shocked to learn that China is not just the land of sweatshops and cheap knockoffs – any more than the United States of previous centuries was only the home of chattel slavery and King Cotton. China, like America, is a dynamic nation of economic activity and technological progress. 

While the Chinese do imitate their innovative American competitors, China does this not because the country is incapable of innovating on its own. It’s just easier to imitate effective ideas produced by America, lowering China’s research and development costs. Plus, China’s industrial capacity allows the country to produce more goods than America – just as America had done to Britain

Once China quickly acquires advanced technology, capabilities, and capital from the West, Chinese firms then spin off those imitations and begin innovating. This is why China is challenging the West in quantum computing technologybiotechspace technologiesnanotechnology5Gartificial intelligence, and an assortment of other advanced technologies that constitute the Fourth Industrial Revolution

Why reinvent the wheel when you can focus on making cheaper cars and better roads?

Since China opened itself up to the United States in the 1970s, American versions of Samuel Slater have flocked to China, taking with them the innovations, industries, and job offerings that would have gone to Americans had Washington never embraced Beijing. 

America must simply make itself more attractive than China is to talent and capital. It must create a regulatory and tax system that is more competitive than China’s. Then Washington must seriously invest in federal R&D programs as well as dynamic infrastructure to support those programs.

As one chief executive of a Fortune 500 company told me in 2018, “If we don’t do business in China, our competitors will.”

Meanwhile, Americans must look at effective education as a national-security imperative. If we are living in a global, knowledge-based economy, then it stands to reason Americans will need greater knowledge to thrive. Therefore, cultivating human capital will be essential if America rather than China is to be the base of the next industrial revolution. 

Besides, smart bombs are useless without smart people.

These are all things that the United States understood in centuries past. America bested the British Empire and replaced it as the world hegemon using these strategies. When the Soviet Union challenged America’s dominance, the US replicated the successful strategies it had used against Britain’s empire.

Self-reliance and individual innovativeness coupled with public- and private-sector cooperation catapulted the Americans ahead of their rivals. It’s why Samuel Slater fled to the nascent United States rather than staying in England. 

America is losing the great competition for the 21st century because it has suffered historical amnesia. Its leaders, Democrats and Republicans alike, as well as its corporate tycoons and its people must recover the lost memory – before China cements its position as the world’s hegemon. 

The greatest tragedy of all is that America has all of the tools it needs to succeed. All it needs to do is be more like it used to be in the past. To do that, competent and inspiring leadership is required. And that may prove to be the most destructive thing for America in the competition to win the 21st century.


Feb 18, 2021

Aug 4, 2020