南美窃贼集团来了 湾区中半岛豪宅入室窃案激增

南美窃贼集团来了 湾区中半岛豪宅入室窃案激增



警方告诫提防南美窃贼集团。 (电视新闻截屏)




Bay Area police departments are warning people that their homes could be targeted by South American gangs, who are burglarizing neighborhoods across California from San Diego to San Mateo County.


「在希尔斯堡有更多东西可以吸引他们的注意力,」 柏林甘姆居民米勒(Stan Miller)说:「这些房子都价值几百万美元。」 




中半岛富人群集,大片大片豪宅,成了盗窃案的最佳目标。 (电视新闻截屏)


南美犯罪观光客 锁定美亚裔行窃…逐州犯案逍遥法外




调查人员发现,南美窃盗集团、尤其是来自哥伦比亚和智利的窃贼,正以非法或使用免签证入境美国,四处作案;被称为「犯罪观光客」(crime tourists)的这些窃贼,通过网络研究下手目标,专门锁定全美各州的亚裔和中东裔有钱家庭,趁屋主不在家时行窃,每年盗窃价值数千万或数亿美元商品;由于找到了某种犯罪甜蜜点,他们可以逐州行窃并逍遥法外。

联邦调查局刑事调查部门监督特别探员海斯(Dan Heath)表示,「南美窃盗集团」在美国及印度、英国和澳洲等国采用类似策略犯罪,问题日益严重,「现在是我国的巨大威胁。」



维州费尔法克斯郡(Fairfax County)警方证实,车上四名男子均被捕,他们都是哥伦比亚人;警方指出,这一伙人与50多起盗窃案有关,当地因此损失逾200万元。另一个在马里兰州作案的集团,与另外近50起窃案有关,得手总金额为160万元;后者成员已被定罪。




费郡警察局探长宋山缪(Samuel Song,音译)用「鬼魅」(ghosts),形容这些不易追查的窃贼。



以2019年2月为例,一家住在距华府不远的费尔法克斯郡大瀑布镇(Great Falls)的南亚家庭,发现自己价值150万美元的住处被洗劫一空,窃贼是在傍晚自后院玻璃门闯入,偷走金饰和大保险箱,损失高达数十万元。



‘Crime tourists’: International rings targeting wealthy Asian, Middle Eastern families in U.S.

By Justin Jouvenal | The Washington Post


Suspects were arrested shortly after burglarizing a home in this Vienna, Virginia, neighborhood, shown Dec. 1, 2021, police said. Law enforcement officials say cells of South American burglars, particularly from Colombia and Chile, are entering the U.S. and traveling from state to state carrying out home burglaries, jewelry heists and other crimes, pilfering millions each year. (Washington Post photo by Salwan Georges).

Detectives crept into the parking lot of a Days Inn in Alexandria, Virginia, one night in March and surreptitiously attached GPS trackers to a white minivan and a gray sedan, according to a search warrant.

The operation was the culmination of a yearslong investigation into a skilled burglary ring, one that authorities say netted about $2 million by focusing on a very specific target: high-end homes of Asian and Middle Eastern families in the D.C. suburbs.

The investigators didn’t know who the burglars were, but they had spent months painstakingly following a trail of digital breadcrumbs across the country to this nondescript motel off I-395.

When the vehicles pulled out with GPS devices activated, law enforcement officers soon stumbled onto something far larger than a local break-in crew. They had uncovered a sophisticated criminal phenomenon with roots in South America and a reach around the world.

Authorities call them “crime tourists.”

Law enforcement experts say cells of professional South American burglars, particularly from Colombia and Chile, are entering the country illegally or exploiting a visa waiver program meant to expedite tourism from dozens of trusted foreign countries.

Once here, they travel from state to state carrying out scores of burglaries, jewelry heists and other crimes, pilfering tens or hundreds of millions of dollars’ worth of goods each year, the FBI estimates. Experts said the groups often operate with impunity because they have found a kind of criminal sweet spot.

Bail for nonviolent property offenses is often low, so an arrested burglar often quickly gets bond and skips town for the next job, experts said. The crimes often don’t meet the threshold for the involvement of federal authorities. And they attract less attention at a time when U.S. authorities are contending with a rise in homicides.

Dan Heath, a supervisory special agent with the FBI’s criminal investigations division, said “South American theft groups,” as the agency calls them, are a growing problem across the United States — and in countries including India, Britain and Australia, where they often employ similar tactics.

“They represent an enormous threat right now in our country,” Heath said. “They are tending to thread the needle in avoiding both state and federal prosecution.”

On a road in Great Falls, Virginia, the large brick homes top $1.5 million and sit deep on well-manicured lots. It’s here in February 2019 that a South Asian family came home one night to find their residence ransacked.

Burglars had broken through a glass door at the back of the home sometime between 5:30 and 10:30 p.m. and made off with gold jewelry and a large safe. The losses were staggering, adding up to hundreds of thousands of dollars.

The pattern was quickly becoming familiar to Virginia’s Fairfax County police: an expensive home; Asian or Middle Eastern residents; a rear door or window smashed; and jewelry and luxury goods taken but expensive electronics left untouched.

The robberies had begun four months earlier, but after nearly two dozen of them, Fairfax County police were no closer to finding the perpetrators. There would be roughly two dozen more burglaries over the next two years without much more progress. The lead detective, Samuel Song, referred to the perpetrators as “ghosts.”

Detectives would eventually conclude that the burglars were researching targets on the internet, surveilling the homes to determine the owners were away and then striking quickly, making them difficult to catch.

Detectives think Asian or Middle Eastern families were targeted because burglars believe they sometimes keep family wealth in gold and jewelry or have large amounts of money on hand because they may run businesses that rely on cash.

What Song and other investigators didn’t know at the time was that the burglaries in Fairfax County might be just the tip of a nationwide operation. Fairfax County police said authorities have linked members of the group to break-ins in Georgia, and also said they believe people associated with the cell have connections to similar cases in Texas, South Carolina and North Carolina. They weren’t talking about dozens of burglaries. They were dealing with hundreds.

And that was just one cell.

Another based in New York and New Jersey was operating in Fairfax and Maryland’s Montgomery County around the same time and employing similar methods, according to court records. Experts said many more may be circulating the country at any one time.

They often employ cunning tactics. One group in California used jammers that allowed them to block key fobs from locking cars so they could burglarize them. Others were able to identify and target traveling jewelry salesman by looking for people parking rental cars near jewelry shops and then following them.

An FBI agent in Southern California said one cell cut power to a jewelry shop and waited overnight for the backup batteries on the alarm system to drain. The burglars then cut a hole in a roof to gain access to the store, brought in a generator and used power tools to hack open a 5,000-pound safe. They made off with $1.2 million in jewels.

Heath said cells typically consist of two to eight members who link up or were recruited in Colombia or Chile before traveling to the United States explicitly to commit crimes. Some return home after a string of burglaries, but others attempt to remain in the United States illegally and live here permanently.

Law enforcement officers said they have not found evidence the cells are connected to gangs, drug traffickers or organized crime.

In the United States, experts said many burglars obtain fraudulent Puerto Rican documents to try to disguise their true identities and avoid deportation, since Puerto Ricans have U.S. citizenship.

Crime tourism has been around since at least the 1990s, but it has recently seen a major expansion. Experts said they have noticed a sharp increase in Chilean crime tourists in the past five to seven years because the nation was included in a visa waiver program in 2014.

The Electronic System for Travel Authorization (ESTA) allows citizens from 40 nations to be prescreened to travel to the United States for tourism or business for up to 90 days without obtaining a visa.

Experts said those travelers undergo less scrutiny than those who have to obtain visas, and some with criminal intent take advantage of that to enter the country.

Jorge Canelas, a press attaché with the Chilean Embassy in D.C., said Chilean officials are sharing information with U.S. authorities and have stationed an investigator at the embassy to combat the problem.

Canelas said there is “active cooperation between Chilean police with American counterparts at federal and state levels, as well as continuous information and coordination between Chilean officials with Homeland Security, FBI and other agencies on this matter.”

Colombia is not part of the program, so crime tourists usually sneak into the United States illegally, overstay a visa or travel on fraudulent documents.

FBI Special Agent Daniel Gimenez in the Dallas field office said crime tourism has been lucrative for some cells, particularly those targeting jewelry salesmen. He’s found each member can make $20,000 to $100,000 per job in groups he has investigated in Texas.

“These subjects were clean subjects who lived for the most part in suburban neighborhoods in nice houses,” Gimenez said. “They have kids going to private school. They are setting up Christmas lights one week. The next [week], they are traveling to a different part of the country to rob someone.”

Fairfax County police detectives were still grasping for clues in January 2020, when a sheriff’s deputy hundreds of miles away in suburban Atlanta stopped to help two men whose white Infiniti had broken down.

The men told the Forsyth County deputy they were Puerto Rican and one said they were driving home from his girlfriend’s house, but the deputy grew suspicious. The men were wearing warm, dark clothing and one had brush and twigs on him, according to a search warrant.

The deputy did not find any stolen items when he searched their car, but there were gloves and masks in the glove compartment, according to the search warrant. The men weren’t arrested, but they were now on law enforcement’s radar.

A month later, both were charged following a break-in attempt in the same county. This would turn out to be the break investigators in Fairfax County had long been hoping for.

Song, the lead detective, had already turned to an investigative tool that has exploded in popularity in recent years. He filed a search warrant with Google for a list of all registered mobile devices that had been active in a zone around a handful of the Fairfax County homes that had been burglarized.

Two of the cellphone numbers that were returned matched those of the two men who were arrested near Atlanta, according to a search warrant. More probing showed one of the men had used his debit card to purchase screwdrivers and flashlights near the sites of two of the Fairfax County burglaries, according to a search warrant.

Cellphone data would reveal an additional surprise: The men appeared to still be active after their arrests.

Song began tracking one man’s phone. It was pinging in Houston, but Song testified during a preliminary hearing that he watched it move state by state from Texas to Virginia in late March.

Police sprang into action.

Song assembled a surveillance team and stationed them in the area around Fairfax City, where there had been a number of burglaries, he later testified. Police hoped to finally catch the burglars in the act.

Shortly after 3 p.m. on March 27, a member of the team spotted a white Chrysler minivan near where the phone was pinging, Song testified. One of the occupants of the vehicle appeared to be one of the men arrested outside Atlanta.

The surveillance team eventually followed the minivan and a Chrysler sedan driving with it to the Days Inn in Alexandria, Song testified. Song got a warrant that night to outfit the vehicles with GPS devices, which allow more precise tracking.

The surveillance team resumed following the vehicles the next day, following them at a distance into an upscale Vienna, Virginia, neighborhood. Soon after, a South Asian homeowner who was vacationing in Chicago got an alert from her home camera system and pulled up the feed on her phone, the woman later said in an interview.

“I saw two guys on the video in ski masks,” she said.

She notified police.

Fairfax County police confirmed that a break-in happened at her 6,000-square-foot home before they stopped the minivan and sedan nearby. Song testified that police found necklaces, bracelets and other jewelry that belonged to the Vienna homeowners in a bag underneath a seat.

All four men in the vehicles were arrested: Mario Valencia Asprilla, Jhonny Valencia-Valencia, Diego Montano Chasoy and Freddy Hernandez Angulo. All four turned out to be Colombian, police said. A fifth member of the group, Josue Rodriguez Rolon, was arrested in June. It remains unclear how they entered the country.

Rolon got out on bond and is now considered a fugitive, and Montano Chasoy was deported, but the other three remain in custody, according to court records. Attorneys for the men declined to comment or did not respond to requests for comment. All three are scheduled to stand trial this year in Fairfax court on multiple burglary charges and other counts.

All told, police allege the cell has been linked to more than 50 burglaries with $2 million in loses locally. The other ring that was operating in Fairfax County and Montgomery counties was tied to nearly 50 others totaling $1.6 million, authorities say. Members of the latter ring have been convicted in Montgomery County.

The victim in the Vienna burglary said the experience has left her family afraid. She spoke on the condition that she not be identified for fear her home might be struck again.

“They don’t just take your material,” she said. “They take your safety.”

This story was originally published at washingtonpost.com. Read it here.

AirTag成尾随犯罪工具 一道手续就能反跟踪



用来找失物的Apple AirTag,却被歹徒当成犯罪工具。(苹果网站)

Apple AirTag原本的设计是让人可以找到失物,但是有心人却把它当成犯罪工具。最新的例子就是名模Brooks Nader,她的外套被人偷放AirTag,最后被跟监五小时才发现不对劲。德州费耶特(Fayette )县警更提醒民众,一名歹徒就利用AirTag追踪他卖出的二手车,趁新车主不注意把车开走,买家成了钱车两失的冤大头。

I TRACKED my friend using Apple AirTag WITHOUT him knowing – The follow up!
Dec 11, 2021

The Apple Airtag came out in 2021 but was quickly forgotten. It wasn’t until recently that the Apple Airtag returned to the news, this time being used by car thieves. What should be done?

DrFraud.org的资安专家Michael Skiba说,AirTag既能使用蓝牙功能,又有GPS信号,只要拿着iPhone手机,随时都可以找到AirTag所在之处。歹徒正是利用这点,把AirTag藏在不知情受害者的包包、车上,甚至连车牌后面、轮圈里面,甚至随便一道隙缝都可藏,然后以此跟踪被害人。

跟踪属于重罪,受害者多半是年轻女性、LGBTQ族群,甚至是家暴受害者,因此想要保护自己,就要学会如何避免被AirTag跟踪。首先要将iPhone的操作系统更新到iOS 14.5版,然后就能用iPhone查看身上、附近是否有AirTag。找到不属于你的AirTag后,就让iPhone显示AirTag的出厂序号,然后就能拿着它去报警,让警察去找出罪犯。

至于如何关掉AirTag,Michael Skiba说其实非常简单,背板可以反时钟转开,然后就可看到里面的电池,将电池拔掉,这具AirTag就失去作用了。

Apple AirTag Abuse
Dec 15, 2021

On Security Now, Steve Gibson talks with Leo Laporte about the unfortunate but inevitable abuse of Apple’s AirTag ecosystem by would-be criminals.

但是Michael Skiba提醒,有些糊涂蛋,发现了其他人的AirTag,却以为是别人不小心弄丢的,然后到歹徒设的AirTag协寻网站找失主,最后不但泄漏个人数据,还可能被骗更多财物。

至于Android手机,可以安装Apple的「Tracker Detect」app,寻找可疑的AirTag。另外,类似Tiles这类蓝牙信号追踪器,也能帮忙找到藏起来的AirTag。







Apple’s AirTags could be used by stalkers. Here’s how to protect yourself.
May 7, 2021

Apple’s new tracking device issues alerts if there’s potential misuse. Post tech columnist Geoffrey Fowler explains how to know if AirTags are shadowing you.

报导指出,住在东岸城市的一名妇女匿名受访时说,周五晚间离开酒吧之后,开车途中发现iPhone跳出「发现有AirTags跟着你一起移动」(AirTag Found Moving With You)消息,消息内容写着「持有人可以查看AirTags定位」。




Apple airtag “stalking” test: should you be concerned?
May 31, 2021

Apple AirTag privacy review (Real-life test.) 🍎 Today is all about the newly released tracking device, the Apple AirTag. Anything with the Apple logo tends to get a lot of scrutiny, especially because they preach about security and privacy so much. But, has Apple dropped the ball on this one? We’ve tested the “global-tracker”/“stalker” theory to see if you should be concerned.

数字隐私倡议组织「电子边疆基金会」(Electronic Frontier Foundation)网络安全部主任艾娃‧贾尔波林(Eva Galperin)说:「毫无疑问,苹果AirTags确实被人拿来做为跟监他人之用。」

包括科罗拉多州、乔治亚州、密西根州及德州等地方警察局,都曾接获AirTags出现在跟监、车辆偷窃案件当中的实例。爱达荷州双瀑布市(Twin Falls)警长办公室本月就则发表声明,提醒当地居民AirTags的潜在风险,呼吁面临家暴威胁的受害者应提高警觉。

专门为警察机关提供法律咨询的加州律师道吉(Adam Dodge)分析,对某些不肖份子或有虐待倾向的人来说,AirTags的问世形同突然获得一种「精密、便宜且功能强大的工具」。

过去几个月里,苹果公司对于AirTags进行旨在避免遭到滥用的软件更新,追踪器如果与持有人距离相隔太远,就会发出警示声响,上周还推出名称为「追踪器侦测」(Tracker Detect)的手机应用程序供民众下载,或遭人以AirTags跟踪时将会收到提醒。



光天化日 美国会议员遭持枪劫车



国会众议员Mary Gay Scanlon,美联社资料图

代表宾州的国会众议员Mary Gay Scanlon周三下午在费城遭人持枪抢劫。


Representative Mary Gay Scanlon, D Pa , was carjacked at gunpoint
Dec 22, 2021





洛市豪宅遭入室抢劫 曾是美国最昂贵的待售屋



圣塔蒙尼卡贝莱尔一豪宅被抢 (图源:ABC7)

洛杉矶市警察局(LAPD)12月20日晚上接到报警称有人入室抢劫,地点在高档社区贝莱尔的贝莱尔路(Bel Air Road) 900号街区的一座豪宅。



Most Expensive House in the US | 924 Bel Air Rd. California

Welcome to an invitation to adventure “Billionaire” – a mind-blowing voyage of all your senses, simply the best new and innovative contemporary estate in the world!!!

After spending lots of time on mega yachts and large private jets that can sell from $50 million to $500 million, it baffled me that no one was developing luxury real estate at those high levels for the super wealthy. I set up my real estate development company in Beverly Hills, California, to cater to the super affluent that demand the very best in life!!!

My mission started five years ago to create the most extraordinary, exciting and dramatic contemporary estate ever built in the most beautiful place in the United States. I searched by land and helicopter to find a setting worthy of creating this masterpiece. I found it by air in the hills of Bel Air, within the platinum triangle of Beverly Hills, Holmby Hills, and Bel Air. This enclave is home to the most affluent people in the world, from Captains of industry to the Hollywood elite. The weather is unparalleled year-round, nothing but bright sunshine and stars; the lush private oasis nestled in the mountainside are talked about in nearly every corner of the earth. Built upon the single most spectacular view in California, this property has an unrivaled 270˚ view that extends from the snow-capped San Gabriel Mountains to the sun-drenched shores of Malibu. Visitors can experience the heart of Los Angeles in one expansive panorama, a singular achievement for California real estate.

After purchasing this amazing property, the real excitement began. With my over thirty years of design experience, I wanted this to be the crown jewel of my career. My team of highly-skilled and passionate visionaries have created and sold eight amazing luxury homes in the past five years, shattering every expectation and redefining every record on the books. The goal with “Billionaire” was simple; every inch of the property in the home had to be innovative, flawless, and meticulously curated. The budget was there is no budget. To keep in line with my mission, I traveled the globe and secured the richest materials the world had to offer, taking it upon myself to personally organize each and every detail. The home technology throughout – the combination of sight, sound and security – is nothing short of cutting-edge and totally flawless. It had to be a home that would leave you in utter amazement! The house succeeds in transcending the bounds of the typical home, and dually functioning as a multi-sensory, all-powerful experience for all who enter it.

“Billionaire” comes completely furnished like no other estate in the world. There are over a hundred incredible art installations that will leave you speechless! I could go on for days talking about this property and although I’ve provided pictures, the real experience is to visit this gorgeous home. If you truly like and demand the finest things in life, this is a must see!

Bruce Makowsky


员警使用手电筒在豪宅内寻找证据 (图源:ABC7)


南加八旬华人被陌生女强吻 还被硬戴项链 视频全录





視頻全錄:南加八旬華裔老人被陌生女子強吻 還被強行戴項鍊 原來是搶劫
Dec 19, 2021

据被害人邻居Jenny叙述,案发时间在12月15日(周三)中午,案发地点位于阿市山谷大道(Valley Blvd )和 Fremont Ave交口附近,当时80多岁的华裔居民谢老先生正在家门口整理垃圾,一辆红色的汽车突然开到他的房子前面,并停在车道旁边。





同样的事情也发生在邻居Jenny的父亲身上,据Jenny叙述,15日中午同样的时间段,父亲在山谷大道和 Fremont Ave交口附近散步,也碰到一男一女两名貌似西裔的人士,开着红色汽车,并在老人身边停下来,他们打招呼并企图靠近老人,但Jenny父亲摇手表示听不懂英文。对方继续纠缠,但老人没有理会地往前走,红色车辆最终选择离开。


而本报日前曾报导一对母子档,专门在橙县园林市(Garden Grove)针对戴珠宝的亚裔长者抢劫。他们的手法不外乎是以问路,并以替受害长者戴上假珠宝表示感谢之际,实际从受害者身上拉扯下真珠宝。他们的手法流畅而有条不紊,足以让许多受害者直到几个小时后才意识到自己的珠宝被偷了。

园林警方指出,在某些情况下,嫌疑人会变得咄咄逼人,强行从受害者身上扯下珠宝。抢劫团伙被认为是罗马尼亚旅行者团体(Romanian travelers)成员,为有组织的犯罪团体。不过目前尚无法确定这个团体的成员,和前述发生在阿罕布拉市的奇案是否有关连。

案发地点位于阿市Valley Blvd 和 Fremont Ave附近。(谷歌地图)


华邮:亚裔老年妇女常身怀巨款 遭快闪抢劫歹徒锁定



上了年纪的亚裔妇女由于不太使用银行,通常身怀巨款,特别容易沦为快闪抢劫(smash-and-grab robbery)犯罪的受害者。图为示意图。(Pexels)

华盛顿邮报17日报导,快闪抢劫(smash-and-grab robbery)犯罪集团歹徒对于锁定哪些民众下手,行动目标相当明确。警方指出,上了年纪的亚裔妇女由于不太使用银行,通常身怀巨款,特别容易沦为受害者。

Bay Area robbery suspect, facing hate crime charges, revealed to authorities why he targeted Asian women in the attacks.



加州圣塔克拉拉郡(Santa Clara County)区域检察官办公室检察官玛莉莎‧麦克奇诺恩(Marisa McKeown)接受华盛顿邮报专访时说:「受害者基本上根本是遭到猎捕(hunted)。」





圣塔克拉拉郡区域检察官罗森(Jeff Rosen)打算以刑责比窃盗罪来得重的「仇恨犯罪」(hate crime)起诉嫌犯。罗森在15日的记者会上说,抢匪作案时曾以族歧视用词斥喝数名受害者,层出不穷犯罪案件深深影响了并未遇击的亚裔社区民众,因为亚裔民众开始人人自危,「害怕自己就是下一个遭殃的受害者」。


影/洛市又传出尾随抢劫 四劫匪持枪威胁两人 视频全录






监控视频显示,12 月 1 日下午5时42分,两名身穿粉色上衣和黄色上衣的受害者,被劫匪跟踪至好莱坞Formosa Avenue 1600 街区的一栋公寓楼。当他们接近公寓门口时,一名身穿黑色衣服的持枪犯罪嫌疑人首先在画面中出现,并一直用枪指着被害人。

好萊塢公寓居民被尾隨搶劫 4名劫匪持槍威脅 視頻全錄
Dec 15, 2021



此案目前正由抢劫凶杀科的尾随抢劫项目组调查,警方日前向公众公布视频监控录像,寻求相关线索,联邦调查局(FBI)悬赏最高 1万元,以奖励提供信息的民众。任何了解案情的人可致电 (213) 486-6840 联系侦探,或发送电子邮件至RHDTIPLINE@LAPD.ONLINE。在非工作时间或周末,可拨打 1-877-LAPD-24-7 (1-877-527-3247)。希望保持匿名者可拨打 1-800-222-TIPS (800-222-8477), 联系灭罪热线。


12/1/21 Follow Home Robbery at Gun Point
Los Angeles Police Department

Hollywood: Detectives from the Los Angeles Police Department’s Robbery-Homicide Division are seeking the public’s help in identifying the suspect(s) involved in an attempt Follow Home Robbery.

On December 1, 2021 at around 6:00 p.m., two victims were followed to an apartment building in the 1600 block of Formosa Avenue. As they were approaching an apartment door, four suspects armed with handguns surrounded them and demanded their property. The victims complied and avoided injury. The suspects ran away with the victims’ property.

Two expensive watches were taken from the victims.

The four suspects were described as Black males in their early 20’s.

Video surveillance footage showed the robbery take place and was made available to the public.

This case is being investigated by the Follow Home Robbery Task Force at Robbery-Homicide Division.

The FBI is offering a reward up to $10,000 for information leading to an arrest in this case.

To view this video, click on below link: https://youtu.be/k15CXeLw2Ag

Anyone with information regarding this incident is urged to contact Detective Argota and Detective Bonilla at (213) 486-6840 or email RHDTIPLINE@LAPD.ONLINE. During non-business hours or on weekends, calls should be directed to 1-877-LAPD-24-7 (1-877-527-3247). Anyone wishing to remain anonymous should call Crime Stoppers at 1-800-222-TIPS (800-222-8477). Tipsters may also go to www.lapdonline.org, and click on “Anonymous Web Tip


Theft arrest for mom, son



A MOTHER and son were arrested in Garden Grove on Tuesday as suspects in a series of robberies and “distraction thefts” (Shutterstock).

A mother and son were arrested Tuesday afternoon for their alleged involvement with a series of robberies or “distraction” thefts.

According to Detective Sgt. Evan Beresford of the GGPD, arrested were Floarea Ghiocel and her son Marius Ghiocel, listed as transients.

(GGPD photo)

The arrests came as a result of a lengthy investigation into about 28 incidents all sharing the same methods of operation. Targeted were elderly Asians wearing expensive jewelry.

A typical incident would involve approaching a victim, removing the jewelry and replacing it with a fake piece. In some cases, the suspect(s) have forcibly taken the jewelry from their victims.

Detectives developed leads and determined these thefts were conducted by a group of “Romanian travelers,” who journey from place to place conducting similar crimes.

(GGPD photo)

On Tuesday at 4 p.m., a vehicle was stopped by patrol officers in the 12500 block of Nutwood Street. A passenger was identified as Floarea Ghiocel, who was wanted under an active warrant for some of those incidents. She was taken into custody.

As the GGPD vehicle containing Floarea was driven back to police headquarters, an officer noted a “suspicious vehicle” following closely. Police stopped that vehicle and driver was identified as Marius Ghiocel, the son of Floarea. He also had an active arrest warrant stemming from the investigation and was taken into custody. They were both were booked into Orange County Jail for robbery.

The investigation is ongoing and any witnesses or victims of such incidents are asked the call Detective Jim Franks at (714) 741-5836.


又传亚裔男街上劳力士遭抢 警:抢名表案件增加




本月1日在华人聚集的北加州传统「好区」库比蒂诺的Main Street商场,才传出有年轻男子在光天化日之下遭遇抢匪用枪抵头,抢走劳力士手表的吓人案件。主流电视台ABC7也进一步报导,近来湾区各地事实上出现多宗抢名表的抢案,而警方也认为,抢名表的案件确实有增加的情况。

A number of brazen robberies are being documented across the Bay Area, involving expensive watches being taken right off people’s wrists.




Surveillance video shows two siblings chase and save their mother from getting robbed outside their home in Oakland.

无独有偶在12月3日时,南湾Valley Fair商场Cheesecake Factory餐厅外,也发生一宗手表抢案。一名男子在该处遭两人从后面攻击,抢走他手上的Movado手表,之后抢匪还将他摔在地上。匪徒得手后跳上一台深灰色的奔驰轿车逃逸。

另外,一对来自印尼的夫妇,在10月中时,也在旧金山遭抢价值十万元的Richard Mille名表。依据警方的数据显示,两名男子持着武器,接近受害夫妻后下手。


手表收藏家Chris Chen指出,不少名表本身的价值就很稳定,甚至是一年一年稳定上升;而且近来二手市场非常火热,今年许多名贵品牌的手表库存更是奇缺,「自己走一趟表行就知道了。像是Valley Fair的劳力士店,你看一下展示橱窗,是不是几乎全是空的?一堆人想买都买不到,店家想卖表机乎无表可卖。」

A small business in Oakland wants to get the word out about a mass robbery where they say one hundred thousand dollars in merchandise was stolen.




快闪抢劫风潮持续 洛杉矶又一家商场遭殃




据洛杉矶县警局(LASD)消息,四名挥舞着铁锤的男子,9日(本周四)凌晨快闪抢劫了圣克拉丽塔(Santa Clarita)地区瓦伦西亚购物中心(Valencia Town Center)内的 Undisputed Sole 商店。歹徒用锤子砸破前门入内,抢走了大约价值4万美元的商品。快闪抢劫(smash-and-grab)风潮持续蔓延。

The owner of Undisputed Sole asked for the public’s help in identifying the suspects who broke into the sneaker store.

据洛县警官梅萨(Mesa)称,这起盗窃案是在9日凌晨3 点 35 分报告的。店主之一的桑托斯 (Erwin Santos) 表示,窃贼可能盗走了价值 40,000 美元的商品。「我们是一家试图谋生的小企业,但是,他们从我们这里夺走了一切」。他呼吁,政府要保护公众安全和商业利益,让人民可以安居乐业。





洛杉矶便利店将价格全部改了 让“零元购”不敢动





  洛杉矶一家便利店的老板奥米德·卡姆兰 (Omid Kamran),为了阻吓“零元购”,将所有的商品标价改为951美元,这样劫匪即使拿走一个巧克力,都够得上重罪的罪名。


  那么,一根巧克力棒卖951美元,会有人买吗?卡姆兰说。是的,这里还有很多大的优惠。比如KitKat 巧克力棒曾经售价 1.89 美元,现在售价 951 美元,但如果你去柜台使用优惠券结账,价格还是1.89美元。




  加州有今天治安败坏,人心惶惶,主要拜2014年的47号提案所赐,47号提案的全名是《安全社区和学校法》(The Safe Neighborhoods and Schools Act),非常理想化地认为让犯罪分子早点出狱,他们被感化就不会继续作奸犯科,然而事实证明这是加州走向地狱的开始。



  信中还说道,自从 AB109 和 47 号提案通过后,加州圣佩德罗社区、Rancho Palos Verdes、海港城、威尔明顿等社区的犯罪活动呈爆炸式增长,其中包括劫车等暴力犯罪和入室盗窃等财产犯罪。

  警察一次又一次地逮捕同样的人,因为他们通常能够在同一天晚上回到街上,因为毒品犯罪和财产犯罪低于 950 美元。使用冰毒u和海洛因等危险药物的犯罪分子现在很少或根本不会受到执法人员的影响。





犯罪猖獗 民怨烧向贾斯康、纽森




加州各地精品店和一般商店的快闪打砸抢案件越来越多,民怨似乎正烧向加州州长纽森与洛杉矶县地区检察长贾斯康(George Gascón)。因为2014年的第47号提案起草人,正是时任旧金山检察长的贾斯康,大力背书者正是当年仍为副州长的纽森。 

Fresno Police Chief Paco Balderrama announced the start of Operation Christmas Presence to keep shoppers safe during the holiday season.

Read more at:



洛杉矶时报政治专栏作家George Skelton引述多位受访者的意见,直指第47号提案就是近日打砸抢劫案暴增的元凶。因为该案将重罪门槛降至每案窃盗金额超过950元,因此就算连续偷五家店、累计3500元,只要单家不超过950元,嫌犯就不会被关,「根本就是纵放」。 

沙加缅度县检察长舒伯特(Anne Marie Schubert)直言,第47号提案就加州历来最大的骗局,因为加州政府声称会让窃犯接受心理与戒瘾治疗,但并没有真正落实。舒伯特计划明年以无党派身分竞选加州检察长。 




不过,连民主党加州众议员库珀(Jim Cooper)都看不下去,表明正是因为第47号提案降低门槛,低于950元的案件就不会以重罪起诉,这才让犯罪黑数大增,因为很多店家干脆放弃不报。 

支持第47号提案的团体,例如Californians for Safety and Justice,则反驳已有2亿元经费投入心理治疗、物资滥用,以及长期安置计划。而且类似政治立场保守的州,例如密西西比与德州都比加州的950元门槛还高。

不过,加州零售协会的会长米其林(Rachel Michelin)强调,人们不断犯下窃盗罪,因为知道他们不会有刑责,罪犯们比任何人都清楚47号提案真正的意义。





橙县园林市(Garden Grove)9日,两名窃贼5分钟内盗走约40枪支。(KTLA5)

亚裔比例过半的南加橙县园林市(Garden Grove)9日(周四)发生打砸抢事件,一家枪枝商店被破门而入,两名窃贼在五分钟内目标明确地盗走约40支枪枝,后逃离现场。

Dozens of weapons were stolen after a Garden Grove gun store was burglarized overnight. As seen on air Dec. 9, 2021.

园林市警察局在新闻稿中称,这起案件发生在12月9日凌晨 12 时 15 分左右,当时 Whitten Sales 枪枝店的老板发现店内枪枝被盗,立即查看现场监控录像,发现至少有一名嫌疑人凌晨时分在其店内进行盗窃。

警方赶到位于园林市Valley View Street 12800 街区的案发现场,看到枪店的前门已被打破。据保安人员Kyle Starr说,案发时窃贼在五分钟内进出商店盗走枪枝,「他们似乎很清楚自己在拿什么,目标非常明确。」据调查人员确定,大约有 40 支枪枝从店内被盗。

Gun Store Window Smash Nets Thieves About 40 Firearms | Garden Grove, CA
Dec 9, 2021

12.08.2021 | 4:45 PM | SANTA ANA – A woman was in stable condition after being struck by gunfire while she was in a car, Wednesday evening.

Authorities responded to the shooting in the 700 block of South Sullivan Street, near West Monta Vista Avenue, around 4:45 PM.

Units arriving on scene located three people who had were inside a car when an unknown suspect opened fire.

One of the occupants, a female in her early 30s, was struck by gunfire and treated on scene by firefighter paramedics before being transported to a nearby hospital in stable condition.

Both other occupants of the vehicle escaped injury.

It was too early in the investigation for a suspect description to be released and the motive behind the shooting remains unclear.

Anyone with information regarding the shooting is asked to contact Santa Ana Police Department by calling (714) 245-8665.

Anonymous tips can be submitted through the Orange County Crime Stoppers by calling (855) TIP-OCCS or by visiting their website at www.occrimestoppers.org.


任何有信息的人都可以拨打 714-741-5872,联系警察局。

橙县园林市(Garden Grove)9日,两名窃贼5分钟内盗走约40枪支。(KTLA5)


劫案视频曝光! 警方: 游客别来LA 无法保证安全



  自大流行以来,加州的有组织商店盗窃案件大幅增加,Best Buy和Walgreens等公司都表示,犯罪激增已成为它们面临的最大挑战之一。


  洛杉矶警察局(LAPD)的警探杰米·麦克布莱德(Jamie McBride)直言,他建议游客不要来这座城市,因为他认为这里不安全。


  麦克布莱德将加州犯罪率上升归咎于州长加文·纽森(Gavin Newsom),并指责地方检察官“为罪犯辩护”。



“We Can’t Guarantee Your Safety”: Head Of LAPD’s Police Officers’ Union Warns Tourists Away




Nordstrom劫案现场视频曝光! 警方: 游客别来洛杉矶 无法保证安全
Dec 7, 2021


  洛杉矶县雷东多海滩(Redondo Beach)警方称,他们逮捕了两名与最近Galleria商场盗窃案有关的嫌疑人。嫌犯为23岁的马利克·特雷冯·奥克斯(Malik Trevon Oaks)和26岁的克里斯汀·贾马尔·克莱顿·菲利普斯(Khristian Jamol Clayton Phillips),两人于4日(周六)在位于霍桑大道(Hawthorne Boulevard)的商场实施抢劫后逃跑时被捕,据称他们偷了大约2,400美元的商品。



  与此同时,正在调查两起“快闪盗窃”案件的洛杉矶警探周一公布了11月24日伍兰岗(Woodland Hills)Westfield Topanga购物中心的Nordstrom门店遭一伙嫌犯砸抢的监控。


  据信,同一群人洗劫了贝弗利大道(Beverly Boulevard)贝弗利中心(Beverly Center)的几家商店。



洛杉矶小学附近爆枪案 13岁男孩丧命 年轻女子和9岁女童重伤





洛杉矶市警察局(LAPD)发言人洛佩兹(Mike Lopez)说,下午4点45分左右,洛杉矶警方和消防员在北布尔大道(Blinn Avenue)和东丹尼街(Denni Street)的交叉路口对现场作出了回应。男孩被送往医院,但因伤势过重死亡。

Boy Killed, Woman and 9-Year-Old Girl Wounded in Wilmington Shooting | NBCLA
Dec 7, 2021

When they heard the gunshots, students did as they’d been taught, and dropped to the ground. The off-campus shooting has shaken parents of students at Wilmington Park Elementary.

洛市警局警官冈萨雷斯 (Adrian Gonzalez) 告诉媒体,这名男孩是第三位枪击受害者,当时他乘坐在一名 20 来岁女子驾驶的道奇杜兰戈 (Dodge Durango) 厢型车内。

冈萨雷斯说,当时有两名武装嫌疑人接近该辆SUV并且开火,该女子开车离开,然后在Eubank大道 800 号街区停下,有人在那里拨打了911。

救护人员将男孩和女子带到创伤中心,男孩在那里被宣布死亡。 该女子情况危急,但情况稳定,正在接受手术。

冈萨雷斯说,还有一名在附近威尔明顿公园小学玩耍的9岁女孩被流弹击中,她被送入医院时情况危急。另据社区媒体报导,威尔明顿公园小学校长里维拉(Luis Rivera)证实,这名女孩是该校一名四年级学生,当时她正在参加一个课外活动但不幸中弹。

One Dead and Two Injured In Wilmington Shooting
Dec 7, 2021

A 13-year-old boy has died after succumbing to a gunshot wound he suffered on Monday, when a suspect unloaded on a car he was sitting in. A 25-year-old woman, also in the vehicle, and a nine-year-old girl were also wounded in the incident.


代表威明顿区的洛杉矶县政委员韩珍妮(Janice Hahn)说,她对当晚袭击威明顿社区的枪支暴力感到震惊。「这真是一场悲剧,枪支暴力摧毁了这个国家太多的生命,今晚又恐吓了一个社区。我为这个小男孩的家人,以及小女孩和年轻女子的康复祈祷。」



文章来源: 文学城编译


据CNN报道:据 Netflix 发言人称,女慈善家杰奎琳·艾万特 (Jacqueline Avant) 是音乐偶像克拉伦斯·艾万特 (Clarence Avant) 的妻子,也是 Netflix CEO泰德·萨兰多斯 (Ted Sarandos) 的岳母,周三早些时候在洛杉矶比弗利山的家中被枪杀。

Jacqueline Avant, wife of music legend, killed in Beverly Hills
Dec 1, 2021

The Beverly Hills police chief says he doesn’t think the fatal shooting of Jacqueline Avant was a “random attack.” The 81-year-old philanthropist was married to legendary music executive Clarence Avant. (Dec. 1)

警方暗示 Avant 可能是目标。“我不认为这是一次随机袭击,但我现在无法推测,”比佛利山庄警察局 (BHPD) 局长马克斯坦布鲁克在周三下午的新闻发布会上说。


斯坦布鲁克局长还阅读了 Avant 家族分享的一份声明。

“杰奎琳是一位了不起的女性、妻子、母亲、慈善家,也是比佛利山庄 55 年的居民,她为艺术界做出了不可估量的积极贡献和影响,”斯坦布鲁克说。 “她的家人、朋友以及她在她精彩的一生中帮助过的所有人都会想念她。”

Avant于 1967 年结婚,并育有两个孩子。 Clarence Avant 今年早些时候入选摇滚名人堂。他是 2019 年纪录片“黑人教父”讲述的主题,该片着眼于他的政治影响力、音乐遗产以及与比尔威瑟斯和Babyface等音乐家的合作。

在她去世的消息传出后,洛杉矶社区领袖和国会女议员凯伦巴斯(D-CA)向 Avant 致敬。


硅谷富人区巴洛阿图 (Palo Alto) 发生入室窃盗 屋主在家





巴洛阿图警方指出,11月27日时治安一项平稳的巴洛阿图靠近Crescent Drive区域附近,发生一宗罕见的入室窃案。当日凌晨5时许,70多岁的女屋主与丈夫,以及其他家人都在家中休息。女屋主突然听到巨响,当时以为是暖气作动的声音。随后她又听到楼上有脚步声,那时还以为是家人起床走动的声音。





他正和家人吃感恩节晚餐 突然被1枚子弹穿过窗户打死…

文章来源: CNN



Man killed by stray bullet while eating Thanksgiving dinner; gunmen at large
Nov 26, 2021






Who was Yuan Hua Liang? Texas Woman Shot Dead By Husband after She Signed $250K life Insurance Policy

By Shubham Rawat


Recently, a piece of news come that a husband killed her own wife for Insurance money. Yes, we are talking about Yuan Hua Liang as her body was found in her Cypress home. The name of her husband is Christopher Collins. Let us tell you that he killed her wife just after she signed a $250,000 life insurance policy.

She was a Texan native but her husband killed her for just a piece of money. So far, he has been charged with murder and the court has issued a statement against him. The news went viral because no one thinks that a husband does this type of activity with his wife.

Who was Yuan Hua Liang?

Talking about the official statement, Fox 26 stated that “(Collins) murdered his wife with a firearm, then went to great lengths to make it look like she was killed by an intruder”. According to the reports, she was shot by once only on the head. No other injuries were found on her body.

Investigators said the couple signed a $250,000 life insurance policy two days before the woman’s murder. Her husband is being held in jail on a $150,000 bond.

Let us also tell you that she was only 46 years old when she, unfortunately, died at the hands of her own husband. If we talk about the personal life of Yuan Hua Liang then her LinkedIn profile shows that she was the Project Leader at HomeOne Consulting.

It is appearing that she was the owner of HomeOne Consulting and she provides her services to other firms since 2019. Talking about the Harris County Sheriff’s Office Sergeant Beall’s statement, Collins asked to send police officers to his house.

When two deputy officers reached his home, he tells a story that Liang allegedly told him that someone is encroaching on their property but he was unable to talk to her at that time. When Collins entered his house with the police, they found Liang dead. As per the prosecution, Collins was at his gym for a workout when his wife was killed.

Before the police reached the spot, Collins stated that her wife, wallet was missing but the police has found her wallet and cosmetic bag in Collin’s locker at the gym. So far, the police have arrested Collins for allegedly killing her wife for Insurance money.

The prosecutor said in the case “Officers searching the house found a sheet of paper on a desk inside the residence, the paper for $250,000 in life insurance. The officer said that the respondent and the complainant had signed the paper for life insurance on November 16, 2021”. We will update all the information related to the upcoming news.



文章来源: 英国那些事儿



受害者是 46 岁的梁女士(Yuan Hua Liang)。

梁女士来自中国,他的丈夫叫柯林斯(Christopher Collins),今年 41 岁,是一名退伍老兵。

梁女士和柯林斯结婚已经有 14 年。








2018 年,梁女士在脸书上发帖:

” 结婚 11 年了,我们还是跟当初那么疯癫。

2007 年在中国酒吧喝威士忌调甜茶,如果你们没喝过,应该去试试。”

就在今年的 11 月 10 日,柯林斯还在脸书上称赞妻子:

” 我妻子最美妙的一点是,她真的只对那些没有发挥出自己最大潜能的人生气。不是说你要成为超级明星,而是说你应该要做自己,并成为最棒的自己。





11 月 18 日,柯林斯在健身房报警,希望警察能去他家看看他妻子是否安全。












后门开着,院子里有 4 条狗,它们毫发无伤。




再加上受害者头上套着布包的细节,根据警方的经验推测,凶手跟受害者应该有 ” 亲密关系 “,他无法面对受害者死亡的脸,所以用包遮住。



监控显示,柯林斯在收到妻子的紧急短信后,在健身房来回踱步 45 分钟,然后健身了 5 分钟,然后走到健身房的咖啡厅报警。








并那里待了 50 分钟左右。

他说,他尝试联系妻子至少 10 次,但都没有回应。


警察问他,健身房离他家就 3.5 英里,为什么收到妻子消息后不直接回家。







然而警方在他家搜到一份价值 25 万美元的人寿保险单。




然而,警方在柯林斯的裤兜里搜到了一发 .22 口径的子弹。








在梁女士死亡 6 天后,警方对柯林斯提起了谋杀指控。

现在他被关押在监狱中,保释金 15 万美元。






夫妻俩在网上为自己家的猫咪筹集手术费,并创建了一个叫 TheTommyFoundation 的网站。

他们说,过去 5 年,他们一共收养了 20 只动物,现在网站还很新,但会随着时间慢慢完善,他们也会继续帮助全国那些需要帮助的毛孩子。” 请考虑捐赠,每一分都都帮助。”

柯林斯的网站了关联着另一个叫 DenverTheBear 的网站,



” 他已经走遍了世界各地,并与全球各地的精英们打过交道,” 该网站称。” 他已经做了多年的设计师,现在正在进入设计师名鞋的游戏。”



3 月份,她在 tiktok 给丈夫的球鞋打广告:” 大家伙们,我丈夫发布了他的高端品牌鞋。”

一个月前,她说:” 自从我丈夫生病,我们就开始严格饮食。”

她详细介绍了他们使用间歇性禁食和抗炎食物的情况,并补充说:” 现在他的体重下降了 34 磅,尽管接受了化疗,但仍然很健康。而且最好的消息是我们看到肿瘤尺寸减少了 70%”。

” 我们现在往前看了,继续我们的健康之旅,谢谢你们的支持。”

1 月份,她在 tiktok 写道:” 两个月前,我每天都锻炼。然后,我丈夫得了癌症,一切都变了。”



“40 多岁,我们的人生才刚刚开始,新的健康,新的人生。”


刚买完巨额人寿保险 华裔女子就惨死家中…





  该男子名叫克里斯托弗·柯林斯(Christopher Collins),住在德州哈里斯县西北是克莱顿布拉夫巷(Clayton Bluff Lane) 18000 街区,


  柯林斯的妻子名叫梁元华(Yuanhua Liang,音译),来自中国,很喜欢园艺,在Facebook上晒了许多种花种菜的照片和视频,是一个热爱生活的人。













Couple signed $250,000 life insurance policy before wife was killed at Cypress home, court documents say

Christopher Collins is charged with murder after prosecutors said he went to great lengths to make it look like his wife was killed by intruders.

By Ciara Rouege (KHOU)


HOUSTON — The husband of a woman found dead inside her Cypress home went to great lengths to convince investigators his wife was killed by intruders, according to court documents.

Christopher Collins, 41, was scheduled to go before a judge Thursday but didn’t appear for mental health reasons, authorities said. Collins is charged with murder in the death of his wife, Yuan Hua Liang.

Prosecutors said the couple had signed a $250,000 life insurance policy two days before Liang was killed at the coupe’s home in the 18000 block of Clayton Bluff on Nov. 18.

Collins is being held on a $150,000 bond. He is expected to make his first court appearance on Monday.

Authorities said Collins is a military veteran who has owned a home in the Houston area for the past eight years.

Suspect called officers to the house

the Harris County Sheriff’s Office said it received a non-emergency call at about 3:15 p.m. from a man — later identified as Collins — requesting a welfare check for his wife.

Investigators said Collins told officers his wife was worried about possible intruders inside the home. He reportedly became worried when she stopped responding to his calls and text messages.

According to authorities, Collins met an officer at the house about 5 p.m. where he opened the door for them.

Couple signed $250,000 life insurance policy before wife was killed at Cypress home, court documents
Nov 25, 2021

Christopher Collins is charged with murder after prosecutors said he went to great lengths to make it look like his wife was killed by intruders.

According to court documents, Collins paused momentarily in the doorway, dropped his bags and ran into the living room where Liang was found lying on the floor with visible blood on her shirt and a bag covering her head.

Liang had only one injury to her body, a gunshot wound to the head, according to medical examiners. They believe the bullet was fired from either a 22 or 25 caliber weapon.

An autopsy also concluded the cloth bag was placed over the victim after her death, according to court documents.

Investigators said there were no signs of a break-in, the home was not ransacked and several high-value items were untouched. They also noted that officers counted four dogs in the couple’s backyard.

According to deputies, a neighbor reported hearing an argument coming from the direction of the home earlier that day.

According to investigators, Collins said he had returned home from a restaurant earlier after forgetting his wallet. He told officers Liang met him in the driveway and gave it to him. He claimed to have then left for the gym.

Collins allegedly said he was on the phone with his brother when he missed several messages from his wife, claiming someone was outside their residence. He said he texted her back to see if she was OK, but she didn’t respond.

He claims he continued driving to the gym, where he stayed for about 45 minutes. At that time, Collins said he tried reaching his wife at least 10 times but she didn’t answer.

That’s when he called the police at the non-emergency number.

Questioning the husband

Officers asked Collins about surveillance cameras at the house and were told there was no recording, only a live feed. Collins said when he would use the cameras to check on his wife when was working out of the country.

Court records said Collins didn’t check the cameras the day of his wife’s death.

When asked why he didn’t come home immediately, according to court documents, Collins told officers his wife tended to be paranoid. Prosecutors said the 911 call revealed Collins told dispatchers “it was probably nothing.”

Prosecutors said deputies asked if there was a gun inside the home. Collins reportedly said his wife had bought him a 9mm pistol but he didn’t have ammunition.

Officers said they later found a 22mm cartridge inside Collins’ pocket.
